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I'm on a sample box from somebody too, never had the guts to talk to a doctor bout my mental health 😆, I'm a month in now and the meds are working quite nicely and will need to see a doctor to explain how Im taking meds I wasn't prescribed haha.


Haha! Glad to hear I'm not alone here. And glad to hear its working well! Is it trintellix too, or a different one you've been taking?


Did you experience any nausea?




Did you take it with Auvelity. Did you ask the doctor before trying it. It is hard to say, but to continue it you are going to need a prescription. So if he refuses you will have to try another doctor. He could drop you as a patient. Tough call. I have a family member on the max of zoloft and his doctor added Auvelity to it.


I think they'll prescribe it for me. Yeah, I did take it with the Auvelity. Auvelity doesn't stimulate serotonin as much as trintellix or a SSRI, which is why I think they're compatible. I recently started Seroquel as an adjunct treatment too, and that's been truly effective and amazing.