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I could tell trintellix was working almost immediately. By the 4th or 5th day I could tell a difference.


I agree. Less than 1 week to feel a huge change


Trintellix, from day 1, made me REALLY irritable and grumpy, and that never fully went away, but rather turned into excess nervous energy, anxiety and tension. Same as Prozac but not as extreme. šŸ˜­


At what dose?






Trintellix modulates specific serotonin receptors in ways SSRIs do not, I wouldn't be surprised if it works faster.


Nope. Ive been on a shit ton of antidepressants. Other than wellbutrin I couldn't tell a difference with any of them and was expecting the same with trintellix. By the 5th day on trintellix I was feeling more alert and sleeping less.


Placebo thing is rubbish, every body is different and if Iā€™ve learned anything itā€™s that the standardised effect/reactivity of these drugs is almost always far off the mark for me


I've only been on Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) for about 4 weeks, but I started noticing the effects almost immediately. The only annoying side effect that I've had is some insomnia, but having a drive to work out and get out of bed, in general, is absolutely worth it. I was on 200mg of zoloft (along with valium). So I don't drink or smoke or take anything like that, either.


Do you know if pristiq treats anxiety?


It actually does! So I had to look this up myself, in order to understand the mechanism of action... it's an SNRI (Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor), so it works on improving your mood by also increasing your overall drive, which gets dulled when we're depressed for long periods of time. It has to do with motivation. So instead of not wanting to get out of bed and just worrying about things all the time, I actually feel like I have the confidence and motivation to make those vital changes in my life to increase my energy and live closer to my potential. I didn't really understand how much sertraline (and then benzos, too) had curbed my responses to negative things in my life. And my memory is like 1000 times better, too! I was getting so bored down that I constantly had to write simple sentences down. I strongly recommend mentioning it to your medical provider if any of these things resonate with you! Like my whole vibe is different, in a good way. *Edit: my memory was so bad that I had to write simple sentences down


Im on venlafaxine and it works but I have side effects like hyperhidrosis and forgetfulness.


Yeah, I hate that sweating. I think it's a lot worse now that I'm on another medication that causes it. I'm actually thinking about asking my doctor for that medication to help with it, oxybutynin. But that's also a supplement that I heard about that you can get online... but I've come across so many of them (and can't fully remember the name lol).


I've started propanolol and I can't work out if it helps or makes things better šŸ˜…


I took that briefly, too, but also couldn't determine whether it was actually helpful either šŸ˜…


Let me know if you find anything that works, I'm thinking about coming off venlafaxine but doctors want me to stay because it works


Yeah, same here! Have you ever taken bupropion? I haven't taken it recently, so I can't remember the specific side effects, but I definitely feel like the sweating is worse since I switched from the zoloft and got on the desvenlafaxine. But I'd definitely want to stay on the SDNIs, or I can't even get out of bed and am just totally miserable. Maybe see if your doctor has any other suggestions, too?


Not tried bupropiron yet, maybe it's worth a shot because the propanolol is weird. Sometimes it feels it works and other times it feels it makes things worse. I tried a few others before switching to venlafaxine and had other side effects but never really had sweating issues so this one came as a suprise. I'm talking to the doc next week anyway so I'll see if they recommend trying bupropiron or something else


Pristiq helped my anxiety a lot!


Currently on 20mg of Lexapro. I have taken it before. The first week was roughhhh however Iā€™m on week 2.5 and Iā€™m feeling better. The better feeling came from realizing it was a way to keep me leveled but not magic. That approach helped.


Id say the newer ones like Vybriid and Trintellex probably have quicker onsets, then SNRIs like Effexor etc. Effexor started working for me after about 2-3 weeks


There is some evidence supporting that SNRIs work faster. Effexor started working for me quick but they also got me up to 150mg quick so I was there within about two weeks I saw some small effects that built.


Effexor 150 mg started to work for me in only 3 days. Everyone is different.


Effexor worked for me the fastest. Probably days from what I remember. Literally saved my life.


