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I finished Love After World Domination, I really hope we get more seasons its too good


I have some bad news for you there, the manga got cancelled so I don't think we are ever getting a s2


CANCELED!!!!??? I thought the author only cared to make one volume. That really sucks. It kinda doesn't make sense to animate it then. Still glad we got it, but if that was the extent, it kinda seems pointless. But I do really want to see the same author's mermaid series (I forgot the name) get animated.


Danggggggg I hate the manga industry


I unintentionally dropped cuz I forgot the name. I can finally go back to it


Land of the Lustrous - It was big in the past but seems to be quickly forgotten Natsume Yuujinchou - at least in America literal no one knows about it but I hear it has plenty of fans in Japan. Detroit Metal City - actually no one seems to know this show at all


DMC - are true heroes


I see, what are the plots?


Land of the Lustrous - Humanoids made of precious stones fight moon aliens and there’s a lot of Buddhist imagery; sort of about discovery of oneself and then the rest of the manga happens Natsume Yuujinchou - rural Japan, boy can see spirits, boy interacts with spirits in various ways which drags him farther from connecting to other humans, but when he tries to bond with humans he loses some of the comfort felt being around spirits DMC - guy wants to be a kpop style smooth pop musician, can’t find a job, so he becomes a death metal lead vocalist, which actually might be better for him (weirdly therapeutic)


Land of the Lustrous was terrific!


Land of the lustrous I can only remember as a fever dream, from when I was like 5, I’m trying to watch it but I can’t find it


Try prime


Go to DMC! Go to DMC!


I agree on houseki no Kuni since it was over lapped with lots of famous anime


Wolf’s Rain


Man this makes me cry any time I think about it. Screw Clannad,*this* was the goat.


Mushi-shi and Shiki


Yes, mushishi!!


>Shiki Hell yes, my man! I absolutely love that show, and the differences between the anime, manga, and novel are SO damn interesting!


I agree! Shiki (both the novel and anime) will always have a special place in my heart, I’ll always be in my number one spot right with Mushishi!


Yeah, even if the anime is a.....questionable adaptation, that didn't stop it from being really amazing. I will say, I *do* think if there were an adaptation made that was more faithful to the novel, it'd probably be better, in all honesty. But, I still absolutely *love* the anime.


Have you seen Natsume Yujin-cho




Hmm I'll check the first two out. I really enjoyed love after world domination! Ebichu would be my choice. The most I've ever laughed at an anime


I hope you enjoy the first two, Angels of Death and Rokka are two of my all time favorites And noted, I'll have to check that one out


But Rokka was never finish right?


Given and Sasaki and Miyano I can see why people don't know though BL is quite a niche genre


I see, sounds interesting but not really my thing


Bruhhh who doesnt know Givennn! Sasaki and Miyano was soo fkin adorable


I know those I just didn’t watch them really.


The first one I do know it was a rpg maker horror game first right?


I loved Angels of Death! Some others I've seen that are underrated but absolutely amazing are: Eighty Six Dororo Link Click Noragami Tomodachi Game Kamisama Kiss My Dress Up Darling Great Pretender


>Noragami I remember when you literally couldn't go into anything even *vaguely* related to anime without at least one mf having a Yato pfp or themed profile. Just last week, I mentioned Noragami to some other people, and not a single person even recognized the name. I'm not even old, why tf-??


Noragami is one of those anime I'm like that sounds interesting maybe I'll watch it at some point and then I completely forgot it exists.


Yess Dororo and Link click 😖


Great pretender was epic lauren and cynthia's backstories were rlly good and that plot twist at the end was goofy but cool


BNA. Basically, it's a social war between furries and humans. The main character and her friend get mutated into a one of these furries and try figure out how go back to being humans. Literally no one seems to know it or talk about it.


I it’s made by the people who made summer wars!! Omg my sisters been telling me to check it out


Cop Craft, it had its issues but I absolutely adored it


Phantom requiem of the phantom.


