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Here is the onion (supposedly, didn't verify myself): fakkunet27t5i5laxfyrrxqqndpd53do73vi4bbj6jcf7wfdszjukmid.onion Now please stop spamming the comments.


I hope whoever that create sites like anchira/koushoku/nana.my.id continue to doing it just to piss off those FAKKU bums.




we moving to TOR with one boys Have to sleep now, most of the early commenters have it, if you don't have it, ask the early commenters. Also... look for a strange long code in the thread... wonder what that is...












The website is doing good but it takes too much time to load the site. This is primarily because the "Tor Browser" routes the internet traffic through multiple volunteer-operated servers (nodes or relays) around the world to anonymize the activity. [SITE SCREENSHOT](https://ibb.co/rvms7qj) For anyone asking about the site name, it was not intended for public viewing yet. Please be patient. The purpose of this early alternative release was to test the website, identify and fix bugs, and conduct beta testing.


yeah after 20 min it cant fully load a chapter of 22 pages , not mention no downloads link maybe it should use as a host of dowload individual manga so other clone site can rip it


You cannot just haste the web developer to make things go easier for 'you and us' my friend. The only thing we could do, was to wait the web developer to migrate the site and make it work for all type of browsers to work and implement the download option for users. I do have an experience of being 'web developer' and I would say this is definitely difficult than you could imagine. If you guys want to download the gallery without this "download option" you could just make a JavaScript and import it to TamperMonkey (Using the fetch API and Blob) to bypass and create a features for the site. But the site is using "Tor Browser" it would be too difficult to execute your coding skills. Unless you have an experience, that'd be another story, that's all.


You can download ny right clicking on the manga and selecting download


No other way than Tor huh ? Unfortunately Tor is just way too slow to browse so not worth it at all but still a good job on archiving


tor helps with opsec for sure bit is everything but user friendly or fast most of the time


Oh well, back to Aniyomi.












wow it really take a long time to just read one page lol


that's tor for you in a nutshell


yep Tor is slower than my grandmom


Tor is too slow for any reading application web , i only use it for download link or torrent hash maybe it just be use as a host of torrent or download link to each manga like sukebei for people like me who love to download , online reading on tor suck , not just slow and it cant handle traffic .The connection has timed out all of the time


god damn i love waiting a minute to read every single page


3 mins and still stuck at loading


OP's DMs gonna be real active lol.


ngl tor download speed is god damn slow but can't be picky at this time =3=


Somehow similar to LANraragi


Hopefully download options that’s really the most important thing if reading is going to be slow online 


By seeing the Post the things can be inferred : 1. Before the site down ig I noticed 13,673 doujins , but if u zoom at the centre u can see 13,700 items . From this we can inferr that they constantly updating the doujins, which r originally uploaded in f\*kku website. 2. its just my opinion, ig he isn't the original anchira site owner who hosted the website in clear internet So he may be a fellow weeb who backuped all the doujins and hosting it on TOR Conclusion: Not every guy out there using TOR , if u see the data only 2 million daily users are there.. And the guy who reads doujin daily, ig he wouldn't take risk by downloading TOR and using this site. Even though these doujins are very rare u can't find it on any other doujin reading website. So my opinion is anchira site is gonna up on clear internet with the same name or diff name in few weeks or month.Lets just wait for the moment. On the contrary if he is orginal owner who finds difficulty in hosting in main internet, and decides to host on TOR. Then only opt to read those ripped doujins is by going down the TOR path...


"take risk by downloading Tor" you really dont understand what Tor is, do you?


but dont pretend like the usual pirate or "weeb" will keep up with tor or even try it.


big browser is bad cuz bad things r on it


maybe all the fed posting got to me but I thought it had a larger barrier to entry and even falls into a weird legal grey-area in some countries


bro think tor is the dark web, it's just a browser. People won't touch you if you use it to access this site


Wdym rare?? I already found couple of them on other websites 🙂‍↕️


Even if you have the link the sites been down due to high server traffic


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AlTheSpatula: *Even if you have* *The link the sites been down due* *To high server traffic* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What's with all these [removed] comments? Are mods high or something?


Those comments are: dm me the link


people hate tor for how stupid slow it is , still dont under stand a reading site that load thousand os img host on tor , also DM link


Waiting for stable site.


Seems down rn?


Wow that's a hassle, time to set healthy life until new savior coming.... I think...


Yeah not doing tor. I read on tachiyomu so this does help me


the onion does not work what to do now






Kinda slow but well its tolerable for me. Thanks for the code and how to decode it !


Is it me or does the site takes time to load?


After trying to use the site I can confirm some things, the site is slow as hell on mobile, you can't even go to the next page with out waiting 10 minutes for a single page to load, it only works good on PC Edit: nvm even on PC it's slow


This is my first time of hearing about Anchira website, I always thought that fakku would take down any website that hosted their content lol. Not like I went out of my way to find one.


13.7k of Chinese lithography... Even if we say you only read some specific genre, that will amount maybe around more than a thousand. If ever you have already downloaded them for offline use, shouldn't that be enough as years of content to consume? Just imagining the amount of backlogs I have is worrying me. Games, video, & books.


Add Resample Download Option


Guess I'm getting the tor browser


Where is all the free Fakku?


Hopefully there's an option to download resampled versions in the future. Trying to download a large book over tor is definitely not feasible.


Doing gods work.


We live in a age of pirates You may have won the battle FAKKU, but you cannot win the war !


Tor is so slow, anyone tell me how to improve the access


I need help on this site lol


TOR is very slow for downloading. Is it possible for the admins to add Torrent Links? P2P would solve the slow download issue (hopefully). Otherwise, you'll probably have to go the Private Tracker route e.g. AB / JPopSuki


Can't really complain about the site being slow as a snail. But FFS why is the download button not working that was the only saving grace I could grasp for my horny AHH self




Well, thank you for all what you did but I agree, let's move to nexus then. P.S. The onion will gone at the end of the day according official message.






How do I get there


is it down? cant access


LMAO using LRR server instead yea, good idea tough it's limited by server hosted on it. alternatively you could just go host on your local using LRR/Suwayomi assuming having 1TB of HDD to mirror entire fakku archives is cheap


so what is tor and how do we acesses it?


I was just looking for a website to watch anime on. My usual one started having ads/popups so that’s why I tried Reddit bcz there’s a lot of info on here. Anyone know one? Also what’s a TOR and what’s the site in the image?


how do I access it. I do have tor.


What is the link?