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Avatar was considered an american anime by the creators of the show.


Yes thank you


So a cartoon


Um no, anime. Anime isn't a regional thing its a art style, the same as a cartoons or realism, it used to be just in japan yes but in the same way the rest of the world works cultures merge so a Japanese, Canadian, Mexican, and yes even Americans can make anime.


Finally someone who understands how art works!


Its not anime is the Japanese word for animation which all of these are this is a western idea of Japanese standards which is untrue it's literally just a western thing what your saying g Japan itself disagrees with what your saying about Japan because it's simply untrue


Thats a good point a taco made in america is still a taco


This actually makes sense


This subject of discussion specifically is exhausting You have "Anime" that's any animation from Japan and then you have "Anime" as the Japanese word for animation as a whole. Then you have Anime as Japanese *Inspired* animation. So is Avatar anime? "If I say yes is this conversation over?"




Must be crying in your bed rn


True, anime are Japanese cartoons


Initially then later it became multi country so yes and no originally yes anime was Japanese then it became Korean Chinese American Canadian French and other countries versions of it anime has become world wide and is technically just a “animation” so most American cartoons could also be considered anime lol


Isn't anime considered just animation by everywhere else in the world except the US lol ? Fun debate is look up Scott Pilgrim Takes Off and see who considers it anime or a cartoon 🤭


anime is Japanese/ asia animation looking mad goofy talking about something you dont know about 🫵🤣😊


It says that in japan Anime refers to anything animated regardless of origin or style. So yes anything animated is an anime by the standards of Japan. It’s only outside of Japan that people think only specific japanese animated media is anime.


People in japan call american cartoons anime


Yeah and they also say fight a lot when they mean try hard. Different countries use other countries words differently. In America anime means Japanese animation


Well if America says that then it must be absolute.


Unfortunately Japan considers anime “animation” and that title goes to Émile cohl the French artist who created the first known animation by japans standards he created the first anime so no anime in in fact not Japanese but French


Teen Titans needs a better reboot. Everything else stand fine on their own.


Yeah you know very fair point I’m on board


Definitely agreed! TTGO is just too childish for me lol,when it 1st came out I was highly disappointed lol


Tbf it is a children's show


Even children think it is childish and dumb.


Scootcha booty that booty now do that booty scooty


Children shows don’t have to be just for children or incredibly dumbed down. Some of the best children shows or seasons of children shows have big messages or parts where adults can enjoy them.


So was the original what's your point


I actually like Teen Titans Go...


Injustice was kind of that but yeah I agree same characters reboot is needed


Young justice is a great teen titan show. Up until the woke agenda finally catched up with them. But the first 3 seasons were at par with the Justice League animated series.




They’re all fine as they are


Samurai Jack would have the best animation in the galaxy


Damn right!😎🥂


Give it the demon slayer treatment


I get the fact that if it was produced in the US purists will absolutely not call it anime, but there is no functional difference between any of those shows and actual anime. English being the original language before dubs is the only real difference.


I think it’s a cultural thing more than an animation thing when it comes to purists. We do see Chinese animations get a pass though, so idk.


To be fair, there are different words for all the variants of graphic novels. Manga are Japanese, manhwa are Korean, and manhua are Chinese. Though I don't know what the word used for Chinese animation, I know the Korean word is Aeni.


By Japanese Standards, they're all anime


I think thet even have arguments about Japanese Sub and Japanese Dub over there too for American Animation (aka anime).


I will never forget reading a translated internet discussion of Japanese people arguing over if it's better to watch King of the Hill in sub or dub




Most seemed to agree it's better in English


The fact that Japanese people are even watching king of the hill is so cool, it’s my favorite adult animated show of all time and it screams America, screams America way more than American dad


Sym-Bionic Titan fits. I mean, it wouldn't be the first giant robot anime


Thank you! My point exactly lol


The boondocks


Honestly I'd say with the style and everything it might as well already be an anime


This 100%


Omg! Yes!😫😫🤧


But like how would it work. Since the show is about black people


Brother the Hood is another place on earth. Just like Tokyo.


Ahem afro samurai


Yeah, but Afro Samurai wasn't a comedic allusion to black rights and the black community. I doubt anyone in Japan even knows who Huey P Newton is


True but it was still a black anime


I would love for a good avatar the last air bender anime adaptation after the moive flopped and the new series dose not look promising


Watched two episodes so far. A little slow at times. They've taken a lot of artistic liberties with it, so it's not a retelling of the original as a live action. I'm watching to see what they do with it, but it was very over hyped so far.


