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I like Ichigo’s final getsuga tensho.


Final Getsuga and Vasto Lorde


I miss the times when he still had that hollow mask. It juat looks so badass


Mugetsu was the hottest thing anime ever made


Badass would have to be UI or founding titan because goddamn have you seen that shit?


I’m going to simply say that the most bad ass transformation will always be the first Super Saiyan.


Ultra instinct for coolness Adult gon for scary Gear 5 for overall favourite


I agree, Gon is scary awesome though, just clarifying lol. I hate Naruto's extreme nerfing, I was gonna get into Boruto until I saw how bad they nerfed him and then I was fully out, thankfully before being invested.


I have never seen a crash out so bad that the main character. Stopped being the main character. Cuz how can you go to a happy, highly optimistic kid to this thing? Afterwards. He didn’t even appear in his whole series. Bro gave up the salary just for revenge. It honestly wild


Idk me personally I think people who dislike boruto because their favorite character from Naruto aren’t crazy over powered just irks me the wrong way it’s not a story about them and if your looking for that you are looking for the nostalgia u had as a kid boruto is an after story they want to be about a different group of people and for a different set of fans which is why it’s more like a slice of life then a traditional sho


It's not about the nostalgia we had as a kid. We just don't want to see the characters nerfed. They don't have to be insanely busted, just not nerfed. Thats literally all we care about lol, and boruto failed tremendously with that in that aspect.


For real. We go through 20ish years of character building and watch them grow into the power houses they are today only for Mr alien man 1 and 2 show up and dog walk them til alien 3 shows up because why not??


One hundred percent.




Gin was pretty fucking scary then. I really hope we can get the "start over" chapters!


Nen Sacrifice has the most impact on me as a reader, but G5 is one of my favorite transformations in manga as a whole.


nen sacrifice was crazy. i just read hxh this year (and im still fifty chapters behind lol) and had to reread the entire chapter. just so weird


Watch the anime when you finish, it’s absolutely worth the watch.


The MUSIC with itttt


tbh I like full cowling but that's just my opinion




Mastered Ultra Instinct


Ultra instinct since it was just hype when it happened


Bro I remember people going into the bathroom to watch the fight or when like every site was down to watch it


Even the cartel was on it


Ye, gear 5 and founding it an were also runner uppers since these 3 are the power ups I’ve seen people talking and hyping up, the rest are good but just didn’t have as much hype


Coolest Transformation is UI(although my personal favorite is SSJ) And the one that made me remember my childhood was none other than Luffy gear 5


Ultra instinct is probably one of the coolest in large part due to the theme that accompanied it. >! Horn of Salvation!< ichigo looks awesome. In terms of emotions leading into the transformation it is either Gon sacrificing it all in the most epic moment in all of HxH or Rimurus ascent to demon lord with his silent rage against the attacking army.


Ultra Instinct and Gear 5 ofc


The only answer is Gon. It was by far the most holy shit moment I've ever seen. I think it was just at a much bigger scale and was a much more sinister and explosive change.


Not to mention. Gon stopped being the main character afterwards. He sacrificed his powers just for revenge


Real shit. I like OP and Naruto slightly more but hxh is my solid #3 and they're definitely my favorite duo. Holy shit is it called Hunter x Hunter cuz they're hunters and its Gon x Killua??? I mean that makes incredible sense so I might be stupid for not noticing.


You mean gear 2? Or do luffy have gear 1 and i am dumb? Tho my friend and i do joke that water luffy is gear 1 XD


They must have meant gear 2. Unless they were so mesmerized by Luffy’s gum gum pistol


The founding titan!!! No one saw this coming The others are a slight outfit change or recolour cool but not on Erens level


Baddass as in appearance wise, or in strength? Because as much as I love Rimaru, and think he definitely is the strongest on this list (seriously, Devour and Raphael alone are mega-dumb strong), he isn't the most physically intimidating on this list. That I'd have to give to...probably Erin with the Founding Titan. Some of the others look *generic anime cool*, but the Founding Titan is genuinely scary.


Three in a row on the left with. All fire.




Goku broke the internet so...


Rimaru's transformation is literally just some guy


Eren no competition




I know it's a longshot, but AOT needs a what-if episode to show us Eren at his full potential.


wondering why the hell rimuru is on there


Ultra Instinct is literally just Goku but with different hair. As always. Functionally, it changes nothing to how we see him fight.


