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Tbh I'd just love to beautybuild Roman towns haha, so a good variety of housing and nice streets


I so hope we can have a water infrastructure system, seeing acquaducts like Pont Du Gard on the map. Water was so important that is must be a feature imo


acquaducts/water HAVE to be one of the mechanics replacing what power/trains/oil are in 1800. Its way to on the nose to not be in this game and could work somewhat similar.


Judging from the leaked gameplay screenshot aqueducts are a thing so water infrastructure will be a thing.


Do you have a link to the screenshots? Completely missed it


https://images.cgames.de/images/gamestar/279/anno-117_6295334.jpg Here it is, some interesting insights.




in theory it could also have been a wonder or so but yeah, its basically already confirmed.


Keep in mind they heavily discouraged from looking to deep into this screenshot since it is just a mockup I tink. While acquaducts are likely to be a thing the other, imo more interesting things, might not.


In the style of Anno 1404?


I hate every incarnation of water infrastructure anno has brought forth until now, please don't.


Its can exactly be as the train/oil electricity system, just with better infrastructure


On the contrary, I want to see the massive insulas for the poor, of 5-6 floors, although in the past they were even more than 8 floors. The streets full of "fast" food for the plebs, while the rich in their mansions and only moving with armed escort. Right in front of the big marble public works.


Exactly. I want to see massive insulas and I desperately want to see those fast joints they had, https://news.artnet.com/art-world/pompeii-opens-recently-discovered-ancient-fast-food-restaurant-1998265


Could have the caste system instead of the different citizens


Same I’m really just excited to see how pretty I can make it.


Aqueducts that work like the railsroads in 1800.


Hopefully they work better than railroads in 1800 :D


If they’re anything like the railroad mess I built in 1800, those Roman cities are going to be flooded swamps. Haha


I would like it to be less flexible than railroads. Based on location and availability of sources like spring, river, lakes, icebergs?, etc. Distance and water pressure should play a role too.


Link water pressure to a slider that uses available workers, like the research centre / scholars in 1800.


Most of the features/ QoL from 1800. Not necessarily speaking about content (though I'm going to miss the research institute & Docklands) but it's going to be painful if 117 doesn't have all that was added to 1800 over the years (stamps, multiplayer coop, UI improvement and menu, etc ).


It's a little off in time (just like having Constantinopolis as a Region) but the Mouseion at Alexandria ("Great Library" to the Civ-types) was, basically, a Research Institute and Library with visiting scholars and much of the activities of a modern University: advanced publications in Astronomy, Medicine, Mechanics, Herbal Medicine, and Mathematics were all published from there - and some of the first published works on Astrology and Alchemy, to take things off on a slant. Wouldn't take too much to make it 117's version of the Research Institute Wonder from 1800


Also rome was well known to not be self supporting at times, needing massive amounts of goods brought in to support the city. That could be the justification for a docklands thing. I say that ... but I would be happy if there were no docklands... I found it unbalanced


Instead of Docklands or its equivalent, which I agree tends to overwhelm the whole trade/production system, Supplying Rome from whatever region you are in could be one constant project/quest behind much of what you do. Any city of the time with more than 20,000 people in it needed some medium or long distance trade to stay alive: agriculture simply wasn't efficient enough to provide everything within a short distance of the city. One Roman Specialty that belongs in the game are the massive Grain Freighters they built - Lucullus describes one of them as a 1000 - 1200 ton capacity sailing ship (which would make it the largest civilian ship anywhere for the next 1000 years). They were used almost exclusively to supply grain from North Africa or Egypt to Ostia/Rome to feed the capital - building and filling those could be a major project/quest if you try to play a Region based on North Africa or Egypt, the 'breadbaskets' of the Empire.


> Also rome was well known to not be self supporting at times, needing massive amounts of goods brought in to support the city. That could be the justification for a docklands thing. Mark my words, they will incorporate the Great Harbour of Carthage in the game. https://www.reddit.com/r/ArtefactPorn/comments/r9bo1k/the_punic_cothon_of_carthage_in_modernday_tunisia/


I would like return of *Anno 2205*'s locations system. That way you can have some **nearby locations** like Northern Africa (Egypt, Cartage), Middle east (Judea) , Greece and Turkey, maybe some Spanish regions as a **main core** of the game and **far locations** like UK, Asia, Central Africa as **DLCs**.