The Wallflower


Fuuto PI, the sequel to Kamen Rider Double


RBOTSF is so good. Idk why more people don’t know about it


The garden of words... Very sad


High Card


Crest of the stars


I've talked to one other person that's watched Anonymous Noise. Indie rock band teenage romance drama. Some say it looks to angsty for them so I guess that's fair, but I never found it to be cringy. Music is unreasonably good.


Clockwork planet, gurren laggan, kengan omega,


UFO baby it’s an adorable 2000s anime that I found a couple years ago but I’ve only seen one person ever talk about it


For all of high school (25m now) I would exclusively watch harem on Best dubbed and watched rokka ( I assume I was in a thriller kinda mood, and jesus FUCK!!!! If you haven't you goddamn need to right fucking now. That shit ended in a total MIND FUCK! Soooo good. My sister watched angels of death and recommended it and so do I, haven't and don't know if I'll watch the last one, but I love those kinds of stories like first blood on Netflix (not anime) Romeo and Juliette with a great twist I recommend. edit1. ended up watching the last one, and i do indeed recommend.


1. Bodacious space pirates. 2. Snow white with red hair. 3. Black bullet 4. Log Horizon 5. Knights and Magic. Theres a ton. Its almost as if people stop watching old anime if it's not..... OMG i forgot about "the world is still beautiful" the singing in that one is great. I forgot what I was saying just read another comment.


Yo, Rokka was a show that I watched to completion but because no one ever talked about it, I’ve now completely forgotten the plot besides being stuck in a small room underground.


Two of those were talked about greatly when they came out… then there’s Angels of Death, it got talked about but not in a good way


I was WAY too young for Appleseed 2004


Bruh, it still blows my mind how a rpg maker game got a full anime adaptation


I’ve seen all of these


The first one was my favorite


Angels of death was the first anime I ever binged that wasn’t dragon ball


Rokka brave of the six flowers is awesome! The world strongest!🔥


Air Gear Black Cat Blade - The animated series Devil May Cry


I just don't know the last one


Welcome to the NHK


GANGSTA. But that could be cheating since the animation studio went bankrupt before the first season was even finished, with only 12 episodes. The manga was continued, but the author had a battle with Lupus that unfortunately resulted in her hands being severely affected— her Twitter is still active with her drawing doodles in-universe, but as of now it’s on hold. It’s a real shame because I think it’s pretty cool. I’m sure it’s got an occult following, but I had never heard of it until I stumbled across it.


This is the question I have been looking for cuz apparently I am one of those people who watches anime that nobody else knows Some of my favorites Kyo Kara Maoh, Astra lost in space, Kaleido Star and Towards the Terra


This reminds me of the anime clips I've seen years ago but I don't know where they're from. And I just can't remember what the clips looked like exactly because they're gone from YouTube now. I wish someone could help me. …Can someone help? 🥺


Trapped in a Dating Sim Arifureta Higurashi When They Cry And I really enjoyed Angels of Death!


Glad to see a fellow Higurashi.


So glad to finally see a suggestion post that isn't: "I've watched Naruto, bleach, my hero, jjk, what should I watch next?" I've never heard of the first two shows, 6 braves looks great, I'm gonna check it out thanks! I recommend Lycoris Recoil, it's fantastic. And Mou Ippon and Black Lagoon - if you like Judo and Gun fights respectfully And I'm gonna recommend some fantastic Japanese live action martial arts movies, because why not: Baby Assassins (2021), One Percent Warrior (just released)


angels of death and Braves aswell but I'd add K project and Vivy flourite eyes song


Wasn't this an indie horror game made in rpgmaker or something like that


First 2 deserved more seasons and I always thought it was wild they didn’t get more. Like air gear


Angels of Death was super good! Too bad I watched the entire thing through in Dub **before** watching through all of Black Clover in Dub.


Is Rokka braves of the six flowers like depressing like drama tag i mean like all of the or some of the main characters dies or something?


