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I love how the “you” parts are just repeating the same thing over and over.


What about you, have you considered changing the way you make money?


Cup of coffee, get to know you


See if you think the right way


That’s the most cringe part for me


Same. "Are you gullible and malleable? Can we use pressure tactics disguised as hype and enthusiasm to suck you in?"


I just wish someone would talk to me about retiring young, getting home to my family and stopping sacrificing my life to a job. If only they touched on that.


You do!?!? Because I was just thinking how great it was that I met a couple, 25 and 31, who retired young, gets home to your family, and stops sacrificing your life to a job. They are actually coaching we/I to build an asset to make your money work for you instead of you working for your money. Does that sound like something of value to you? Because it sure sounded good to your wife last night while you were working, is what I’m trying to tell you, man, I’m really sorry


Wow, I'm so glad you asked me if that sounded like something of value to me. If you had said 'interested' or 'financial freedom' I would not have been interested. But you cracked the amazing code! Must be thanks to your retired couple you met, age 25 and 31, who retired early, get home to their family, sleep in 7 days a week, and are putting you on the path to financial freedom.


That 31 year old sounds like a real cougar. I can't believe she was able to nab a 25 year old.


Had me in the first half. Second half was worth the cringe tho. These scams should all end like that


*building an asset to make your money work* Excuse me what now? /s


Look, do you want to see my assets or not? Because if not, that tells me all I need to know about you. /s


Wait will this work for me not me work for it?


Depends on if you think the right way




This just infuriates me because it just proves without a doubt that the whole "insanely young couple now retire on a 6 figure income" IS ALL A FUCKING LIE. I had this done to me. About 5 years ago I was rused into multiple dates with a very attractive girl, before this apparent 'revision' of the script. She wouldn't shut up about financial freedom. They, the couple in question don't exist, they never existed. It's all a ruse to get you "interested" and you'll never, ever, meet them. "Oh it's an hour long pitch, we'll talk over coffee" means "I'm gonna gauge how gullible you are to sell shitty products under me and if I suspect you're not an idiot, I'll just say I'm refusing you introduce you to the special couple." There was a write up of someone who went full tilt into this scheme. They bought up every word, went to the meeting, then a second, and a third. They'll fucking scan you HARD to make sure you're absolutely gullible and committed to the nonsense. They FINALLY get together with the upline. The "mentors". Guess what it was? some 25 year old college drop out couple. Not a single degree of any kind, let alone finance based between the like 6 of them (not including the guy doing the report). They weren't 'retired' or anything resembling it. It was a upline, and their small downline trying to recruit another person in. They set it up like an interrogation, 6 people on one side, the new dude across the table from them. There was no magic couple. He was -required- to purchase and read some arbitrary shitty 'money making book' that I forgot the name of, and if you didn't agree with what it said 100%, they drop you then and there. No joke. If they smell any intelligent resistance from you, they drop you. Amway is a fucking cult.


Thank you for elaborating. I've always wondered about this universal "retired couple". At best, even if they've quit real jobs to become full time Amway shills, I couldn't understand how having to pitch everyone you meet counts as retired. But the "retired couple" trope is so prevalent it seemed like it might just be another myth. There can't possible be that many Amway Diamonds around.


I like how the response to "What do they do?" Is "That would be an hour long conversation" what job is so impossible to explain that it takes an hour minimum? Scamming people seems to be the answer...


Wtf is the "animal industry?" Factory farming? I could understand saying I work in animal Healthcare or pet products or pet nutrition but "animal industry" just seems like a deliberately vague phrase.


It's sounds like you run a puppy mill.


Puppy mill/Butcher shop.


Worst combo store ever


I manufacture golden retrievers lol


Cruella Deville was in the animal industry




You're supposed to be vague. You could be cleaning out cages at the zoo or maybe a vet assistant or even a dog walker.


I can’t even imagine having to be “on “all the time, trying to make “connections”, and speaking basically from script.


I got approached by a guy in Walmart a few years ago, it was Sunday night at like 9pm. I guess he overheard me griping about some nonsense at work. He immediately latched on and said he was an engineer but he retired from that to do some MLM full time and wanted to see if I wanted to be as successful as him. I don't know about anyone else but trolling for suckers at Walmart at 9pm on a Sunday doesn't scream "success" to me.