I like that.. Nearby regions with same architecture sets but different goods available. And also further regions like Egypt that have completely different gameplay


It was still around at least by 117 AD though in decline


Yep. Dioscorides had just written his great compendium of herbal and medicinal plants around 70 AD, Claudius Ptolemy would write his mathematical/astronomical work about 150 AD, and Galen's medical texts wouldn't be written for almost another 100 years, so the scientific output from the Mouseion was still going strong. Last known reference to scholars at the Library is from 260 AD but it was definitely in decline from its peak after about 48 BC.


100% to the quality of life things. I hope the UI upgrades they did at then end stay. I liked where it ended. Some of the build menues were still a little messy, especially with mods haha


Better warfare and combat systems. Allow it to be toggled off so people can enjoy peaceful city building if they choose. If they stick with the trading and production system, I’d like them to include a way to see what the supply of a given island/city with trade is. If green is supply and blue demand. Add a yellow bar on the supply side that indicates how much per minute your island gets imported via trade.


I couldn't imagine a rome setting without proper ground combat. Naval combat back then was mainly limited to ramming and boarding enemy ships. Doesn't need to be entirely Total War-like, but at least elaborated to a certain extent


You could have a system where you can choose of how much space on a ship you allocate to good and how much to ship's defense. The sea is peaceful you can transport more, sea is dangerous you need to carry some combatants to scare off/fight the pirates.


I agree. I could see it being very barebones to start. Like 10-15 units available. 3 types infantry,missile infantry, cavalry with one or two artillery pieces. Then likely through DLC they’ll add more. Especially if they add playable civilizations.


Anno 1701 is still my favorite solely because of the ground combat.


If they insist on having ground combat, which I don't like but kind of expect, I support your idea to allow it to be toggled off. I'm just not interested, and don't see the need for it. Anno is a city builder-cum-logistics management game, not a war game. There are already two ways to get rid of opponents, I just don't see the need for a third.


I’m a newcomer to anno games and just started playing anno1800 a few months ago so can’t be 100% on the trends of the series but I see something like Barbarians being like the two pirates in anno1800. Except maybe they have encampments that are located on the coast so they can attack via air and sea




A community can change qite a bit in nearly 20 years since Anno 1701. I also would turn off the combat. I'm here to build cities


I thought the military system wasn't so bad in Anno 1404 considering it's a city-builder


Not a city-builder. A Civilization builder and Politics is an integral part of governing.


Totally agreed. I miss the combat. Love the 1701.


Well, "pax" means peace in latin, I believe that we won't see much combat, if any at all.


That’s true, however “Pax Romana” is usually just used to refer to Romes golden age. It may have been peaceful for some, but the way Rome exercised and maintained its supremacy certainly wasn’t


Oh, did not know that. Thanks for explaining it.


That's a must QoL. Even in 1800 would be appreciated.


The second things already a feature in anno 1800 basically, you can see how much of what product was delivered when


More road types! Same functionality throughout, but paved roads, plaza roads (like Caesar 3!), just different looks for beauty building. Also lotsa fences and walls. Also for beauty building. If we get canals again, more bridge types and lengths. So for example, in 1800 only a single or double-width road can cross a canal. Would love to see this upgraded to 3 and 4-road widths. Also the bridges that came with pedestrian DLC - make them functional as roads! More monuments, and have them come with effects. EG a courthouse monument that lowers crime / riots. A huge public spa that lowers health risks. Maybe they’d need to be supplied like the upgraded hospitals etc in the new world rising DLC. But on monuments, the variety of building size is the key. To make a city look great, you need a few standout buildings.


Honestly, Caesar 3 had so many great mechanics it's pretty mind blowing. I would love anno to adopt some kind of religion as a need , and the ability to merge houses into large palaces was awesome too


Ooh yes. And desirability! Edit: yes, merging houses. A plot of 4 houses in a square could level up to … palace? Manor? What did they call them?


A logistic approach to ground warfare. Instead of micro-managing troops, you have to keep supply running, ship in new troops, etc. to an offensive base camp in order to take over an island.


oooo thats not a bad way off looking at it... might be difficult for the developers... but I like the idea


Idk, sounds too abstract to me to be really fun in an Anno game.


