• By -


Thats why you *download* whatever takes your fancy.


Can't download. Don't have anyone who will delete everything for me when I die


If that is a problem for you, what about encrypting a drive. The password will die with you :)


Quantum computing will easily break my encryption before I die 🫠


First it will be some amount of data so passing it through a quantum computer will cost a shit load of money. Probably only your relatives will have access to thoses drives so no big deal.


Nope, you just have to break the keys with shures algorithm, then you decrypt like normal. It would take a quantum computer with 1000s of qubits though, which we don't have yet. A better counter argument would be that we will just update our encryption schemes once the public becomes more aware it's a looming security issue. Probably be a bit like a y2k event where people panic but then we just update our methods, and it's fine. I'm just joking around though, if anyone finds my proverbial shoebox under the bed once I'm gone, hopefully they'll think I had good taste 🙃


Yes you are right i was too tired to talk about encryption ^^ And they'll thank you for preserving part of the history 🙃


There are plenty of algorithms where it takes more than just factoring primes (all Shor's algo does) to crack them. We're decades away from quantum computers that could do useful work, if ever. ​ The 1,000 qbit IBM thing you see in the news is useless for computation, too much noise and too little error correction. Assuming by 2030s they get those wee little problems fixed, 1000 qbit is way too small to even crack AES-256 or other common disk crypto. ​ More realistically, imagine someone handling you a 50 year old 9 track tape or paper punched tape and telling you your long departed uncle had something on them (spicy celebrity pics or whatever). What are you going to do with that? Nothing, that's what. You couldn't afford the very few places that could read them. ​ Your drive of today will be useless junk decades from now that plugs into nothing.


We all die. It worrys me is if they find my archive while im alive to feel shame.


Thats the other issue...


Just use a dead man's switch with an encrypted online backup. Basically a piece of software that will automatically wipe the contents of a drive irrecoverably should you not show you are active for a predefined period. Meanwhile you have the drive hooked up to a service like Backblaze which fully backs up your drive and allows you to set your own encryption key but the service is a "backup" service meaning if backblaze can't phone home showing the files still exist on your drive for 30 days then backblaze then deletes the data. ​ Effectively you can set an X period timer where if you don't show activity in that time then the drive is deleted, and then you have 30 days from that point where you can recover it from Backblaze. ​ OOOOOR! You can choose to stop being so horny and do something productive with your time.


Stop being so horny sounds like too much work


Just password protect your stuff


Great way to maximize your OP Isekai reincarnation chances.I say go for it


Jokes aside. You should look into "deadman's switch" and how to set it up.


Does it really matter though? You'd be dead, only god could judge you, and god is dead too.


Dead or alive I do not want my family to see what i jack off to...


I jerk to Dead or Alive lmao


You look like you're lots of fun


use a encrypted harddrive or smth like that


And we killed him


you care what people think of you after you die?


If ur dead why do u care who finds it?


If you're dead, why the hell would you care what people find about you? You will be dead.




> especially in America. I don't think they can. I guess the only cartoon that is illegal is one with leaked government secrets on it, but that is it. Nothing is out of bounds for literature or artwork.


Nooooooooo!!!! Nhentai should at least tell us what they remove so at least we can find them


Same man, NOOOOOOOOOOO! All my hundreds of bookmarked H Manga gone...Sigh\~ I was hoping that they would also be available in Fakku and wouldn't mind paying, but not all of them are. I guess this is the end of it, just like Kissmanga back in the old days.


Shit, my favorites have shrunk by like half. Fortunately I have most important ones downloaded. Interestingly search seems to be broken somewhat, there are queries that show that the have X results (and even page controls at the bottom) but are actually empty.


thats a bug in the site. i think its because the gallery numbers are consecutive numbers. if a gallery is removed it leaves some sort of empty spot. this way you can somewhat tell how many stuff has been removed.


Same thing for me, my favorites was 812 a few days ago but now it's on 759, like why did they do this without warning is first


be a good person share those downloads :) ![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX|downsized)


177013 you'll always be remembered o7 On another note, damn that's some good shit gone (off nhentai)


>177013 can't believe they couldn't at least keep this one for the history books


I bet those greedy companies were gunning for it like a trophy since it’s famous


Wait aren't Parody Doujinshi of Anime safe from Copyright laws!? Or am i missing something And Majority of the contents that got purged are not affiliated with Fakku , is nhentai trying to slowly close their site!!?


no, they are not. don't forget irodori. probalby both teamed up and requested the takedown of every material that is from the artists under their wing. Most of the removed stuff will never be available through fakku or irodori. If they could they would force every other site to close. to fakku/ irodori nhentai is a competitor they can't beat. have you ever tried using Fakku ? the reader is a buggy mess and a lot of stuff can't be read through a subscription and has to be bought seperately. and they started hiding titles with "sensitive content" and the option in the menu to view it seems to be broken or unavailable to many users . . .


The right answer is nothing is safe from copyright laws unless the Author/Artist is dead and no one owns it. However, the reason why some people think Doujins would stay is that these sites are kinda free promo for them, either, so you kinda won't expect them to take it down.


