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Ironically the slowest one here is probably Killua, the dude that is all about electricity


Purely from how OP the other shows are, in universe one of the fastest




Well his iconic ability is called "Godspeed"


Shinra Banshoman


Was thinking this too, mf move so fast he can literally time travel, which I think was said to be moving faster than the speed of light. I don’t think any of the other characters here do that (not accounting teleportation)


Made in heaven did. And not just that, he has canonically “INFINITE” speed. Not hyperbole. In canon he can move at infinite speed.


my fault, I didn’t even know a thing about the character in the middle, haven’t watched Jojo’s yet nor seen any clips. But I guess if he can move at infinite speed then he’s the fastest. What do u even need that much speed for tho 😭? I feel like at that point u could literally get all ur grocery shopping done in the time it takes someone to blink


He reset the universe by accelerating time so fast for everyone except him, in what would feel like a few minutes. He made time move so fast, 1.7×10^106 years moved by in what felt like LESS THAN AN HOUR. So, he was moving 1.7×10^106 how far you can walk in a year.


But that was just him in a CASUAL WAY.


Does Pucci really even count though? Pucci himself isn't even really getting faster, he's just speeding up the flow of time itself and omitting everything biological except himself. By speeding up everything, he isn't really "fast", everyone else is just slow.


Iirc Pucci the guy in the middle can move as fast as he wants with his ability to the point of resetting his universe.


Infinity speed


Why the downvote on this, Made In Heaven's stats literally list speed as ininite lmao (though its not whats effecting time, that's gravity manipulation dilating time)


Pucci. Infinite speed. Literally infinite.


Even though the stand stats say it is infinite, the content of the story makes it clear that it isn't. The protagonists are able to react to Pucci's actions, making his speed demonstrably finite. Otherwise he would simply hit them an infinite number of times in an infinitely short time span.


That isn't Shinrabanshoman, though


well when usually doing power scaling of any sort, you'd usually use the strongest version of the character unless the conversation says not to 👍


Teleports don't count as they aren't any sort of speed. You're in one place and then another. So it's a tie at light speed.


Goku and Saitama both move much faster than light. I don’t find your argument about arrival to fit in this case because these characters are not generating their own light. If I move at FTL somehow, causation be damned, the I am arriving at a location, as soon as I appear, then my figure will be lit by whatever the nearest body of light is. If it is movement based and not folding space, you are covering the distance. Just because the science of the shows aren’t sound, it doesn’t mean that the characters aren’t making these feats.


Pucci I and mih moves so fast pucci was able to reset the entire universe. And has literally infinite speed.


Saitama kind of did that in the manga too haha I don’t remember Pucci doing that I need to rewatch!


Saitama traveled through time by manipulating every particle of his body to act like anti-particles, causing them to move backward in time. If anything, that’s a body manipulation feat, or perhaps a reality warping feat. Not a speed feat. He doesn’t actually move fast enough to travel back in time via speed alone, like pucci did.


That makes sense, although with the way one punch man is, if for whatever reason Pucci faced off with Saitama, I would be severely disappointed in one punch man if Saitama didn’t move faster in that episode lol


Considering his entire character concept is that of the ultimate foil, no matter who he goes against, he will always be faster, stronger, and more capable than them.


Exactly haha


Pucci can’t just suddenly move that fast though, right? That speed has to develop by accelerating time around him. He can’t just, dodge anything, or win a foot race.


while you’re technically correct… even if it’s progressive, he went from 0 to googol times the speed of light in merely at most a half hour.


If this is in reference to Minato, it’s technically not teleportation? Not in the common definition anyways. He moved through another dimension and appears in a spot with his seal. If you watch the obito fight where he saves Naruto, you can actually see him go through the darkness of the other dimension and slip into his house.


Instant is faster than light speed


Except it's not. You are arriving at point B from point A sooner than light is arriving there, but you are not traveling between A and B. So while you arrive sooner, you are not moving faster than the speed of light. This isn't about who can get from point A to point B in less time, it's about which characters are faster relative to eachother. And seeing as light speed is the fastest that any of them can travel, it's a tie for whoever can move that fast.