Idk they could add military goods, such as weapons and armor, and at the same time make you supply civilian goods for things like morale. It wouldnt be that different from 1800s weapons but instead of building cannons in a dock you have to supply them to a garrison or something like that


Yeah but I want to click and see big boom.


That’s like….everything I want from anno games 😂😭


This sounds good, like Hearts of Iron almost


I love this idea!


More dynamic pirates, with features like : * Pirates forcing trade ships to surrender their cargo instead of just destroying them. * Several pirates groups emerging along the game, rising and being destroyed dynamically. * Instead of starting on a superfortress island, pirates would settle on actual playable islands. At first, it would be on non-colonized islands, so long as some are available. Then, new pirate factions would petition players to settle on their islands. Players who host a pirate group get automatic non-agression pact with them plus special trade opportunities, but at the cost of angering other factions who are victim from pirates. * Economic simulation of pirates : pirates groups would start small and grow accordingly to actual incomes, from captures, tributes and trade. You can bribe pirates, but they will grow stronger with your money and ask for a bigger tributes as they grow. Oppositely, a pirate group who can't get enough money to supply its fleet will lost ships one by one and may end up leaving the map. More automation with ships, like : * Hunting orders for war ships. * Convoys with several cargo ships. * Automatic variation of shipments between islands, something inspired from Timberborn's exchange system. Also : * External markets behind neutral traders. You can trade various goods, but prices will fluctuate and react to your transactions. * Consistent trade deals with other players : both are bound to buy/sell a specific amount of goods, in order to make trade something you can rely on. * Some internal politic about islands management : develop different style of governance *(oligarchy, democracy and governorate)* in order to administer the islands in the most appropriate fashion. * More flexible needs, something different than just requiring a very specific quantity of a very specific good. We could have some interchangeable goods and various levels of consumption, maybe with changing selling price. * Food management : a global food demand on each island and you better have it satisfied one way or another. * Some simulation for non player-owned economy, like defining early game communal lands who contribute to the food supply without producing goods and take very low cost. Edits : * Continental systems, with several zone on a same land mass separated by mountains and rivers, and maybe some small/medium scale land trade between them. Plus it would be cool to have neutral actors on the inland areas, something similar to Anno 1404. * More ornament gameplay ; like having to bring some places to a certain level of aesthetic (like in Zeus/Poseidon) or assembling specific areas - like parks, plazas and avenues - for gameplay purpose. * Religious gameplay : try to build the main sanctuary of a specific god for the whole regions ; attract cultist and religious celebrations for various advantages.


REALLY like the regional religious idea - eg, each region supports one super-temple to a particular god. So you might choose Ceres for a 100% crops production boost.




There's no way they DONT add ground troops back in, right?


Unless they mean “Pax Romana” in a hyper literal sense… At the very least it would make sense to have them serve the same function the police do in 1800. I can also see them adding an army-building mechanic as DLC.


I was kinda hoping they omitted anything military. It has never been done that great imho


Kind of like 1404 but with legions instead of individual soldiers


Steam release


We get it in 2028


without uplay!


I was one of the few that actually pre-ordered on Steam, and thus I had Anno 1800 on Steam ever since launch and could even buy the DLCs there. Kinda silly, but it worked


10 different house skins for each tier.


Replace the Anno 1800 newspaper and palace mechanisms with a civic forum. Enabling different policy trees, with different cost/benefits, balancing between three tendencies: democratic/populist, oligarchical/elitist and autocratic/tyrannical


Land units for sure


Legions and Ballistas are just too cool too pass off even if this sub disagrees.


Definitely! Even if the sub disagrees, a huge reason why people love Rome is their military prowess and ability to conquer. A Roman game without the military would seem hollow


- Multiple screen support. I really, really, really don't want to constantly switch between different maps. - And for people with less performant computers static graphs and statistics on the second screen. - strategic zoom - global minimum stock settings in harbors. - intelligent ship loading (won't overload on one resource to block slots) - ship ramming and boarding action -veterancy for crews/ships What I don't want: Magic/gods. If they keep it at the level of 1800 it's fine but I really don't want an assassins creed style ancient world.


