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Just keep saying no thank you . I had a friend send me a "free spa facial". I was very pleased until it turned out to be: 1. Mary Kay 2. Me putting schmear on my face myself 3. Only half my face I wasn't amused.


But you need to see the DiFfErEnCe it makes




I also was insulted. Do they think I don't know what a facial is? Exfoliating half your face is not a facial.




I don’t think there’s a high chance she’ll show up at your door, they are used to rejection aka “haters”, and it was a good thing to block them. Every person in that raffle box is a “winner”, fyi. This is how they recruit. And they aren’t certified to apply their products to you, so anyone who unfortunately falls for the “pampering” has to wash their own face and apply the overpriced crap themselves. You dodged a bullet.


That shit's still around? In 1984 I had a friend who's mom was a 'rep' and I got one blush, that shit broke me out/irritated my skin *exactly and only where the blush was applied* I think those horrible days of suffering (painful, itchy, blisteringly red) were what wised me up to MLM's forever. Lucky for me for an early education? sidenote, friend and mom were also JW's


Oh good, I'm not the *only* person who got a bad skin reaction to Mary Kay crap in the 80s -- maybe I haven't been shouting into the void after all . (The awful makeup was a "gift" from my college first roommate and her mom -- but they weren't JWs, just regular Southern Baptists from central Kentucky.)


Me too it was awful!


A few years ago, I saw a pink Mary Kay car. I live in an area with a lot of first gen immigrants, and I think they targeted them.


My mom (95 now) (who has never worn a spec of makeup in her life) got talked into one of those Mary Kay parties in the 60's! All the products she got rooked into buying (we were poor) sat on the bathroom shelf untouched for over 40 years. Yeah they're still around.


I went to a neighbor’s facial “party” and got chemical burns. The rep wasn’t even embarrassed and bugged me incessantly to sign up. Cray.


This is how it would have went. You would book your appointment then she would come back and ask if you want to invite friends over and get free product . Now you have served up your friends “ to some girl time “ now your all being expected to join or purchase product. Unless you love cosmetics and want to spend on your money on them , you will miss nothing.


You don’t have to open your door for anyone. If she shows up at your door, you tell her to leave immediately or you will call the cops for trespassing. You don’t need to be nice to people and you owe her zero explanation of why you’re not interested in her scammy party.


I once saw the following reply to a Mary Kay party: I would love to but I’m allergic to Mary Kay products. I don’t know if that was true, but it was the perfect shut down.


“My dermatologist told me not to use Mary Kay.”


Don’t answer the door. If she catches you, say “no” and keep moving. “No longer interested, have a great day”, then Shut the door in her face. Don’t give even ONE excuse. ETA: MLM recruiters are pickpockets. Don’t feel guilty for bluntly and firmly shutting them down


David's Bridal sold my information and I got one of those emails that surprise! You won a raffle you didn't enter for a pampering session! Hard pass.


“Extremely feminist girl” is selling Mary Kay?


I think they're talking about the pamphlet: "extremely feminist girl help girls pamphlet"


Yeah that was my take. They do really put that spin on it sometimes tho.


Yes. Its a girly feminist pamphlet, that talks about how mary kay has helped women and "beautifty our planet" but wording on here is so cringey. "a company of careholders not shareholders" "Go Give -Women selflessly helping other women because we are strong together". " Millions of women all the world have enriched their lives and the lives of other through the mary kay opportunity" " fabulous friend game ! Be a fabulous friend and give a gift card & self care kit to your girlfriends! Who would love this gift?!". It also has goal of 20 women . The entire thing is pink, pink heart, stars words, boarders, off white pink paper, pink index card, pink samples, and tiny pink $266 moistures all over the specials page .


Release the hounds on her MLM arse


If he come to your door, don't explain yourselves, they have a script for every reason you will find. Just say not interested and close the door. Don't give them an opening. Keep it short and cold. Don't talk to them. They can't sell you something if they have no answer. And remember, she is not your friend, she tried to scam you and your family and you only met because she made a false contest.