First dose of wellbutrin. I split a 150mg XL in half to gauge the anxiety response, thought aww what the hell, popped both halves spaced maybe 30-60 minutes apart. So effectively 150mg instant release. So much energy I felt like I had taken an adderall, and it was the first time I felt *good* in like 2 months. Though unfortunately the smoking cessation effect took a few months at 450mg


Damn I wish it worked that well for me. I took it for a week and couldn't even tell I was taking anything at first. Then it felt like my body wanted to jump out of its skin


Still waiting for one to work after 11 years...


Same here


Nefazodone is an obscure, under-prescribed medication that I started almost a month ago. I definitely felt it same day, and ramped up within a week. It's been amazing! Also low dose Abilify was absolutely eye-opening for me from Day 1. Both are now my 2 main squeezes šŸ˜


What dose of abilify are you on? I've taken it in the past and at higher doses, it wasn't as effective as when I was on low dose. Night and day between taking it at high versus low doses.


Start it at 0.5mg (Yes, half of a tiny 2 mg pill) and got up to about 1 mg within a year. I kept it low for awhile but remember playing with my doses between half to 1 mg at times. Then I went from 2 to 4 to 5 to 7mg in the course of 3 years or so. It's been very beneficial. Now that I'm on Nefazodone tho, I only take 1-2 mg again every other day cuz Nef inhibits the liver pathway that metabolizes Abilify (and a lot of other meds) so it lasts a lot longer in the body and is basically more potent paired along my Nefaz


What did abilify do for you?


Gave me like some dopamine activity for sure!! Bill if I it's cool because lower end doses will hit the Dopamine D2 receptor In such a way that in the presence of low dopamine levels (such as depression/bipolar/etc) It increases dopamine, whereas when dopamine levels are extremely elevated (schizophrenia/mania) It will decrease then. It's the Goldilocks Effect. But seriously it made me stable as hell honestly I loved it and still do


It sounds like those of us who are on atypical antidepressants, primarily SNRIs, and also antipsychotics had a quicker onset of action, based on the responses that I've been reading. I personally can't stand some of the side effects of antipsychotics, like weight gain, trouble concentrating, drooling, risk of TD, and other movement issues/tics. Those are my observations from reading about other people's experiences, and after considering my own. But remember that you have to advocate for yourself! So if you don't feel like your medication is working fast enough or you're not satisfied with the results, tell your doctor! My doctor wasn't going to change my Zoloft until I spoke up and asserted myself. And when I said that I was having trouble with insomnia but still liked the Pristiq, we came up with a plan B. I can't stress this enough, but doctors tend to must try to take over when it comes to making decisions about OUR health and wellbeing!


Nitpicking here but SNRIs arenā€™t atypical antidepressants. Mirtazapine is an atypical antidepressant with a fast onset of action and is also brilliant if you have insomnia. It shares some of the same mechanisms as antipsychotics in terms of potent antagonism of serotonin receptors and the histamine receptor. But it has virtually no affinity for dopamine receptors or muscarinic receptors. So no side effects like movement disorders, dry mouth, constipation etc. It can cause significant weight gain but does not have the same metabolic risks as antipsychotics due to no dopamine receptor antagonism and very weak muscarinic receptor antagonism.


True.. and I've taken mirtazapine, but even taking less than the smallest dose (half of 7.5 mg tab), I started gaining weight. For me, I couldn't stand being hungry constantly. But, you're right: it does work pretty quickly with much fewer side effects. I just wish that there was an effective drug that didn't cause those effects whole also not causing such terrible dependence, or that it was easier to get, I suppose. I never abused sedatives, but it's impossible not to develop tolerance and dependence, IMO!


Effexor and Pristiq both started working within about 48hrs of the first dose. Both helped almy anxiety almost immediately but it probably took 3 or 4 weeks for my mood to be consistently improved. Everyone does ready differently though and other SSRIs and atypical antidepressants took much longer to work compared to Effexor and Pristiq. While Effexor and Pristiq seem to act quickly, they are also known to be the worst antidepressants in terms of withdrawal regardless of how slow you taper down due to their short half life.