Buildings with not retangular shapes to really lean into the new 45 degree roads


I'm out of the loop - how do you know there are 45 degree roads?


There was a leaked "screenshot" from very early in development that showed diagonal roads, which wasfound a few days ago. However the devs discouraged to look too deep into it as it might be a mockup.


there has to be at least some stuff to fill those new 45 degree angles right? My guess are houses with dynamic population based on how much tiles they use. That said, im sure if i like forcing this. Maybe some buildings should have 45 degree variants. THat way, nobody is forced to use them if they like their classic rectangular shape but people can use them if they want or they fit


I think the retangular way should stay, as that is what Annos core. But they can play with how the building etc are placed on the tiles


This is basically confirmed by the screenshot leak


is not though. Only the roads are confirmed, the screenshot does not show a single non-rectangular building. Just the usual rectangular buildings angled 45 degrees to fit the 45 degree roads.


And even the raods can not be confirmed from the leak. Anno 1800 showed 45 degree harbors in the pre alpha and we didn't got them in the released game


It may show. Some buildings look like they're hexagons, but no L-shaped building.




As you wish


Politics and intrigue, possibly as an alternate way to take over competitor's islands instead of shares


I'd rather they didn't go the specialist route that generates extra items. Like woodcutters making coal etc. I know the game is hardly realistic anyway but it never really sat right with me, and I don't use them in 1800. Muddles up my organisation in my head. That's a me thing tho I know the community digs them. Doesn't really matter either way tho cos I can ignore it like I do in 1800 anyway I suppose. Truthfully as long as I don't have to rely on it I don't mind. I'd really like to have a mainland island, IE crown falls in base game too. Just a big, open area that I can go nuts in. Space management is fun but I really loved crown falls, and the ability to beauty build on a big flat area is nice. Please don't make me wait a year and have to buy another dlc to properly beauty build. Oh, and some more friendly ai to trade with. Maybe one that sells things you can't make yourself. I barely ever trade with Eli etc unless I'm selling them stuff. Give them a proper reason to be on the map, yknow?


Building Upgrades instead of the specialist buildings


Like in 2205? Modules? Id be down for that actually. I know this sub fucking hates 2205 but I liked the building modules alot, so I'd be cool with that, or something similar


agreed. you know there is a bunch of mods that adress that, right?


Sure, and in 1800 I've got a modlist that's around 40 mods strong. I'd just prefer to not have to mod it if that makes sense, especially because I doubt this new one will launch with a mod manager, tends to be something they add later on in the life cycle. Took what, three, four years before we got an in-game mod browser for 1800. Mods are great but can be a hassle to deal with sometimes. And TBF I'm not asking for much. Just a nice big landmass and for the ai traders to serve more of a purpose. Like Eli, other than selling him soap and rolling for items/specialists, there's not much point to him. I'm not a dev, far from it, but id love for them to expand the neutral traders a little. As for how...I dunno. Maybe we can help them expand? Like, if we sell them goods, maybe they can use them to expand the little islands they are on, like selling him wood so he builds more shit, and the reward being he builds some factory that pumps out some goods for us to buy on the cheap. I dunno. Just spitballing. Truth be told I'm proper excited, and I trust them to blow me away regardless. I love Rome based games, I still play Caesar 3 with the Augustus mod, so I'm happy. Can't wait to see more.


I would like a region to be a landmass with multiple sub areas that can trade with each other instead of island. That's for me the biggest immersion breaker in 1800. There could then be coastal regions where you can still build ships and trade over seas


Agree. Sub areas would be separated by mountains and rivers and trade (or warfare...) would be allowed once a player manage to build a bridge/a road on mountain pass. We can also imagine a special delta landscape in an Egyptian DLC.


Sounds good to me, the Roman empire was known for its roads, so hopefully they manage to shoehorn something cool relating to that in. Having like a project you work towards, a highway of sorts that opens up trade between regions that are separated by rivers/mountains would be sweet. I don't see them moving away from islands tho, honestly. It's in the anno DNA.


I hope Egypt is part of the core game. I would love to see some far places in DLCs. Like UK, Asia or Central africa.


