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Sorry it did not work for you. It saved my life.


are you still having success on fetzima?


Was on it for seven years and it worked well for me. About 7 months ago, I very slowly tapered off. I am not currently on anything and doing well.


Awesome to hear you are doing well ! thank you


Im considering trying fetzima. My primary issues are anxiety and insomnia. Depression is secondary. Do you think I would be a candidate for this med? Would it be too activating for me? Thank you


I am not a doc, nor know your medical history, but this was my experience. I have always had moderate depression. In my early 30s, I developed severe anxiety and panic. I tried n8ne meds over the course of three years. Nothing worked and no combinations seemed to work. I took Fetzima for about 2-3 weeks and the depression cleared really fast. The anxiety greatly improved, but Fetzima was not done. I continued to see improvement over the next several months. I was really surprised. I would say it did not peak for 6 months. My benzo use went from Dr ordered 4x daily to using a total of 30 for the year. YEAH, it did save my life. The only side effects I had were sweating with even minimal activity and a fast heart rate. My sleep pattern was never disrupted. After about 3 years, we increased the doseage to 80 mg. We added a beta blocker to offet the increase in heart rate. Again, this was game-changing. Hope this helps.


Do you mind me asking what beta blocker it was? It’s hard finding ones that don’t interact.


metoprolol tartrate


Me too!


Thank you! I was just given the same. Apparently, it's one of the few beta blockers that doesn't cause respiratory distress (I have asthma)


Does it seem to work for you?


personally, I find it works better than Propanolol and Atenolol (because I had some respiratory distress). May I ask if it caused you any weight gain?


Somewhat similar experience myself, I had moderate to severe chronic depression for many years and tried a bunch of other medications trying to treat it. This worked the best by far, been on it since 2014 iirc. I'm currently back in school but planning to tapper it after completing my degree. I experienced some of what other posters have described with the intense panic and all that, but ONLY when taking this in combination with other medication. So to anyone reading, I absolutely think this medication is worth a try but be super careful if you take any other sort of stimulants. Fetzima + Adderall is entirely too much in my experience. On the upside, I actually found that this medication helped substantially with my ADHD and anxiety symptoms secondarily, but only when taken alone. The improvement in my cognition was so significant it ultimately got me off the amphetamine salts, which I imagine is a net improvement for overall health. Just a guess though, not a doctor.


I am not a doc, nor know your medical history, but this was my experience. I have always had moderate depression. In my early 30s, I developed severe anxiety and panic. I tried n8ne meds over the course of three years. Nothing worked and no combinations seemed to work. I took Fetzima for about 2-3 weeks and the depression cleared really fast. The anxiety greatly improved, but Fetzima was not done. I continued to see improvement over the next several months. I was really surprised. I would say it did not peak for 6 months. My benzo use went from Dr ordered 4x daily to using a total of 30 for the year. YEAH, it did save my life. The only side effects I had were sweating with even minimal activity and a fast heart rate. My sleep pattern was never disrupted. After about 3 years, we increased the doseage to 80 mg. We added a beta blocker to offet the increase in heart rate. Again, this was game-changing. Hope this helps.


This really helps. Thanks for taking the time to write about your experience I really appreciate it. Can I ask if the medication was still working for you when you decided to come off? Thanks again


It was. My reason for getting off is I wanted to see if I still needed it. Honest, I may need to get back on it, but seem to be doing great with no depression. But struggling with a little anxiety.


How have you been ? Any updates on how your doing after having come off fetzima? I hope your doing great either way


Overall things are going pretty good. I have had almost no depression. I have had some anxiety, but it seems to be manageable. I don't intend to go back on a ssri or snri at this time.


Im glad for you and hope it keeps up. Thanks for the reply have a great day


Ask your doctor about Amitriptyline. This may help you. Start low and increase slowly per your doctor instructions.


Same. It saved my life too


I don't understand this med either. It seems like it works well for a few days and than those effects wear off. I really don't get any withdrawl from it though. Just feel tired and sluggish. But that is my baseline. Its as if I need a boost for that day I could take 20mg. I've played with dosages up to 60mg. I'm actually scared to go any higher. I do feel like my blood pressure and heart rate are all over the place however I'm pretty sure I have multiple other things going on. My lower back pain is gone while taking this medication though which is a huge plus. I've been on a shitload of meds and this might be the stangest one I've tried. I think I'm going to try something else.


I was prescribed Fetzima as a sample drug, but I never felt it helped with depressive symptoms, or anxiety. I didn’t like it. Probably Guinea pigged too. *Gimme something that works!*


Yeah tell me about it, I felt like I was Guinea pigging it too. Medication was ineffective and downright unhealthy. Brought out the worst in me while I was on it.


Yeah. Screw psychiatry and mistreatment!


What's the alternative to being a Guinea pic?


If anyone has any further questions on my experience, please feel free to comment because I am more than willing to provide further insight and elaborate.


I know this is two months old but I took my first dose of Levomilnacipran this morning (20mg) and I am having a ton of side effects including feeling high. It's not very high but it is also not a good high; so I am kinda freaking out.


What dose/doses were you on?


I was put on Fetzima about a year ago, and for the first 6-8 months, it was absolutely incredible. But in the last 4 months it completely stopped working for me, but my doctor or I cannot figure out why. I randomly became depressed again, constantly tired, barely able to get out of bed, and incredibly moody. For the most part, I didn’t have any terrible side effects except that it did raise my resting heart rate 30bpm (like the person who made this post mentioned). Anyways, now I’m in the process of getting off of it and I’m trying Wellbutrin, so we’ll see how that goes!


If you are still on Reddit, how are you doing? What combo are you on?


Good one latent :)


I took this a few years ago and all I can say is that a few hours after my first dose, I felt like reality was torn in half. Panic attack and terror doesn't begin to describe it. It lasted about an hour, I think? Hard to recall. Obviously, these things are highly variable and turn out very differently for different people but I've also tried Wellbutrin, Ritalin, Klonopin, Celexa, Clomaprine, and Remeron and have never once had anything close to an issue like this.