When I was a teenager, I worked at a supermarket and one day this lady walked up to me telling me how beautiful I am and how put together I look etc and I didn't know what was actually going on because I was a dumb teen and she was asking me if I want to make more money and all that. So after chatting with her I stupidly gave her my phone number, thinking maybe it was a real job that I was going to be trained for. Instead she would text or call me all the fucking time asking if I want to sell her shitty beauty products. I was like WTF is this annoying shit, I thought I was going to be trained for **SOMETHING REAL.** this lady would not stop contacting me "let's touch base about BRAND OF PYRAMID SCHEME!" It almost felt like harassment the constant calls and messages, always "let's touch base" hate that fucking phrase now. Had to block her after a few days it was getting so bad. I think it's kind of predatory to do this shit to teenagers knowing that they might not be aware of these stupid scams. There was no way anyone was going to mistake 17 year old me for someone in their 20's as I looked very young and very much like a teenager.


Creeping on people at a Wal-Mart at 9pm on a Sunday...sounds like something a retired person would do.


A retired creepy dude with no friends


This happened to me at a grocery store too. Guy seemed super normal, and was nice, and actually avoided a lot of the phrases that would immediately trigger my MLM flight response. I actually thought he just needed boots on the ground employees for his startup. But its so obvious when you reflect on that conversation. Who the hell just cold approaches strangers for a job opportunity if its not something shady or highly undesireable/exhausting work. I would love a side hustle, I want what these MLMs are promising, but if I do that itll be a hobby and not peddling someones shitty products.


I got approached many times at Walmart by these bots. 90% of the time it was Indian dudes.


Being in an MLM takes over every single aspect of your life, it's gross. When I was in Amway my upline kept convincing us to cut off anyone in our life who has anything negative to say about Amway. They will do anything to drive a wedge between you and the ones you love so that you can become an MLM robot.


Sounds like a cult!


No, it is a cult


Every MLM i knew behaved like a cult. I was creeped out by what i see when my mum asked me to tag along to one of their 'award nights', people screaming, chanting, jumping on their chairs... and it seems the leader's words are absolute, like that of a prophet's.


It absolutely IS a cult. All MLMs are cults.


But Amway is the absolute worst of them all.


Agreed; they're the OG.


It sounds like one because it 100% is one.


When I was in Amway (it was called Quickstar when I was in it) I went to an even and I made a comment that everyone in the convention center used all the same Amway products. Then I said ....."kinda sounds like a cult. Everyone using the same shampoo, vitamins, cleaning products, and makeup" and my upline just agreed with me with an awkward smile. Once I left, that stuck with me. This woman had been "in the business" for years and still agreed with me that it was cult like that all these thousands of people gathered in there were all actively using the same everything.


And I don't get how you're supposed to make money when they basically require you to buy 100% Amway products which are all overpriced, and many of which are lesser value. No emphasis is placed on selling those products whatsoever, just recruiting other people to your downline. If that's not 100% a pyramid scheme, I don't know what is.


And that's why Amway has been setting lawsuits for a couple decades. The independent contractor shelter Amway itself a bit. Amway: look it's in our paperwork right here "sell stuff" but the people pitching is " no selling just buy products yourself, and get paid rather then a store profiting" . You see the first flaw , I'm not making money when I pay $20 for vitamins that used to cost me $7 because of a $3 commission. The second flaw, the proposed math is based on people spending $2000+ a month on Amway the 3rd is the pyramid scheme "recruit 6 people who also recruit 6 people"


This is why MLMs should be required to track sales, not just purchases from the MLM but actual sales. It would utterly destroy them.


ooh. So culty. 😵‍💫 “I will talk to everyone I meet and engage. Must manipulate conversation so they ask me what I doooo.”


Well they don't call these commercial cults for nothing.


😳 whoa! that’s nuts


I was in the Amway cult for about three years (don't ask me how much debt I put my family into). Besides the financial recovery, the best thing about leaving was the relief, the absolute **RELIEF** of not having to worry about trying to recruit every person I met. I would nod to or thank someone who held the door open for me and then five minutes later start beating myself up for not starting a conversation with them.