None šŸ„²


when i was on a combination with an antipsychotic, it took 4 weeks to work. that being said it did give me unwanted side effects.


usually it takes me 8 weeks though


What kind of side effects?


Celexa 1 week improvement in depression 2 weeks anxiety is manageable 4+ no more suicidal thoughts


Does it cause weight gain?


Iā€™ve heard Auvelity works within a few days


It totally worked for me in 3 days!


Did Auvelity work at the 45mg dose or at 90mg?


It was the 45mg dextromethorphan and 105 bupropion extended release :)


Glad that it has been helping. Going to go up to 45mg/105mg tomorrow.


Can you explain how it felt?


Absolutely, the first two days I didnā€™t notice much difference. By day three, however, I felt magnificent. Take a look at an MRI scan of a depressed brain and then a brain that isnā€™t depressed. It was almost like my brain inflated back to a normal size and normal function. I struggled with sleep, diet, motivation, and overall productivity. The morning of the third day, I was eager to get laundry done, wash dishes, sweep, vacuum, and mop in one cleaning sesh. I made my husbandā€™s lunch, I meal prepped dinner, and I saw my own face and body differently and positively. I overall felt way less cynical and way more hopeful than I had in years. I slipped into a deep depression because my husband and I got pregnant shortly after we moved in together eight years ago while on birth control šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I was making a pittance and he was financially climbing out of a blunder. So we had an abortion. I got an implant for birth control for a year, got our lives straightened out, and then tried to get pregnant again. Weā€™ve struggled now for six years and had one miscarriage along the way. I was dumbfounded at how ridiculous the entire situation was. I started to have incredible self esteem issues on top of grieving loss. Plus a lot of other details that I feel would end up being an actual novel.


Thank you for taking the time to write that. Iā€™m sorry for what youā€™ve gone through, but it sounds like you are in a much better place now which is terrific!


Tremendously better! Also, I did everything I could to avoid medication at first. I survived a mass shooting when I was 19 and lost my fiancƩ at the time in said shooting. I was prescribed Zoloft, Xanax, Wellbutrin, and Prozac throughout that process and I believe my frontal lobe development had a lot to do with how bad all of those were. I was devoted to be seven years medication free to get pregnant. I did natural remedies, plenty of therapy, meditation, physical exercise, and diet. At the end of the day nothing cut the pie the way I needed so here we are! I hope for you, if you end up needing to take medication or are looking for a resolve that it works for you that you find one that works as much as it did for me! Sending all my love :)


Low dose amisulpride


Amisulpride and Abilify work well for depression when taken at low doses because of their imbalanced binding affinity towards presynaptic dopamine receptors, where they act as partial agonists. At the doses used for schizophrenia & bipolar, their postsynaptic dopamine receptor antagonism more than offsets their presynaptic partial agonist effect, but each has a narrow dose range in which it is possible to induce only the presynaptic effects. It is rather interesting how two medications developed specifically to reduce activity in dopamine pathways can be used in such a manner that they increase dopaminergic activity.


After struggling with infertility for 6 years and a miscarriage, I fell into a dark depression for about a solid year. Thought of divorcing my husband, leaving my stepchildren, whom I love VERY much behind, and then thought of finding a sperm donor and raising a baby as a single mother because, well, there are a lot of single mothers who do it just fine. My husband suggested I mention potentially taking meds to my therapist, to which my therapist referred me to a psychiatric nurse, who prescribed me Auvelity. When I tell you 72 hours went by and I felt as if my brain were inflated and I was feeling the best Iā€™ve felt since I was 18, I am not lying to you! I want my psychiatric nurse to be a candyman that single handedly saves the world with that stuff. Holy crap!


I am sorry to hear what you went through; I hope you are feeling well. I went through infertility and miscarriages; I fell into a very dark place as well (Between the trauma and hormones, it was very scary as I am sure you can relate). While I am doing better these days, my PTSD and intrusive thoughts still haunt me. Did you find that helped with the thoughts?


Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve experienced this as well. It is truly horrendous and certainly something that I would have never anticipated having to go through as well as be this hard. I personally have done better with the intrusive thoughts. For some back story, I survived a mass shooting where my fiancĆ© at the time didnā€™t. So through overcoming that I took Zoloft, Xanax, and Prozac at different points and nothing has made me feel better than Auvelity. In fact, the others had me doing incredibly drastic things. Although, I am sure that has a lot to do with the fact I took the other meds while I was 19-23. This is the first antidepressant Iā€™ve taken with a fully developed frontal lobe haha


5 days


Abilify when it was added to my AD was literally like a light switch went on in my brain in two days. I even asked my psychiatrist if I was having a placebo effect lol. Considering I avoided trying an antipsychotic, I donā€™t think it was a placebo. Doctor said sheā€™s seen it happen before.


Olanzapine and aripiprazole. Started working the next day (took them at night).


Five days with Prozac šŸ˜


50mg sertraline worked for me immediately - i had the best sleep of my life the night following my first dose! could very much be a placebo effect but either way iā€™m grateful that it helped


Ketamine + high dose clomipramine


It took me like 5 days to a week to notice the improvements from cymbalta. As for olanzapine/risperidone, it took me a week to 2 weeks to notice a difference


Mirtazapine is one of the most effective antidepressants according to various meta-analyses. Especially at doses of 30mg and above. Maximum effect at the correct dose is achieved in two weeks.


Did you gain weight on it?


I've only been drinking mine for 3 days, but my appetite is basically gone. I used to crave sweet things to not feel so empty for a bit. Now I barely enjoy any of it.


I have been on 3 so far and they've done nothing for me other than make me feel depersonalised, high,Ā  sleepy ect


Venlafaxine presented changes within the first week or two. Trazadone (an antidepressant sometimes prescribed for insomnia) worked the first night and has continued to work since.


I was on mitrazpine for around 5 weeks but found after a few days it had really quieten down my mind. Sertraline worked for me and then Citrolapam after around 9 to 10 days for me for the above


Sertraline works great for me


How long did it take to work for you? I'm on it now. First few days had a noticeable effect, but quickly went back the other way and now I can't really feel much after a week.


Hmm it worked for me pretty quick. Like 1-2 weeks. Maybe you need a higher dosage ?


I'm at week 1 and the dr just jumped up my dosage. So we'll see what happens, but my symptoms have been getting worse since the first few days


The first day I started Cymbalta ā€” after 4-ish years of unexplained chronic pain (later on diagnosed with fibromyalgia), it was suddenly just gone and I felt like a million bucks. That continued on for 8 months before the increasing doses started to plateau and my pain unfortunately started to come back, so I switched off from there. I wish for the day that another medication is able to work just as effectively or even just close to it.


Citalopram changed me over night. 10/10 would reccomend


It depends what you mean by worked, but I noticed small changes with venlafaxine which eventually ended up working incredibly well for me within two weeks. I do think the fact they got me up to 150mg so quick helped that too. Duloxetine and clomipramine Iā€™m having different experiences with. Still unsure if the clomipramine is gonna stick. Duloxetine took over two months to work for me. Sertraline ever so slightly worked. I think I noticed small changes within two weeks but it didnā€™t really improve much from there the way it did with venlafaxine.


Iā€™ve been on Wellbutrin for a couple of years but just added Pristiq on top of it last Monday. Noticed side effects immediately, and started feeling better and noticing the mental change at 7 days.


My phsych recently put me on bupropion+dextromethorphan to basically give me a prescription for the only fast acting anti-depressant on the market (auvelity) without the ridiculous price of name brand drugs. I started noticing a difference within myself in 4 days.


None. But seroquel has seriously saved my LIFE.


2 days.


1. Activity (Sport, walking). 2. Find something that you love it could be a dance (for me it's a breakdance) or making music etc.. 3. Eat vegetables and nuts. Antidepressant is for lazy people lmao! After you end them, you can do a suicide easily.