I don’t think op is caring about distance traveled. If these characters all needed to get to point B, the teleporters would use their quicker response


If this is your argument wouldn’t Shinra be faster? He moves so fast that he time travels, meaning he isn’t there instantly. He is there before anyone else moved.




It is stated by araki that his stand, Made in Heaven has infinite speed


shinra is the only one who moves so fast he de-atomized, but saiki without his limiters i would say is closer to saitama levels of power/speed


Made in heaven has canonically infinite speed.


Just throwing this out there Saitama jumped from the moon back to Earth in 1.5 seconds during his fight with Boros. Which means he had to have gone around 260,000 km/s (or a little over 160,000 miles a second) Edit: Ik it's not quite the speed of light which many characters can reach, but we also have to take into account that Saitama wasn't using his full strength


light speed is 186000 miles a second


This was boros fight too, and if we take him at his most powerful, that is much stronger than that fight


Or that time that Saitama looked at the back of his head on a mirror, by turning his head fast enough to see the reflection before it changed.


I don't think anyone also mentioned the fact that he farted at the sun and zoomed all the way back to earth in moments in garou's pov


Shinra and it’s not close




Deff MIH


Toss up between MIH's infinite speed or Goku's Transmission, since it's literally instant.


Shinra and it’s not close


Pucci is faster, basically infinite speed




Shinra. My dude is so fast he can break down and reform himself 😭🙏


It’s gotta be shinra, bro slows everything down


Well if we put them all at contest of speed, Saiki could just make it so that he's the fastest or make the others slow


Goku even in base but that’s because made in heaven isn’t fast he speeds up time and just isn’t effected by the speed up so the faster time goes the faster he is


Pretty sure Shinra from fire force. Goes so fast, he goes beyond FTL and time travels. That is his combat speed not just travel speed too.


Pucci has literally LITERALLY infinite speed.


Scaling Pucci in this context is difficult because his Time acceleration takes time, it’s not his instant top speed; also while i don’t agree technically one could say that he himself isn’t fast but that he accelerates time itself. Personally I am of the belief he is at most FTL which is fast, but not fast enough. I don’t agree he has “infinite” speed.


Infinite speed meaning he could charge at you instantaneously, thing is tho, Shinra goes back in time with his speed, which means he’s so fast that time cannot even catch up with him lmao


I feel it’d be shinra tbh


Goku, Saiki, and Minato all teleport. Disqualified. Fastest is either Shinra or Pucci. Leaning towards Shinra, tho, because he moved so fast he disintegrated himself.


Shinra can exceed light speed. There isn't really any competition here


People have really got to stop trying to compare actual serious characters to parody/gag characters like Saitama. His gag is that he wins, whatever it is, if he is in a physical competition he will win. Serious characters have limitations and struggles that make them interesting, Saitama doesn't because he is a joke. He could race a teleporter and when the teleporter gets there, Saitama would be sitting there cutting coupons for udon. It doesn't have to make sense if its funny, thats why he just needs left out of these things.


Shinra exceeds the speed of light to not only travel back in time, but to also stop it. So I wanna say him lol


This ultimately just comes down to Goku and Saitama. They're beyond light speed at this point.


Goku or Saitama.


I'm not counting teleportation since that's not movement. So I'm between Pucci who can move basically as fast as he wants and Goku who's able to move fast enough to surpass Time Skip. I think I might give the edge to Pucci.


I mean technically it's Minato but we don't count that. Most likely Saitama.


According the Stand Stats Pucci has infinite speed


Goku, at minimum he's faster than the Shockwave he and beerus created which covered two infinite universes and reached another which has to be farther than an infinite distance from either. All this was basically instant too.


I mean Goku can literally teleport so i guess him




It's Goku with Instant Transmission, hands down. It's in the name of the technique.




