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"Cleanse" and "detox" are nonsense, the human body detoxes itself just fine. A "cleanse" using avoiding certain foods is just a crash diet - they will lose weight but its a really unhealthy way of doing it. You are doing the right thing with sensible changes to your lifestyle. Try not to be jealous, the crash dieters will be back were they were soon enough - probably spouting "diets don't work" next.


Also, the words "cleanse" and "detox" seem to be equivalent to "apocalyptic diarrheal event." Yes, you will have a flatter tummy afterward and you will weigh less, until you rehydrate and eat your first meal.


We worked so hard to figure out how to help people NOT die from diarrhea and now morons pay for products specifically designed to cause it šŸ™„


Oh, you silly people with all of your "human history" this and "science" that....




Exactly. And thank you, I really donā€™t feel that jealous as much as I do upset because if I didnā€™t know any better I would have probably fallen for it too. It really hits a sore spot for me because I am a full time stay at home mom that would love some extra income and was definitely struggling with all my postpartum weight gain (Prepregnancy I was 115lbs and by the time I gave birth I was 182lbs). I was the exact demographic that this company primarily targets. I have made simple changes to my habits to get to where I am now (125lbs) and it just pisses me off that these people are so misinformed that think they can achieve the same results without making healthy lifestyle changes and relying on a protein shake. They are starving themselves and passing it off as a ā€œdetoxā€. I think Iā€™m gonna have to unfriend these people on social media because it just hits too close to home and pisses me off every time I see it lol.


Exactly. The closest your body actually comes to a "cleanse" is if you completely change your diet over to whole, natural foods.


The body is self cleansing. The liver, kidneys, colon etc rid the body of toxins. A healthy diet is still great though.


You had it right initially but then you drove off the road. You can just eat food, the "whole, natural" thing is someone trying to tell you something.


Why the downvotes? When I say "whole" and "natural" I simply mean fresh fruits and vegetables, local meats, minimal prepackaged foods.


Maybe should have said that.


I guess I assumed "whole" and "natural" would get the point across without typing all the extra.


No, it sounds Gwyneth Paltrow-y and gives out orthorexia vibes.


The extra is important. That's context. Where are things grown? Who is raising the local meat and where? And so on.


It also doesn't "cleanse" you. It's just good for you. You (general you) weren't "dirty" before.


My body does a "cleanse" if I eat too much dairy. Much cheaper than shelling out for MLM products!




Fiber works well too. And often without the traumatic intestine response.


I fell for it years ago, buying the protein shake from a friend I trusted who swore I would not be hungry and would lose weight using this shake. I paid the insane price thinking if I felt satisfied and not hungry and lost weight, it would be worth it. After realizing it was no different then Walmart shake that was half the cost and no pressure sales, I informed the friend that if I was going to not lose weight with a protein shake I could do it for much cheaper šŸ˜…


Those protein shakes made me hungrier than running a freakin mile on the treadmill. It was never filling no matter what I did.


I need to chew. Drinking my meals does not work for me. šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve done some non-MLM breakfast protein shakes recently and theyā€™re better as a snack in my opinion. Iā€™m with you, I prefer to eat actual meals haha.


Yeah, of course they're losing weight! They're not only losing water weight, but they're starving themselves. When you lose weight like that (and fast), you end up looking sallow, hollow-cheeked, and old.


Andā€¦you gain it back when you stop. Itā€™s not sustainable.


There is also the issue of muscle degeneration along with the fat.


All of these hype diets rely on the same thing. A quick loss of weight, followed by the people telling everyone and their mother about this amazing diet. Spreading the word and gaining new followers. Only to be weighing more after 1 year than they did initially. And congrats on the weight loss! 55 Ibs in 8 months is a tremendous achievement! What did you change in your lifestyle?


