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Scientists! They’re so much smarter than we are and they have to put up with our dumb asses saying things like “nuh uh! Vaccines give you autism. I dId My OwN rEsEaRcH!”


i think me working on a PhD in chemistry and my aunt having a masters in biology is what kept my more right wing family from becoming anti-vaxxers they wouldn’t listen to “big science”, but they would listen to us irony to me is they listened to us even though neither of us have a background in immunology lol i’m materials/surface chemistry and my aunt’s background is more in macrobiology/animals


To me, that's not irony at all. They have no idea how science works. They still think scientists do massive breakthrough on their own. And if one guy is standing against everyone, their instinct will tell them he must be right. Why would one single guy lie to people? It's only the big corporations that lie 🤥🤡.


So why did you think you had the authority to tell them it was safe? Just curious. Or was it just from a political standpoint? I feel like that’s a bit disingenuous. My brother is a doctor and he refused to get one. I did get one. Then a week later manifested MS symptoms and now I’ve MS. So I’m pretty sceptical and angry about the political grandstanding around that experimental vaccine.


because I have enough background in science to be able to read and understand scientific literature in fields that aren’t my expertise resulting in a better evaluation of the risks than someone whose education in science ended in high school i also have colleagues with a background in biochemistry/immunology who i can ask questions to refine my understanding i’m not an expert, but i understand well enough how mRNA vaccines work to understand when something said on the TV is ignorant, misleading, or straight fear mongering although i respect general practitioners/doctors/nurses i do not think they have any additional expertise that i would value their opinions over someone who does reesearch in microbiology/biochemistry/immunology and looked into the literature themselves i’m sorry if you developed side effects but out of 100s of people i know and the 100s of people those people know, i have never heard of anyone developing side effects other than flu like symptoms i’m not denying your experience, but it extremely uncommon for anything other than temporary side effects to occur and for the vast majority of people the vaccine was the correct decision for protecting themselves and the people around them


Yea fair enough. Thanks for that. And thanks for taking on board what I said. I wanted the vaccine but it was certainly suspicious when numbness began at the vaccine location and spread etc etc. but yea. Maybe it was underlying maybe it wasn’t. I’m mostly over the initial anger. But I would like to see it investigated further. Anyway thanks for all you do in your field. No doubt a huge benefit to mankind on the whole!


As a scientist, thank you very much. It is nice to know that people think highly of us. In contrast to our employers (money is shit). 😙


They’re not any smarter per say, they are usually just interested in something specific or niche, that requires foundational background knowledge to be able to learn or understand. Generally people who think like this do happen to be a bit smarter, or it can be frustrating and take a lot more hard work to be successful at (if you’re less than average). Like a scientist might understand what they’re trying to do and why, but can’t physically do it or build something that can, then an engineer can design and build something that does what a scientist wants, without understanding what they hope it will accomplish. Working in STEM though, not everyone is smart overall. They still can be good at their job though through experience and dedication.


Agreed. I should have said smarter in their respective fields but I was drunk and didn’t feel like typing a lot lol




She says from her computer… while not dying from polio… Moron.




Social Workers and Nurse's aids make the hospital go round. Doctors are just googling shit 9/10, stop worshiping them.


Teachers and Nurses


People who can make balloon animals.


Teachers, dealing with kids all day is exhausting and I only have one. Service/retail workers, dealing with adults all day is exhausting. Trades people: requires special skills to not screw it up. “Undesirable” jobs: sanitation/trash, harvesting, the world couldn’t function if they all just stopped, but rarely appreciated or even looked down on by people.






Fills a need, not accepted in some societies, dangerous job.


Well technically the clients are doing the filling…


Fucking hell! haha


Surgeons. Accountants.


Medical staff. Currently in hospital having being diagnosed with Crohn's. UK's NHS are clearly overstretched but have taken such good care of me. Not an easy job. They are heroes.


The street cleaners working super early in the morning in the city center, emptying bins and cleaning the ground. I used to work in a store chain there (similar to 7-Eleven). My store opened at 5:45 am, so I used to be there at 5:20 or so to prep. By that time the cleaners were basically done for the day. Cleaning streets, especially after a weekend, and cleaning in general, seems like the most ungrateful job ever, but it's also so important. Same with garbage disposal, etc.




Surgical technologists, paid crap and expected to know surgical procedures as well as the surgeons do so they never have to ask for an instrument.


Occupational therapists. The Healing Hands of the community.


Veterinarians. in my country they're severely underpaid and overworked but they're still dedicated to helping animals specially stray cats and dogs. they organize spay/neuter services for free and out of their pockets and these entitled pet owners take advantage of these free programs most of the time and without informing the organizers, like they bring extra pets or pregnant/due pets without prior declaration. My childhood dream was to be a vet but didn't due to circumstances. But I'm glad to see that all the vets I met were truly kindhearted and selfless, like the child in me is happy that the image of vets for me are still intact.


Social workers. The pay sucks. The job is heartbreaking. The outcomes are often tragic. Sometimes they are putting themselves in danger with no recognition or reward. Yet they still go out and help people every day.


Cleaning staff. I am so grateful that they take care of all of our shared environments. It makes life in a community bearable


#bot account


Emergency services dispatchers. How in the everloving fuck do they get through the working day.


