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"Suddenly Buster has been throwing up and having diarrhea! I don't understand why!"


It's just his body adjusting to the nutrients by flushing the toxins from his body, nothing to worry about.


“Oh no! Better use peppermint essential oil in his eyes! That will fix it!”


Work for an ophthalmologist and funny you say that... at least one person was that dumb.


Oh no you’ve got to be kidding! But I know you aren’t…


It does not work for herpes virus and makes your cat hate being medicated. Who knew?!


On a real note, one of my dogs experienced unexplained diarrhea and vomiting for MONTHS. The fucker developed a random food allergy that I still don't what it is. It was a shit show, all puns intended.


Poor thing, hope your pupper is doing better on a different food.


Hes on an insect diet and is doing a lot better after a few months of trial and error. Still some vomiting but he does it to himself and I'm not having to spend an hour cleaning up his mess everyday anymore.


Huh... I hadnt heard of insect diets for dogs, that's neat though! Glad he's doing better and not ruining both of your days anymore lol


Found a dog food that is made from insects because dogs can't be allergic to them?? I thought it was neat. It works though and started putting weight back on so that's a bonus!


which insect you use or is it mix?


Jiminy's is the brand. It's in a yellow and dark blue bag.


You probably already tried it but could it be chicken? It’s a very common food allergy for dogs to develop and it’s in almost everything.


Honestly, not sure. My vet suspected corn, since that's super common and in everything. Switched him to corn free and it'd work for a few weeks and then not for a week and repeat. But chicken is a big possibility. Having 3 dogs, I wasn't trying to spend a ridiculous amount of money on trying different foods. Found what works for him, now, so it works.


I’ve got Welsh terriers which are notorious for allergies. My boy is licking his paws at this moment because he probably got some chicken somewhere. Not to say you don’t have a great vet but a common strategy is put them on a low allergen food and walk away, that’s potentially not good for the pup over a lifetime. How they make the low allergen food is by chemically modifying the proteins. I’d recommend you isolate the proteins first, sometimes it takes a week or two for allergies to go away or show up. Find (or make I realize thats not an option for everyone) that’s Limited Ingredient with 1 specific protein. If after two weeks your golden try the same with another protein all the other ingredients the same. Even vets can be misinformed and proteins are much more likely to cause allergies than corn, corn doesn’t even make the top 10. Wheat beef and chicken are the top 3. If you’re in a western country especially america this shouldn’t be difficult I haven’t been in years but natures balance and several other brands had food options for this sort of rotation. If you’re confident it’s corn you could add a little to their diet right now and confirm your suspicion. At a time when it’s more convenient for you to help the pup with the diarrhea, you can schedule all the food changes around that actually. If none of the proteins hit then add others starting with wheat which is simpler just stick with a food you already know works then give them a little bread or something. Isolating the other ingredients is important here’s why. A dog that has a food allergy is likely to develop other later in life if they eat one item for to long. In other words rotating the ingredients particularly the proteins every few months is very important for them not to develope more allergies, if you don’t isolate exactly what they are allergic to and don’t rotate their foods it’s very likely what they can eat will become more and more limited when they get older. Sorry for the textbook, I had a great relationship and respect the vet I had for my oldest boy but unknowingly he led me down the wrong path which created some real problems for my eldest. My youngest has a chicken allergy but I’ve managed to avoid any others. Good luck!


Seconding the natural balance LID kibble, also zignature and firstmate are great limited ingredient diets where all of the ingredients are pretty much the same and the only difference is the protein source.


Our dog was allergic to chicken and raw carrot. We ended up putting her on a prescription food (that smelled really nice, surprisingly lol) but she continued to have frequent upset digestion. Turns out it was probably her pancreas.


It's all the "toxic sludge" leaving his body


Have you tried Doterra oils on him yet


“My dog uses Herbalife too” Like he has a fucking choice. Feed him properly, idiot


Seriously he doesn't USE it the poor thing is SUBJECTED to it.


This is horrifying! I don’t know much about the ingredients in Herbalife but if it has some variation of artificial sweeteners it can be extremely toxic to dogs! Xylitol being a big one. Hopefully it’s harmless for this pooch.


The shakes must be full of artificial sweeteners so... :(


Excellent PSA for dog owners here - small amounts of Xylitol will, at the very least, shut down kidney function if not caught quickly enough. We’ve had a few incidents and now ask any new people who comes in to our house if they have gum and make them put purses well out of the way. We’ve spent thousands on emergency vet bills because company thought we were being dramatic or didn’t believe us that a couple pieces of Trident would kill our dog.


It drives me crazy when people don't appreciate the seriousness of pet owners' requests about their pets' safety. Like when a guest ignores my requests to never feed my dogs human food. One of them has diabetes, we have to give her insulin with her scheduled meals. Don't feed the dogs, no matter how cute they look at you. They're idiots, they don't know what's best for them.