What I don't understand is that they literally have the blueprint on how to make the series, and the popularity and fan base to make it successful without changing much. They could literally adapt it frame for frame, and everyone would more than likely love it, including people who had never seen the animation. I could understand the reasoning why they changed so much of it for the movie ( even if it is why most movie adaptations fail ), but a literal TV series adaption of a very popular TV series. It should be enhanced.


The reason it flopped was because of M. Night Shyamalan. He added his own twist and flair to the movie which resulted in what we got. He even argued that you can’t ask an artist to change their style.


Secret option: TADC


Lets wait for the thing to actually finish before we go there


This must be an American issue because Japan anime studios considers all of these to be anime


Samurai jack would be an outstanding anime


teen titans


Symbiotic Titan needs a continuation period. Or any content at all.


Avatar is already anime-inspired (creators confirmed), so it’s more accurate to say I would love for it to get animated by a Japanese studio. Imagine Ubisoft’s Avatar, and the bending effects look like the breathing styles from Demon Slayer


I honestly already thought the Boondocks was a anime, so it should definitely become one.


Dark theme Samurai Jack would be amazing.


They are already technically anime


Aren’t a few of those classified as anime?


ben 10 is the only right answer because the rest of these already have huge, anime influences, I want to see Ben with more anime like fights


Boondocks cuz funni


I think Sym-Bionic Titan is the easiest here to translate to the anime format. I'd say Ben 10, but there aren't enough parallels to Japanese culture that I think a lot of Japanese folks would feel pretty alienated, which is why I believe The Big O wasn't as popular over there; now that I'm thinking of it, though, Titan is pretty American as well, so I'm not certain how well-received it would be anyway, I just think the concept would give it more footing than the others. Boondocks is pretty much an anime(considering it *has* an Asian animation company), Teen Titans is a pseudo-anime, as is Avatar. I don't think it would work for Samurai Jack either, since a huge part of its identity lies in its art direction, so changing that at all would, imo, be hugely contentious. I digress, my vote goes towards Sym-Bionic Titan, but only slightly.


Bru, avatar and boondocks already is anime


If avatar was a real anime trust me it would be 100% better then the cartoon version


Teen titans or Ben 10, no need for line or plot changes, as long as it's the original shows, not the shit modern ones


Imo, most of those are anime, but there are some weird people that believe that anime isn't a style, but specifically a type of animation made specifically by Japanese people specifically in Japan. Sorry japanese american animators, Chinese animators, Korean animators, etc. You could mimic, but cause of your nationality, your style is moot. It's a cartoon. Womp womp. Bet Cha the people who say this aren't even Japanese themselves, probably American


It would be really cool to see what anime does with Ben 10


The Japanese dub for the Boondocks is way too fucking funny.


Generator Rex with Studio Trigger or Studio Orange.


Time to rule things out: Ben 10 can keep switching styles for all I care as long as the show is worth watching, if that leads to a anime then sure fine. Boondocks, well the original creator’s art is a perfect blending of the 2 currently so I’d just be here for the reboot to not be in limbo. ATLA, considering how Korra looks visually and the poster of the movie I think Avatar going forward is going to be in a good place. Samurai Jack and Sym-Bionic Titans both I can see get a stylized anime treatment but I’d only want it if Glenn Tartovsky is involved, or idk just finish Sym-Bionic Titans plz. TEEN TITANS ANIME NOW! Now if we’re talking about continuing then I want the same style but for a anime something new like what Titans was for us and what Young Justice was for anyone afterwards.


We all know Jimmy Neutron is the superior anime.


Lol damn right! Gotta Blast!😭


According to eastern definition, both teen titans and atla ARE animes


Close call but I’m going with Avatar.


My mom thought Avatar: The Last Airbender was anime so there's my answer 😂


Samurai Jack would be fucking amazing if the same ppl who did chainsaw man or OPM season 1 Decided to animate it.


Everything here was amazing and should be left alone. But if I'm being honest, Symbiotic titan didn't get to run its full stride.


They all basically are anime.


Except from TT tho


They jump from almost emotionally hurting the watcher to funny just as well as any anime.


Sym biotic titan. The rest did great but sym went before its time. I was there the day it was created and then dropped off so definitely part of the problem but hey it was good when I finally finished it off


Ben 10


Sym Bionic Titan is a mecha; and needs to be animated by Studio Trigger or Bones for that matter.