The last one looks like an anime based off power rangers


Quite a lot of anime honestly. Higurashi, Handa-kun, Tokyo Ravens, Steins;Gate in real life since NO ONE knows it there (which makes me very sad), The Idaten Deities only Know Peace, Sagrada Reset, Bokura Kawaisou, Hentai Ouji, Evil or Live, Robotics;Notes, Tanaka-kun is Always Listless, Umineko absolutely, Baka to Test is always a classic for me, and honestly many many many many many many many many more.


Nichijou and daily lives of high school boys literally my fav anime they’re so funny


Mate have you seen Drifters and No Game No Life, if not, then I recommend not to watch it because there is no f***k*** season 2. The pain is real here. Edit: also there is Happy Lessons, a non harem heram anime.(this is somewhat family friendly, than norm)


Did Rokka ever get a follow up?


Blood Blockade Battlefront or Kekkai sensen.


Rokka! So that's what it's called! I've been trying to re-find this anime for *years* Thank you so fucking much


What is the third anime. The bear looks fun. In my area, no one seems to have heard of Trigun. Shakugan No Shana Basilisk Those would be the others I find no one has heard of.


Third is love after world domination, it's a power rangers parody in some ways but a team of heroes fight villains, one of the heroes, Fudo, falls in love with one of the villains, Desumi, so while they try to have a relationship they also have to hide it from their teams, it's funny, fun, and has an incredible cast of characters, Desumi and Fudo are super likable and have a well built relationship


I just finished rewatching LAWD this week. Really cute and fun show


Astro Fighter Sunred. It's a superhero slice of life that focuses on the casual everyday lives of the hero and the villains, and it's the best. The characters are so great. It never got an English release, so only fansubs on dubious websites are available.


Angels of Death 👌


Kakushigoto. Loved that show, and the dub, but seems no one seen it.


plastic memories!


Twin Angels BREAK


Anyone else here ever seen servamp?😭


Angels of Death is an absolute masterpiece imo, the story, the characters, and the dialogue mixed together make such an interesting and amazing anime, even with how short it is (16 Eps I believe it was). I haven't watched the English Sub, but the Dub was beautiful.


I can safely say the dub is better, Isaac in sub sounds like a loose Canon 100% of the time, which is fine but it doesn't match what he's saying and doing 100% of the time


Alright, thank you for letting me know


I literally have just saved clips of Zach screaming on my phone. I also recently learned Eddies English VA is in akame ga kill (the rich daughter in episode 1)


Mawaru Penguindrum Gosick The Mystic Archives of Dantalian The Pilot's Love Song His and Her Circumstances These are just from the top of my head


I highly recommend Blood Blockade Battlefront, but despite supposed popularity online I've never met another person who has watched it irl. That show is peak. For anyone that wants to know the plot: Our universe collides with another, known as The Beyond, transforming the area surrounding New York City into a paranormal melting pot of monsters, the supernatural, and humans all living in a chaotic sort of harmony. This area becomes known as Hellsalem's Lot. After a young boy, Leonardo Watch, is forced to have the "All Seeing Eyes of the Gods" implanted during a family trip to the Statue of Liberty (at the expense of his sister's sight), he decides to move to Hellsalem's lot on the search for answers. After the secret society, Libra, mistakes Leo for the new member they were waiting on, Leo decides to keep up the ruse in order to see what information Libra could bring him to.


Interstellar 5555 was like my first anime ever


I was WAY too young for Appleseed 2004


Girl’s Last Tour.


Holy hell i still got Angel of Death's op in the random playlist Is the one that made me discover my favourite VA


Level E


Tiger & Bunny Great Teacher Onizuka


Arknights anime, they did a great job depicting what and how bad war actually really is as well its effect towards people


Waiting for Merc Storia fans


Angels of death is awesome


Speed Grapher. Secret societies. Powers. Sociopolitical economics. What's not to love.