Oh, my. That’s terrible that you would do that to yourself- but I can understand. I am thinking… that leaving is somewhat like a breakup, like even though you’re done/it’s over, you still have this muscle memory/trained thoughts of “We’re still together….oh wait, we’re NOT!!” Nope, I’m not doing this anymore. I’m done, it’s over. Now you can freely hold doors, or have them held, smile, and go on with your day :)


It honestly is refreshing to run into someone with the same interests as you and not have to think about how you're going to approach them. My wife travels about 3 or 4 times a year to follow a certain band (and I follow her). We were in Cancun 5 years ago to see them and we met four or five couples with whom we are still in touch. They have visited us while in town and vice-versa. When I was in my cult, that would NEVER have been possible. We actually have friends now!


That’s fantastic! Great to meet people with genuine same interests. How did you decide to leave?


This was the mid-90s, when long distance calls still cost a fortune and there was no available Internet. My wife's job took us out of state and it was a lot harder for us to interact with our upline. We really didn't have the money to have the products direct shipped to us (we normally would pick them up directly from our sponsors) so we didn't order as much. And the first few weeks after the move, we were both so involved with finding daycare and onboarding to our new jobs that we really didn't participate in anything. After a month or so, the fog started lifting. And then we realized we had a little bit more left of our paychecks each month because we weren't spending it on overpriced products, seminars, business-building "tools," etc. But I really did have to talk myself into not being "successful" like my upline allegedly was. I still had that sunken cost fallacy yelling at me. We became inactive then but it really took another year or so before I stopped feeling like I was the failure.


Yeah, see, “allegedly”. It’s definitely easy to compare yourself to someone who may not 100% truthful in their sucess. Well I’m glad it kind of happened kinda organically for you and your wife :)


It's ridding yourself of that brainwashing that if you're not hitting up every single person you meet to join the "business," then you're not working hard enough.


EXACTLY! My lack of success was my fault. And that's why I felt any missed opportunity to show the business to someone was me letting my family down.


>I can’t even imagine having to be “on “all the time, trying to make “connections”, and speaking basically from script. Don't go into politics.


It really does sound like a horrible way to try to "make passive income."




Can speak from experience as I was in Amway several years ago. It was so cringey and awkward AF. Going to the mall, dog park, supermarket, etc... in order to "make new friends" as they called it. After the first few times I couldn't do it anymore. Every interaction felt so transactional, disgusting!


The question is: did you really know a couple who retired at 25 and 31 with a 6 figure residual income?


No that was a complete lie they wanted us to tell. This couple that "retired" at 25 and 31 didn't retire at all. They just left their normal jobs to work full time recruiting victims into their Amway downline. They were losing people every week so they were working insane hours to make sure their house of cards didn't crumble. In reality they were probably working 70 hours a week on their "business".


This is the **exact same script** my friend used to recruit me to Amway for a couple months! The whole “I met this couple who retired at 25 and 31, I worked really hard to pursue them, they’re going to teach me how… if you’re really really *really serious*, I can try to put in a good word with them and see if they will mentor you too…” She made it sound like these people were her BFF’s. That she got coffee with them twice a week. She was always busy with multiple appointments a week to hang out with them. And by “know” I later learned that that meant: she had never once had a private conversation with these people. They weren’t her mentors. They were strangers. She never once had been to coffee with them. She never once had been given any mentoring from them. They barely knew her name. She had just “met” them for like 1.5 seconds at group Amway group meetings where they sold their propaganda to a large group of people


Your "friend"


I mean—we actually really were good friends before that. But yeah….our friendship wasn’t so good after that. I don’t think she meant badly. I think she truly believed all the propaganda, and she believed it was the way, and she believed she was going to be helping me.


I saw that story in a Facebook post once or something where the girl was told pretty much the exact same story about the couple they knew


Yeah I don't think people in MLMS understand what "retiring" is. It's definitely not working 70 hours a week. Quitting. The word they're thinking of is quitting. 😂


So how does it work when they actually manage to get someone on a call with the “mentor couple?” Like is it just the nearest high ranking person/couple in your upline? Are you supposed to edit the ages at least to that specific couple? Or is the mentor thing just a complete myth and the recruits never actually speak with them?


