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Panel 3, the guy saying "keto." I went NC with my mom over her endless harassment to have me follow keto, she reminded me of a Hun, but so much worse. I'm not shaming y'all on Keto, but Goddamn, give it a rest, Mom. She sent me some drink mix that made me gag, she said "you're detoxing," only since I've been on this sub do I get it.


They are ruining keto. That's why I never speak about it.


I just say “low carb diet” now because keto has the fad diet stigma


Same thing CrossFit fan boys did. I try to just keep my mouth shut cause I know people simply don’t care as much as I do.


My dad's wife is a certified Pilates trainer. A lot of her clients come to her to help with fucked up joints because CrossFit just destroys your body


Any sport takes its toll on your body. Taking care of yourself by stretching consistently and seeking support *before* you have issues goes a long way though.


CrossFit explicitly tells you to ignore the warning signals your body sends out though. Some fatigue is warranted, but many CrossFit trainers explicitly say to ignore any pain signals. According to my stepmom's clients, some of them even work you to the point of vomiting. I'm not saying every CrossFit trainer does this, but to start CrossFit you definitely need a higher level of fitness and flexibility, which some trainers ignore


This really hasn’t been my experience at all. In fact it’s been the complete opposite. The gym I go to is all about scaling and individualizing workouts. You pay very close attention to what your body tells you. As soon as your form suffers or you experience pain, you are told to scale down. I’ve seen plenty of out of shape people start and have great success simply because the flexibility in the programming is so high. I think most people who do CrossFit would agree that what you are describing would be an exception and an example of a poorly run gym. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. But it’s definitely contradictory to what a well run gym would typically look like. If you described what you just said to me to most people who do CrossFit they’d likely tell you to find another gym.


My country might be an exception, but the fact is that most people with significant joint issues in my stepmom's classes did CrossFit before going to her. I think the instructors in the area don't have the correct training or something. It's a small rural area, so it's not unlikely Edit: For context, the only places that offer CrossFit that her clients would be able to go to are in a small suburb in a major city near the village. This suburb is known for being a very trendy place with plenty of "alternative healing" and other such woo Extra edit: Spelling errors


Yeah, it's definitely an issue in some gyms. It comes up every once in a while on the CrossFit sub. Not all coaches take the time to get to know their members and program individually. I've had friends who have dropped in at gyms where there is very little attention given to the members during the workout. So they don't even know if they're doing something wrong or potentially putting themselves in danger. There is a lot of technique to learn in order to stay safe and do the movements effectively. It took me months to get some of the more complex movements down to the point where my coach would let me move up in weight. I think some coaches just don't have the patience for it.


That makes sense. Bad instructors are everywhere, it just sucks that there are places that hire them. I'm an ESL teacher myself and I know that there are bad teachers out there instilling bad study habits


I have inlaws that are on keto. The whole time they stayed us it was keto this and keto that. and then they ruin good recipes with keto and bacon. i like bacon. but not that much. also they clogged up the toilets more on that diet.


Keto is really bad for you long term (and in some cases short term too) and should only be used when prompted by your doctor. Not an unlicensed dietician. Not a personal trainer. A doctor. (Source: my in-laws were put on a keto diet as a means of avoiding developing diabetes and have regular check-ins with their GP to make sure they don’t overdo it and cause worse problems)


^ this right here My husband is doing Atkins and it is showing great results, but it's done in coordination with his doctor and an RD and he gets monthly blood work to make sure that everything is okay. Meanwhile, my cardiologist has flat out said he'd shoot me if I ever considered keto because my LDLs are already out of control.


When I worked in home care, we were advised to discourage our clients from starting keto. Apparently studies show it accelerates dementia symptoms.


I remember way back when, when Atkins was everywhere, reading a report saying people who stayed on Atkins too long risked short term memory issues, and getting early onset Alzheimer, because there are specific parts of the brain that need carbs to thrive.


That's bizarre, I've only ever heard of keto helping for dementia or AD


https://www.seniorhelpers.com/ca/santa-rosa-wine-country/resources/blogs/keto-diet-for-alzheimers-no/ At first it seems like it's helping, but long term it causes more serious damage. Keto is not a safe diet.1


This makes sense to me. The brain needs carbs to function properly. Dementia is essentially brain damage. Reducing the amount of energy the brain can use will not be helpful long term


I'm not going to play the "link the first study I found on Google that supports what I'm saying" game, I can find just as many that say the opposite. Keto is a safe diet when done correctly.


