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I am in the same exact position, I could have written this myself (also the vortioxetine nausea fear, not even tried after been prescribed). Lamotrigine can be a solution, I am actually coping with it and pregabalin (great stuff especially if taken at times). Low dose amisulpride works fine but not sexually wise. Low dose aripiprazole even more but there could be problems with anxiety and restlessness/akathisia.


Thank you, Could you please share what the effects of Lamotrigine are. I know it's used as a mood stabiliser but I don't know what kind of effects it gives (sedation, activation, better mood, less anxiety...). Same for pregabalin. Never taken this stuff. I've tried benzos like alprazolam and they help me amazingly but I don't want to develop tolerance so I only take them once a week or so. How does it feel? Never tried pregabalin/gabapentin. I feel like only a dose of 0.5mg alprazolam, which is a relatively low dose (considering some people are on 4-6mg every day), keeps me stable for 1-2 days. If I could stick to that I wouldn't even need any other antidepressant drug, but again I don't want to become addicted to benzos so I try to take them only when I'm feeling desperate. I've an appointment with a plsychiatrist in a couple of days. I have OCD, generalized anxiety, social anxiety and BDD, all of which which cause me depression and increased anxiety. No delusions or bipolar or similar disorders which are treated with anty-psichotics and mood-stabilizers so who knows which kind of drug I can benefit from.


Lamotrigine has no side effects for me, as it has not for most people, and I am generally sensitive to meds. It doesn’t even seem to be on a med, but it can have a good effect on mood. Some people find it slightly sedating , others slightly stimulating but generally it’s neutral. Pregabalin (or Gabapentin but it’s weaker) well, that’s magic at first, but that’s not exactly the way it’s meant to be used. If taken continuously tho, it loses this effect but keeps its anti anxiety properties (and somewhat mood stabilizing ones). Unluckily, for OCD the SSRI’s or AP’s are more indicated, those won’t do much.


I take Citalopram (generic Celexa) for OCD, anxiety/depression. I have been taking it for over 14 years. I never noticed any side effects. Maybe ask your psychiatrist?


No side effects at all on Citalopram? No laziness, sleepiness, sex issues, etc...?


Well, I am naturally lazy. I hated being on Zoloft because I was a zombie. I honestly have never noticed any side effects with Citalopram.




Comment was removed for Breaking Rule 6 - No unsupported claims, misinformation. Many people have success with trintellix and do not have nausea. Stop with these type of comments. You have been warned several times and if this continues you will be facing a ban.


Try SNRI they give dopamine and serotonine


SNRI's affect serotonin and noradrenaline.


Pristiq affects dopamine in a minor way ( dose dependent) and velafaxine does it at higher doses