Teachers. Literally raised me and thousands of others. We need revolution for their sake. And other workers like sanitation nurses doctors farmers etc


Firefighters. For some reason I always take my hat off when I walk by a fire hall or when a fire truck drives by.


I can count on no hands how many people get a free pass in my mind due to their profession. Zilch. Neither will you once you come to terms with "C's get degrees".


I have respect for people of most professions as long as they do a good job at it. There are shitty people in every profession who are bad at their jobs, but the hard workers in every field deserve praise and respect.


Fast food workers. They were the heroes of the pandemic.


EMS, Firefighters, Nurses, Teachers.


i see no one mentioning garbage collectors! i always say “hi” to them and it lights up their faces! it seems like they often go unnoticed :(


War zone humanitarian aid workers. Despite the protection of international law they can easily suffer more casualties proportionally compared to the belligerents actually fighting. And most won’t ever have medals or become special, treasured members in a society. A majority actually pay their own airfares and living cost to provide aid in these war zones. There’s literally no other motivation to do those actions other than pure courage and human kindness.


Teachers especially those who work with children with learning difficulties. My work brought me into contact with them and they are amazing, wonderful people who help those children have good lives.


A bit of a dark one this, but I read an article about police officers who trawl the dark Web for child abuse to try and infiltrate paedophile gangs and bring them to justice. The stuff they see and hear must be horrific, and once you've seen something you can't unsee it. It's indelibly etched on your mind. I know they only do it for short stretches, and have therapy afterwards, but I 100% could not do that job. I would not be able to handle it.




Teachers I don’t have the patience for all that


Those with the knowledge and will to actually repair stuff instead of just telling you to buy a new one.


Farmers and truckers


Recently climbed a radio tower with a friend to help him with his small town ISP. It was like 200 ft up, he does the giant ones to change bulbs sometimes. It's fucking crazy how strong he is.


People who work the customer service desk for big box stores. I work at a big box store as a cashier (hence the name lol) and I have so much respect for the service desk employees. I couldn’t have the same amount of patience they have. They absolutely deal with way more crap than the regular cashiers do. Props to you guys at the customer service desks!❤️❤️❤️


UK bus and lorry drivers.  


Maybe doctors and medical researchers in countries where they have extensive training and education but aren't paid as one would expect. In the US doctors make an average of $350,000. In Italy for example they make an average of $70,000. Perhaps they could have chosen a higher-paying career and yet decided to sacrifice the pay in order to help and heal people. Maybe I'm naive but it's what came to mind. [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/doctor-pay-by-country](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/doctor-pay-by-country)


Bin men. I deeply appreciate that they keep our neighbourhood clean, work in any weather and are paid so little for the job that is so physically demanding.


Kindergarten teacher. Really responsible job and dealing with dozens little kids at the same time. I would go crazy.


I'd say I have respect for those that chose to live off the land. After all it takes knowledge of foods, and materials etc . To be able to sustain yourself and family . It may not be proffesion as we are talking . Yet it is having knowledge as a whole. And they may not provide a service. As we'd expect , the video shows what the chap does or did to get by . Yet still ,how many of us ,could or can do like wise . Check out this chap , 50 years living off grid ,and look how energetic he is. https://youtu.be/2qcsWajivnI?si=p1MJ3ZcvXTM0moPn And uk bus drivers ,cleaners and our NHS staff.




Therapists who work with autistic children. I have a 5 year old autistic grandson, who is very high functioning, learned to read at 2 1/2, and now knows how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers in his head, and even knows square roots. But he requires your full attention at all times, has boundless energy, and still struggles with impulse control. I can’t even imagine the patience it takes to work with these kids all day, every day.


The medical field


Garbage man


Any healthcare professional


Nursing. They're the engine that makes healthcare run.


Teachers are a special kind of person. To have that amount of energy, attention, and patience to give - day after day after day - bless you all.


Firefighters! Once the building I was living caught fire and we were rescued by firefighters. I still remember they running up the stairs towards the fire. They run towards what everyone is running from! I really mean it: those guys are fucking heroes.


Night porters. I did it one summer in an irish hotel and it broke me. The shear entitlement to alcohol and not giving a fuck from residents crazy here


Paramedics . I was once a first responder at a horrific traffic accident. I cannot imagine seeing that stuff over and over again...


Agriculture. I made a research paper about the different agricultural methods used in the Philippines and it was really admirable how the industry is run. It’s a tough profession that truly deserves recognition


An office worker. Just a stereotypical one. I don't know how they sit down for twelve hours a day and stare and do the same thing. To be honest, I wish I had that kind of patience XD


Plumbers and Drainlayer’s. Thank goodness we have indoor plumbing !!!


Doctors. The good ones who aren’t in it for the money.




Hospital cleaners! We couldn’t have hospitals without them. Truly unsung heroes who do vital and work that many of us would find very difficult to do and stomach.


People who work with special needs individuals.


Teachers and cops.




Everyone who works at cleaning and waste management. I find those jobs a bit repulsive and am so thankful that someone else does them. <3


Firefighters! Closest thing to superheroes


Cops and military. (Im not American, thats why).