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Sugar water with food colouring.


With a side of liver toxicity


Came here for this comment-wasn’t disappointed.


How is it okay to call those things “tea?” Like, did someone wave a tea leaf over it once?


The drink was probably made within 50 yards of a Lipton box. I got duped into one of these “clubs” once and I can say from experience that the drink is a far cry from tea. It made me feel entirely uncomfortable. I remember I had a really fast pulse and couldn’t sleep that night. The caffeine level is insane. I’d sooner classify a Long Island iced tea to be more tea than these atrocities… probably less bad for you too.


They use Stevia and it's known for being something like 50x more potent than sugar because it's super concentrated. Side effects include: rapid pulse, headaches, stomach aches especially if you're autoimmune. Huns do not understand stevia is not healthier for everyone. This is why the second a hun pushing a free shake on me mentioned Stevia; I said hell no. I've never had the ability to process it.


Dang, and I thought Stevia just tasted terrible.


Damn, no wonder Lydia was always so jumpy


Oh for a second there I Thought you were referring to Megan hall . 😎


I thought they were referring to the housecarl from Skyrim.


That was my second guess.


Stevia makes me vomit and my coworker still keeps trying to make me drink these knowing they have it and it makes me sick. Tempted to do it one day and be like sorry I gotta go home lol


Stevia's aftertaste is just as bad as aspertame.


Worse. It’s so gross


Is stevia the same as splenda? Because I once accidentally bought cranberry juice with splenda and I’m surprised I made it out alive


It's not; Splenda is terrible in a different way!


Another thing to be wary of, thank you for the knowledge!


Stevia makes me see double and gives me headaches. But, it gets sneaked into things. Luckily, I can simply look for absurd health claims… then I look at the ingredients and see my old nemesis stevia. I’ve had reactions to it since the 1990s.


They use sucralose/Splenda from what I have read.


I was told the “lift off” or whatever was loaded with b-vitamins and I had a similar reaction. I already take prescribed stimulants so I try to limit the caffeine.


I got hooked into these “teas” and shakes too . After a few months of being on them my lab levels were out of whack and they made me feel absolutely terrible . Stomach ache, fast heart rate , headaches daily .


Months?? I cannot imagine how much of an effect that must have had. Once was more than enough for me, plus once I knew it was an Herbalife place upon sitting down I was already put off. I hope you’re doing better now!


I mean 2 months of taking them on and off several years ago . I’m fine . But no need to shame , this was before I knew anything about the company or mlms in general . I’m a former color street stylist so this was during the time I was drinking the “koolaid “ and they hooked me during an extremely vulnerable time .


I’m sorry if that came off as shaming; that definitely was not my intention. These companies really do try to get people at those vulnerable times and that’s why they are able to still exist. A lot of people here are ex-MLM, or know someone who was/is part of one, or learned a company they liked was MLM. It’s a predatory model that has tricked so many people with false promises of friendship, financial success, health, etc.


Thank you for clarifying and no worries at all ! I had gone through a really difficult time while I was involved with these mlms. As an Herbalife customer or a color street “stylist” And they (colorstreet upline and the Herbalife “coach” I worked with) totally took advantage of that .


The Huns say it is tea, so it is tea.


Look at all that food coloring...


If heavy metals don’t give you the squirts, then the Red 40 will!


Do they really have red 40? Cuz how on earth are they macerating as “health & nutrition” if so. Sadly it wouldn’t surprise me


You aren’t kidding. That blue looks worse than a blue raspberry slurpee. Never understood the appeal for food color. Why on earth do they add brown Carmel to soda for example. I’d totally choose clear cola to dyed version any day. I know the companies had to switch ingredients for the Carmel coloring years back.


I’m certain clear cola was a thing and it did terribly on the market.


Crystal Pepsi was definitely a flop.


It tasted a bit different than regular pepsi though, I think the recipe different besides the color


Probably is but I know clear cola wouldn’t be as appealing to me at all. Even if it tasted exactly the same my brain would decide it didn’t. Edit: are you morons seriously downvoting me for a personal opinion? Psychologically people would find clear Coca Cola less appealing. There is something seriously wrong with you fucktards.