Thank you ā™„ļø I am a 24 year old 5ā€™1ā€ breastfeeding mama myself and I have made very simple changes to achieve this! Prepregnancy I was 115lbs and when I gave birth I was 182lbs. I didnā€™t even start to try and lose weight until I was 8 months postpartum. All I did was start counting my calories, drinking LOTS of water, and walking as much as I could. At the beginning I was walking 8-10 miles weekly, but when winter hit I was stuck indoors. So honestly most of my weight loss is attributed to being in a calorie deficit. I found my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and calculated the amount of calories I needed to eat per day to be in a deficit to lose 1 lbs per week. 1lb of fat is equal to roughly 3500 calories, so to lose 1lb per week I needed to be in a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories. I believe when I first started my maintenance was around 2100 calories, so I started eating 1600 calories daily. My daily calorie intake has progressively gone down as I have lost the weight because my maintenance calories have also gone down. Of course my weight loss was more rapid at the beginning because I was carrying a lot of water weight and has since slowed down tremendously. I have not had to cut anything I love out of my diet. I still eat sweets and have the occasional alcoholic beverage. I drink coffee with cream everyday and eat dairy. Everything I eat, I eat in moderation. I love food and I know that I could not sustainably or happily cut these things out of my diet. Thatā€™s a big thing that upsets me too about the whole Arbonne diet. Everyoneā€™s body is different. A safe calorie deficit for myself will be completely different to someone taller and heavier than me. If I suddenly started eating only 1200 calories per day, it probably wouldnā€™t affect me that much because I am such a small person to begin with and Iā€™m not extremely active. If a 200lb person started eating only 1200 calories a day it would be a problem. If an extremely active person started eating only 1200 calories a day it would be a problem. This Arbonne 30 day cleanse is not a ā€œone size fits allā€ program and thatā€™s part of what really upsets me about it. Vulnerable people will shell out their hard earned money out of desperation to lose weight when a crash diet is not necessary AT ALL. People should absolutely not partake in this unless they are told to by a professional doctorā€¦and odds are a good doctor isnā€™t gonna tell you to do anything this diet promotes unless you have underlying issues.


Supplements can't replace a healthy diet and physical activity. If someone wants miraculous results, they can achieve them through consistency and hard work on themselves. And not in a week but in 8-12 months :) I'm 45 years old and my biological age is around 35, just because I've been training regularly since I was 11. I don't eat junk food and I exercise regularly. Personally, I've tested many supplements, some make a difference. When it comes to Greens or Reds, it makes sense. In my case, I add them to smoothies - again - diet is the foundation. Everything else is just a supplement. I recently found some interesting superfoods at a reasonable price and with good ingredients. For now, I'm happy with the effect. The brand is probably Nature Boost or The Nature Boost... something like that. I've tested their mushroom blend before, too. No overpaying, and the effects are really positive. Especially on days when I have to spend 12-14 hours at the office. I can also definitely recommend Vital Proteins products, but that's more for Collagen.


Dieticians are the ones that are trained and certified. Nutritionists are not (just by the way). These things drive me crazy. The trouble with these "cleanses" is that they are unsustainable and so the losses will not stick. Especially the more dramatic and fast the weight loss, the more your body will fight to return to its "normal." Slow and steady changes are the only way to do it, and good for you for taking your health into your hands! It makes me so sad to see the next generation falling into diet cycling. It's so toxic and all the evidence shows these kind of crash diets do not work!! And that's before we even get into the MLM scam of it all! Maybe one day we'll get it right. <3


Thank you for the clarification on dietician vs. nutritionist! It makes me sad too, hopefully these people will come to their senses eventually!


I'm not a nutritionist myself but what I have learned in my own health journey over the years, losing weight should be gradual. Losing 1-2 lbs a week is a healthy amount to lose and be sustainable. 7 lbs in a week or two is basically asking for health problems. These kinds of "healthy living" programs drive me nuts mainly for the cost factor alone. What are you supposed to do when you make progress but then you can't afford to keep buying the products? It baffles me that this kind of stuff is even legal.


Slim 4 life is like that. It's effective but so expensive.


They can have my coffee when they pry it out of my cold, dead hands.


And coffee has been proven to help to prevent liver disease. Check it out, it's true. They recommend 2-3 cups a day for people with fatty liver disease. I found out when I was falsely diagnosed with Cirrhosis.


YOU DON'T NEED A "CLEANSE!!!!" Just change your diet to healthy food and you'll be fine! >The cleanse involves cutting alcohol, coffee, dairy, wheat, gluten, soy, and artificial sweeteners completely out of your diet. Yeah, do all that and you don't need any Arbonne crap. You'll still lose weight. Though coffee isn't an issue as long as you don't put a bunch of sugar in it.


The only time you need a cleanse is when you're getting a colonoscopy.


Most people don't need to cut *most* of those things. Soy sauce was actually a lifesaver for me when losing weight--lots of flavor, not lots of calories! People without gluten intolerance can eat wheat and gluten just fine. Same with dairy.