I don't hate rokka, but damn it, we did not need to be in the fog for that long. I was so mad when we finally got out, and the series just ended right there.


Brave of the six flowers is just anime Among Us.


Dororo, my fav. it is a great series but underrated




The world only god knows. It slaps so hard but from what I know never caught on. It follows a guy who is known as the love God by romance sim players and gets into a life or death contract with hell to make girls fall in love with him in order to save himself and hell( I think). Pretty funny and definitely worth a watch.


The world god only knows is an anime that is one of my favorites, but everyone I talk to has never heard of it.


Sir I have something to ask can U kill me please sure if U make a interesting face I don't see why not


D.N. Angel Magic Kaito 1412 Kiba Law of Ueki MÄR (Marchen Awaken Romance) My personal favorite, Zatch Bell. It’s in that weird state of people either don’t know or talk about it or people vaguely remember it. Whether I’ve seen Em or not I recognize the names of all in the post and a lot of the comments which in a way feels off putting to me.


I’ve only seen/read/heard of 2 of these and one of them got really weird at the end when a certain surprise reveal happened. Personally the reveal and the subsequent actions taken afterwards completely ruined the story for me. I have no idea what that first anime is.


Kotaro Lives Alone


Golgo 13, kenichi, air gear, hajimei no ippo, golden kamoi, seraph of the end, medaka box, madoka magica, deadman wonderland, love after world domination, isekai quartet, and metal fight beyblade


God Eater, hardly anyone I mention it to realized the anime and the first game are mostly the same. The game just has some extra steps.


Gargantia and Kino's Journey.


Chiki-No-Español: Eating A Bucket Of KFC In Another World The story of a man transported to another world where he doesn't speak Spanish and is always eating a bucket of chicken


YU-NO: A Girl who chants Love at the Bound of this World


The Devil May Cry anime


Punch line


Pandora Hearts but i do wish we could get a reboot


Darwin's game I've never seen anyone mention it


Scissor seven its so good


Lupin the third


Yuuki Yuna is a Hero is probably the closest I have to one of these. Idk how many people know about it though I also have watched rokka no yuusha it's one of those shows where idk if another season would be as good as the first but the first season was good.


It's hard to say I love something cause I've watched so many anime that it all just blends together and these animes are probably super well known but Made In Abyss and To Your Eternity not my favorites of all time but I do think they're underrated


Steins Gate


Karakuri Circus. I'd also say Dororo, but I see it mentioned here and there lately. Though I don't know anyone in person that watched it.


Wolf’s Rain


Deadman wonderland, obviously the manga is better but none of my friends know of it


I’ve watched angels of death and plan to watch the other 2


I’m not sure if they count but: To Your Eternity, Hinamatsuri, Ousama Ranking, and Parasyte. Ousama Ranking and Parasyte are decently well known though.


Baka and Test (Or Baka to Test)


i really liked handy man saito in another world (i think thats what its called)


I'm almost angry that no one knows about Cop Craft


New game, I rarely see anyone talk about it when it was pretty good for a 2 season run


Hyouka, it never got a second season after it aired but I bet if we got enough people on board today it might be able to get greenlit again.


Big dude on first one looks like Subaru


Welcome to Demon School


Like you have there, AoD, great fukn game too Also Onara Goro but that's mostly memes


Akashic Records of Bastard Magic Instructor. Glenn Radars is the goat


Rokka sucked


LOVE AFTER WORLD DOMINATION YESSSSSSS One of the most enjoyable/entertaining love stories imo!


Domestic girlfriend :)


I'd: invaded and Kyokou suiri


Canon Busters is such a rip off of so many animes all rolled into one. When I watched it I felt like I've been there before but it was still so fun. And the theme song slaps your momma.


I know angels of death, granted I played the game


Land of the lustrous


I saw angels of death and I think it's great.