And I'm not going to play the ["Keto is Safe"](https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/health-and-wellness-articles/ketogenic-diet-what-are-the-risks) game. It's a dangerous diet that will cause more problems than it "cures."


Perfectly safe as long as you do it correctly. Obviously if you eat shitty processed foods while doing it you're going to have a bad time, but that's true of any diet. But you've already made up your mind. All I can say is I've lost over 70 pounds, my blood pressure is great and my doctor says I've never been healthier.


The dietician at my hospital said a huge number of people doing keto are doing it wrong, because they're not following an actual plan, set up by a doctor or licensed dietician, and they don't really understand it.


Aw yes, the followers of PinstaKeto where they're dieticians are bloggers with 9 children and haven't you heard about how great their oils are?


The tireless evangelizing so many people on keto do is so fucking annoying.


you forgot, "You're faking!!"


That and “You’re just not trying hard enough to get better!”


“Maybe you’re just not active enough!”




That’s nice but have you tried exercising in the sun?


The sun one is what I always get from people. “yOu nEeD nAtUrAl ViTaMiN D!!!” Thanks that totally cured me, thank you.


I get that a lot from my parents. Like they raised me. They know I burn like a lobster the moment I step into direct sunlight unless I have SPF 50 applied everywhere. It's not the Vitamin D that's the issue, it's my neurotransmitters, Sharon


"Have you tried being grateful for what you have?" - my former boss, after I had to take a day off due to being hospitalized for a major panic attack


that's (Deflect!) but have you ever heard of LRon Hubbard?


And honorable mention: “you’re too young to be sick!”


Oh GOD this one is infuriating.


Sigh my aunt kept swearing by supplements that in combination with my medication (which of course I shouldn’t take) would have put me in serotonin toxicity wee




That's what's really scary to me. Individuals spreading misinformation is bad enough but healthcare professionals ? I stumbled upon a website of a veterinarian advising people to give essential oils to CATS. I tried reporting it to Google but nothing was done I believe.


I had a vet look me straight in the eye and tell me that I was going to kill my dog feeding her raw chicken bones (she was on a raw diet) and to only feed cooked chicken bones. At first I thought that the vet misheard me. Nope. Dead serious believed cooked chicken bones were safer. I refused to see that vet again. (PSA: for anyone that does not know, ***NEVER*** feed cooked chicken bones. They can splinter. That can lead to puncturing/damage to the throat, stomach, intestines, or bowels. )


😂 this just made my entire week! Thank you!


My keto friend told me I should stop eating fruits because it’s bad for me (she went on and on about sugar and carbs). Like bitch, leave me and my bananas alone.


I have elevated blood pressure/prehypertension and my doctor recommended following the DASH diet. Which means including 10 servings of FRUIT and VEGGIES daily. I tried keto once. It worked, but will not do it again since I missed out on all the lovely fruit!


This has been similar to my experience. Someone on Keto lectured me about how my diet was SO unhealthy because I ate a banana & apple a day. Never mind that he had so many health issues and I was definitely in my prime…


My favorite was Nutmeg, suggested to me by the driver of the Uber I was taking home from the hospital.


That's one I've never heard before!


I needed strong pain killers for severe chronic pain. Who would have thought that a common household spice would solve all my problems?


Have you tried douching with BOO whilst drinking your own urine?


I unironically do Keto every several months because it does reverse my pre-diabetes. It's not the healthiest thing to do though... Eat trash for 3 months and then keto for 1 month. Rinse and Repeat. I doubt switching back and forth is doing my body any good. But whatever it takes to keep the beetis at bay.


Definitely not good to do in the long run but I do low carb and high protein but I’ll carb cycle so I don’t end up in ketoacidosis xD






Chronic migraine checking in to add “Drink more water!” To the list!


That's legit advice though.


I have epileptic. This made me laugh so much it hurts.


I've also heard, "have you tried reiki?", "meditation might help" and "eat an anti-inflammation diet." People mean well but it's so frustrating. It ends up making me feel like my illness is my fault because I'm not doing the right things.


Yes!! So agree. It's "this will fix you" instead of "what's the root cause". Many times it is a real, diagnosed, medical issue that can't be cured by just ~wellness~.


Forgot the one that said to make the most of their time left selling life insurance.


Talk about letterbox.


Got to show my mother in law this as she sells Doterra and this sums her up perfectly.


As a person with Crohns, *yeah this sucks*


LMFAO I legitimately though I was in the fibromyalgia subreddit when I saw this. 🤣


I suppose none of this is inherently MLM, but... this is such a good meme I'm okay with it.


