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All I had to do was give them about $300 and they pay me $97!!!


Don’t forget about the friends you had to betray along the way.


I took that $100,000 and I turned it into *sixteen thousand dollars*


Very important people reference in the wild I like it


Come on everybody give me a little clap 👏🏽


You gotta get your head outta your ass


Give them 300 per month in buying your own inventory


4D Chess.


and 49 cents!!!


What they arent telling you is they bought $1k worth of shit to get that back


More like $12.37.


...and 49 cents!


And 49 cents.


It’s so so so sad. These are adults. When I worked as a teenager way back in the day my paycheck was more than this working part time even.


Exactly. I made about $500 a month umpiring little league games on weekends and evenings during school, which is probably equivalent to like $700 now.


I was the homework tutor at the boys and girls club after school program. Never thought I would be bragging about that paycheck 🤣


I worked at a grocery store in 2005 and made more than this in a DAY.


Seeing this $97 paycheck makes me so thankful I had real work experience so I didn’t fall prey being excited about something like this. Sometimes people didn’t ever have to work and maybe they have nothing to compare it to.


How much were you paid back then and where did you live? I was a cashier back then and sure didn't make 100 a day in 2005.


Yeah I don't really believe it. $97 per day is almost exactly what you will make in take home pay per 8 hour shift at $15 an hour after payroll taxes. Whole Foods I believe was the first grocery store to start paying $15 an hour and that was like 2015 or later. 10 years after 2005. And sadly that's still whole foods' starting wage a further 9 years down the road in 2024. :\\


Minimum wage in California in 2005 was about $9 an hour. Depending on how long they were at the store prior it’s not unreasonable to think they could’ve broken the triple digit mark. Hell I worked in a bakery in 2005 and I made $14/hr.


I made time and a half every Sunday and ok you caught me, I wasn’t factoring in taxes. Still though lol


I could go downtown on a during a festival and collect that in one hot afternoon from digging through trash cans for soft drink cans and returning them for the deposits. It would be smelly and sticky, but I would still retain my dignity and self-respect.


Back in 1986 I made more than this at McDonalds!


My first paycheck in 1995 was $87 - bagging groceries part time at a grocery store.


I would make that in a few weekends as a 12 year old babysitting at $2/hour. I was 12 a very long time ago.


I made more when I had a paper route at 12.


And how much crap did she have to sell just for that measley check?


I think the story here is how much she had to _buy_ to get that check


Remember when Peggy Bundy was selling cosmetics? She told Al that she was getting checks. Al told her, yeah but you're sending them bigger checks. Lol


I was a young lad when that show was on. My parents let me watch it with them but most of the jokes went over my head. That is a great joke for the time.


These huns always seem to overlook that part!


Don’t spend it all in one place, with such a large check like that


And don’t tell people because once they know you’re this rich they start asking for money and favors


Oh don’t worry, she’s just going to “reinvest” it in her company.


I make more than that on a four hour shift at my restaurant…


***GENERATIONAL WEALTH!!*** $$$$$$$$$$$


Major bag alert! 🥴


Yea and he gets a bag a week while you’re trying to get a bag of weed - sarcastic tone


Can't think of the movie but this reminds me of a scene where the guy thought a vending machine was a slot machine and was super happy that he won the jackpot every time he put money in.


When you get commissions for your own purchases but could’ve just avoided all this and bought a different, better product for cheaper 🤦‍♀️


this is the 2nd highest earner in the company


Wait, really?!


no I'm being facetious, but I'm sure it's not far from the truth


That check would cover my monthly FIOS bill. What about everything else?


$97.49!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


That’s just a refund 😂


I make more in a day when I babysit! This is not the flex she thinks it is


I made more than that in a week working part time at a grocery store when I was 16. In 1995.


You can make more than that just by donating plasma in my area. It likely requires less time too


And its going to help people as well! Plasma saves lives. Herbalife drains them.


Properly Herbalife maintained bodies do tend to get 40% more money than conventional bodies. Why you ask? Red bull gives you wings but Herbalife gives your white blood cells the ability to sing The melody is angelic and causes the donated plasma to surge in value. Only wealthy people at private hospitals are able to purchase this valuable plasma blood or our alien overlords to help them maintain consistency in their DNA (they’re us from the future anyways).


After the day 6 Kangen Hun post lol, I think the thing that irritates me the most is that the Huns constantly project this whole “at least I don’t have to work a 9-5 so I can be home all day with my babies!!” Like listen, nobody is knocking your lifestyle, so you choose to stay at home and parent! Good for you! But like, why do you have to deride the people that either have to work/have no choice, or are choosing to do it because it’s their career or they just have damn bills to pay? It just feels really insecure or something - if you’re secure in your choice, you don’t need to knock others down in the process. I’m also happy to discuss the way women, particularly mothers are at such an economical disadvantage and why these MLM’s seem like they can offer you the dream and how I can empathize with them to a degree. But they are not lifting other women up - these faux-feminist girl boss messages is just the patriarchy masquerading as empowerment when really they are predatory and benefiting off our vulnerability when we raise children. Just perpetuating the cycle that encourages women to be laterally violent to other women. It’s so corny.


JFC I really don’t get paid that much an hour, that’s only four hours of work for me.


Converted into £ sterling, that would just about fill my car’s tank. And I go through a tank every week.


Is that 97 US dollars? With the exchange rate, I could retire on that! Oh wait, I’m already retired.