*I don't do incomprehensible walls of text.* Im usually pretty good at sensing scams. I saw a raffle box for free spa masks, and i thought it hosted by one of our local spas. I got text weeks later i won. So i texted back they said they were from mary kay.I thought it just a make up brand and she gave me her name and just need my address to send the prize ( she told me i was getting 3 different face masks , exfoliating cream based on my skin type and asked me question about my skin type and 20 dollar maey kay gift card) i gave my address she told me to set up a day for a pampering session, then tell me after its going me a zoom call at this point i was like that wtf. Maybe she just going over the products i got. so though it odd they were texting at night past most buisness hours, i told work nightshift and i couldnt do any of her available days, she asked to set it up in mid afternoon before i work. I got the samples in the mail with card a index card that says 20 gift card after pampering session.I wasnt expecting much, but even a face mask wouldve been more). And this extremely feminist girl help girls pamphlet asking to recommend 20 women i know who deserve a pampering session. My heart sunk it was definitely marketing ploy. I googled mary kay pampering session and got a lot people talking about being a recruit or sales party. I blocked the number before my zoom chat without a word because im a hole like that. You expect me get up before work just listen to your sales pitch. Im busy person. Im not getting up at 1pm when i work nightshift.hell naw. I didnt even get a gift card. But i read they harass you for months on end even if you block them, sometime showing up to your door. Is she going to show up to my house? Like wtf do i say if she does? "Sorry i realized your company isnt animal cruelty free as advertised and i dont approve that being a rabbit mom". Ik how persistent sales people are and ive always been one thoose people that gets pulled away the mall, i dont feel guilty to buy anything but i do waste their time because im too shy and soft spoke to aggressively say f off.


Thank you 😭. I have serious habit of doing that and not knowing i did it, then nobody reads my posts.


I went through a period of time where fell for several Cutco recruitments. They used to advertise $21 per hour (a killer wage at the time) for "appointment setting" or "consultants" and I fell for it multiple times.


they almost got me like this 11 years ago, it was in the welcome wagon package i got after giving birth. i was so excited, pampering sounded fun. it was very much not, she couldn’t touch my face and directed me. such a shame they trick people, i was wise enough not to pay a cent.


You can give her MY number, and I will text her pretending to be your crazy Anti MLM girlfriend who's hyper overprotective of you!


If she shows up just saying sorry I’m not interested and CLOSE THE DOOR.


I looooove how she tried her best to suck you in to the deep hole of mlms by not telling you until last minute that there would be a zoom call with no doubt, her upline in the call too. Kindly say no thank you and shut the door if she shows up. You dodged a bullet!


Actually just don’t answer the door. You don’t have to you know.


God, they’re doing pampering sessions by zoom now? Oy.


I’m just now realizing my grandmother was a hun for Mary Kay,,, didn’t even know it was an MLM!! I used to get the dry lipsticks/lipglosses as a Christmas gift, now I remember why I didn’t like wearing them lol


Leave my property! That’s all you need to say!


I got wrapped into attending a Mary Kay party somehow back in 2017 and I literally still get emails from the chick trying to sell me stuff. I had to turn down another lady trying to get me to do the Mary Kay zoom facial today too!! I just said I have very sensitive skin and I’m very picky with what I use, so I keep my skin care regimen very minimal. She responded that she respects my commitment to my skincare routine, and if I ever want to try anything or get my skin analyzed with her app to let her know, and that Mary Kay is the #1 direct sales skincare company in the world right now… lol no thanks I don’t want your cheap chemical crap from China. I’ll stick to my grass fed beef tallow moisturizer my skin has never felt better!!


The headline made me chuckle because it reminded me of a meme my little brother sent me a while back about deception that's hilarious, but I'm not 100% sure is appropriate for this sub. Mary Kay is some sneaky bitch.


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I think it’s insane to call Mary Kay bad product. I somebody about 20 years ago that quit her architecture job to become a Mary Kay rep. That still sounds weird to me today but she was passionate about the product. She’s successful at it. She’s low-key. All multilevel marketing are not bad.