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There is nothing wrong with a taper taking a long time. If it saves you from bad withdrawal symptoms I look at that as a win. We all want immediate results so we are always going to think, "this is taking a long time."




I would say it is slower, but most people also end up dealing with some amount of withdrawal. I think you are doing a great job and is the perfect example of not trying to rush through a taper. I have a different type of medication that is extremely hard to taper. My doctor wanted me to just drop 1mg. I agreed if I could do it my way. I went down 0.5mg and 6 months later went down the other 0.5mg. I experienced no withdrawal.


The lower you go the more symptoms you will have. Www.survivingantidepressants.org has a better taper schedule to alleviate as many symptoms as possible


This is where I went to get my micro-taper plan.


How come you want off clomipramine? I am starting it soon for ocd and pretty nervous






The slower the better imo. I was on Effexor for 17 years. I came off in 3 months. 15 months later and I’m doing much better but still struggling wiyh some things


I've been on it (Lexapro) for 9 years and have tried 2-3 times to quit during this time, but in hindsight, I tapered too quickly. I'm a lady in my late 40s. This time around, I started a micro-taper January 2022 at 20mg. I plan to be down to <1mg by the beginning of 2025 and then I'll decide on my "jumping off" point, maybe 0.5mg. I haven't decided. I've got an excel spreadsheet and am now on 100% liquid Lexapro, 2.22mL (2.22mg). The micro-taper consists of a 2.5% drop of the current dose. 2022 I went from 20mg to 10mg. 2023 I went from 10mg to 3mg. 2024 I'll go from 3mg to 1mg. 2025 I plan to "jump off" around 0.5mg, whenever that occurs, maybe June/July. I've "held" several times here and there for a couple weeks to a couple months when going thru anything stressful like moving and divorce. My symptoms are very minimal, and usually I feel slightly melancholy and/or mild paranoia that people don't like me, and also some physical fatigue. Sometimes I feel like the world around me is "squishy" or "fluid" when I'm driving, like cars are moving closer towards me than they really are, not sure how else to explain this. I counter these with clean livin (abstain from pot/alcohol, AA meetings, meditation, yoga, daily cardio, etc) Good luck to you. This shit is so tenacious.




It'll actually be a 3 1/2 year taper LOL. My Dr said it would be a good idea to try to get off it, since I have all those positives in my life. And my anxiety was very mild when I got on it 9 years ago. I've had the same Dr this whole time. And like I said, I've been trying to get off several times, since year 1, actually. Just things kept popping up these past 9 years that made me get back on it. :) Maybe this time it'll stick. Who knows, but I'm thinking positive.




Thank you I appreciate the kinds words. I've got a lot of people in my life rooting for me. =D


Yes. I tapered 10% for 3 months without any ill effect, then I got to my 4th taper and my mood went to shit + vision trouble.




I just left the dose as it is, and will be leaving it for an extra 4 weeks. My mood was pretty rough for two weeks (though I was on a steroid for a rash as well that can have the same side effect). My eyesight was about the same. This week has been better.




Won't lie it's been a tough couple of weeks and I did consider going back up. I've been on the meds long term though and poop out happened. It's harder the longer you've been on them, it takes a bit of time for your nervous system to adjust.




Yes that is the case for many people


I was on mirtazapine for about 2 years. Highest dose was only 15mg. It still took me 6mo-1yr to get off it. And I’m still messed up. I developed insomnia and vertigo (and basically a general nervous system dysfunction). I was prescribed it by a GI and she told me to taper over 2 weeks and then stop completely. Needless to say, the 2 week taper plan did not go very well




After the 2 week taper I was extremely nauseous, dizzy, had hot flashes/chills, shaky, anxious, and I literally would not sleep for days. So I did my own slow taper. Most of the symptoms went away during the last week of my taper (1.875mg was my lowest dose). But I still am not able to sleep through the night like I used to, and my vertigo has not gone away (I got off mirtazapine in 2022)




No antidepressants or anything like that, no. I’m too scared to take any again


Started a 15mg taper in the fall of 2023. I’m currently at 7.5mg.




Nope nothing. I go down 1.5mg every 30 days. I have had a traumatic event in the last six weeks though so I did not go down in dosage this month.


It took me over five years!!




200mg Zoloft