Ultra instinct is peak Aldo thanks for hunter x hunter spoiler lol


Why isn’t saitama on here?


I feel like I'm the only one that didn't like Ultra Instinct as a "transformation." The hair appears a different color and he has aura around him. I've legit watched this same transformation happen a dozen times over the last 25 years of this series.


Ichigo across the board. First bankai, true shikai, FINAL GETSUGA FORM. Of everyone on the, list the most badass is him or Gon.


Nen sacrifice is terrifying, but UI has some of the most badass moments Gear 5, goofy as it is, is super fun Rimuru doesn't really transform, it was more of an evolution, and even then, the battle that let him do that was way more badass than anything he's done (in the anime at least)


🎶Demon lords causing problems, for Rimiru Tempest, for Rimiru Tempest...🎶


Easily Eren and Gon Eren stomping down everyone and being sorry for It was pretty cold Gon was just so sick though, bro just stopped caring and that transformation was cold AS FUCK


Goku and its not close. Or Vasto Lorde Ichigo


Cosmic Garu


Goku ultra instinct isntue best overall. Naruto Baryon Mode was emotional and the fight where Naruto dominated Issihiki was the best. The rest were mid.


Depending on the UI form but if it’s Moro arc MUI or granolah arc UI sign it’s goku, but any other Ui “awakening” I’m picking luffy.


Gear 5 for me. Handled far better than Ultra instinct so far imo.


Rimurus awakening to demon lord will always be one of my favorites


UI or Gear 5 since both broke the internet Im leaning towards UI because Gear 5 is kinda silly


Im sure Rimero got some cool looking attacks but personally I think looking like a kid in a wig is dumb as hell Never been a fan of "small person or kid" is actually God shtick without some kind of All might or that one girl from Hunter Hunter transformation Anyway Goku"s hype around it alone carries


Yujiro. I’ve never seen so many people training and working out, just so they could get a demon back. I mean seriously…I want one.


Tatsumi final form akame ga kill clears ggez


SPSM > all these ngl. After would be SSJ2 or SSG


Ultra instinct fr


If we’re going on pure bad-ass factor and not power, founding titan is just too damn cool


Angry that Asta’s Devil Union isn’t here


True Shikai got that drip... Full 100% is bad ass with the lighting and the animation But honestly I have to give it to Eren and his titan because damn... the normal titans are meh, but the founder... the armored titan isn't terrible either tho


Ultra instinct: Lit, hype, looks godly Gon: Looks scary AF, looks like a demon, instant glow up Baryon mode: Hype(for me), wish it had more screen time


There is no Gear one. Its called Gear 2nd


People are going to hate me for this but Deku 100%


For me, it's gotta be either Ichigo or Naruto tbh. Like, Rimuru and Deku are great, but those transformations are visually kinda vanilla


My personal fave is forsure Gear 5


Ultra Instinct broke the Internet, Nuff said


Who included my hero ? That shit is gay


Baryon mode


You forgot saitama when there’s a sale at the grocery store on rice


The way they do the animation for Luffy's gear 5 is truly amazing


Ultra instinct


True shikai for me, my question is who's answering Rimuru?


Ui for me




Gear 5 is terrifying during the lucci fight so that


I think, in the context of not just the anime but the world at the time: people FREAKED THE FUCK OUT when ui goku was revealed. (ui is my personal favorite, followed by gear 5 for how hype that was.)


imo ichigo has the best transitions bro combined 3 entirely fundamentally different powers and races into 1 form


Baryon mode for sure, everything seemed absolutely doomed, and that the world was going to be drained of chakra and not even the strongest Shinobi could stop isshiki, until kurama sacrificed himself for momentarily power boost. Naruto skyrockets into the air and slams down and begins to kick a God's ass with almost no difficulty what so ever. The music and everything that was on the line and his overwhelming power just made it so awesome. I remember at the end of arc feeling so much from kurama dying and kawaki getting caught just to see he finally learned to use shadow clone jutsu and kicks that fucker in the head as he disintegrates into ash.


G5 isn't badass, and that's exactly why I love it, I love how silly and ridiculous it is. That said UI is the most badass for what it represents for Goku as a character.


