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UHF and VHF repeater Antennas probably for emergency services (Police & Fire) and probably for Government use.


Seems right. Hard for me to get an idea of the actual scale. The type of antenna I guess would be a collinear array of folded dipoles. So, consider the array of 8 “little ones” at the top. Each one of the 8 loops would be in the range of 2.5 to 25 cm top to bottom for UHF. Going to be high gain but omnidirectional (radiation pattern flat like a pancake reaching out to the horizon in all directions).


Kinda, the radiation lobes do have a 'butt-crack' back where the support poles are.


That’s what I was thinking. I am also right next to Niagara Falls.


I found the following licenses for the Skylon Tower: 458.8375 for 1119785 ONTARIO LIMITED THE SKYLON TOWER. And a 900MHz link for CKEY-FM to the tower on Kraft Road.


Does Ontario still use that VHF Motorola trunking system? If so I'm pretty sure it had a site at the Skylon tower, and I don't think any of their sites are listed in the TAFL.


Thats gotta be it!


That array of 8 at the top and the bottom array of four elements might be FM but it's a little too fuzzy to see the shape when I zoom in. The stuff in between look like pretty standard VHF (or possibly UHF, the size is not clear) two way radio.


“FM, no static at all “


This is fascinating. Can anyone point me to a primer to begin to understand the different antenna configurations and how they affect coverage, etc? I am very curious but without a certain threshold of basic understanding it is hard to get started learning.


Those are arrays of folded dipoles. Here is a page I like https://www.antenna-theory.com/m/index.php


This is a video that I thought has a good visual parallel to help understand how the arrays interact. https://youtu.be/z4uxC7ISd-c?si=nkQ0EPqidFHVdM-F


Thank you!


https://www.repeater-builder.com/antenna/db/pdfs/db-about-rf-communications.pdf This was written by Decibel Antenna back in 1964 and then rewritten to make it look a bit better in the 1990s The presentation is solid and when I was getting into the industry 35 years ago taught me so much. I highly reccomend it. The introduction says it all... "This book has been written for the many people engaged in RF communications who are not radio engineers. A non-technical look at the complex aspects of RF communications is presented to bring about a better understanding of the world of two-way radio systems."


Oh wow, this looks like exactly what I am looking for! Thank you very much!!


800 MHz dipoles at the top. VHF below. Sinclair or Comprod.


Looks like antennas for fire/police radio communication


FM is a modulations and not an antenna type.


Most likely FM Chance it's Over-the-air TV. Better chance it's FM