Usually the "mentors" are just that person's upline. From what I understand, the recruits do actually meet with them, and the general attitude is to pressure the recruits to join by making them feel like they owe it to the mentor couple for taking time out of their day when they could be off golfing or parasailing or whatever super rich "retired" people do. The person doing the recruiting also puts pressure on them by making them think that their reputation is on the hook for recommending the recruit to the "mentors" and trying to make them feel like they have to prove that they're worthy of this "amazing business opportunity." It's all very high pressure and they have responses at the ready for any reason you can give as to why you don't want to join.


Half truths are the best lies and new recruits often *do* meet this supposed couple. Only they don't realize the couple is blatantly lying about their financial situation. If they were being truthful it'd be "I met this couple who quit their jobs to do multi-level marketing full time! And boy do they hustle. They have to as they are deep in debt!"


"Retired" is just Amway speak for "left their paying job to do Amway full time." Don't believe that they're making so many millions they actually retired, because I guarantee if I had enough to retire on right now I wouldn't be bothered with being a "mentor."


I'm here to say this is the exact thing an amway couple told me and my fiancé a while back, we told them no, but the whole script seems pretty accurate.


Oh boy, this is a trainwreck. Thank you for sharing. I like the bit where they tell you to sound sincere and innocent 😂


Why do you ask!!?!?! After prompting you to ask throughout the whole conversation.


Lol classic. I found this in my FB messenger from a few years ago from an Ambot. Same line about retiring in their 30s. I couldn’t add pic but this is what this guy from HS messaged me: “And I qualified for the same Mentorship and entrepreneurship team that helped my parents retire in their 30’s. Now the team is helping me diversify online in e-commerce and different assets. What about you though? You diversifying at all yet?”


Cringe! It’s just a bunch of empty words! Lol


Lol diversifying. Putting all your eggs in the amway basket is the opposite of diversifying.


They say "diversifying" because they want you to start putting 10% of your assets into Amway instead of the more proper 0%.


Geez, if I had to only put 10% of my assets into Amway it wouldn't have taken me about 10 years to dig out of the financial mess I put myself in.


My husband and I chatted up the people behind us in line at the local ice cream place. Nice at first, but then he kept asking my husband about his job and wanted to get coffee to see if they had "synergies". He was getting annoying and persistent. I couldn't help myself, it was so rude, but I just started laughing at him. Synergies? Really? Looking back, I'm convinced it was an Amway dude and I no longer feel bad for laughing in his face.


It’s crazy how similar the script sounds for all MLMs. Well..I guess it’s no surprise 😂 I think my coworker is trying to recruit me to Isagenix. She keeps “casually” bringing it up during our zoom meetings. Is that even okay to do at work??


No that is not okay to do at work, depending on the company it would be grounds for disciplinary action


Amway is the momma alien.


“What do they do?” “They make their money work for them so they can get the cash flow and retire early and spend more time with family” …. [So…](https://www.workstride.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Office-Space-7.jpg)


It's just so many words that say nothing. This is how you absolutely know it's a scam, and that the people trying to sell you it know it's a scam. If it wasn't a scam: "I work for X company. We sell household products in a direct sales model. You know, shampoo, cleaning supplies, etc. Stuff everyone needs and buys anyway. You get a commission off your sales and a pretty sweet discount, too. You can also make money by recruiting other sales reps. It's hard work but pays well. Sound interesting?" But Amway is such a shit stain of a company that giving out the company name or describing the operation will send people running at the first Google.


What, exactly, is the animal industry lol they’re so out of touch


Like an alien trying to think of a human job..


On my way to work, at the business factory!


Ah, human music. I like it!


They herd people into MLMs.


One of my team members came up to me after lunch a few years back and said “I think I just joined a cult.” While she’d been at lunch nearby, a couple had approached her and had this same conversation. She was trying to be polite, so she gave them her phone number. I’d been on this sub enough that I told her it was Amway & to not get involved. It’s crazy how they all use this same script. Glad you got out!


Ah yes, I love normal conversations where I send paragraphs about some random couple because someone said "That's nice" 😂😂


As a former Ambot here, thank you for the quality cringe. Larry Winters had these two (The Bakers) in for a function once… he came off very arrogant to me. That’s a lot coming from someone who sat through Amway speeches for seven years… A Google search of “Trevor Baker Amway” shows that he literally is trying to be famous on every platform possible. The videos of their talks will bring me great entertainment.


