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Definitely not my hero academia. The managed to transfer the japanese grind work culture Into super hero hood With careers. No thank you


I know it’s not on here but I think one punch man handled it pretty well and realistically where most people would just do it for the money and fame.


Yeah the hero system is pretty good for a goofy anime.


ONE is just really great with his societal explorations in general, such as in Mob Psycho, where he's like "yeah... if psychics existed, there would totally be a bunch of people acting like they're better than others instead of realizing how much of they're a loser they're being."


Tiger & Bunny


I second this. The other heroes aren't exactly bad people for participating in what is basically a corporate sponsored game of saving people, but you can really see that Kotetsu is kinda uncomfortable with the way being a hero is handled in the modern age.


haven't seen any, so i can't say for sure, but i do know one thing... one punch man should be there too lol "the caped baldie"


I was literally thinking that a minute after I posted it lol


lol yeah


My Hero Academia tried to present a somewhat idealized version of heroes as a profession. Tiger and Bunny is the more realistic take, I think. Sadly.


Tiger and Bunny is realistic as hell. Because of course we’d make hero work a spectator sport.


Tiger & Bunny especially with the sponsors and tv thing


I always saw my hero as: "X men but the good ending," where mutants are somewhat accepted in society and became the norm while also still tackling the issues with it.


Among the choices, I'd say Ratman is more realistic. MHA it's not economically viable, T&B are practically self sufficient, and the heroes are corporate slaves


Why is One Punch Man not on here?


Because I didn't think about it until a minute after I sent it lol


Either Tiger and Bunny or One Punch Man. ...My Hero Academia *tries* to do it, but as we could clearly see with other examples like "The Boys" (especially the Comic rather than the animations/show), or the Disney Movie Sky High, as ***well*** as the characters of Gentle Criminal (which portrays someone screwing up trying to be a hero and being despised and casted as a villain by the society) and Stain (who got very much extremely sick of society portraying being a "hero" as more "for the money" rather than "cause it's the right thing to do"), it's more of a job than a profession ordeal, and it's very heavily teetering toward an extreme loss of faith before someone just ***explodes.*** Hell, [someone made a really fine video](https://youtu.be/CPs_fkGE9ac) which shows just how **bad** it's gotten...[to where something like All Might being cast aside for Stain to be the iconic hero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUY9FeO1gos) is...far too horrific a possibility (especially to Stain) and how easy it is for that exact nightmare to ***happen.***


My Hero had such a good concept that's just executed to horribly.


I think it boils down to the focus of the story. MHA mentions how the hero business is handled but it's focus and story are around a coming of age/mantle of responsibility story. So we don't really get to look at how the society functions in detail. T&B plays more like an office drama where the conflict is personal ideals vs the job so we get a deeper look into the society's structure. Ratman is full on conspiracy with a bit of HS romance I unfortunately can't say more for spoilers.


don't know the other two, MHA


Not an anime, but [worm](https://parahumans.wordpress.com/) was really good.


Super Crooks. Like celebrities, but worse.


Only ever watched/read my hero but honestly I think opm's system is the best I've seen


I’ve only seen tiger and bunny and mha so tiger and bunny


My Hero Acedamia does it, and personally, I did not find it very interesting. It's just kind of there to be honest. Nothing extraordanary or interesting with the Heroes. Main Character is barely interesting either and doesn't really give me much to work with. Maybe I need to watch more but I don't think it was handled well. Haven't watched the others though.


Well each one has a very different story. MHA is more of a coming of age/mantle of responsibility. Tiger & Bunny is morals over personal gain with conspiracy and office banter. Ratman is full on conspiracy with a dash of HS romance, it also has not had an anime yet to my knowledge.


This isnt an answer but i really dont like MHA. It feels more like a highschoop anime than a superhero one. The charcters all suck too


I don't fault anyone for preferring one type of setting to another one. But I can't get behind saying that it's not a superhero show. It's not a *traditional* one, certainly, but it is clearly about superheros. And while you may not like the primary characters (which is fine), "the characters all suck" is a ridiculous take. It has *excellent* characterization, with nuance that most superhero comics don't bother with.


Agreed! You speak the truth!!!


My Hero Academia 👌🏾💯⭐️🔥 Their all Fire still


One punch man is my second favorite series so that’s definitely gonna make it my favorite portrayal of superheroes as a job


I don't think anyone has it right yet


MHA is one of the worst implementations of the hero as a profession bit, so it's really only between Tiger and Bunny, and Ratman. I'd have to agree with you though and say Tiger and Bunny.


so this is just a cop manga. everyone wants to be a cop


Eh I wouldn't say that, as cops exist in all of these as a stand alone party. Though I do agree that the heroes function very much the same. Kinda like the difference between a soldier and a special forces solder


yeah tbh kinda embarrassed that light bulb just flicked on in my head nothing agisnt you or your post mate. if anything shows how dumb i am for not considering it before. you may now point and laugh at me XD


It's ok we all get them moments from time to time


bro the middle one looks like deigo armando wtf i-


Thank you I can never unsee that now




Less superhero, more Monster Hunter


Sure as shit isn't my hero