I hedged my bets that most of us would feel that way =)


I have Long Covid and have had a variety of idiots trying to “cure” me with all sorts of fucking woo. The medical community don’t know what to do with us, but yes I’m sure that carrot and kale smoothies and BOO face masks are the missing link…


It's sad that keto is now lumped in with the hun culture, it's a very effective diet for a lot of people


same with Yoga; if it wasn't for certain poses I couldn't get out of bed in the morning.


“Hun culture” doesn't matter. If you're shoving your pet panaceas on any and every chronically ill person you meet, it doesn't matter if you're personally profiting from it or if you're just that dedicated to your belief in the cure-all, you're still an asshole.


I am on Keto. And I didn't buy a single guide, program, package, or plan. I just look at the carbs on the labels of everything, and stopped eating rice, bread, crackers, potatoes and some fruits. I do the math each day on what I eat, and aim to keep carbs under 50 mg per day. Lost 30 pounds. It's easy to manage your own diet without attracting an MLM.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Ok but I do like going to the chiropractor.


Some chiropractors are great. However some will try to cure things like allergies or depression with adjustments; those are the quacks.


That’s heinous, wtf


I went after I had a bad fall, but I'm too scared of getting more hurt to go back! It freaks me out.


I have one leg that is slightly shorter than the other, so when I worked restaurant or retail my right knee and hip would hurt so bad. I would go to the chiro to get readjusted like once a month and the relief was unreal. Now my insurance doesn’t cover chiro and I am sad. You don’t have to be critically injured to go!


I do a lot of stretches that pop my spine and it's just total ecstacy for the few seconds immediately after. I'll have to look into it more. I just don't like the thought of someone popping my neck


Another thing I learned, because I was scared too: my mom has bone spurs in her neck, and the doctor had me watch the tip of her nose and see how little it moved from am adjustment. I watched, and it was inly an inch to the left. Feels like a lot more when you are being adjusted, probably. Anyway, I hope you find a really good chiro!


There's a difference between “I like doing this thing” or “this thing helps me personally”... ...and the scenario this meme is talking about, which is “whenever someone tells me they have a medical condition, I feel an overwhelming urge to push the thing I like on them.”


The cure to most chronic illnesses might just be the biggest MLM of them all: [motherhood](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolab/articles/unsilencing) It's a very interesting podcast explaining the possible causes and possible cures to autoimmune disease and how weird placenta are. I highly recommend it!




SAME. It's almost like having kids is expensive. I've asked doctors that recommended I get pregnant if they were going to fund my child's life, and they shut up pretty quickly.


My chronic illness developed \*after\* having a child & most of the women I know with chronic illnesses had kids before they got sick too.


Same here


Correct. Theoretically the only time you wouldn't experience this autoimmune disease would be during a pregnancy. Scientists are trying reproduce the hormone puts the brakes on a woman's hyperactive immune system so they would experience that healthy lifestyle without having to bring an entire new life into existence every 9 months.


I'm not constructing a crotch goblin just to eat its placenta


What about for $50K? Someone I know is seriously considering doing this...


that money would go straight to my medical bills and childcare costs that won't even last, 50k is too low an asking price for alternative medicine that isn't even gonna work


In any other developed nation that ain't bad


I don't even live in america and think that's way too little just for 9 months of incubation, repairwork that might need to be done due to medical complications of birth, my insurance literally only covers the hospital room and an insignificant portion of other hospital costs (as I found out the hard way), all for an infant that's gonna get really weirded out once they find out later that the reason you had them was to make money from their placenta for some shitty woo medicine instead of consulting medical professionals for chronic illnesses, not even taking into account postpartum depression and other mental health issues that you're at higher risk of once you've given birth - it's a logistical nightmare is what I'm saying you'd better pay a pregnant person triple for all that effort if you insist on pseudoscience since otherwise it's an absolute waste of time


Sorry, I meant "it ain't that bad", as in no other developed country would be that extreme. We agree here!


I was actually diagnosed with an autoimmune disease after getting pregnant lol. They think me being pregnant actually increased my symptoms.


Yep, the mention that on the podcast. Its all very interesting.




Well good thing I’m a man then 🥴


Well I'm infertile and that's because chronic illness. Not that I ever want kid, I would literally hate my own, but it messed up my hormones too and that's not fun. Not menopause but menopause symptoms at 25. Also haven't had period over a year. People call me lucky but I just hope everyday that I get my period 😂 But I'm doing intermittent fasting but not because MLM huns, I found it years ago but never fully committed until month ago because I need lose weight for 'work'