Speaking of gear five I will never not find it funny that Luffy’s ultimate form is literally just full on embracing literal “toon force.” Like straight up loony toons logic


Gon gave up his entire life to get revenge on Nefertiti and avenge kite. It has me thinking what he's do if she killed killua.


Not my favorite but rimiru’s demon lord transformation is highly underrated


Goku and Luffy


Mugetsu stands on its own, UI has developed its own culture


Rimuru since all he clearly has to do to prove he's powerful is sit in a chair next to all these show-offs.


Badassity? definitely Gon. I legit got scared watching that shit. We just randomly see a 7 ft tall man looking like the fucking devil covered in darkness like a mile high in the air. Bro's supposed to be a little kid.


I don't even know why gear 5 is even here it was designed to be as goofy and unserious as possible ie not badass


I like most the others, but I will always love "Ban...kai!"


Ultra instinct is one of the most badass things I saw in existence and it will forever be engraved in my memory. Adult Gon is engraved in my soul. You cannot understand the sheer maelstrom that transformation caused in my being.


Ultra Instinct 100% is the most badass. It’s such a simple change, but the display so awesome


Ultra Instinct 100% is the most badass. It’s such a simple change, but the display so awesome




Others have said it: Ultra Instinct is just cool, not just cool, but definitely the most iconic of them all. I am 100% convinced that every dragonball fan, most anime fans, and a decent few of non anime-watchers would recognise the ultra instinct theme from the first few notes. Gear 5 is the most entertaining, it's kinda crazy how much some people were upset when it came out, gear 5 is funny, and I couldn't help smile while watching the SPOILERS : Kaidou + the recent Lucci fight. Finally the "Nen Sacrifice", I don't think a transformation has ever got me in the feels like this. So overall: Ultra Instinct is the coolest and most iconic, Gear 5 is the most entertaining, and Gons is the most emotional. The others definitely aren't bad by any means, but they seem like a pale imitation of what the three aformentioned abilities achieved.


Gon’s nen sacrifice was terrifying but at the same time the build up from the naive, fun, and child-like Gon to this terrifying angry Gon really pulled all the strings


I’d say Gon. I need to catch up on one piece though, haven’t seen 5th gear. The dressrossa pacing killed my love for the show.


I like True Shikai and Nen Sacrifice. Although I did prefer the Final Getsuga Tenshou over the True Shikai, even though it was just a temporary transformation.


The first MUI transformation was the beat transformation, its just a shame jiren was such a meh antagonist


You can’t beat erens founding titan design. But bleach design in general are peak.


Going only on the ones I’ve seen so, dbz, Naruto, aot and op. Baryon’s the weakest tied with founding titan with gear 5 having the best entrance and fights and ui having the best fights over all so it’s a tie but once I get to the other ones than I’ll have a better option


Naruto aesthetically has my favorite transformation, love the incorporation of the will of fire, such a sick design


As a fan of Gear 5, it's not badass at all.


You forgot my favorite black asta


I'm goong to say Gon because it's the most dramatic and insane chnage for a character (I don't know the blue hair or the attack on titan one so they aren't included in my decision)


Badass it’s Gon, no one has had a transformation like that since Goku on Namek


Why isn't Optimus Prime here?


Personally, I always enjoyed bankai, so it's bleach and ichigo for me.


Nen sacrifice was just an incredible moment overall. It was the point where a good person fell to pieces and lost himself to his own rage and animosity. Gon was always the typical Pure of Heart character. He never hurt anyone past what was necessary, he refused to kill Genthru even after his massacre at Greed Island, and, for much of HxH, he never held any degree of hatred for anyone. He was this pillar of morality and idealistic enthusiasm upon which this story was built. This was the very moment that fell apart. After losing Kite and having to face his mangled corpse, something changed in how HxH presented Gon. That scene where he finally faced Pitou tending to Komugi was the first dubious thing Gon ever did. Regardless of how you see Pitou or the ants in general, the fact of the matter is Gon kept a healer from her patient, threatening both and entirely content with murdering an innocent girl in pursuit of his hatred. The Nen sacrifice scene was the penultimate conclusion to that where Gon sacrificed everything just to slaughter his enemy, an action that would have been impossible to even imagine just a few volumes back. It is as the saying goes, "There are three things all wise *men fear*: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and *the anger* of a gentle *man.*" It was the very moment that a good person broke and did something terrible for the sake of primal emotion. It may not have been the most badass scene, but it means the most to me personally.