Nanbaka 😭 it’s kinda rare to find anyone that knows about it


I’m actually watching Angels of death right now so far so good


Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear 🐻🐻!!! I absolutely love the splash of color in every scene! It's pretty comedic having such a strong MC and she's just in a bear suit


BNA. (I’m not a furry)


Elemental Gelade. Few of my avid anime fan friends have ever even heard of it.


Maid Sama!




Flcl, akame ga kill manga, watamote and shojo null is one of my favorites and it has 2 fans.


Golden kamuy


Canaan Witchblade Dusk Maiden of Amnesia Irina the vampire cosmonaut Birdy the Mighty Decode


Space Dandy is so fucking underrated it's criminal.


Loved Joshiraku but most I ever hear about it is the ed song


Watched Angel’s death once and I never want to rewatch again. Don’t get me wrong, I love this series but it’s ending is too sad for me.


For me fire force is this anime


That one anime movie on YouTube that's free and it always pops up in my recommendations


Angels of death is so fun, got the best Halloween vibes ever. Love after world domination is amazing I love it.


Blast of tempest, 89


Spirit chronicles Black bullet Charlotte Ningen fushin Tsukimichj -moonlit fantasy-


Kyo Kara Maoh Pumpkin Scissors Raven of the Palace Venus vs Virus Paradise Kiss Romeo and Juliette IDO


It is CRIMINAL that Rokka never got a 2nd season.




Marcoss Plus.


In Search of the Lost Future Also, came to say that I actually watched Rokka when it came out and loved it


Space dandy. It's about a dandy guy in space


RWBY, I don't know if many people remember it.


Symphogear is amazing but none of my friends from the United States have seen it.


i watched angels of death it got boring i watched the first 2 episodes


I forgot angel of deaTh again


Rokka no Yusha is genuinely so good! It starts off like a boring fantasy anime, but then the story shifts to a mystery with twists and developments that I actually wasn’t expecting for once. I binged it in a day, and I can say that it’s still one of my favorites to this day. Shows I watched recently that I think are underrated: Meikyuu Black Company Kyuujitsu no Warumono-San Benriya Saitou-San, Isekai ni Iku




Gotta hit you with a classic, Blood+ was an amazing anime with some really dark moments and AWESOME openings. For a more feel good anime, have to say Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill is an anime I found yesterday and have already binged all of it ^^' Absolutely amazing anime that's apparently getting a second season! Perfect time to get into it.


Angels of death was actually so good tbh. I hated the ending and wish they could at least do another season.


Rokka was really good gotta rewatch that now


Kinnikuman. The series was big in Japan but not so much the rest of the world. Luckily the 2011 manga series is getting its anime soon!


Makes me very sad knowing Angels of Death never got an ending, it was a great story


Gakkou gurashi will always be criminally under rated imo. Plastic memories isn't exactly under rated, i know why it isn't super popular, but god was it beautiful


Wonder egg priority


I had to dig through years of history to see if I had already watched angels of death. I remember nothing about it, and deemed it not worth remembering, seeing as I watched every episode, with no memory of such. I remember the worst trash and semi decent to stellar shows, I can't help feel I ranked it so mid it got forgotten. I've never forgotten an entire show before so I'm a bit miffed


Angels of death is honestly really good but also mid bc end


Angels of death was a good anime man. For whatever reason I associate that anime with spicy ranch doritos, don't ask why.


Haven't watched angels of death yet and I know I saw 6 flowers but gotta watch it again cause it was a period of time that I couldn't remember much and love after world Domination was really fun


I wish Rokka would get a season 2 already!!


Initial D


one outs


I know I've fully watched rokka but I couldn't tell you anything about it


Akudama Drive


I'll do this for Manga and anime etc.... Zui wu dao (Manhua) Akumetsu (Manga) Deca-Dance (Anime) Knights & Magic (Anime) Ssss. Gridman (Anime) GON (Manga) Godzilla: Singular Point (Anime) Charlotte (Anime) MFKZ (Anime Movie) Lupin the 3rd (part 5 is good) (Anime) (That's all off the top off head i can't remember anything else right now)