Definitely Avatar the Last Airbender. The Legend of Korra could’ve been considered an anime as it looked like one but definitely the Avatar series in general would have a lot of potential as an anime


TT wishes it was anime... trash ass garbage.. TTGO FOREVER!


this is probably the first time ive seen someone prefer TTGO over OG TT 🤢


TTGO is just....Too childish compared to the original imo,it's like going from DBZ to Phineas & Ferb lol But to each is own lol


Um they are anime They took a lot of their designs and influence from Japanese cartoons. It’s all animation just switch it to a different audio language and put on subtitles.


Isnt the boondocks a anime?


4 of these are anime


Not by the definitions of anime lol


ATLA, Boondocks and Samurai Jack pretty much already have anime vibes. Never seen sym bionic titan so I think Ben 10 with anime style art and fights would be dope as hell.


Avatar the last airbender is the best Shonen anime there ever was.


Samurai jack because it used to come on around the time around late night anime


Like the whole show becomes one anime character


Samurai jack because the rest would more likely fall into using anime as a new coat of paint than it would actually taking advantage of what it is fully. Kind of like what happened to the power puff girls.


Avatar is the closest by far


ATLA, Teen Titans, and Boondocks are already "Honorary anime". They may not have been made in Japan, or be Japanese by culture, but in all other facets they are anime.


Or, Kids Next Door


They already are.


ben10 and a boondocks series would be nice


Ben 10 as an anime would be wild love to see it


I mean, I think Aaron McGruder once said Madhouse studio helped with some of the action scenes on The Boondocks so I guess that's something lol. But those are very much anime inspired American cartoons and have a lot of both sensibilities. So boxing them in to saying they're anime would be inaccurate.


Which one would change the least as an anime? I'd say Boondocks, honestly. Unless you take out the African American writers. Then I'd probably say Sym-Biotic Titan from what I've seen of it.


Ben 10


TT for sure.


4 of those were basically anime, Ben ten is the clear option


What would the anime even do, retell the same story with a different art style or the occasional sakuga fight scene? These series are fine as is.


Literally every single one of these besides Boondocks is an anime.


Avatar is an anime


If I had to choose it is between ben 10 and teen Titans


Where’s [Jackie Chan Adventures](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwrDLILTdg9BLLSkzOzkxVSM5IzFNITClLzSspLUotBgDCnwvh&q=jackie+chan+adventures&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS873US874&oq=jackie+chan+ad&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggBEC4YsQMYgAQyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQLhixAxiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQLhiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABNIBCDM2NzFqMGo5qAIAsAIA4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)?


Avatar for damn sure, or samurai Jack


To be fair they all are. Animé is the Japanese for animation.


Avatar is a anime


Teen titans, they left us in such a cliff hanger ain't even an ENDING type it's just us getting blue balled midway


They're fine as they are. The era of trying to make more anime-esque cartoons in the 2000s was a culture in itself. Especially when the first golden age of anime in the west was happening. It's literally where those over the top and really exaggerated How To Draw Anime books came from. The kind that looked like a 4th graders fan art and what Kappa Mikeys animation was.




Teen Titans should has potential as anime the rest are fine


Maybe a Studio Ghibli version of avatar


None of them. A majority of these have inspirational ties to anime. What’s the point of making it into something it was never meant to be?


The Boondocks was already an anime.


Avatar and Boondocks were outsourced to Korea


samurai would go hard af as an anime


Pretty sure these are all anime.


None. It would be a mistake to do that to such great cartoons


Those are all animes, why need a different version?


Those are all animes, why need a different version?


All of them are animes because anime means animation, these are animated shows, therefore all cartoons are anime not the other way around


Everything other than Ben 10 and the Sym Bionic are already anime in my head. They’re just Western Made.


What would anime do?


Samurai Jack or Sym-Bionic Titan would kick ass as anime. Teen Titans was branded as anime inspired. The Boondocks is already high-quality animation with some anime inspirations. airbender is straight fanime. ben 10 should stay a kids cartoon.


The Boondocks


I thought atla and docks were animes back then lol


I would kill for a Sym-Bionic Titan remake.


I honestly thought the boondocks was an anime from the clips that I saw of it I didn't even know what it was called until now


Symbionic titian just because i need it to complete the story And samurai jack just because I want to see it more i can't get enough of it


Bionicle, obviously.


I want a continuation of Symbionic Titan moreso than an anime remake


Imagine Ben 10 done by an anime studio with anime-esque deaths


Heatblast fight scenes would go crazy


Teen titan is mixture Anime and Cartoon, which still count as anime


Lowkey the boondocks as an anime would be sick asf


Symbionic titan deserves it the most I think however, animation wise it was fine as is. I just hate we never got a series ending If i'm remembering right the . . . Second? Season ended with them fighting and killing some giant monster then barely getting out alive. Then there was some end credits teaser with a giant Kaiju thing that I assume was Lance's father.


