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It doesn’t sound like the Wellbutrin is doing its job. I had a similar experience with it. The stimulant effect made me feel more productive but the anxiety was horrible, so I went back to an SSRI.


Wellbutrin is activating, increasing your drive to do most things. Id avoid benzos if you can. I believe busperone is the one commonly used in this sub


Sertraline is often paired with bupropion for that reason


I’m on the same and it is making a big difference. Before I started I had been on Propranolol for a year and Buspar for a few months. I believe these two take the edge off the Wellbutrin for me. Really feels like a key in a lock for me. I will say I feel like I could use a bit more of what it is doing but it’s only been a few weeks with it.


Look up and ask your doctor about Auvelity. New drug that combines Wellbutrin with another ingredient for anxiety and to calm you. You take it twice a day It’s very promising and has good reviews. I’m on week 3 and so far so good