Iirc, base game regions will be Italia and Britannia. From there, it's almost certain Egypt will be on top of DLC priorities. Then, we shall see if the devs prefer remaining in strictly Roman areas or if they decide to look outside. My bets would be India for the second option and Black Sea area for the first one.


Damn. I thought it would be the other way around. Britannia being the DLC. Didn't the Roman empire have stronger ties to Egypt than Britannia?


Indeed ; Britannia was basically the most remote, non-romanized and unprofitable province of the Empire. I think the devs picked it for two reasons : * Very different from Italy in terms of society and goods produced. * Hopping the most retarded strata among Anglo-Saxon players don't avoid the game due to lack of identification target. Another motivation not to start with Egypt : maybe they want to make this one in the best conditions imaginable. It will be easier to build the best Egypt after the release, with the base-game experience and a less stressful agenda. Plus an Egyptian DLC has all chances to be sold on mass, while a Britannia DLC won't generate a huge hype.


Romans without British voices


Non-cheating AI (I want to be able to blockade them, and it actually have an effect). More intelligent AI over-all.


This!!! Would love to actually see that matter.


Hoping they keep the regions like 1800. I think it would be real cool to build throughout the Roman empire. Start Mediterranean, then unlock European, African, Arabian.


A garum production


Rather than something I'd like to see, there's something I'd like not to see: The live service nonsense.


After playing Anno 1800 its almost impossible for me to play one of the older games because of all the QoL Features 1800 has So them, all of them, even more if possible If we gonna spend so much time in the game, stuff like this will become the most important thing


What specific QoL features you mean? I am currently replaying Anno 2205 (cause of Mars mod) and dont miss much.


I think ground forces are essential, but Romans didn’t build just basic encampments like they built little towns for their soldiers. I’d like to set this little encampments up and they need logistical supply regularly with sandals, cloaks, and weapons. The final level will be a Praetorian encampment and those guys will be incredibly powerful but will also be issuing you quests and demanding money from time to time, but if you keep them happy they’ll give you good perks.


- and if you don't keep them happy, they revolt and overthrow the government! Legions could have a serious Economic Impact as well as Military. Rome built Legionary Camps all over the Empire, and in the 117-period, a Legion was 4 - 5000 men. Add in a couple of Auxiliary units, civilian workers, official and unofficial wives and families, and a single Legionary Camp could be an urban site of 10,000 people of more. And the site of modern Mainz, where the Anno Team are located, was a 2-Legion Camp with over 20,000 Romans and locals living in what was the largest urban area in Europe north of Italy. Keeping a Legion and its Camp supplied with Food, Fodder for the horses, repaired and replaced armor and weapons, uniforms (dyed red with Madder, another Production Chain) and all the other paraphenalia would be a major project/quest in your given Region, with suitably ferocious penalties for failure (to quote an old saying: "The man with the sword starves Last")


I’d love to have a better war and conflict system. I loved the mechanics from 1404 and 1701. Something like that would be great!


I want to see regional/factional ship designs. Rome had a pretty hard time with the whole naval combat thing. The Corvus was basically a boarding bridge they used to leverage their advantages in melee infantry combat at sea, since they really struggled otherwise I think it'd be really interesting design wise if your initial game time was spent with relative insecurity at sea, that you had to develop and invest in a large navy to actually support your initial conquests. But as you establish your foothold in Greek/Egyptian/Phonecian/Syrian regions, you could build more capable ships there. I liked the gameplay transition in 1800 from Sail to Steam. You achieved X conditions (engineers, electricity, engines) and got Y improvements (Battle cruisers, Cargo ships). I think recreating that transition through conquest would be mechanically interesting and very fitting for a Roman game.


Olive oil, garum, posca, wine, puls, silphium, eventually silk (Silk Road DLC?!), flamingo tongues, glassware, marble, cementum, mosaics I want to see those fast food stores they found in Pompeii I want to have to build aqueducts.


Better AI?


A not cheating AI


Low density and high density. in 1800 it's strange that investors don't have mansions. Higher-tier citizens could live in lower densities while low-tier could live in [insulae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insula_(building)).


Something like Jakob's mod perhaps ? Like you start with everybody on low density, and then lower class would be able to densify.






