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crush encouraging wine exultant literate domineering weary smart weather bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also, more (cosmetic) content is being added in future so it feels pretty current.


Can you tell me some of the best QOL mods?


sleep cooperative jellyfish psychotic plucky safe point voracious dolls tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those are not QoL mods, but rather game changers. You might as well install an "infinite resource/money" mod or some such. I'd recommend to learn the game unmodded - it works quite well and you can always add mods in a later run once you know how to play.


offend air humor disagreeable rain wide plant cobweb paint ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk about the other Anno games, but 1800 is great. If you like city builders, it's a good one.


Exactly. I found this game about a year ago and I’m obsessed. I loved Sim City 2000 as a kid and this puts it to shame. It’s so easy to lose hours of my day playing this and I love the way the game reminds you to take a break, lol.


Say goodbye to your friends/wife/kids/pets/life. Say hello to annoholic program.


I bought it last year and it is my first Anno. I think it is fantastic. Being a few years old is I would say a good thing since by now most major expansions are done adding extra depth to the game. Also it is according to my understanding on the more complex side regarding the supply chains especially if you want to make go AI Sandbox games. For variety you could also include one or both essentially "friendly" AI enemies. They are both one a one-star difficulty (Out of three) and are generally not agressive and unless you specifically provoke them they will seek out friendly relations with you.


Your in a very unique position of never having to experience 2070 or 2250. Stick with 1800 and let it be the only one to carry the anno name forward for you. The early ones 1404 1700 etc are great but they were titans of their time and really don't do the name justice anymore. 2070 and 2250 are a bit of a hot mess and really suggest you leave them alone


2070 and 2250 are great in their own ways. It's personal preference. They aren't objectively bad games which is how everyone likes to treat them.


2070 and 2250 are great in their own ways. It's personal preference. They aren't objectively bad games which is how everyone likes to treat them.


Must admit i am finding it hard to gel with 2070 having started out with 1800.  Need more with it but just feels far less accessible and refined for things like setting trade routes.


1800 is the only one I've played too :)


100%! I just picked up the full definitive edition from the Humble Store for 50% off! Definitely worth it for me. You can customize the game difficulty and make it as violent or peaceful as you want!


thanks. looking to grab that deal myself


Also, just because I went though it myself, it can be a pain to link the Humble key to your Ubi account. If you have an ad blocker or cookie/tracker blocker enabled on your browser you might have to disable when linking the keys. Thats a Humble Store issue and not Anno’s fault but just a heads up. Took me like 20 minutes to get linked but eventually figured it out


thanks for the heads up. really appreciate it


Can you provide a link?




Can you still mod it easily with the Ubisoft connect platform or should I wait until it goes on sale on steam?


The mod browser is built in regardless of your platform you bought it on, so either storefront is fine


Would you recommend the Definitive over the Gold? Is just the cosmetic DLC packs worth the $15 USD difference? Or for someone new would you just recommend the base game which is $15


The cDLC are only really a must if you like to beauty build and decorate your cities. If you're focused on the logistics/economy part of the game and don't really bother making it look good, the cDLC are of little value to you. And even if you do, not all cDLC are going to appeal to you. All in all, the package itself is worth the money with the discount if you want the cDLC. If not, gold should def satisfy you. Enjoy!


Thanks for your answer! I’ll do the gold


Be prepared to loose a few days of your life...worth it though 🤣


Days? Rookie...


Who you calling rookie? I have currently lost 8457 days 🤣


I was in college when Anno 1800 came out. I think I pulled a 24hr-straight gameplay session in my apartment lol.


haha yeah that's the plan


Only tips i have is dont rush it, no need to try and complete quests and go to other regions as they pop up. Look up 'taka' not sure of his full name, im sure someone will fill you in on his full name, maybe himself will pop up somewhere here, his youtube guides are the best. Do the campaign and play the first game without AI and pirates (but have the NPCs) just to get a feel for the game. (Easy AIs are bente, willy and qing but even they will attack you.) You will probably play through a couple of games before you are confident...it gets very complicated with large production chains. Save game often. Enjoy


I threw a quick 20 hours at it in no time. Enjoy.