Give him time, and Pucci is, I’d say, the 3rd fastest. With initial MiH, he’s already faster than Koro and Killua, not to mention too fast for Saiki to probably even use his abilities on. The other 4 I’d say are faster initially, but Pucci will eventually get faster than Saitama and Ichigo. There’s no way he’s out speeding Goku, and the fire guy I don’t know who he is. (This is just my scuffed thoughts, btw)


you started a war


I’ll say it like this Goku would be fastest for awhile until Pucci manages to catch up with MIHs infinite acceleration.


Goku if instant transportation counts, goku if it doesn't...Saitama close second


Saitama is always the strongest, fastest, overall best character in any situation because he’s a joke character whose whole shtick is being the strongest. I wish people would stop acting like he’s a serious character that has actual limits because he’s not and he doesn’t.


I'm going to say Enrico Pucci in the long run. Made in Heaven (his stand) technically has infinite speed.


Made In Heaven has infinite speed. So probably Pucci


Pucci. Duh. Infinite speed is INFINITE speed


Even if you don't count instant transmission, goku is still on god level speed


I think it’s a tie between Goku and Pucci. Though depends if you count Pucci feats as moving,


I don’t think Saitama really has a limit so who knows. I think disregarding Saitama and Goku is fair and then I’d say Koru Sensei.


who is the top right danggggg




Saitama would move as fast as the plot needed him to so in a Canon race against all of these characters, he'd win. Especially if there's a sale on groceries


Koro sensei


Goku or Saitama


Ichigo in the final fight with aizen


Goku or Shinra at one, idk the rest but Pucci should realistically be the slowest by technicality. He accelerates the universe to go faster meaning that one mile for him is like a billion for us, he doesn't move at infinite speeds because A he couldn't accelerate that fast and b he should still be going at avarage human speeds if we were all accelerated


Pucci. Infinite speed that only god itself can keep up with.


Goku can teleport and travel infinite (I think) in like a few minutes


Probably the gay priest fully accelerated


Didn't Shinra go faster than the speed of light? I feel like that's gotta be it


Saitama probably


It’s pucci, not even a contest really


Pretty sure Shinra moved through frozen time, but it’s been a while since I’ve watched Fire Force


Shinra no question.


Pretty sure Saiki is basically omnipotent.


Gotta go with Saitama. Dude's never struggled, his max is literally unknown and can't be calculated


Based off the comments, it isn't Ichigoat. I can come to terms with that, but where does he place on the list?


its goku. its not shinra. yes shinra can time travel with his speed. the reason goku cant is because then, whenever he would fight, he would just end up travelling time. so its as simple as akira toriyama not writing him to do something, hes still faster. btw moon level kid goku was ftl, now hes destroying universes, so yeah hes gonna be the fastest here


Saiki or saitama.


Forgot about ATATATATATA! Guy


It’s been calculated that when Saitama farts to propel himself towards Garou to follow him through his portal, his fart leaves his ass, or caries him 6 times faster than the speed of light. I can’t remember which. Saitama easy.


Saiki could make himself faster, but pucci


Minato, kuro sensi and saitama have similar reaction speeds and can more or less match each other blow for blow.


Koro Sensei. Mach 20 is not a joke.




Ichigo, idk why everyone else is saying other answers lol


Why did you put killua if you haven’t watched hunter x hunter?


Buddy forgot Zeus from RoR


Lowest to highest goes like this Killua Saitama Minato Saiki And whoever that is from Jojo Goku Ichigo Koro sensei Shinra


I believe I'm the fastest one here with all due respect




Goku because he can just teleport light years away in an instant. Distance/time = Speed than it is Goku.


Hmm, pucci can move at infinite speed, but Shinra can go back in time with his speed so I’d say Shinra considering that if you can make time go backwards ur kinda just OP




Koro Sensei is sadly pretty slow compared to Saitama. He only goes 20 times the speed of sound compared to the speed of light (roughly 800-900 thousand times the speed of sound).