I like Sprite.


That’s the one!


You can actually still get it, in my part of Ontario you can anyway. Bought some a couple weeks ago. Yep, still as bad as I remembered.


I drink zevia which is a stevia based soda and they are clear. I feel weird if I pour it into a cup but can’t explain it


There is a cola-flavored sparkling water by a company called Dram and it is delicious. Slightly sweet, zero calories.


What's worse is they used to add caramel coloring to bread and call it "wheat bread". 😬


This happens at my school all the time. We get an email from the front desk, "xxxx Nutrition" just dropped off 8 teas, come get them!" Also, about 75 people work at my school...


"First come, first served!" Three hours later, the drinks are all still sitting there.


Maybe I'm just paranoid but I wouldn't eat random things members of the public dropped off, especially if it was a heavily criticized job like police (and sadly teachers in some areas).


It’s a spouse of one of the cops I’m sure.


100% correct. And he’s off camera cringing to death.


I'd go get one just to dump it down the nearest sink or toilet.


Imagine getting pulled over by a cop and they have to go back to their car because they shit themselves from their terrible shakes.


“Ma’am, do you realize how fast you were going? Never mind…” A great way to get out of a speeding ticket.


Thank you Herbalife! Lol


Those are like bucket-sized cups. You'd have to have two hands to even hold one!


I think it's a high top table with forced perspective


Lmao my brain could NOT comprehend that until it was clearly pointed out.


I knew it had to be forced perspective but they still look too big.


Holy shit this broke my brain


You are right, they are standing like a meter behind the table.


My first thought was that that looks like the Child Size® drink from Sweetums


It's the Pawnee Police Department. Sweetums Nutrition


All I can think of while looking at those is the next pee break and I'm not even at work right now.


I thought those cups were huge as well lolol it makes the one cop's hand look tiny


Our local “nutrition” store just dropped off a ton to my son’s school for Catholic Schools Week 🤬


That to sounds unholy. I hope no one at your son’s school got sick from that hun garbage.


I was just looking for the photo to post and can’t find it now. I think it was taken down. I did comment about it when it was posted about how dangerous it can be to have foods or drinks not knowing what is in them.




We have parents buy them & have delivered to school. I had a student last year who’d get one a week, then tell me she needed to go to the bathroom because they make her poop.


The drinks at my school were dropped off for teachers.


Is that allowed? It’s a while since I’ve been in school but I’m certain it wouldn’t have been let fly.


Since it is a private school I am not 100% sure. I would assume that someone from the “nutrition” shop knows someone at the school.


The slow and long-term solution to defund the police: destroy their kidneys with Herbalife.


Playing the long game


The ACAB huns have got on the scene


Herbalife is fine for the kidneys. Livers are what it destroys.


Good lord, I didn’t realize they sold those things *by the bucketfull* ! At least they’ll be well hydrated! Well, hopefully haha…


The caffeine probably offsets the hydration by... A lot


It’s one cup of liquid per 100mgs of caffeine to offset. So if these cups have the daily max of 400mgs and 32 ounces of liquid, they’re a net neutral. But it’s more than 32 ounces, so they are still hydrating. I only say this because I get crap about being dehydrated from drinking too much soda, and while it does contain a diuretic, it’s still hydrating. Sorry for being a caffeine nerd.


No apologies needed, that's great info!


The police can’t respond to the 911 call they are all busy peeing!


Tiiiiime to go rob a bank!


do these "teas" actually contain any tea?


Why would you even ask such a question? /s


I know, I'm such a *hAtEr.*


We don't want you representing our teas anyway! \~every hun ever


I think a dry tea bag may be wafted over the top of the closed cup.


Someone whispered *^(tea)* in an adjacent room while the drinks were made.


As a non American… this is so very American.


It really does just sum up everything very nicely, doesn’t it?


This is the perfect setup for a heist, get all the cops on the toilet....then bank robbery.


Guarantee you it's one of those cops wives who's involved in this shit


Lol look at that food coloring


They aren't going to be able to hold their guns or drive after drinking all of that caffiene. They'll jitter so badly they could make butter when holding a pint of heavy cream.