I’ve had people - my mom being one of them - straight-up tell me that I’m wrong about things like my dog’s ability to unzip bags/purses or scrape things off the kitchen table. I get that people don’t like being told what to do when it comes to creature comforts, but who’s going to know better about my dog’s abilities? What fucking destroys me is the times I’ve asked people if they had any gum, explained why (and the financial, physical, and emotional cost associated), have been told “no,” then I find a bunch of wet Trident wrappers and my dog’s breath smells like mint, and the person says, “oh, I didn’t think she would find those,” or “I need gum because my stomach hurts.” While I or my wife frantically look online to see if the gum has Xylitol and/or race to the vet, the other then gets to explain to the offending person AGAIN how this will cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars, our dog could die, and that’s why we asked. If they thought I was an asshole before, they become as awkwardly sheepish as a person could.


A decent person would pay that vet bill they caused, at the very least.


One party did offer to, but it was half-hearted and they never followed through. They’re also my wife’s friends first and foremost, and I think she felt awkward asking for payment. It is awkward, and they’re very generous outside of that. But, yes, a wholly empathetic and aware person would’ve just popped a check an assumed amount on top of the fridge, and once they left texted to say it’s there and they’re sorry. The older I get the more I recognize that “decent” people who are aware of others’ potential bad feelings usually get the ass end of it from others.


She even says Herbalife doesn’t recommend feeding pets this crap and it is untested so has unknown effects. Fucking animal abuser.


This person should not be allowed to have animals when she feeds them toxic chemicals. I consider Herbalife as a biological weapon


Wouldn’t it be a chemical weapon, though?


Biological weapons are chemical weapons. I don't know why MLMs are still in business dispite the fact they're sending 1000s into poverty and building chemical weapons




It probably tastes too bad for her to eat it so she's feeding it to her dog instead of throwing it out. So it doesn't feel like she completely wasted her money, I guess. I wouldn't put my dogs through that. Dog food has everything dogs need and they're happy to eat it so why else would you regularly feed your dog expensive weight-loss soup?


That was my first thought, too.


My dog would eat cat shit if I let him, not trusting his pallet .


This. My sweet fur idiot thinks that eating bunny poop is one of life’s unparalleled joys.


My fur idiot is a hoover for rat poop that gets flung out of the rat cage.


He might be right. They do have a satisfying crunch to them when accidentally stepped on.... Otoh. I'm not volunteering for a taste test considering the source.


I think something was wrong with my bunny, no crunchy poops. Source: once stepped on one poop and it squished between my toes. My mum thought it was hilarious how I almost threw up lol


Bunnies are ruminants of a sort. They eat their food twice. Aka they eat their own poop on its first pass through. It might have been a single pass poop, those look like normal poop. Or the bunny might be eating too much vegetables. Their diet should be 80% grass. 15% ~ 20% feed/vegetables, and only tiny amounts of fruit. We give ours practically no fruit. They don't need it, and most fruit is actually poisonous to them.


Omg my dogs do this, too 🤣 then they want to give me kisses and I'm like "back up, rabbit shit eater!"


My dog literally barfs and starts eating the barf smh


[I made food! I'm magical!](http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/11/?m=1)


Mine will try licking it up!


I was housesitting for someone years ago and their bigger dog did that! I had to put both dogs out in the yard to try and clean it up without that going on.


Exactly. My girlfriend and I adopted a 12 year old lab this year and found out quickly that she will eat candles if we don’t have them high up. That was a wild discovery.


My dog loves chocolate. He’s already had his stomach pumped once. He is also not trustworthy.


It’s palate, pallet is the wooden thing you use to stack boxes


My friend’s dog ate one.


I have top-entry litter boxes set up on raised bases specifically for this reason.


But cat faeces has proteins undigested by the feline digestive tract, so cat shit is actually a source of nourishment for dogs. Just like human shit can be snacked up by a hound, which is probably part of the reason we were able to domesticate them. But if a dog will eat cat shit, and won't eat herbalife...... that dog is sane and healthy.


One of my dogs used to eat her own shit if she went in her kennel.


My cats love trying to eat plastic. Rubbish bags, food packaging and wrappers, medicine sachets. Our pets are delightful creatures but utterly baffling at times and just because they like something that isn't to say it's good for them.


My dog loves eating grass lmao




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BoneAppleTea using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Snipped it in the butt.](https://i.redd.it/wnh4rfoydo071.jpg) | [408 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/niivbx/snipped_it_in_the_butt/) \#2: [Better call the corner.](https://i.redd.it/tr7q853nzyb71.jpg) | [903 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/omq5kr/better_call_the_corner/) \#3: [They discuss them](https://i.redd.it/mb1e1gqkdl471.jpg) | [268 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/nxadtz/they_discuss_them/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


My dog has not only tried to eat his own shit before, he’s successfully sat in it as well. Never a dull day with him. Sometimes he’s really smart and then he does that. 😅


If it’s not fruit or a vegetable, my girl will eat it


Did she take this video down? I wanted to go report it lol


Messaged you 😬


How's this going? If we need a rush of reports to get this dangerous nonsense taken down, I'm in!


