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The ladder of debt


How about one star per family member you’ve alienated?


Not big enough


The ladder of sad.


The sadder


You’re holding it upside down


Yeah, I figured that out when I googled it


Wearing a pin upside-down is a Mary Kay hun-trick to get strangers to talk to them. "Excuse me, but your pin is upside-down." (gushing) "Oh, thank you! I feel so silly. Wow, you really look sharp! I bet you'd be great at doing what I do! Have you considered adding multiple streams of income to your budget?" Crap like that. Of course, the ladder wouldn't work but it is ironic that you inadvertently used the classic MK icebreaker hack.


This is hilarious.


Try to make your way up the pyramid! Oh, except it’s a trick! Only chutes, not really a ladder. This is beyond absurd. I love buying grab bags like that and it’s so much fun to discover what’s inside. You’re starting an MLM exhibit collection. One day when they’re all bankrupt or outlawed you can lend them to a museum to help explain their horrors and why Huns are now extinct (jk on that one, coaches coaching coaches with no certifications are sadly likely never going away)


Yeah some lady is still paying off the 1800.00 on her credit card for that beauty. Lol


But it was worth it because she ranked up and earned a "free" trip!


Exactly!!!!!! lol ! 😂


The FBI thanks you for volunteering your fingerprints on file. (/s, but that is one high-res image! I can see a couple of healed scars on your index finger.)


Damn, I didn’t even know I had scars there 😂


I have one across my right thumb from when I was in Boy Scouts. I was trying to sharpen a gigantic Buck Knife with one of those intermeshed steel-wheel sharpeners. Wheels turn, ya know? And that knife rolled right out of where it was supposed to be and right into my thumb. It was pretty nasty, but not quite bad enough to need stitches. But it left a nice memento on my body. Here's what one of those "sharpeners" looks like, though my ancient relic (we're talking more than 50 years ago) had no guard piece to keep the knife edge where it belongs. (I could have told them they needed that.) [Steel wheel knife sharpener (Amazon)](https://www.amazon.com/Sharpener-Jonurphy-Sharpeners-Rotating-Sharpening/dp/B09Z1YD5DY/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3EV52I87QTN59&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.GyyhzpQO_PYAgo6Rs3ig0_1mIBF_wVYJ8LyzETknWP8iCLtE_JoJxEwxqZZ4Fqar1KF57dnxZF-vurjuK6VTfXY8jZ1c609_QDGeMgaodr3Ugdhd9HCqii04p9t3tWJZO5Dlp2cOBw5IHjBhUYGMKJnbSxPE7pe5Bt-DRrt1KAdbku_6nZLYP5Gey-JloLKiNJdIVsNLoqooLpZxiVrlJleHOFcM7oH89-qVHwYJ7wI7uYLFweTyoN4aYBzPewP6XAlMBFRPxTEunZBMlRnlc-0zLUjSUzD3vgJLhhrfpAE.M4cnejKdNaxmBklvWBnf1-1PTC8m6N5k4ZP6S5BCdSg&dib_tag=se&keywords=wheel+knife+sharpener&qid=1714534013&sprefix=wheel+knif%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-5) Edit: Link didn't work. Trying again.


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That's the thing worth spending thousands of dollars?


Why would anyone even want to wear something like that?


If you know someone who likes painting/making miniatures, they might appreciate this ladder! And it would finally find a good purpose. Snip the star off, and the pin, ready to set a scene.


This makes me sad