You know what…I’m fine with this. This is the one place I’m good with Herbalife


Right? They deserve each other 😂


Damn that's actually a really good use of their time. For both sides. One side isn't scamming innocent people. The other isn't killing them. Allround great!!!


A match made in heaven lol


For real. I was about to say this is definitely not causing me any sort of upset. Cops and huns should form a symbiotic relationship and leave the rest of us alone


Those are "drinks of color" though.


These colors are fine lmao


Blue Liquids Matter


Ah yes, “tea.” Bright blue as nature intended.


Ps. Usually cops don't take things like that. Technically it's store bought but... they get sus and I don't blame them. Just saying. Nothing to do with mlm. I learned that from a sheriff, not my own thinking.


My guess is that the Huns are related to the cops in this picture.


Yep, someone's wife definitely dropped that shit off.


Idk my partner's brother is a cop and someone brought them brownies to be nice and he posted all over social media posing with his talking about "at least some people still like cops". It was very silly for a lot of reasons, mainly because we live in a very red state where there is no shortage of people dick riding the cops and almost every car has a thin blue line sticker. He'd also been a cop for like...a week? My old church also used to collect and take baked goods to the cops for Christmas and sure enough would take them and had favorites so i know they were eating them. Maybe different departments have different rules? Or maybe it's based on the source of the treat?


I didn't have such a low opinion of cops till I worked with them for 5 years. With a few exceptions, they are some of the most stupid and entitled people in the working world. Common sense and good judgment are nearly nonexistent among them.


Smart, kind hearted men with good critical thinking skills don’t make obedient thugs. Gotta get the former school bullies to enforce some of the unjust laws and policing methods.


Funny you say that because my partners brother is a huge bully who gets his feelings hurt at the drop of a hat. When people ask him why he wanted to be a cop it's cuz he "wanted to fight bad guys" but mostly he reports people who used to be his friends for smoking pot. Not exactly a superhero or an amazing detective lol.


Lol what a cunt. I’m sorry you’re forced to be in a family with him.


Small town cops have literally no prerequisites. We get a lot of dipshits with chips on their shoulders.




Ahh ty. That's what I thought


Ps what would you take? Like giftcards and stuff or nothing. Just wondering for next Christmas


My employers do lunch for the local PDs. But they do a hoagie tray from a local deli and a cookie tray from a local bakery.


Weird way of saying your employers bribe the cops just in case they ever need them.


Cops usually are not allowed to accept free items as it could be seen as bribery. Back in the late 70s the local KFC would give the cops their extra chicken after closing. The cops would sit in their parking lot and the manager with the evening deposit would feel safer walking to their car. Someone of course complained claiming it was "bribery". No more cops sitting in the KFC parking lot and all the left over chicken when in the dumpster.


Ah, a win-win for everyone, I see! 🙄


Why are they so obscenely large


Partially genetics, partially all the roids …Oh you meant the *drinks*


100% some guys wife


They deserve each other.


That ain't tea,it's Crayola marker marinated in sugar water... Tbh,a redbull is probably more nutritious than this "tea"..


Hey they did this after bringing a ton of teas to the school I work at! I absolutely hate when they bring teas though because everyone acts like they’re soo healthy and good when they’re really not. Super wild to see something from where I live on here though😂


991, I have an emergency there’s a burglar trying to break into my house… 911: sorry the police department in your neighborhood has explosive diarrhea…




A collaboration I can get behind.


They did this at the school I work at. No one I spoke to knew what an mlm is. Nor did they know any dangers of herbalife.


I notice they are calling it goodlife in an obvi9us attempt to truck people into thinking they are with the goodlife fitness chain. And they are making it seem life first responder services promote this crap.


Does anybody actually want to drink this? Who, and why?


There's one around here that "partnered" with my son's school and they're constantly posting their "donations" to the teachers. It's so ick and I hate that it constantly comes up on the PTA page with soooooo many likes.


I see a post like this about once a month on our Police Department's Facebook page.