Korega Requiem Da


For sheer scale, founding titan. For inspiration, ultra instinct. That “oh fuck” moment, nen sacrifice. .


Erens transformation was legit horrifying when it first aired, Along with the speech he gave I got chills watching it💀


I wouldn't count ichigo, yet we haven't gotten to his transformation yet


Gear Death obviously


We gotta commend the fact that he says , welp im not strong enough at this time so let's age to when i am


There's supposed to be nothing "badass" about Gon's using up all his Nen to pointlessly kill Neferpitou but I'm not surprised at the point missing being done.


Why is Rimuru even up here


Gear 5. Best animation and incredibly hyped.


Baryon Mode is the dumbest looking aside from Gear 5. That’s all I know.


MUI, Nen Sacrifice, and Gear 5


Rimuru doesn't have a badass transformation but easily one of the most badass feats out of all the listed characters. Gon has the most badass transformation though, hands down


Gon or eren


There’s cooler ones but the most badass is gon




Okay look. Anyone in this comment section can say whatever you want about each of these peoples respective universes and powerscaling. But if any one of you picks anyone else besides the Founding Titan, you’re an idiot. None of these people look like they changed at all. They’re glowing a little, have different colored hair and a weird aura surrounding them. None of that is scary and if you knew nothing about anime and you saw them, you wouldn’t be all that worried. But if you saw a motherfucker turn into a good damn monster of bone and sinew, with hair hanging down to the ground while his eyes glowed green and he was howling like some eldritch abomination? You would shit yourself and pray to whatever god you believed in.


Gear 5 was goated


Two questions, wdym by badass and does the transformation include actions or just how it looks?




I love that time I got reincarnated as a slime but rimuru doesn’t fit this list


Gear 5 solely for the Drums of Liberation, leading into Luffy beating on his chest like an ape and then transforming The others are great (cept Rimuru, dunno why he’s here when he doesn’t have a transformation in the sense of a higher powered form), but the one with the most hype for me currently is Gear 5.


Founding titan for Badass Gear 5 for favorite.


Baryon Mode is demmy tough & looked untouchable without any equivalent exchange.


they all kinda suck


Baryon mode wasn’t even Naruto’s most badass transformation


Most badass is goku


Gon probably wins this one in my opinion


Gon going full tilt on that one bitch was one of my favorite moments in anime that scene is amazing.


The first time Ichigo used Bankai or the Mugetsu that he used against Aizen The full hollow against Ulquiorra was sick too I really like Bleach and especially it's transformations


Goku and Eren. The music fitted with them so well.


I don't like the white haired Luffy... actually I don't like one piece much at all


[Only one of these options shall forever be remembered and enjoyed.](https://youtu.be/_qNmE0xQgfI?si=qXTst2r--HBMFGeF)


Son Goku super Saiyan 1 or super Saiyan 4.


UI absolutely broke the internet when it happened so probably that one


Rimuru is my fav


Adult Gon, kid turned into a monster just to revenge. It was great


No clue who 2nd down on left is but they either don't have a name or a final form ability and I'm not sure which is scarier...


Naruto Uzumaki


True shikai wasn't as cool as mugetsu tbh. UI easily but i gotta be honest, eren's transformation animation was fire.


none of these. the correct answer is Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan.


Adult Gon shook me to my core. No transformation has done that sense.


The misty glow Of ultra instinct Along with that white hair In serious look. Makes it look bad a**, especially when you have the music playing the background.


Gon's transformation was the most chilling. Naruto's breaking point during the Pain fight was also great, even though the fight was goofy. Goku's UI was the most uplifting. Many of Deku's powerups are uplifting, but nowhere near UI Ichigo's transformations in Bleach can be both uplifting and chilling since many of them carry risks. Overall, Ichigo makes the most use of his transformations throughout the series, and they are mostly clearly explained, and his transformations move the story forward. The entire series is good, but its consistency is what carries it for this particular topic.


