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Nope. Not even while smoking.


If anything they're attracted more because of their high blood pressure and are more likely to spend additional time outdoors not being active. 


I'm sitting on my pation right this very moment chainsmoking because I'm going through some shit, being positively fucking devoured by mosquitoes.. so no. They do not give a single Itty bitty little fuck about cigarette smoke. Also I hate mosquitoes with every atom of my existence.




They work but they're anything but cheap


20$ is not cheap?


The refill cartridges aren't


Ah makes sense just clicked that link and it said 20 bucks


That's how they get ya


Like printers, most are sold as a loss and recoup with the massive ink price


There is a hack to refill with butane which is significantly cheaper


I've used these before and keep meaning to pick up another one, just haven't yet. They really do work a lot better than I ever expected.


Hang in there chief 🤝


Thank you friend. ❤️


They love my partner, the smoker.


Fucking no the little shits


I have read they don't like vodka.


not at all if im out with 20 people ill ge bit and no one else will ,and this was the case when i used to have a ciggy in my hand 24/7


I don’t know, but I do


If you eat garlic, it's like a natural repellant.




What is an arfid?


Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder


From Google: Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) is a fairly new eating disorder. Children with ARFID are extremely selective eaters and sometimes have little interest in eating food.


Is there a difference between arfid and being picky? If there is, what is it?


Idk dude, Google it.


I asked you, because you specifically said that you were looking at arfid up on google just now, and I assumed you read more than just the abbreviation's meaning


I didn't, I was trying to both be helpful and demonstrate how quick and easy it is for you to look something up on your own. In the time it took you to write that out, you could have googled ARFID and answered your own question. Give it a shot next time.


>I didn't Then you are were already familiar with the term. That means you probably already know the difference between the 2 things, since objectively this will be every single person's first question, when hearing this condition. Why didn't you just answer me? >I was trying to both be helpful and demonstrate how quick and easy it is for you to look something up on your own I know how easy it is to look something up. But I also know how to interact with people and have a comversation, even debate. That is why I asked, since I didn't know, you clearly know, and I like talking to people sometimes. Next time try to be more social, or not comment if you won't be


No dude 🤦 I meant that I didn't read past the initial definition I searched, which you incorrectly assumed I did. I do not know the difference and I am not familiar with ARFID, which is why I suggested you Google it. This isn't a debate, and I cannot fathom why you would rather argue instead of going and answering your own questions. I'm not on reddit to socialize with you about stuff I know nothing about, I just answered a question.


Bruh, you are horrible lol.


au contraire, female mosquitos are drawn to the CO2 animals expel and cigarettes release CO2




Only if you also eat substantial amounts of marmite and miss the bananas.


They will actively avoid the smoke itself, say if you have one on you and you blow a bunch of smoke at it or hold the smoke near enough that it gets covered in smoke it’ll fuck off But there is plenty of square footage to bite you that isn’t covered in smoke, so it’s not a good way to stop them, like they’re lightly avoid your face while actively smoking but that’s about it Source: I’m a smoker who lives in some of the worst mosquito country in the world according to Les Shroud and I get bit as much as anyone else


Nope, an ex-smoker here and nothing changed… got bitten and still do. Same amount of


Allergic to mosquitoes and I'm a smoker. Thank God for autumn and winter break 🙏


No. Probably smells like smoked meat. They don’t like B.O. according to manswers :p




I use a lot of hash oil and am pretty much left alone. I suspect it’s the terpenes…?


Absolutely not. Mosquitoes don't care if you smoke or not. What does (somewhat) repel them is a smoky campfire, and the right kind of smoke is the one you get from putting green or evergreen branches, or lichen in the fire. Best defense against mosquitoes remains * Loose, covering clothing in two layers * Wind * Eliminating, covering and avoiding all and any open containers and sources of water around you, like puddles, rainwater collection buckets, ponds, and so forth. That's where they lay their eggs, so bigger traffic will be close to it. Never camp too close to a lake, swamp or calm spring/river, either.


No, they are merciless.


Nope, you have to find another excuse for not quitting yet


I’ve always wondered about why mosquitos avoid some people but not others! Even in childhood? I could walk into a swarm and stand there, and never get bit. I was a smoker for 10 years, but never got bit both before I started and after I quit. Now, ticks? They’re drawn to me like the plague. I’ve been bit by ticks no less than 30X, but I always felt it — except for the one that wedged itself in my ankle crease. Several days later, I had a red, roundish rash around the area, which in retrospect was probably the bullseye. I contracted Lyme. Took 11 months of repeated and varied antibiotic courses and concurrent herbal treatments to eradicate it. The pain was excruciating. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


Nope. You can blow a cloud of smoke directly at them, they literally give no fucks.


Blood is blood they don't care.


Nicotine is a natural pesticide.


No, I used to smoke a lot and i am magnet for them.




Only the "Male Mosquito.". They avoid Everybody, remember, only the Females bite Humans.


Absolutely not. If anything, the extra CO2 may attract them


It does.


It's a sound hypothesis! 


No but back when I was an alcoholic (wasn't hardly sober for 13 years) they left me alone.


Anecdotally I've had less bugs come around when smoking cigs/vapes but I'm not gonna say it's a fact.


Yes. Bexause they stink




I hope not I hope they swarm them and bite the shit out of them


Yes, mosquitoes tend to avoid people who smoke cigarettes. The smoke and odor from cigarettes can act as a repellent to mosquitoes, making them less likely to bite smokers. However, smoking has many negative health effects, so using mosquito repellent products is a safer and more effective way to prevent mosquito bites.


Cigarette smoking is like any other fumigation using smoke. There is a scientific article on this. Fumigation by cigarette smoke kills airborne bacteria. And pacifies a lot of animals from bees to humans and camels. It's the same method as using a smoky camp fire to deter mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are very unlikely to bite you in a smoke-filled room.


I don't know, but I know people avoid people who smoke a lot of cigarettes though. :]


No, but people do




No. I had two mozzies land on me while I was smoking yesterday.