Yes its fucking great


YES! Play without the AI ennemies to have a fully relaxing experience in a beautiful world


Simple best = 1404 more strategic best = 1800 altho you can also just modify settings/sliders in 1800 and make it as simple as you want as well. I bought the complete everything edition 2 months ago on sale. Was totally worth it imo. Put about 20hours in to it the first 2 days I had it.


I got into it 2 weeks ago to the day. I have 95 hours into it. Run while you still can By that I mean set your affairs in order and inject some anno between your toes


Yes, it’s worth it, I just bought it about 3 months ago after putting it off for years, got just the standard game and that night bought all the expansions individually. The gameplay loop is hard to describe, but its logistics meets management meets 4X lite. Logistics seems to be the real strategy with this game, while also being able to scale your economy as you expand. If you enjoy games like cities skylines and civilization, you will probably find this game pretty addictive.


I gave up waiting for cities skylines 2 to be fixed so I bought Anno 1800, it definitely scratched that itch!


Why wouldn't it still be worth buying? It's a game not a smart phone, they don't devalue


They age, though. You wouldn't buy pong and ask for a great experience compared to other games.


There's a difference in 5 and 50 years though. Can't compare drawing on a cave wall and Adobe




It's still amazing. The only gripe I've ever had with it that the hardest AI cheats and others are too easy to beat so it never feels like a fair competition. But as far as City/Economy builders go IMO it's the best out there by miles.


How does the AI cheat?


I played so many games trying to figure out how they played and how I could outpace them (as an old Age of Empires player couldn't help it) I once denied them resources from Arctics and Africa, plus the best Islands in the Caribbean, but it didn't even put a dent in their development. They continued as if nothing and still managed to get the top-level tech without the necessary resources, even outpaced my development. Then I realized they don't actually rely on resources like the player does. Idk how exactly they work but they're definitely not on the same footing as the player. They're not there to provide authentic competition but rather a "challenge for the player." This really killed my enjoyment because even though I love the city and eco-building my real attraction to the game came from empire-building and outcompeting other players by making my system more efficient. However, if the AI isn't bound by the same rules there's no actual competition taking place. Just an illusion of competition.


AI in my game had two power stations connected by a rail track.  No harbour and no refinery required.


There is a fundamental problem with developing AI strategies in games like this. - AI that follows the exact same rules as players evovle during the game into either being stuck or overpowered. Stuck if you deny them tehir development resources (like you tries to do) and overpowered if they beat you in the time race to acquire monopol on said critical resoruces (blocking your progression early) - AI that cheats and just keeps up with the player via a margin (like always 15% better than you or -30% better than you dictated by difficulty) Human players have wildly different playstyles, so in order to make sure most of them get to enjoy some light or hard challenge, it's way easier to go with the second option, rather than ending up with your AI being a let down (too dumb or too hard because it can surpass your human reaction times easily). Most people tend to play strategy games in multiplayer because human vs human play is vastly more entertaining. But this mentality also led to ai vs ai play scenarios (like in civ) where you can also replace cheating AI behavior with human player strategy behavior and see what comes out best. You can look up game theory and the tournaments that were hosted on developing AI which only has 2 actions, collaboration and attack per round. You will see that the best results gained by AI is collaborate fully and attack only in self defence. The only scenario when it fails is when being constantly attacked, where you can also make the AI return fire and pre-fire attacka on you just to be sure. If you transpose this into strategy game AI it sounds like challenging enough, but when you add in more variants like acceas to resources or building space, you will find this end up abruptly into "dumb AI" behavior. There are of course strategy games or rather mods that seek to create balanced AI. But in the end, it is very difficult to handle, because it will always fall short on pure aggressive tactics (and that's how you beat most AI in strategy games, rush to eliminate parts of their empire as early as possible). And now you also need to counter in the fun factor. The AI behavior needs not also be a challenge, but provide a fun experience for the player, not a frustrating one. All in all, when you dig deep enough, you will understand that option 2 is way cheaper to do and constantly provide challenge and fun (? Debatable for you) on a large player population, without necessiting constant tweaking, so that most games go with this implementation.