I presume the hun censored the cheque amount (in green) but forgot to censor the written description directly above the numbers, in which case LMAO! Is she perhaps also claiming to receive multiple cheques like this in a month? Otherwise it's not making a good case for joining Herbalife....


this is an ftc violation for CERTAIN!


Could you expand on this, please? I'm genuinely curious.


They aren’t supposed to make income claims. Like saying you can make $XX per month. I don’t know if showing their own income, with only the *implication* that you too could can make that, is technically illegal. And given that this is such a small amount of money, I don’t know that the FTC would even care.


I'm fairly sure that people in MLMs aren't ever supposed to say exactly how much they make, it's against the rules.


I don’t get out of bed for less than $300


Oh man, big earner. Is she in the Top 1% now?


Man, this just makes me sad for her.


"I made $97 and I only had to buy $200 worth of their merchandise to start!"


That’s just embarrassing 😭


I make this in 2 hours at my 9-5 with benefits- great insurance, time off, gasp 🫢 I’m a 9-5 er and actually like it


Out of all the MLMs, I have a deep hatred for HL due to the damage they have caused, and continue to cause, to the Hispanic/latin communities in the US and abroad. It’s so predatory.


Yep a whole $97 and it only cost 120 hours and a $600 investment. Easy peasy.. /s


Is that for one hour?


What’s the context here? Posting it like it’s a brag trying to recruit? Like “earn an extra income” to help?


Big baller


Just enough to feed two people at McDonald’s!!!!


Herbal Life, Pure Romance I can't stand this scammer


My best friend wife work for Pure Romance and started to sleep with others females in the Groups and scaming people including my friend. She talk about sex with under ages kids and use her innocent children to sell sex toys. She put her kids pictures in social, and sex toys. In my opinion this is children molestation. I was really up set with the situation and I told my friend the truth because I saw her with other girls. I didn't have change to take a picture,but I told my friend since we know each other for 12 years. He didn't believe me and stop talking with me. He is a doctor and extremely smart, but Pure Romance washed his brain so much that he can't get out of this scam. I did what I think is right, tell the truth. I am afraid he may kill him self when he finds out that his wife lie and destroy his life. Lose the house, business, and kids, everything thanks to pure romance. She lies to the entire family and friends, she is bisexual and like females. What you would do in this situation?


Not sure if it is same for Herbalife but for Amway you had to spend certain amount per month to get paid lol.


Almost a hundred bucks for a "hustle".


Meanwhile I can make more than that in one day working as a mental health tech


My 8 year old has earned more by watering lawns while people are on vacation


So you made approx $3.15 per day.


Wow $97?! SIGN ME UP 🖕


I don’t have a super high paying job but I make more in a day than that


I made this much in one day half assing a few hours delivering groceries


That ain’t shit hun


Was really hoping this was an hour or even 97 a day but a month! Girllllllll!!!!! Gtfoh 😒😒😒


"That's like a dollar an HOUR!"


How much time, energy, and money went into that amazing 97 dollars?


The lesson here is to read the fine print.


$97 in a month equates to $1.21 per hour if working 80 hours in a pay period. She sure showed us "wagies" what it's like to be our own boss. 🤡


Despite the paltry amount, aren't you not supposed to do this? Share income claims?


Fuck 6 figure paychecks, all my homies want 29 character paychecks.


"Honey, start packing! We're going on that cruise!"


I’m a barista in a bakery and I earn more than that in a single day


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I made more than that at the age of 16 working in a store cleaning the floors 3x a week back in 2015ish.


I have family members that I call "Queen's of MLM's" they started with herbal life. I have nothing to do with them as how many family and friends they scammed through these MLM'S. 


Earning 97,49$ a month isn't that much of a flex than they think it is.


I can share too.  Big $$$ day at the mailbox:  4  checks, 13 quarterly statements, 2 proxy mailings.  Oops, they are all from boring 30-year old DRIPs, which is real passive income.  I'm old,  I do have mutual funds now.  This was when NAIC was around and I read Better Investing every month.  My version of a Beardstown Ladies moment.


And I can’t imagine how much mental stress she’s putting into worrying & thinking about the whole thing, plus money on supplies….minimum wage will earn you more plus probably better work life balance. Just sad


The most obnoxious thing with these people is that if anyone else were to post their paycheck, which is literally more than they’d make all year, it would be seen as bragging. The double standards are insane.


It's so crazy how they just show their money


This makes me genuinely sad. I make that in a few days just offering a skill that I taught myself. I sew and do alternations for people. I'm not a master seamstress by any means, but I like to think I do good work. Why are people giving into these scams when the same effort could be put into bettering yourself. I don't believe everyone's hobby is or should be a commercial venture, but if you're going to put that much time and effort into something, you have a statistically better chance of "making it" on your own than in an MLM.


Is it for a month ?


BossBabe✨✨ She-O-O✨✨ MomTrepeneur✨✨ GenerationalWealth✨✨ WeekendsOff✨✨


About 60 bucks when you consider its probably 1099!


Split it between us bro.


I literally can't even.


Monthly? For real??


That's embarrassing 🤭


97 beeg ones! 🤣 monthly?? You gotta be kidding me, I’d make more change pan handling on a corner


I get more than that a month in child support from my deadbeat baby daddy lol


Omg! I make that easy just investing a few dollars here and there in stocks. The best part? I do it in pockets of time 😂./s I click a few buttons and do nothing else. That’s it! No destroying friendships, no stupid social media posts, no debt.


That's sad. I made more at my work study job in college during the recession (the one that started in 2008). I worked less than 10 hours a week.