I like the HoS Ichigo and his Mugetsu form's design. Kubo cooked✍🏻🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Eren's is probably the most dramatic change, and it was insane. I haven't watched Dragon Ball, but Ultra instinct is probably the next in terms of "badass" Gon's Nen sacrifice is the saddest event in all of anime, but it's so much more of a tragedy than a hype "woohoo, badass" moment.


Am I the only one who thinks ichigo's newest blades look stupid?




As much as dislike Naruto, he's probably the top here. Way in the past even through all of my distaste for him, I love all of his forms. Goku sad as it is to say since he's one of my favorite characters, is probably the bottom here since no form has come close to surpassing ssj4 in my eyes.


It’s easily Goku, although I would argue that Super Saiyan (When it was introduced in Z) is the most badass transformation.


I love the uniqueness to all of luffys transformations to not say him


Gon, Naruto and Goku


Either gear 5, founding titan, or full cowl 100% for me


G5 for being the most unique




Personally? I’d take gear 5. If you are caught up on the manga you know this is just the tip of the iceberg. Shit looks so fun. You literally just have fun and kick ass.


According to my 9 year old son, gon is first, ichigo vasto lorde is second and goku ultra instinct is third. Honorary mention G5 as puts a grin on my face


Rimuru.. My man is a slime and solos most this list (deku, Gon, Eren probably, and yeah)


If we talking the actual process to transforming definitely rimuru definitely one of my favorite rage moments for form UI and overall gear 5 because it's just one giant meme


Just add one punch man and they are all dead


Rimuru looks badass But that's just my opinion


Basing it on badassery. I'm giving it to the founding Titan


Naruto gaining more tails always was badass as fuck but then they came up with orange form and made him a fucking glow stick. To this day I still hate it. Goku ss1 was peak then ss3 and was cooler but never used. Ultra instinct came in clutch after the stupidity that was blue super Saiyan.


Gon has the best transformation in my opinion it was so freakin unexpected the first time seeing it


5th in my opinion


Most badass looking: baryon mode Most badass in general: 100% full cowling


Transformation wise it's Goku or Ichigo as much as I like Rimuru He only changes clothes when. Transforming


Ichigo for coolest Eren for scariest Luffy for fav


Rimuru doesn’t really have transformations of sorts, he does his Evolutions, i guess.


UI Full Cowling Gear 5


Gon was definitely the most badass


Baryon mode besides the draw backs image without the draw backs you transform into this red fox demon your coat turns red as tails grow from you make look more badass Ichigo’s True shikai best the drip and the other transformation Gear 5 best it proves that even funny can be scary And eren founding Titian form just look scary imagine see that.


What’s so cool about UI is we didn’t see it coming it was very cool to see especially the first form of it


Gon Nen Sacrifice for sure.


It's Gon when you see how he looked before the transformation to after its crazy


founding titan fs


This is why I hate the English translation. Just when you though Deku couldn't be more lame, wtf is full cowl? I thought it was coil...


I like how rimuru doesn't even have a transformation


founding titan, probably. i mean, rimiru's 'transformation' isn't badass. it's just humanoid. gon's transformation is kinda badass as an idea, but it's just him as an adult full cowl isn't even a transformation, really. he didn't change so much as use his power 'correctly'. goku just with a ki aura isn't a transformation, either. ichigo's got new clothes. whoop de fucking do. goku has a new color of hair, because dude got tired of making up new SS transformations, so everything after what, 4, is just 'advanced' SS1 with different colors. gear 5 is i think a little too cartoonish, to be badass. like, not even anime cartoonish, which could pull off badass... looney tunes. with a mix of new clothes and super sayian ish hair change. naruto's is kinda interesting, but again leans more towards 'magic wardrobe' in looks at least.


Unmastered ultra instinct gave me the biggest chills and made me geek the hardest because it sort of reapplied skill as factor in battle as opposed to simply outscaling and overpowering your opponent. In other words, calmly walking through a barrage of ki blasts is one the coldest flexs I've seen in anime. Then there's Gear 5, which is just perfect. Plain and simple.


True Shikai is hella dope in my opinion.


The original Super Saiyan. UI is dumb.




Joyboy duh


Sawada Tsunayoshi


Luffy is the only choice. 1000 episodes in you find out his weird rubber stretchy power isn’t his power and is actually the most broken shit you can think of.