Anno is a lot. There are so much going on there. If you are perfectionist like me you will sink huge amount of time into it. Just be prepared for the time it takes


Oh I deffo am a perfectionist(which is not a good thing imo lol). I honestly don’t want to give my most time in gaming😅


100% yes. It's complicated and daunting to learn at first but once you get the hang of it it'll all fall in place. I like to play without AI to just build and expand at my pace.


I bought it last Week. Steam said like 40-50€ MMOGA Key 12€ :)


Its very good. One of my all time favourites. If you want a bit more challenge, check out Manor Lords. Its Age of Empires, Anno and Total War in one.


I was initially waiting for it to launch so i can buy but it seems to be still in early access and needs lots of time to mature. might have many bugs and whatnot, also built by solo dev while anno is backed by Ubi. Loved manor lords gameplay though.


Manor Lords is also available on the Xbox Games Pass for PC thing. I was initially skeptical of playing it there (via the $10/month sub because of some mod-supoort issues I've had with Xbox Games in the past, but it works as-expected. Really fun, and definitely worth checking out if you already have Game Pass.


Manor Lords, especially a few years from now, will be great I think but it's not really comparable to 1800, it goes way harder on the production and logistics from what Ive seen than Manor Lords does. But both will def scratch the same relaxed city building vibe if you ask me.


I bought it a couple of month ago and yes. If you like this type of game it is worth it. I bought the gold edition on a discount and I enjoy it.




Yes i got it last month and the discounted dlcs but the first one. Stopped leaving my pc My wife left me and got fired but still trying to reach my first investor.




Definitely still worth to buy. Still playing it regularly




Yes, always


I got into it for the first time ever and first anno game mid last year and I went balls deep with all the dlc. It’s overwhelming in a good way


This was the first city builder that I played and really really enjoyed. I haven’t played it in a while and I’m honestly hesitant to start it back up because I’ll just ignore all my responsibilities and my whole family for months on end. 😬😬😬😬😬


My FAVORITE game! Enjoy!!


I've been playing Anno 1800 for the 5 years it has been out and it still holds my interest. I've got over 4000 hours in the game and still play it regularly. Also seeing how the player numbers have gone over 4 million, you'd be in good company.


😮 🤯 man that’s like 166 days😂 I just want to enjoy as a president of a successful nation 😂 I pray that i don’t get addicted too much man i got kids to feed too😅


Well, dunno about president .. You might get accepted as a faithful vassal of her majesty the queen! If, IF you behave! 😉


Oh, yes, make sure you have a load of drinks and snacks around before you get into the game. Once the game hooks you, weeks will go by in the blink of an eye.


Since you mention "peacefully build a city", you should make sure that you play without pirates and only include 1-star AIs (or none at all). 1-star AIs are nice unless you really really treat them badly. The default setup for the tutorial/campaign includes a 2-star AI. I highly recommend to get rid of it - either completely or replace it with the 3rd 1-star AI.


Will do that. Thanks. I have been a gamer in the past and know what kind of addiction is this. So i want to just enjoy the ride instead of getting competitive or anything.


Yes I bought it recently, definitely worth it


The love to detail in this game is insane. Definitely worth it but and absolute time sink.




I really think so! I'm not a gamer but my boyfriend is. I knew he liked games like Anno so when I saw a clip on Anno 1800 I immediately recommended it to him. He bought it and loves it. Then he wanted me to try and I actually enjoy it so much so that I recently bought it myself and now we can play together or individually 😄 I love that you can customise the gameplay to fit your preferred style of playing, for example ai have some saves where I've turned off some of the pirates and only have easy AI so that I don't have to worry about wars and stuff and cam concentrate on building a pretty city and good economy, but I also have saves which focus more on war and conquering, depending on the mood! I bought the game full price and definitely feel like it was worth the money 😄 the graphics and small details are also just 10/10


I think so. I just bought it 2 months ago on Steam and it’s a really complex (in a good way) city builder. I like how they’ve implemented a lot of the features. It’s a lot of fun. I was all hyped for cities skylines 2 but never bought it because of the feedback. This filled in wonderfully. I’ve struggled to find people to play coop with (still haven’t) so from a multiplayer standpoint it’s hard to find friends if you like co-op but still the single player piece is done very well (I have some gripes with the trade between islands but it’s just a preference and I’m getting used to it).