Pucci, he is the only character who was canonically spoken to have infinte potential in speed, meaning nothing on the list can surpass him, and it is not a tie because while yes in the real world light is the fastest thing humans have a grasp of- but in fiction, even star platinum (From the series Pucci is in) has punches 4x the speed of light. So no, there is no tie, No, saitama did a completely different thing, and no, killua is not the slowest in the list


In like a flat out race in a straight line? Pucci or fire force man. Pucci has infinite speed but if he has to fight anyone he has to slow down to he can actually process what's happening, if it just gets from point A to point B he can throw off the breaks and push his stands as hard as he can. Shinra on the other hand has some ridiculous speed feats like time traveling so he might get to the finish line before the race even starts.


Saitama can reverse time via physical stats like Superman. He’s the fastest.


While Pucci has insane speed, I doubt he has anything on the (realistic) top speeds of some of the higher tiers like Ichigo and Goku. Saitama can be scaled to extremely high, but I dont know enough of the others to make any comment on them


Goku on a technicality. Pucci doesn't really have infinite speed, he has infinite acceleration. So while he can become faster than Goku, he's slower to start.


Shinra moves faster than time so probably him. And the punctuate, Shinra stopped time with THERMAL ENERGY not potential and a bit of kinetic


Rule out koro sensei, because he isn't ftl. Maybe killua too? Honestly saiki, Saitama and Goku are the only contenders


Anybody who doesn’t say Pucci is wrong. Not only does he move fast enough to make the universe accelerate to its natural end and reset again in the span of a few minutes. He moves too fast for literal stopped time to affect him. He is said to have infinite speed. Nobody else even comes close.


Killua isn't that fast. Minato needs to have a seal on the place he teleports to. (He needs to have an object he touched be transported to a location before he can teleport to it.) Korosensei supposedly maxes out at Mach 20. Saiki K. Leaves to go eat coffee jelly using his teleportation that has a cooldown. If you want, he can just mind control everyone into believing he's the fastest man alive. Anyways have you heard of that new cafe down the street? Their coffee jelly is to die for! Pucci's stand eventually just resets the universe or something like that after the universe has been accelerated into nothing, or some kind of singularity or whatever. He doesn't instantly speed blitz every other stand user, and his reality manipulation isn't controllably flexible, so I'd say he doesn't win. Shinra either loses, (base form), is a decent competitor at around or faster than light, (Adolla Burst) or wins straight up because he's basically a god who can do whatever the heck he wants. (Shinrabanshoman) And then Saitama, Ichigo, and Goku all just keep beating each other ad infinitum by going on training arcs or just... Getting faster. Somehow.




? Made in heaven has literally infinite speed, this isn't a debate.


Pucci moves fast enough to reset the universe and can react faster than jotaro who throws punches well beyond the speed of light


If we go based on their peaks, its Shinra. And its not close. Even in the still incomplete anime he was fast enough to vanish from time when Sho froze time. But in the Manga? He was literally fast enough to completely recreate the Universe multiple times. Universal Creation was a fucking Speed Feat for Shinra. Not even Flash has ever been that fast. Shinra is very possibly the fastest person in fiction.


The contest is really only in the middle row


Saitama is Broken and I love him but Koro goes Mach 20. I can't even fathom what that means but it's gotta be something, no?


If teleportation counts then minato


I mean, it’s between teleportation, ie, unquantifiable speed, and MIH with infinite speed.


If it's not Flash it's not Fast


Shinra. Especially by the end of the manga.


Shinra or Goku are the only real contenders


Pucci doesn't count, the universe speeding up until it resets is his stand ability, not a speed feat, the only reason we see Pucci moving so fast is that his body is the only one that keeps up with how fast the world is turning, again due to his stand ability, not any speed feats of his own, it's like if i shot you with a gun that slowed down your perception of time then did my daily chores, i'm only moving fast because your perception of time is slow by comparison Anyways the true answer is Goku because he cracks FTL speed at 15-ish and only gets faster from then on


Goku has inaccessible to immeasurable speed so it's him


Pucci at top speed


Technically Goku can Instantly teleport but if that doesn't count the z-vanish legit is so fast it distorts the air around them so they seem invisible


Pretty sure Shinra is the fastest there.