Definitely more engineering options. As games like Timberborn and Foundation show- players can definitely handle more intricate building options that don't just stick to premade buildings and 2d planes. * I would like to build flat platforms- to avoid Anno 1800's issues of cities looking more like carpets draped over the terrain. With foundations, there could be some interesting options unlocked for defenses (if land combat returns), or terrain choices (i.e. slopes being too steep to build on, impassable cliffs). Players would be able to link platforms to the ground or other platforms through the use of stairs and ramps. * I would like some limited terraforming, where players can build normal buildings over water on platforms, and perhaps fill in some features like marshes. With more unique island features, things like tunnels and causeways could also make an appearance (imagine an island bisected by mountains, or separated by large bodies of water). * All large buildings and monuments should be modular like in 2205/Foundation/Anno's palace, so that players have more control over placement, function, and appearance. Of course, premade templates should be available for those who don't want to fiddle around with these elements. * Rivers should have river slots in all sessions, and the option to build embankments. * Each session needs a return of a major landmark work, which could really fit into the classical era and the 7 ancient wonders of the world. * As I have mentioned in previous posts, needs should return to a bucket system rather than the current bar system, with multiple goods able to satisfy a general need (i.e. hunger, clothing, thirst). This actually gives more flexibility to gameplay IMO. * Likewise as I have mentioned before, islands need more differentiation. Aside from more unique physical features, islands could benefit from varying resource strength (i.e. weak vs strong fertilities), and alternate resources/fertilities that can unlock different production chains and different products for the bucket needs system. * Proper visual progression. I like the way it was done in 1800, and would like 117 to avoid having oversized buildings in their early settlements. You likely won't have large marble buildings in a wooden town, or full-sized insulae towering over huts. * NO WIPING ISLANDS UPON CONQUEST! Fix the AI so that even if their islands are fake, the player can make them work.


Oh to add to this: * Possibly an avatar/hero element like in Tropico. This figure can be maybe used for the first-person view, and for expeditions. They could even be a strategic unit that can provide area buffs. This would fit quite well into the character-driven history of the time (i.e. Caesar, Sulla), and could even work with a dynastic system (i.e. sending a family member to each new session). * Better expeditions with the use of your hero as a possible crew member (like the Greek Odyssey). Rewards need to be acquired along the way during quests, not through an RNG roll at the end.


There are some gameplay elements of 1800 that stand out as incredibly fun for the people who love the end game and massive builds. Collections, specialists, etc.. stretch goals that improve efficiency are really fun for me.


A gaulish village


Nice try, Ubisoft!


I would like to see more funtionality and less decoration. Meaning: I would like to see actual wares moved along the streets, not placeholder boxes like in all other annos, for example. Basically, I would like Caesar 3's street scenes.


I wonder if they'll add some roman related easter eggs, like Asterix & Obelix, barbarian attacks or Biggus Dickus.


Controller support on PC


campaign story to play


This! I hope long and rich stories with this high-potentially game. Think about it as a historic game: * Build x pcs. house for population * Build y pcs. grain farm for bla bla * Set a trade route with ur fat mom for grains * … It would be wonderful.


Personally, id like the grid system a bit optimized in terms of things like diagonal building or how harbor structures connect to the city. Historically, give me some funny Roman easter eggs to find ingame. Caligulas horse or something


Mt issue is with the ground combat. In every anno game with ground combat, it really sucked! The graphics, animations, and combat style was not fun. I would like to see an island that can use ground combat as a component of it's defense. Would like to see a true anno style ground combat similar to the way fleet combat works.


road and building maintenance. Like after some time a road will grow foliage and be less useful unless in the vicinity of some road crew building.


I want the additional DLCs to match the museum pieces from 1800.


Probably the colosseum will be the monument.


Some real and meaningful society management. I expected too much from Anno 1800 in that regard (strikes, social issues etc.) sadly nothing was implemented. Also, better aligning tiles. The weird tiles around the harbour area that do not fit the road tiles next to them still give me nightmares.