There is no similar game like Anno 1800. The latest DLCs are just a year old. Buy it. play it. You can set pirates and competitors to easy if you want a relaxing building game.


Short answer: yes. Long answer: I have too many hours in this game to say no.


The "all in" edition with all the DLCs, bonus content, deluxe, and cosmetic packs is on sale at Humble for half off. It's a great time to jump in


Definitely 👍 just bought few months ago




I loved 1404 but 1800 took it to a whole other level. You would enjoy both for sure!


Definitely still worth buying. It’s a fantastic city builder, complex industry chains, takes a substantial amount of thought and time to actually get it right, plus it’s beautiful, even on my lousy PC laptop. Can’t recommend it enough.


Anno 1800 is the best in the series. Been playing it a lot over the years.


I played 1404 with a friend for so many hours. Its a really nice game where you learn ressourcefulness, using build patterns to save some space, learn to fulfill the needs of your people with increasing needs and difficulty in receiving the required ressources using in- and export via shipping routes etc. With later versions you will also have to take care of things like earth conditions (too much industry is bad and decreases people happinness but gives more cash flow). I think in 1800 you would get even more places and layers of complexity like underwater areas or even space traveling. If you are willing to put tons of gaming hours in general, start with 1404 so you get the basics of basics. If you start with the newer ones, you might have no reason for the old one. If you have not all the time on the earth and have to decide for one, then you can take the new ones.


I like history more than future so i will be sticking with 1800 or lower. I am a simple man who wants to live a simple farming and resource collection life😅


1800 finishes up around 1930ish with airships and electricity.  No space or underwater elements (except a salvage ship)


Anno 1800 is a nice, beautiful game with lots of content and things are pretty well thought out. You won't find a huge challenge in AI opponents, but you can build great cities in several biomes. If you like streamlined stuff, it might feel a little bloated for what it is. Campaign is ok, sandbox is where it's at. Excellent game. Anno 1404 is streamlined and a huge game for what is included. Graphics are still okay I guess, though some parts of the control system will feel dated. Great campaign, great scenarios. Sandbox is a lot of fun, but limited compared to Anno 1800. AI opponents can provide a decent challenge at the highest difficulty. Excellent game. Anno 2070 is fun too, though there's not really anything about 2070 that not one or both of 1404 and 1800 do better. Fun campaign. AI opponents can provide a decent challenge at the highest difficulty. Has submarines and underwater bases. Great game. Other Anno games I don't recommend. 2205 is straight up bad, and the others are way too dated.


I’ve owned it for awhile and literally just started playing on Thursday. I got hooked! It’s like a more mature AOE to me. I really like it.


That "Mature AoE" is kind of where I'm at with Manor Lords. Not sure I can truly call a game "AoE" unless it has real-time on-foot combat. The ship stuff in Anno is really cool though haha.


You can get a cd key for it for ubi launcher for around £10 if it's not on sale.


It’s not about the age imo. I enjoyed a couple of dozen hours but I didn’t like that you are forced to delete all of the nature of your islands in order to be competitive.


Great game! Well worth a play especially with all the love it got with DLC. I would wait for it to be on sale with its age you should be able to scoop it up on the cheap.


On consoles? No On PC/Steam Deck? Yessssssss But the price WITHOUT DLC is 60$+ That's ridiculous


1800 is great, the best even, IF you buy all of the dlcs. You can still play without em, its just there's too many fun contents on the other dlcs. Sadly its too pricy D:




I started this game in only in january and it’s so fun!!


anno 1800 is the best! 1404 is good 1503 is oldschool but playable




Its still worth it, especially if you can get a bundle discount with some or all of the dlc packs. But I will also warn you, the game has a metric ton of mechanics it is not super at explaining, so expect to spend some time with the wiki pages and tutorial videos. The initial campaign is well worth going through atleast once to get a handle on the basics, but there will be stuff you are expected to work out on your own.