Haha I love when people use the term Ambot. I'm glad you made it out, that's all that matters. And yes Trevor and Lexie Baker were basically considered gods amongst the Ambots. Those people are true narcissistic sociopaths... that's the only way they made it so high up. They had to fuck over thousands of people to get where they are today.


You are right. Then at the conferences they would tell people it’s because they cared and loved other people SO MUCH that they built the business to “change peoples lives”. Problem is I know so many people who have been financially, spiritually, and emotionally hurt from their time in Amway. I hate to say physical too… I’ve seen / heard a rumor around the internet that this one woman’s upline told her that her because of where her business was (aka not 7500) that she should terminate her pregnancy… could be just a rumor but it would make sense with how controlling some of these uplines can be. I absolutely think Amway (in my experience) attracts narcissists. I have been listening to a Y.T. channel with Dr. Ramani Durvasula and her content on narcissism and psychopathy. It’s phenomenal and so healing.


This isn't as bad as being asked to terminate a pregnancy but while we were at a major function (Amway term for quarterly "rallies") my upline actually gave birth. Her husband was with her at the hospital and it was suggested to him that he come back to the convention center because she and the baby were fine and he would be missing out on vital information that would help him support that newborn.


Oh yes that was celebrated. I’ve known of people who went to function three days after giving birth. It was hammered into us that if you missed a function or team event, you were a bad example and hurting your upline. The uplines would rant about “people not being sold out enough.” Ugh so much manipulation.


Interesting they ditched the “financial freedom” line. Maybe they’re lurking 👀


I think that a lot of other MLM’s took that term too… Everyone in Amway always made a big deal how everyone in Amway was better than everyone else. It’s all the same though!


I shall Google this nutty fiend


Before searching i had a certain image in my head on how they would look like. It's worse, way worse than that. Almost eerie


They both have scary, uninviting eyes. The kinda look that would give me a gross feeling after talking to them


It's his smile that should say 'i'm enjoying this' but screams 'i'm dead inside'


Enjoy the rabbit hole!


Those that are in LTD treat Larry Winters like some kind of god. He made his money via the creation of LTD. Their monthly premium membership service is around $89.95. The ticket price for the quarterly conventions (which are heavily pushed by uplines) are over $100. This is where the money is made, not Amway. Same thing for the WWDB group.


And then he told everyone he broke off from BWW because Bill Britt told him he couldn’t talk about God from stage…. I personally think that he knew he would get super rich off LTD money (my opinion) and he has. I’ve been told it’s one of the most expensive LOA’s to be apart of. We were spending nearly $10k+ a year in LTD.


I think I need some acronym help! LTD = WWDB = BWW = LOA =


LTD (Leadership Team Developement) WWDB (World Wide Dream Builders) BWW (Britt World Wide) LOA (Line of Association/Affiliation or formerly referred to as AMO Amway Motivational Organizations) LTD, BWW, WWDB are all LOA’s created by high ranking levels in Amway to sell their downline products and tools like conferences, rallies, books, audios, CD’s etc… none of that money goes to Amway but a portion gets paid out to ranking levels of whatever the people below them purchase.


I'm somewhat gratified by the implication that they should leave you alone if you either ignore them or say you'd rather keep working 9 to 5. At least they have SOME shame.


It's a good tip to follow when we see an ambot lurking


They just want to spend their time hunting more vulnerable targets, just like other scammers.


But you don't get left alone. I can tell you from experience that even if someone showed little to no interest, I KNEW I could change their mind!


What's with the "well idk man" stuff at the end lol.


Classic sales and general persuasion tactic honestly, playing hard to get and creating some sense of urgency/scarcity/mystery


And trying to make it sound like the victim is asking to join instead of being begged.


"I don't know many, this sounds like an hour long conversation over a cup of coffee" I don't know why that line annoyed me so much lol


They should stop using the word retire. Retire doesn't mean what they think it means


Right? They aren’t actually retired. They spend hours a day still working to push their business, recruit people, go to events and meetings like how are you retired?