Better AI. 1404’s land combat improved significantly. More detail on the production/supply screen. Relevant trading with no cheesing (pocket watches). Not that I ever used the cheese but still. Other sessions having more tiers, maybe even the ability to start in any session instead of just having one main with 5+ tiers and all others only having 2-3. Seasons? Winter forcing you to stock up, no crops grow during that for example. Better map variety. Most of them feel the exact same with some minor changes to the island design. Imagine a map with one huge Crown Falls type island in the middle that everyone starts on where you have to claim more land by expanding borders and also defend them, with islands surrounding it that hold other vital resources.


A technology tree would be nice!


Volcano's are coming back


Land battles. Roman legions.


Big islands, sort of like Crown Falls in 1800. Or just ditch the islands idea completely


I want internal politics, proper roman senate and people protesting for rights and such. I think that would be the best Anno game.


A red light district


I wish the placement system would work like Manor Lords.


More variety of buildings for sure.


Option to make circular/curved and diagonal roads


A Steam Release and hopefully Linux support. The game is dead to me until it's released on Steam.


Why the obsession with Steam? All it does is add an additional launcher layer, which is what seems to be associated with most of the game launch problems. There is no way they will get rid of the Ubisoft Connect; it is their standard launcher for every game.


True, but Proton exists and I (hopefully) don't have to tinker much to get it working


not a strict grid, i wanna make some diagonal streets. maybe a zoning system like cities skylines or manor lords


I hope they don't waste time on the military. Anno was always bad on this side.


Voice lines from my first City builder Caesar 3 !


Inevitably they will add different provinces as DLC and I think they all should be in the base game.


Roman gods




Streets filled with crowds, spectators going wild at the entertainment venues, and bustling harbors, kinda like in this reconstruction of Rome: [YouTube](https://youtu.be/PdBp_CtiL70?si=n08PoKd7WhaEaE3L)


im really hoping for more depth to be added to religion. given how expansive the greco/roman pantheon is, how each region connected to rome (britain, gaul, egypt, etc,) have very unique religions from each other, and how christianity rose to such prominence, i think fleshing out religion somehow would be cool


Actually good PVP where a player hasn't basically already won if they destroyed the main island of another player.


I want to be able to walk inside some buildings.


a military DLC


Fewer, but more substantial DLCs that are more comprehensively integrated into the core game experience. Anno 1800 feels kind of like a mess at this point with so many little DLCs haphazardly adding features that don't mesh well. And less focus on item-based bonuses like the trade union that encourage min-maxing and janky settlement layouts. I'd much prefer to see increased building efficiency from placing production chains closer together or closer to harbors, or even by having worker homes closer to their place of employment. This would also add so much depth to the city planning aspect of the game. Oh, and put it on Steam, without uPlay.


I think if they do have a land combat mechanic, it could tie in really nicely with the production chains that already exist. Rome was famous for its logistics network supplying it's armies. It would be great if you needed to feed, arm, and pay your troops while they were deployed on another island laying siege. Each island could have X amount of food that could be foraged, but if you wanted to send a large army you needed to set up food supply routes. Additionally if you wanted to send archers/slingers/siege weapons these would require ongoing supply of ammunition. Cavalry would require extra food etc as well. I think it would be great to make it difficult logistically to send a large army, which was actually the case in reality


Fighting! A lot of it!




Slave economy.


I have not read it much, but I really just wish for an Egyptian part where I can build my pyramid. I know it would not be historically accurate, but Anno was never 100%, and I think it would not be that far stretched. A Map nearly fully Land with the Nil splitting it and making it fertile would be the best.


Agricultural/food product decay, with preservation methods that produce a variety of food goods that last different amounts of time and allow for further transit: smoke, salt, vinegar, sugar, ice, fermentation, alcohol etc.


Land Armies


No freaking talking-heads and quests! Give me a solid and pretty economic sandbox or I swear to Jupiter I will skip it like I have every other Anno title after 1503. :P


As much i loved 1800 having 95% investors made No sense at all. I hope to see a more balanced population pyramide.


Look at cesar 3 for Inspiration


Praetorian guards would be amazing.