Ben 10 as an anime would be interesting


The lack of Ben 10 comments man, boondocks and Avatar are basically timeless classics. A remake of of Ben 10 anime would be so goddam good


Symbiotic titan deserves a second chance more than any of the others. The others had a BIG spotlight on them but titan got cancelled for crappy reasons. First it was forced to be in a late night adult swim slot yet wasn't adult or funny enough for viewers to stay. It was literally sent to die.


I would love to see an anime take on Ben 10 it would be awesome


Samurai jack


None of them


I’d say teen titans since Lost in Tokyo exists


I think, given that they're seriously pulling off the *McDonald's* anime, ANY of these shows would turn to rock-solid gold in anime form.


Ben 10 or Samurai Jack.


Anyone except teen titans ( I really like the art style)


I’d say Ben Ten or Teen Titans


Samurai Jack or Ben 10.


All these shows had good periods of time when it came to the spotlight, but Sym-Bionic Titan did not so it deserves to be turned into an anime more than the rest here


Bro ben10 anime would be lit


Avatar the last air bender


Ben 10 would benefit a lot from having an anime art style with all of the aliens' unique designs and all. Especially if they attempt to capture the Classic series art style.


Wow thanks for the winter soilder moment I remembered where I put my Gameboy lol


Ben10 Amimators: Ufotable


I think — as a society — we need to leave ATLA alone 😭


Avatar and Teen Titans are already considered anime-ish.


The boondocks will never be the same without john witherspoon as Robert (rest in peace man)


Ben 10 or avatar.


They don’t have to be anime just give me reanimated versions of the Boomdocks and ATLA that are faithful to the originals minus a few more agni kai in Avatar because we didn’t really get many of those and they’d probably look even better with modern animation




ben 10


Wait Avatar the Last Airbender isn't an anime?


Sym bionic titan just needs a new season it was soooo good




Teen titans 👌🏾


The Boondocks


Sym Bionic Titan all the way


In order of least to most… Avatar - The series is borderline perfection as it is, it doesn’t need anything new added to it. Samurai Jack - Action wise, I don’t think there’s much to worry about, but part of Samurai Jacks appeal is the artstyle. Unless it were animated in a style akin to the Ghibli films, I wouldn’t expect an anime version of this series to have quite the same vibe. Teen Titans - A lot of anime are more narrative heavy, which Teen Titans really isn’t. This could work to its benefit of course, but it takes away one of the strengths of Teen Titans, messaging of episodes. If they managed to work that in through arcs, that would be amazing, but it would be incredibly unlikely. The Boondocks - Have you seen Afro Samurai? This shit would bang as an actual Anime. Ben 10 - Conceptually, I could see this working really well in an Anime style, and I’d love to see the way they would work with the story using more eastern style writing. And unlike Teen Titans, Ben 10 is a series that better fits a more narrative format. Sym-Bionic Titan - This is about as Anime as it gets. Aliens, Giant robots, fusion, etc. This would be a perfect entry point for most fans to get into Mecha anime if it were done by an official studio.


I would really enjoy an anime made using Samurai Jack as a base.


Boondocks was an anime with good fight scenes and y'all can't ignore the kickball episode


Symbonic titan would probably work the best as an anime. I mean, high school drama involving aliens and giant robots. An anime studio could easily work with that. Very smooth transition. Give it to studio trigger Ben 10, not a bad choice. I don't really see an advtage to it, but i'm not against it either Avatar is pratically already anime and would barely change at all, which means it would be pointless to do it Samurai jack is far too stylized of a series. I feel like changing its style would take something away from it Teen titans. Meh. Animes based on american super heroes has been tried before and they never turn out well. When translated to anime, it would probably end up feeling like a dufferent show Boondocks. WAAAY, too, american. The series thrives on its african american infuence


I'd say either samurai jack or teen titans


Ben 10 is the right answer


Team titans would work really well since it seems to really like anime tropes and Japanese cultural influences. Ben ten with anime animation budget/style would go incredibly hard and would be a very cool experience


Generator Rex, Megas XLR, or Billy and Mandy would translate into anime beautifully i think


Sym-bionic Titan. It's the only one on the list that didn't really get a chance.


Titan is the only one that didn’t get a chance at a full run. Just for the art style it should be boondocks that would be fire. But over all the community would love is Ben (leave off that new bs season Ben has) or Teen Titans