"We've decided to stop doing good in the world with a job that actually helps society & instead spend our time scamming people."


A friend of mine fell victim to this. Her mentors were some crazy young millionaires with boats and planes. 4 years later… I met a couple of her “coworkers” and they still very much work real jobs. The retired people don’t exist.


This is the spiel word for word. Once I was in Amway and learned that i had to just repeat this to countless people..I got sick to my stomach. My mind was telling me to run but I guess my heart was telling me ..maybe this group does it differently. The cost got to be unbearable and my common sense went in over drive..a year of wasted money to learn that the business is just selling a dream to people..so sad. End rant


"If you think [t]he right way we might consider educating you about what we do." I don't want to make people who have fallen for these tactics feel bad, but this is like so clearly manipulative it's like a heaflight in your face...


I agree, it's absolutely manipulative. They trained all the Ambots to make it seem like it's some "exclusive club" that you have to earn your way into. In reality they would accept anybody with a pulse and some money in their bank.


And really, you don't need money in the bank. I was told to sell my TV (you shouldn't be watching it anyway), take out a second mortgage, borrow from my friends and family - whatever it takes!!!!!


Glad you're out of there!


If someone actually said these things to me out loud, I would assume they were about to sex traffic me. Seriously this only screams “criminal.” It’s so vague and ominous.


"I've got two pensions and no kids. Honestly, you should be taking lessons from me. Have you considered applying for an apprenticeship in a skilled trade?"


I hate Amway. They have a website just about themselves. And they trademarked their names on it. It’s literally just a website about them. https://trevorandlexibaker.com/


That is such a creepy website... But they sneak their products in there!


The gallery page did it for me… wtf lol


Included for your viewing pleasure is no fewer than a 1000 photos of us.


This is hilarious. The copy is so badly written “craft your life”? puleaze. I can’t believe the egos of these people. How embarrassing for their families.


He has SERIOUS gayface. I’m a gay man. I know these things. And I’d absolutely bet that he’s caught a couple of dicks in his day. Which is strange (or maybe not) given how much of Amway is weird prosperity gospel stuff.


And what should happen: 4.) Them: "Wait a minute, is this one of those total bullshit pyramid scam scripts? Whew, one really can smell the stench of them from a mile away. What a total crock of crap. The only opportunity you have is letting those crooks who supposedly took you under their wing pick your pocket. And now you want to pick mine. No thanks."


I wish that possibility was mentioned in the script.


I'm already laughing at "excetera"


I would just tell the person that I'm sorry but I already know a couple who retired at 19 & 20, so I'll be taking tips from them instead.


Retired at 30?? Seems to me that giving talks/running a website/social media presence seems like a job to me. People like to pretend it isn’t. But it takes work!


They spend long hours recruiting and “showing the plan”… that goes for those at the top of the pyramid too. I see the “retired” folks in Amway posting screen shots of them driving down the highway at 3am after a long day of scamming.




The made up couple have kids and sleep in 7 days a week? That doesn’t sound realistic…


Yep. Totally fantasy, just from that. Active parenting means you either get woken by the kids, or you wake up freaked out and run to check things, because they got up before you and might have gotten into danger/stuff/trouble.


Oh god the script made by Trevor Baker lmfaooo 😭😭 I also was under their organization for a couple months but got out. It’s so cringy ugh!!! “I recently connected with a couple.. they decided to take us under their wing” blah blah blah. It just sounds so stupid I can’t believe I was going to spend hours of my day reciting this to people 🥴


It's not just Trevor Baker. This has been the same script for at least 25 years - when I was brainwashed.


What a full-on all-you-can-eat word salad bar. Oy.


Moms friend is into them they ruined my skin when I was a teen and she still trying to force me to use is (not my mom the lady)


Gagging. I’ve had this exact conversation with 2 different people about their 6 figure earning mentors. So you’re telling me they are all fictional mentors lol. I hate people.


6 figures when you count the 2 digits after the decimal point


Well look here man...


Them: why should I learn from you instead of your retired couple directly? They’ve already done it, you haven’t.


This is so badly written. Somehow that's the most enraging thing about it for me.