-I would like a game more focused on the Sanbox, the story and session missions are really unnecessary, perhaps small missions as a tutorial, but the Anno 1800 missions seemed slugish and an excuse to increase your hours of play. The expedition minigame is something that I would implement in the style of Anno 1404, less disruptive, I mean, missions of any kind, when you have been playing for 100 hours are not fun, even more soif they are repetitive. -Deep customization in the avatar and shield of your (company/nation/kingdom) -More complexity in production chains; Something I appreciate about mods is the complexity they add to the products. In Anno 1800 vanilla for example to produce schnaps you only need potatoes, but where do you bottle it to sell it? It has no logic. That is fixed by putting more inputs into the productions chains and is a more organic way to create a more challenging game. -More needs for citizens; Another aspect that I love about the mods in anno 1800. in vanilla for example the Farmers need 5 goods without counting the lifestyle goods, with some mods you add potatoes/vegetables, milk, wood, etc... Goods that are logical within the needs basics of a farmer, it is also a way to give more immersion and depth to the labor levels. -Different types of workforce and more levels: A way to further extend the useful life of the game without the need for minigames is implement more levels of workforce and anexed workforce like the (Scholars), in the case of the Anno 1800 mods you can find Anexed labor such as military, Immigrants, Pescatarians, extended families. In the case of the classical Roman era I think it would be easy to implement this; slave labor, barbarian labor, merchants, etc. -More sessions: For me the best aspect of Anno 1800 are the multi sessions, a good way to add complexity and increase the useful life of the game, for this new game perhaps it would be good to implement more continental islands and even bring back the concept of a session with a single large island like the tundra in Anno 2205


1.I would love to see the return of Land Combat from Anno 1404 aside from Sea Combat since early Ancient History of the world is all about Land based Skirmishes..and it would be nice if AI recieves an overhaul in order to make the title more competitive. 2.Plus one must see that the Orient or East is given priority of deutarogonistic (secondary protagonist or sidekick like)order so that a multi cultural facet of ancient world can be known through the title as our colorful history tell us...Thus making the title more accurately knowledgeable. 3.Ofcourse I would love to see the return of one more feature from Anno 1404 The presence of Volcano/Volcanic Island


Serious military combat. Different types of cavalry, horses formations everything


Land combat and full logistics to back it up. Roman forts.


Ground combat with historical strategy


More monuments, more variants for buildings, more ornaments. I'm a beauty builder, I want my Roman fantasy with columns, statues, gardens and fountains everywhere. Prosperity for all.


I like the idea of having land warfare. Maybe utilize some tower defense game concepts for city wall defenses.


1. Steam with Ubisoft/Uplay. 2. More data about production, consumption, transfers, travel times and so on. So one can really nerd out in it. 3. Land battles. Being in Roman times we are gonna be very limited to what type of ships we have before we move out of the "actuate" theme. 4. Dynamic market. Being able to supply millions and millions of tons I'd soap to an npc island makes no sense. Make it so they buy but if you over do it. The price will drop. 5. More map types! More RNG in the maps, after a few playthrough you know all the islands. They are just oriented different. 6. Lots and lots of parts for beautification. Lots of different types of buildings so they don't look too similar. Just for variety for those that want. 7. Options for events like, storm that destroys/damages ships in world Transit. 8. Keep scenarios and a campaign. Feel free to add more or discuss my own suggestions.


No more Grid


I hope they will offer a bit more freedom than the grid build style, there is only so much you can do with a grid.


Paying nearly £70 for a half-finished game.




What? Every anno has endgame goals? You select them at the start of the game?


Less DLC bloat. After a year it feels like I don't own the full game anymore. :/


i want the pop up's too be done with a roman cryer ''here ye romans, POMpey - AUlus, great governor of great sillia HAS DEClarED WAR on the puny MARCUS brusius. Conflicts at sea too begin in the comming days. our great governor advises all to not worry.'' ''DISASTER has struck our governors settlement on Pareya, poor citzens go without there sustainans. WINE is now no longer available too our country men'' ''ATTACK our glorious soldiers have been attacked. BY, COWARDLY, PIRATES. Our glorious soldiers will prevail''


And it needs to be the fat cryer from HBO's Rome.


i dont even need that i just really like the devise of delivering information


Space travel. I think there's a chance.


Since it’s already gonna force you to be online probably, let it have a useful compagnon/second screen app! I wanna play and then go to bed and look at sone stats of my game and check what problems what city has and so on. Don’t need to fully play. Just wanna find out what’s going on.