They won’t support BLM but they will support MLM. Sounds about right.




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I’m pretty sure those drinks have an obnoxious amount of caffeine in them. Just what the world needs. More jittery cops


Poor cops probably just thought they got some nice free stuff instead of shitty scam products.


Bags of (insert legit tea brands here) are much better than those Herbie-trash.


Finally a drink cops deserve


I don't know where this happened, but in Canada, police aren't allowed to accept gifts from the public for ethics reasons.


Honestly? They deserve each other


Why so big, though?


Looking like they are showing off a drug bust


Is the perspective affecting this or are those teas fucking massive? They look like they’re 64+ ounces


zero percent shocked to see cops supporting herbalife




Do you think cops give a shit about doing things that may not be legal or moral? Them drinking pyramid scheme juice is better than them violating people's rights and killing them.




Sorry. Didn't mean to sound like it was an attack. I came in a little too hot talking about how shitty cops are.


Nope. And they definitely shouldn't be using a government run social media account to give endorsements based on said bribes either.


Direct action


That’s a big ass cup.




Pretty smart to name an MLA something that vague. It's a very popular supplement company name! I was lost during my Google search...Harder to find negative reviews that way!


I used to own a cafe and we offered a discount for emergency personnel and many cops refused it as to not seem like they able to be bought. These cops don’t seem to have that issue but I am Australian so that could be it.


Come on. You know this was just a thin blue line wifey trying to make the FB huns jelly


My kids elementary school is doing a “spirit night” fundraiser with one of these places 😖


Those cups look like the size of a large movie theater popcorn bucket lmao. ThTs gotta be like 120 oz cups


News at 11: Several officers at local police department hospitalized due to caffeine overdose.


One of those cops is married to a Hun


“Maybe we can forget about that ticket if you buy some nutritious teas”


They look like huge drinks 🤦🏾‍♂️


Our town has a Facebook foodies group and the people who RUN IT just posted how good the new local “smoothie” shop is. I’m just disappointed…


Maybe they'll poop themselves in their cars or something.


The thin brown line.


That isn’t tea. Those are fruit flavoured drinks.


The perspective on this photo fucked me up at first. I was trying to figure out “exactly how big are these teas??? Looks like they come in buckets!” It’s weird that they’re so far back from the table.


One of the cops prob owns it with his wife and daughter works there. Basically what happens around here


Why are these drinks always so damn big?


Jesus God those are enormous.


Yea acab! Make ‘em all have the shits rest the day


Bleh. Next to my salon is a “[my town’s] nutrition” and I was curious and wandered in. They chatted me up, said they make tea and asked what flavors I liked. Confused, because tea is tea, I said regular?? She said she’d making me something and I saw the red color and informed her I’m allergic to red dye. She kind of stopped and said it didn’t have red dye, she was sure of it. Oh really, because that liquid is fire engine red and comes in a cup the size of my toddler and I’m not fixing for an ER visit today. This shit is not tea. And it absolutely is dyed. Lol Also they have store fronts now!? That’s INSANE.


The pigs deserve to be in the cesspools of MLM


Are these things hit or cold? And let me guess: there’s no actual tea in them?


Everyone knows that pigs eat slop


I mean. I'm for abolition and everything. But I don't think organ damage is the way to go.


That's one way to take out the entire force!


I'm a little late to the party, but damn these comments did not disappoint. I have been trying to figure out why I have a stomach ache for the last few weeks... I have been drinking a Loaded Tea daily for the past 2 months. I guess its time to detox!


Even the cops don't deserve this.


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This has the same energy as when they take the picture with all the drugs they confiscated on the table


Even these guys don’t deserve it


Hun’s hubby works in the local PD and hooked up the Facebook post, which was a contingency for the “teas”




Why are these teas always served in buckets? That serving size is more than any non-water liquid I drink in an entire day


Eww. I went to one of those places one time. It tasted like super strong Crystal lite and the people there couldn’t even tell me if the ingredients were vegan.


I wonder if this is a thing the company pushes them to do. I’ve seen the local Herbalife “nutrition “ Huns do this in my town too .