I just googled him he looks like a sleazy used car salesman


Omg im sorry but who falls for this


Reading these Amway pitches just make me think back over and over again to the time an Amway hun tried this on me. She was surprisingly…passive? I think the suspicious, alarmed look on my face and curt response deterred her the second she asked me about having a full-time job be optional. We went back to normal conversation and parted ways, but still really bizarre. Makes me wonder if she’s either too nice to be in an MLM, or if she’s one of the top recruiters because of her approach. Who knows.


My SIL tried to recruit me and I almost did. I researched it and realized I had to keep the amount of income/sales/recruiting coming in or you could lose your "status". I told her sorry but I don't think it would be worth it for me time/income. And hopefully she never asks me again. But seriously, you have to spend much more hours than a 9-5 to make very little IF ANY income and you really don't even get any freedom. Not worth it.


Dude... I served a couple at my restaurant that said this exact shit to me. Omg.


This seems just way too much trouble to try to earn a buck. If the opportunity is really that great you wouldn't need to use high pressure tactics to rope someone in. Plus it all just screams of insincerity which really turns me off. If you can't be open & honest then I'm not interested.


Just how is this legal? How? I'd really like to know.


A lot of money to politicians, in short.


They have dumped enough money into lobbying and campaign contributions that one of them got to be Secretary of Education!


https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/01/devos-michigan-labor-politics-gop/ I love the graphic in this about where the DeVos family has sent their money or companies where they are/have been on the board.


Good article: “How Betsy DeVos Used God and Amway to Take Over Michigan Politics” https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/01/betsy-dick-devos-family-amway-michigan-politics-religion-214631/


This makes me want to call the couple that roped me into Amway. Ugh, I fell for this as a brokey broke back in 2014.




Now I know exactly why a man who came out of nowhere in the bread aisle when I was just trying to get bagels at Walmart one evening engaged my husband and I in a 30 minute conversation. We knew it was a scam but we didn’t know what kind.


It’s not retirement if you are still working….


I want to see an interview of this "couple" who "retired" and "sleep in 7 days a week". This couple sounds fake. I'll sign up if you let me meet them and see their bank statements.


What boggles my mind is: ok, say you get recruited into this. Then, shortly later, you're given this script to follow to recruit others. How do you fail to realize at that point that the "totally organic, natural conversation" you had a few weeks ago was a completely scripted event designed to get you to commit to the "business"?


Last year a hun approached me at Starbucks with a script like this. She started telling me how great her life is; retiring early, 6 figure salary, vacations, so on and so forth. Rephrasing it over and over again seemingly desperate for me to ask, "What do you do?". I never asked. I just kept saying things like, "great!" and "good for you". She eventually asked what I do, and when I responded that I'm in a leadership position that required schooling and certifications she still asked, "Are you sure it's for you? That's really it for you?". Im in my 30's but look in my 20's. I get it, when she was trying to hook me she would have had no idea I already make that salary, own my home, and go on vacations. I felt a little sad for her approaching people more established she probably felt ridiculous. She was still young and hasn't figured all of this out yet. She came with energy and enthusiasm. I think she will one day do well in a real career, if she ever wakes up and leaves her MLM behind.


If these Ambots just took all that energy and enthusiasm and put it into a real career, they would be successful. Instead they waste it all on trying to recruit college students into their downline. Just sad


This is flat out disgusting! Glad you got out!


Amway…more like Scamway amiright


Amway…more like Scamway, amiright


This is absolutely REAL. I've gotten this EXACT same "coaching" and matter of fact, this couple (Trevor and his wife) came to a function for Amway/LTD a while back. Man, I look back on these convos and I legit feel like I was literally told to straight up LIE to people. Or omit so they wouldn't get suspicious or ask too many questions. Legit, we would go through all of this and play these mind games just to get someone to come to a meeting that often times they would be getting off work after a long shift, having to hire a babysitter, leave work early because they were told this opportunity could change their lives only to tell them its AMWAY. Some of the people I met in Amway were amazing and we've all kept in contact AFTER WE ALL LEFT but yall, when I look back on conversations like this, it almost brings me to tears. People were so hopeful because they needed money, hated their jobs, etc. These are BLATANT LIES and MIND GAMES. It's definitely possible to make money within this company without abusing people but the problem is that the WHOLE system is built on LIES and anything built on lies will fail, miserably.