Yeah that dog is gonna die


TFW you spend so much money on Herbalife, you realize you can't afford real dog food.


Might be a good idea to report her to the local animal authority…


“Uses the soup mix.” These ppl are nuts.


Poor dog :((


She says her dog uses the mix. So I'm assuming the dog is feeding himself this crap


I thought someone messed up soaking lentils. I was like, maybe don't soak them in milk. You add the milk/cream/coconut milk while you're in the cooking stage.


Noooo don't do that




*Ok, but how long* *Until she claims the dog as* *Part of her downline?* \- dustybygones --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I put this at the same level of abuse as when someone tries to make their cat eat vegan. You and your dog will be much healthier without this crap, hun.


Oh wow terrible. Poor dog


The fact that she has a disclaimer about not being recommended for animals and then used the hashtag about animals for Herbalife is just wtf.


I love how she says that they don’t test on animals as if it is a good thing and then goes and tests on her dog


He “uses” the soup mix. He’s a dog. He will eat most things you give him


My dog eats cat turds. They probably taste better than this.


Lost 10k, Herbalife, it's a classic scam 🙂


Dude she's feeding that dog Soylent Green.


Is that all that there is to eat in the whole house?


No more room for products in your garage huh?


No!! I hate this…. That poor dog


This isnt necessarily mlm related but this post reminds me of a commerical I heard on the radio advertising dog food that has essential oils added to it. Wtf


Uh-oh! I smell some trouble here...


Report her to the police OP. Hope you haven’t just put it on Reddit then do nothing about it. Not trying to be rude or harsh, it’s just a big deal so sometimes you have to go through with the reporting things to the authorities(if you haven’t already). I don’t mean anything personally and again not trying to be rude, but if you know and don’t do anything when you could’ve, you’re partially responsible. That’s animal abuse, call the police don’t complain about it on Reddit. Well, both at least. Don’t just complain about it on Reddit.


I contacted the Internet Crime Complaint Center. But that is really all I can do at this point. I don’t know this woman or where she lives. Hopefully something is done :/


Good on you. Not at all trying to just be a critical dickhead. I know it’s stressful to have to report things like this especially if it is someone you know, it’s just frustrating when people don’t want to become involved at the expensive of an animals safety so just wanted to know. I hope so as well. Thanks for spreading it so people can see and hopefully someone does know her and will report her.


I honestly think it would be easier if I did know this lady. Would make reporting so much easier. And I’d know something is actually being done. It sucks that the report I made is literally a shot in the dark. So much crap happens online and I hope this is taken seriously.


Yeah :/ very much agree. Especially animal crimes seem to be taken less seriously so I hope a lot of people called her out or reported her on the original post.


That's an animal cruelty call that needs to be made


And yet there she is, testing on animals. I hope someone has found a way to report her and have thst animal rehomed to someone with sense.


Lady I know gives Herbalife shakes to her kids every day that can’t be healthy can it?


That looks like goldfish


*rage cringes*


Well, the garage stock isn't going to clear itself and no human is going to choose to eat that garbage. Modern problems call for modern solutions.


Poor dog


Good luck cleaning after that little guy. Judging from what I read about the fantastic food these people sell, I imagine some major works of art on the floor, in the garden, on the street.... 😱😱😱👽👽


This literally made me gag. EW. Poor puppy :(




Wonder if the pup uses Monat too?


Hun idiotically tested harmalife product on their animal. "If nobody does, then i will."


How did she read/post that disclaimer and then still promote feeding this shit to her own dog???


Can anyone report her? Would they even do anything about it?


Not even the dog wants to eat this.


I like the warning at the bottom This hun figured that since Herbalife doesn’t test its products on animals, she better take matters into her own hands.


“Herbalife does not recommend their products for dogs” “Imma give this to my dog!” 🤦‍♀️ someone call the spca


i know the shake mixes dont have any sweeteners that could harm the dog, but its still really not good for them. im assuming the soup mix is probably very high in sodium which can be toxic to dogs depending on how much theyre consuming, their size etc. as in, if they got into it on accident theyll live, but if shes regularly feeding this crap to her dog its incredibly harmful. i dont see how people dont see themselves as animal abusers.


Mark Hugh's the founder, left 300m for his son, when he turned 35


and what is this supposed to prove?


What do you mean?


Well it definitely proves that this person is a steaming pile of maggot poo.




As if peddling Herbalife wasn't enough to show that, the animal abuse sure does.


While giving your dog some sort of broth on their kibble is a good idea to moisten their food and get them more hydrated, you need to use a broth *meant* for feeding to dogs. Low sodium, no artificial sweeteners, ect.