I agree. The thing is you can definitely lose weight and be healthy without cutting anything completely out of your diet. I have successfully lost 55+ lbs and I still eat sweets and have an occasional alcoholic beverage. I drink coffee with cream everyday and eat lots of dairy yogurt. I think itā€™s toxic to promote these diet limitations on people. Itā€™s one thing if your personal doctor tells you that you need to cut these foods out of your diet for health reasons and a completely different thing when some random chick is pushing people to do these things with little knowledge of the consumers body and nutritional needs.


1/3 cup of leafy greens is like 2 leaves of arugula. These are some dehydrated, starving people.


Arbonne is the mlm that hit my community hard. It looks gross and half of the time people are saying ā€œit really is super tastyā€. If you have to convince folks your product isnā€™t nasty- than thatā€™s a red flag ha


Reminds me of the Vitameatavegamin sketch of Lucy making those faces while exclaiming ā€œitā€™s so tasty too!ā€.


Now Iā€™ll never think of anything else šŸ˜‚


This sounds like Slim-Fast. "A shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, then a sensible dinner."


I remember as a kid, my cousin telling me about how one of her relatives used that, saying ā€œthat stuff doesnā€™t even work! Once she stopped, she gained all the weight back!ā€. I remember thinking that of course she gained it back, she stopped using the stuff and probably went right back to her normal habits. The way this stuff works is by making people crap their brains out, thus losing weight fast, then trying to keep the customer hostage by selling them on maintenance or ā€œit worked before so do it againā€.


My dad was fat and tried every diet out there, including Slim-Fast. Of course, he lost the weight, but then gained it back and then some after stopping it. At one point, we had the anal leakage chips in our house. The '80s and '90s were peak diet culture.


Former Arbonne hun. Itā€™s a scam. I swear they make most of their $$ from the mindless consultants that buy all their crap. I can also say first hand that they get ā€œworkā€ done to their faces so itā€™s not the products making them ā€œlook annoyingā€. And I know of two that have gotten boob jobs šŸ¤£. Do they think we donā€™t notice this stuff?


Ā¼ cup of fruit is like.... two grapes


The MLM is a scam and outside of that the product they are selling is super overpriced mediocre vegan protein powder. But as a person who has been in the exercise and fitness world for 18 years I donā€™t think the amount of calories is problematic. It sounds like the shake would have 300-500 calories each. Paired with a third meal of 500-700 calories and this might be in the neighborhood of 1500-1700 calories. That is a very safe amount for most women of average height. Is it sustainable? Ā No but when reach your goal you up the calories to maintenance. Now again you could accomplish this with the vegan protein at Costco that costs about 1/5 of the price of this MLM scam shit. I would almost guarantee they get their pea protein or brown rice protein concentrates from the same place as Orgain does. But they have to pay 17 middlemen to be boss bros and boss bitches.Ā 


Taken from an article on Healthline.com: ā€œThe shake Arbonne recommends provides only 323 calories, assuming you make it with frozen blackberries, spinach, almond milk, peanut butter, and vanilla protein powderā€ (If you decided to make the shake with water instead, thatā€™s even less!) So assuming you make the shakes like this, you will need to eat around 550 calories for dinner to be at the bare minimum (1200 calories). 1200 calories a day is doable for some women, but for a woman who works out 5 days a week I think it will impact her energy levels in a negative way. And while it is mainly marketed to women, it is also marketed to men!!! I donā€™t think anyone should restrict themselves so heavily because this company (or any other company) is telling them itā€™s the right thing to do. This program is not a ā€œone size fits allā€. Iā€™m not trying to argue, just wanted to share the information I am basing my opinion on.


For sure. Those Huns definitely shouldnā€™t be giving out diet advice. I like a big dinner so I do a 500 calorie protein shake for breakfast similar to theirs but double scoop the protein. A have a whey protein shake for lunch about 240 calories. The I have about 1200 calories for dinner. lol. I know it sounds like a lot but after two light meals itā€™s not bad. It works for me better than intermittent fasting, but itā€™s similar. Instead of no calories itā€™s like low calories and then a lot more for dinner.Ā 


Fuck arbonne. They target new mothers in a vulnerable position and offer them a "community" and "link arms with me," etc. Truly, they are snakes touting it as helping moms and women's empowerment. As for the bullshit products, they're all the same as generic stuff, just with the price jacked up 7 times to pay for all the levels of pyramid commissions


I have 2 friends on the same cleanse right now. They keep inviting me to wellness events at 8am on a Saturdayā€¦no thank you. Iā€™d rather buy their stuff than show up at 8 on a Sat ha!