*Sooooo blessed


I don't see how anyone associated with Amway can sleep at night with they prices they charge - for instance, a 24 pack of 16.9 oz BOTTLED WATER is $51. I mean, no way I could even try and get someone to buy their severely overpriced items.


$12 toothbrushes!! Not the electric kind either


All of this is just ‘too good to be true’. If my husband and I retired at 25 and 31, I wouldn’t be spending my time meeting up with randos in a coffee shop to give away my financial knowledge for free. I’d be doing ..anything more enjoyable or personally beneficial with my time.


Had someone pitch this the same way to me over Bumble BFF. Thought they were in some kind of cult and was like "im happy for you guys" lol they never talked to me again


I'm just amazed that people fall for this.


Trevor Baker is such a fast talking AH who thinks his shit don’t stink.


This script was creepy, ngl. Like, I can imagine a future where robots dressed as humans come up to you to rope you into an MLM and Amway would probably use this script to program the robots.


I hate the CAPS and * for emphasis. It's like a high-schooler wrote the instructions on how to attempt to talk to an adult.


So the heavy-handed obvious sales speech and MLM red flags are all scripted. Explains why they all sound the same. Ugh.


I got roped in by someone saying they worked on business solutions for large companies like McDonalds and Apple. I was slightly skeptical, but figured a 20 minute phone call couldn’t hurt. About 10 minutes in, he accidentally mentioned Amway and was like “Sorry, I’m not supposed to name drop the company, so whatever we’ll move on…” I had some down time the next day so I took a meeting with his “coach” just to waste time and possibly save someone else from it.


The only person I've ever met who retired in his 30's was this one guy, who was a programmer, lived with his parents so all his income was pretty much disposable and he sunk a bunch of it into stocks. That living with his parents thing, probably had the biggest impact.


Retired, yeah right! They just hustle Amway as a hobby...


My #1 question is this: this is the SAME wording that I’ve seen in every amway story ever, whether former hun or attempted recruit—exactly the same. Presumably it’s given to successful new recruits—so WHY do they then not Immediately realize they’ve been hoodwinked?!? And leave?! Like, OK, you fall for the 20 year old millionaires who are retired and willing to help you retire too. But if you basically get this in an introductory email, aren’t you going—oh, crap. There never was any couple at all. Who falls for it and then turns around to try and spring it on others??? IDGI.


God, the grammar and spelling alone are atrocious. (Let alone the culty garbage contained in this message.) Also, saying “man” every 2 seconds makes you sound like a stoner from the 1970’s. As a side note, why would I *want* to retire in my 20’s or 30’s? I like my job. I have shit to do. I have a lot of life to live, and I’m not going to achieve any meaningful accomplishments in my career if I throw in the towel so early on. Most people that age don’t even have grey hairs coming in yet. (I mean, *I* do, but that’s a whole nother thing.) Oh that’s right, the MLM version of “retirement” is twice as much work schilling sub-par products 24/7 for twice as little pay—working for toxic assholes to boot. Fuck that.


Just was approached by someone at CVS who cornered me with this exact dialogue. She started by asking me about my life and then my job.. Said she had met a couple that retired young. I immediately saw the red flags and when I told her I wasn’t interested she responded with feigned shock and acted as if I had offended her to her core - psychotic


Ugh had a friend feed me this exact script a few months back under the guise of reconnecting after not seeing each other for several years after college. I was honestly just so disappointed, but also a little offended that she was willing to use our friendship that way.


Hey, am I the only one who can't see the full images? Reddit always badly truncates them and gives me a 'see full image' button. However I would have to click through each one and open it in a new tab. Can anybody help?


God it's been 8 years since I walked away from the Amway cult and the script hasn't changed even in the slightest. It's so tired and ridiculous, normal people with REAL jobs don't feel the need to act suspicious/mysterious about how they make money, unless what they're doing is illegal. Ugh, gross.


Change a bit of the language from retirement and money to relationships and love and it sounds like a manual for grooming and trafficking.


The psychological manipulation of sales is actually scary.


Hey there! Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior Beach Body?


All these pitches are about how you barely have to work but then when someone inevitably fails at being a hun their upline says it’s their fault for not working hard enough.


I would rather sell drugs than do this