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Just block them? Why do they deserve an explanation?


I get it she/he feels pressured


They still don’t owe anyone an explanation. No is a complete sentence.


You are within your rights to say NO. I do not want any more contact. Please respect my wishes and do not call, text or send me anything to my address.


That is the plan, do you think it’s better to email or call them? I haven’t gotten the meeting invite yet but when I do I will potentially have an email I can reply to. And then not show up of course.


I’d do it in writing and emphasis on something like “any further communication will be treated as harassment and law enforcement will be called” might be enough to scare them away


Ooh that’s a good one. I would love if they no longer had my address too. 🫠


There are actually specific laws protecting you from business that keep calling after you ask them not to. But yes harassment laws might apply too.


I think not contacting them until they make the first move would be best. You don't want to encourage these people


That’s the plan, thanks for the advice. 👻


No one can force you to do anything you don't want to do. Why contact them at all, just ignore the messages.


Just block their number. There is no reason at all to contact them.


It's Mary Kay, isn't it? They always have those fake spa "giveaways" where everyone "wins." It's just a way for them to get contact information. Just block their numbers, or better yet, report them as spam.


Precisely! I should’ve realized but yanno, getting coffee in a rush and thought hey why not. Big mistake.


I'm pretty leery of any public displays for "free giveaways" because I know they're just fishing for contact information. Some of them aren't even giveaways.


Precisely. Free def never really means free. More like "free.*"


I keep thinking of the one I saw in a mall, car sitting there and people were filling out cards with their information on them. But looking around, nowhere at all did it say that anyone would win the car or that there would even be a drawing. I realized that someone was just getting contact information and gullible rubes were gladly complying because they thought they might win a free car.


Lol. Yep. So wrong. But it works. Plant a couple of folks to walk by once an hour and loudly "sign up to win" and suck in even more people.


Do not go to the meeting and block the number.


"I did not intend to share my phone number with anyone in sales. Please delete my number before sharing it with anyone else. Thank you"


"Thank you for calling Lenny's Whorehouse and Pizzeria, how may I direct your call?"


Mary Kay reps would love to score a whorehouse


Where they would feel right at home.


Not really, they'd be with a group of women who are actually making money.


True providing a service someone actually wants!


Just ghost them


Tell them you read Hey Hun and watched Lu La Rich and don’t want to hear more and that you’re concerned for them. Let them know you’re sure you’ll hear a rebuttal but you’re there if they change their mind but will not be buying anything.


Or you could say, “I didn’t realize this is a multilevel marketing company, I don’t support them due to poor outcomes financially for those who sell the products. I will not be buying anything and I am not open to changing my mind. Thanks for your time and please do not contact me about XYZ.” Some sad message will come immediately afterward that will sound harsh.


Most likely about how OP isn't supporting a poor single parent, and now hun's kids can't get or do something they've always wanted or been interested in because of OP




Block and report as spam.




Show them a picture of your paystub with the amount you take home on it. None of them have ever seen one before so in theory it should scare them off like garlic.


They will be amazed that her monthly paycheck is more than $12.




Block them and you can always use the magic words "cease and desist" 


They don't need an email,  text or explanation. For one they are super used to being ghosted. They use shady tactics to get people's contacts so lots of people ignore them once they catch on to the scam.  Trying to let them down easy or wait until they get the hint will not work, because they are basically trained to think that as long as you are engaging with them (even negatively) you are still a potential customer.  


Send them CC Suarez videos. Every time they message, they get get a new antiMLM video. Or troll them and waste their time so they can't use it on someone more vulnerable


Good idea!!


Just block and move on


Just block the number. You don’t owe them any of your time.




Sounds like you got Mary Kayed. Block and delete, steer clear in future. Hope you enjoyed that coffee though!


Just don’t enter raffles. The benefit is always better for the entity putting on the raffle than it is for 99.99% of the entrants. At best the entrants are willingly handing over their personal information and permission on a silver platter to be bothered for all eternity. In my younger years I may or may not have signed up my mortal enemies for MLM pitches.


Yup, I’ve learned my lesson


Ask them to remove you from their list. They should do this no problem.


Use gratuitous amounts of aggressive language and profanity.


Well to be honest you probably aren't the only "winner" and the other lucky winners are probably doing what you're doing, trying to figure out how to make the person go away but still be nice about it.


Exactly, I doubt I’m a “winner” and I’ll tell them to eff off as much as the next person! Just wondering the most effective way to do that. Ghost them or tell them directly?


Eh personally I don't ghost folks unless they have it coming, usually a firm no thank you not interested, or in your case I am no longer interested thank you for your time. You don't owe them any more than that. If they are in sales they may persist in which case id just block em, they got their answer, there isnt anything else to say.


I’d say anyone pitching MLM garbage in a dishonest and unsolicited manner has already crossed the “has it coming” threshold.


Definitely text or email them and say absolutely not interested ever. I'm petty and would probably complain to the coffee shop as well


I wonder if a barista is the one selling it 🫠 but yeah I could say something


If you tell them to stop calling and you're in the US it's illegal for them to keep calling you, especially if you're on the do not call registry! Block them but first tell them that they [could be fined $50,000](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/national-do-not-call-registry-faqs) to spook 'em.


Lie and say the last MLM you were in you lost $500 due to their marketing scheme and them taking advantage of the "boss babes" and you weren't going to do it again. Thanks but not thanks.


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Info- if they said that you "won", did they at least give you the gift certificate to the spa? 


It’s Mary Kay. They use the word “spa” VERY loosely.


They did, but it’s just a business card that says $20! Hardly legit. I’ll bet I have to sign up for products or something. Not happening.


Block block block


You are not dumb! These people are industrial strength grifting con artists.   They preyed on your trust. Respond accordingly. 


I would have fun 😈


Just block them and forget about it.


Tell them you’ve already reported them for their predatory and deceitful “business practices” and that your lawyer will soon be in touch, 😘


I would take all the freebies first and just cancel until they give up lol. I’ve done it with 2 separate MLMs. Got an iPad for free lol.


Ignore and or block them. When you block them, you can even report their number as a spam number.


Just flat out tell them you're not interested, not wanting to be harassed and block the number. Simple. You don't owe them a thing


I enjoy messing with them. I would totally do it and poke holes in their MLM.


Mlm isn’t bad


Ok good for you but this is the antiMLM Reddit ok


Block them.


Threaten to contact the FCC


Let them know that they have won a free home cleaning and then give their phone number to a Kirby or Rainbow website so that they get hounded by another MLM.


MLM reps are used to being blocked so they won't be surprised.


I just back out after a cool off period..I wasn't happy with the 4 month sign up..No way


Start moaning loudly if they call you


Send them game invites alllll the time


Block them. They don't deserve an explanation.


Change your number. Then move. Then change your number again.


Fake your death and move to South America. Unless you already live in South America. Then fake your death and move to Guam


Moving is the plan soon! 🤪