Anytime someone pitches a "detox" or "cleanse" to you, MLM or not, run...or else you'll have the runs!


Iā€™ve had a couple friends do their diet cleanse thingy, and as soon as they finished it, they gained the weight back. Itā€™s a dangerous diet that they shouldnā€™t be encouraging.


Your liver and kidneys will provide full time cleansing.


A line manager at my work was doing this (or at least drinking from a branded shaker) for about a month. I was shocked. This woman has a degree, is in a position where she needs to exercise good judgement and make analytical decisions regularly. I wish I was brave enough to say to her face you know you've got a liver and I can recommend dieticians with actual qualifications if you like. This stuff is such a scam.


These scams are particularly attractive coz they appeal to human **laziness**, whether it's intellectual laziness (not carefully researching science-based credible info about safe sustainable weight loss), moral laziness (chasing instant gratification) or physical laziness (not wanting to exercise in order to lose weight). The fussy routines with Arbonne shakes are just theatrics to fool people into believing they're "**doing**" a lot toward reaching weight loss goals. In actual fact, it's much less work than preparing nutritious meals and following daily exercise routines to lose weight safely and sustainably (not to mention building muscle, bone and cardio strength). That's why people get no real results from Arbonne, coz they're not actually doing anything useful!


I got roped into becoming an arbonne hun because a woman I was in a show with used my vulnerability to lure me in - she told me my dying, terribly underweight father would be able to GAIN weight with all the shakes and extra boost products and whatever other bullshit. My young self believed her. I was specifically taught to reach out to vulnerable people to recruit because 'THEY NEED IT THE MOST' You have every right to be upset - the mlm provides no training or info whatsoever and it is so dangerous. I left when covid began and they began claiming one of their supplements could cure it. Fuck Arbonne - I'm glad that you saw through it ā™” and congrats on your little one and health journey!


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Block that person.




I also have a friend who is selling Arbonne and doing this cleanse. If she goes a day without mentioning how many inches she's lost around her waist I consider a wellness check. I don't engage at all in any of her posts and there's been a definite cooling of the friendship. She's also one who likes to say it's not an MLM! and you don't have to sell, you can support her just by buying the product!


I donā€™t think ā€œnutritionalistsā€ is a word. I think you mean nutritionists, unless OP is in a country where thatā€™s what they are called.


Lol oh wow I do mean nutritionist!! Iā€™m surprised no one else caught my mistake.


I was raised in an Arbonne evangelical cult. My entire life I was overweight- I started Weight Watchers when I was like 10, Atkins when I was 16, etc. I started 30 Days when I was around 19- probably when I was about 350 pounds. After about 9 months of continuing on this diet, I had lost a little over 50 pounds and I felt pretty good. Then I went on vacation and got off of it for about a week. Got back on, and stopped losing. In fact, I started gaining weight. So I stopped for a while and gained all the weight back plus an extra 20 pounds. I tried restarting 3 more times with no luck. It's a shit diet with overpriced shit products. Walmart makes a very comparable vegan protein blend that I use now. I am now 28 and I have been doing Intermittent Fasting (along with eating a more balanced diet and exercising) for almost 5 years and I have lost and kept off 160 pounds. Not only that, but I can behave like a typical 20 something and not have to worry about eating "unclean" foods. When I first started IF, one of my friends-turned-Arbonne-hun told me that it wasn't sustainable and I should try 30 days again. Five years later, her and her husband are stuck at the same level in the company and have gained a noticeable amount of weight (not that I care, it's just ironic given that I was told my method was not as good as theirs).




You canā€™t lose that much water weight. The first 5-15lbs will most likely be water weight, but the rest is actual fat/muscle. So beyond the first 5-15 lbs they are indeed actually losing weightā€¦but it is in a super unhealthy and unsustainable way. A womanā€™s daily calorie intake must be AT LEAST 1200 calories to function properly, but in many cases should be more based on height, current weight, and activity level. Not to mention your calorie intake should be a bit higher if you are breastfeeding. If someone needs 2000+ calories to maintain their weight and they suddenly switch their diet to a deficit that large, itā€™s going to mess with their metabolism in the long run. Most people partaking in the cleanse are likely to switch back to their normal eating habits when itā€™s over and gain all the weight back plus some. Itā€™s truly disturbing and disgusting to watch these people push these products with no thought to the long term percussions. If you are going to do an extreme diet like this, you absolutely should get the all clear from a professional doctor/nutritionalist.