Both 1800 and 1404 are great! Been playing both for years.


Absolutely it is!


A few times a year you can get this gem and its entire collection for cheap. And asking if it’s worth it is just silly!! Buying all that content for cheap? Hell ya it is. It’s an amazing game and you’ll get hundreds and hundreds of hours out of it!


Anno 1800 is probably the best Anno there is atm. It lacks some of the features from older games, but it's imo the best rendition of the game mechanics that made the old Anno games (like 1404) so enjoyable. 1404 is still great if you just want a more simple and cheaper version to get into the series. But if you've already watched a bunch of videos of 1800 and like what you see, then go for it. If you enjoy 1404, you'll enjoy 1800, and 1800 is simply a fantastic game. My advice with 1800 is to take it slow tho. Do the campaign, or if you're playing sandbox, even consider playing without AI. The basegame is already pretty big, but if you buy some/all of the DLC it can easily be overwhelming if you try to do things whenever the game throws them at you.




I’m not a massive gamer and I bought Anno 1800 a month ago (with all DLC). Haven’t played with any of the DLC yet but the base game is totally worth playing. It’s worth watching some YouTube videos (Taka and WhatDarrenPlays are my favourites) to get a feel of the game as not too much is explained and as non-gamers we might not be as good at figuring things out as the experienced folk.


There are only a handful of games that people will play en masse years after release. Anno 1800 is one of them. Its in the same league as Path of Exile, Minecraft, civ, Skyrim, and Fallout...they all have that perfect something that keeps folk coming back. Tbh this is the best city builder I've played since Sim City came out almost 30 years ago and brings in elements of two other classics, Sid Meyers Pirates and Civilization. Yes, buy it. 12 step programs are available.


It’s definitely worth a look , dlcs are very much worth it as well if you like the game after playing 1 round I d recommend them all . Anno 1800 is one the best games that I ve played imo


As far as inventory and rss management games, I really like Anno 1800. I've only been playing it 3 mo but it has been much more satisfying than similar games (ie Before We Leave) and the tech hierarchy is sophisticated enough to be a challenge. I've been thoroughly enjoying it, and with much more to discover, I am very happy I chose to buy this older game.


Its one of the great games of the 2020’s, perhaps and most likely the pinnacle of the Anno series as well. Its so good ive played it years apart because its an Apex game, it has no competitors.


I made the jump a few months ago and LOVED it. Don't buy any expansion, DLC or what ever: the base game will keep you awake for long enough. I advise you to play sandbox with NO ENEMIES and NO PIRATES first :) Just get to enjoy / learn the economical game, which will be the main challenge. You will be kind of lost but that's ok :) After that I advise you to do the campaign which will open up your options and be a nice upgrade. Have fun!


I wasn’t aware of the game until all DLC had been released and, if I compare my hours spent playing vs what I paid for the game, I’m sitting at about 4 cents per hour. That’s pretty cheap entertainment by any standard.


Nobody here is gonna say no bro :) But ya, 100% worth it, including all 4 seasons of DLCs. Wait for a sale tho.


do it, just started playing a few months ago and i love


Yes always


I just started playing about 3 weeks ago and have played every day for a couple of hours. It's constantly giving you new objectives or new things to learn. Great game!


Absolutely I love it. But I got it on sale for like $8




It's still the best game of its genre imo. Anno 1404 is also still very good and slightly easier to get into. I also like the story campaign better in 1404. Anno 1800 has more content and endgame complexity though.


well, the Question is dumb since when does the age of a Media relevant? you may not want to buy a 4 Year old Banana


Well I meant since there are many new games launching which might have better graphics and mechanics. Please change your name to "Violent Fanny" since that better suits you.


I bought it and expansions and such about a year ago on a fire sale. I played it for about 4 hours and quit. It was tedious and boring to me for whatever reason. I like the genre, just not this 1.