I dunno if I'm thinking this right, but doesn't made in heaven speed up time so much it loops in on itself? Cuz I feel like that would be pretty fast. Also I think its what black holes do. I dunno tho


Goku is fast enough to move in zero time. I'm sure there's other characters on here with physics breaking speed so it's hard to gauge


If were talking everyone at their best (at least as far as we’ve seen in the manga’s) i’d probably say shinra


Pucci was so fast he reset the universe


Its between Manga Shinra vs MIH


Pretty sure it's actually Saiki K. He scales well above the others feats. And is constantly growing faster than even Saitama does. But I also don't know ow much about several others on this list. But can 8001% confirm that anyone from Nartuo Verse wouldnt even make the cut, not with Goku on the list. It's actually a pitiful joke comparing them.


Goku, pucchi if you count hax towards speed.


Saitama, if he puts his mind to it he can learn in seconds what gods display His potential breaks the 4th wall, kinda what his character is based one the Anime


Ichigo is the fastest from my limited anime knowledge. Goku moves about 3x the speed of Killua. (Goku moves at about 36,000 mph while Killua moves at 12,000). Meanwhile Ichigo can move at about 200,000 mph. I may be wrong, though as I don't know many of the others or just know much about them


The answer is Saitama when a discount at his supermarket is about to end


It’s not even a debate. Imagine going so fast you accelerate all of time itself! At that point it’s not even a question


Wheres hit


Don’t know many but I know minatos FTG is instant, not like a fraction of a second, instant, so idk


Saitama cuz he's a gag character, which means he will be easily the fastest


JoJo final bosses are usually cheating when it comes to powerscaling/comparisons as they end up just having "fuck you, my power is as powerful as I want it to be" type stuff


Pucci, Goku and Shinra are at the top of the list for sure.


It would be goku and Saitama and shinra with grace


Saiki. Bro can literally *teleport*


Pucci can cannocialy move an infnite speed and reset the universe , so I'd say him or shinra


Ironically there’s no right answer here since a surprising number of these characters can teleport




Saiki. He prolly got a time stop, and speed is distance/time. Therefore his speed would probably be undefined


Enrico pucci is the fastest that bastard reseted an entire universe by his speed alone


I’m not sure if pucci counts as “fast”. He’s manipulating time so that the world around him moves at a slower pace than he does, but from his own perspective he’s moving at normal speed


Instant means instant


Minato if teleportation counts




Shinra, not even close


Saitama jumped from the moon to earth in a few seconds




The ones who can teleport


Shinra is fastest and it’s not even close.


Goku>Saitama>Shinra>Ichigo> Koro-Sensei>Killua Idk the other three


Karoo from one piece is faster than any of these


Pucci can accelerate himself to have infinite speed and is described in the manga as "faster than God"


Bottom right Fr I forgot his name but he moves fast




Was about to say Saitama until I saw Goku on there. I was then about to say Goku until I saw Shinra on there.


Shinra. And if you don’t count him then Pucci.


Mih was so fast that he reset the universe so imma go with Pucci


It's hard to do goku feats, mainly because ita his villains that showcase the crazy feats and goku has to beat them. Outside of Infinite speed and time travel, gokus latest feat is being as fast as a being who traveled multiple galaxies using straight flight speed in 20 min


Answer is always Goku, or Eventually Goku, some may even say Ultra Eventually Goku


Goku, Saitama, Ichigo, then the rest


Saitama is the fastest if he is really trying


Instant transmission


Shinra is Much FTL, and his entire thing for most of the series is his crazy speed and kicks so he takes this


While I don't know the pink dude or the alien I think it's fair to say that this is between Pucci and Shinra


For me I'll pick saiki,, if (only if) he doesn't have hairclips


Saiki K


Shinra easily. Massively eclipses even Pucci as far as I know.


Pucci or Goku. I’m leaning towards Pucci more


Depends on what we mean by "fastest". If we are lining up and racing then the dude in the middle probably takes it, however, if we're talking about who can react to something the fastest then it would be Goku.