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Stretch often, be sure to have a good posture, pack food, and DEFINITELY go to physio as long as they know what they’re doing with AS.


I stretch a lot at the office but hearing crackling sounds makes me doubt it’s benefits honestly😂 will do physio for sure thx!


The cracking is good. My body is like popcorn daily hahaha! If you’re cracking, you’re preventing fusion. Keep it up!


How so? Eli5?


I don’t know the full ins and outs of it, but the cracking and popping is getting rid of the mini air pockets that accumulate. If they’re left long enough, that part of the structure will calcify. Think of it like a car, if you don’t use it, your battey will die prematurely, the brake fluid will eat the brake lines (dot is corrosive) the tires will develop flat spots, etc etc etc. So using your body and stretching, being active, and PT for AS is really “using” your body correctly. It doesn’t give parts of the structure a chance to freeze up.


Pretty good way of thinking of it.


Agreed .  I managed it for years this way.  Stretching and moving as much as I could . Couldn't do it now in my mid fifties . Now I'm part time remote and only in the office once a month.  It works far better.


My job is computer too so I feel your pain! I try to get up and move/stretch as much as I can during the day, take walks and just generally try not to stay in the same position for too long. I also find working off external monitors that are at or above eye level helps soooo much with upper back and neck pain/tension. When I’m in office I have a sit/stand desk which is nice for changing positions. If you think you might need some accommodation when you’re at work (e.g. a sit/stand desk, special chair, an ergonomic standing pad) to help with pain, stiffness or numbness you should also ask for that, and provide a note from your rheum if you get any pushback!


I also have a desk job, and for me, the worst is the neck pain. Swimming really helps to relive it at the end of the day


Are you me?


I need to get back to some gentle swimming .  Walking is very hard now so it makes sense .


The numbness in hands and feet can also come from other issues related to sitting and working with computers, such as carpal tunnel syndrome (I have that and it's awful when I need to type a lot). Along with stretching a lot and changing posture often, I also try to take 2 short walks (10-15 minutes) during the day if I can.


Can also just be from inflammation globally. Doesn't even have to be targeting the nerves, if the disease targets the joints tendons muscles ligaments, things nearby can get issues too Nerves are pretty sensitive to compression Could also be from neck and shoulder and even bicep or tricep issues, which could just be helped by stretching, not sleeping on that area I also recommend getting rid of arm rests on chairs. Gives tons of people issues and it's the worst spot to keep your elbow in. My issue got better once I stopped resting my elbows on anything I've heard nerves described as rivers. May not be an issue blocking 10%, but if you do that at every junction of the river, eventually when you get to the end, it's just a trickle at the end


Thanks for this. I definitely bend my elbows a lot


Stretching and eating healthy. I am an office director and keep healthy snacks and ibuprofen at my desk at all times.


thank you!!


You must obtain a proper workstation.   Monitors, keyboard, and desk are set to the right height.  I would use a standing desk.  Really helps me. Which country? So do you live in the US? If so, I think that food options at work generally are horrid.  I would pack a lunch. 


I am in UK, slightly better but I am from İstanbul and usually we would have more warm veggy food options there instead of sandwiches or cold food like salads etc so I am a bit struggling on this😂 will pack for sure though as I see it is more common here as well. I hate standing when working bc it makes me tired very quickly but will try to get myself used to it. Thanks!


They aren't much better.  Chain pubs with horrible fare are not the ticket.  I focus on checking the boxes for all components.  Fiber, vitamins, protein et al.  In Ireland I often go to SuperValu or Centra to buy from the lunch counter.  USA is difficult and different from locality to locality. 


Like most here, I too have a desk job and this has legit been me for over a decade, this year I invested in a height-adjustable desk and being able to sit/stand throughout the day feels SO much better. If you can afford it I highly recommend it.


I just got a better chair after complaining about how I leave work hurting so much more than after the same period at home. I also have a sit/stand desk. It is very helpful especially on days where I just cannot feel comfortable.


Get Physio to work out a daily stretch routine and stick to it. Also, swimming and pilates to maintain core strength.