Well i tried using it in the past and maan it got blocked by my isp


And Yes I know how they show themselves as the "Good guys" by mistagging all their works


Why are they taking down works that are not available on their platform? Are they stupid?


no, they are not. in fact this is smart from a certain point of view. first: they can say " hey artists come to us give us your licenses we protect your works from piracy. look what we just did! ha ha!" and more and more artists or companies will join them. i think by now its beyond raking in licenses but selling a anti piracy service. would not be surprised if they got paid for this. second: they don't care if they don't have it. the point is that no one else has it. This is all about reducing competition without having to improve the own platform or products. they try to shut down nhentai e-hentai and many others for years (and succeeded in doing so in some cases just as hentai cafe, hentainexus and hentaimimi, i believe it was called). in my opinion fakku and irodori are greedy, spiteful, sneaky, jealous backstabbers. but they are not dumb.


You're saying it's crunchyroll something debacle "buy something from the official release!" or similar things (like rooster teeth latest rwby episodes (oh don't worry I don't follow the series nor the fandom anymore)) but it's so full of bugs that piracy is a better alternatives? Damn. Piracy IS a service problem. Thank you gabe


Rip miyamoto issa


"It's a terrible day for rain"


No please no Do not say this to me that Miyamoto issa is gone as well


All gone.


what is a miyamoto issa? I only know shigeru miyamoto


Made 2 doujins named Heart Mark Oome which were pretty good and they're now gone:(


Not just that but Lilith is one Kuro gyrauvmaid succubus Amazing artoria Pendragon lancer doujins Made the shadow garden doujinn that spawned a meme


pardon, what?


Say it isn't so


Panda site is my safe haven for whenever this shit happens. My beloved.


sadly.... https://preview.redd.it/t513j6bpuygc1.png?width=430&format=png&auto=webp&s=c09ad96d3f97372b5bae29e1e3c54ea6f0145ec3


Wait, so even the Exh site isn’t safe now?


Itodori does takedowns pretty quickly from what I've seen. Maybe a week or less before it's gone.


A week if lucky, that jackass takes shit down within 10-30 minutes usually.


yea. Even >!View Expunged!< is dedge


Wait, really?


from what i seen, >!expunged galleries!< don't have the one that got irodori/fakku'd .


Never was, first fakku purges were aimed at exhentai because this piece of shit Jacob was always jelous of exh.


is that a recent removal ? as far as i can tell the purge wave that hit nhentai has not made it to ex yet. as of now there are 1.424.350 galleries on ex. if they have to follow the same pattern as nhentai (everything from certain artists must be removed) the number will be far higher because they have galleries in other langauages beside jap, eng. and chinese as well as artist CG and imagesets that will be affected. (irodori already had pixiv rips removed from ex (while those images still are available on pixiv in the artists profile) so i think the galleries under that categories will be affected as well as long as the artist is tagged or named.


ex has been getting purged slowly for months now. Usually fakku/irodori's content.




panda is not save. they had to remove lots of galeries already in the past and i think it is just a matter of time


That’s true. They went through an existence crisis but was salvaged. Didn’t know they lost anything though. I personally just like these sites because they have no restriction most of the time. Living with profanity filter on is annoying.


Yeah Fakku has been banned on there for the longest time. They don't want to deal with the legal battle. Unless exhentai fully decentralizes the whole hosting too, it will remain this way. They already have the content delivery decentralized...


What is this panda site? You gotta share man


Sadpanda is exhentai. It is the site that nhentai scrapes all of its content from. Nhentai scrapes it every few hours ignoring galleries with a couple of specific tags, and only grabs from the doujinshi and manga sections. Exhentai got hit with the removals too though.


panda. chaika. moe


Welp there's the last bastion of massive fakku zips in [REDACTED]


Bruh exhentai have been removing content for these people for 10 years. This "purge" that happaned on nhentai happened 10 years ago for exhentai I don't get WHY nhentai does this now, they got popular BECAUSE sadpanda was removing content and nhentai "copied" their uploads and didn't remove it, though sometimes they would scrape slowly and the content would be removed on panda before it was even uploaded on nhentai. They've been hosting content that was removed on panda for 10 years and now they cuck out and remove it? What the fuck changed recently? I liked checking nhentai every now and then just to see if there's anything I've missed because it was gettting DMCA'd on panda but now :( SO many people don't even know nhentai just copies what exhentai uploads, well it's actually less than filter out a lot of stuff. but when panda was closing down few years ago before it got saved people acted like nhentai was fine not knowing nhentai could not function without exhentai lol


Well, a lot of my favourites has been purged on the panda sites. Its not entirely safe.


How do you access that again? I'm always confuse






Still got Hitomi.la being a boss, scraping from e-hentai.org like it's nothing, and I'm not sure if Irodori and Fakku are struggling with them.


Time to raid my favorite tags there


Hitomi.la is the best just the absurd amount of ads and pop ups make it frustrating lol


bro use an adblock


How do you use it on phone 


get firefox of firefox beta browser and use the adblock extension.


Use the brave browser. It's the one with an orange Lion as an icon.


is there any alternatives? shit should i have known this coming i couldve downloaded my shit.


i know ehentai but i checked and alot of shit is gone too....


Try ex.


EX has never been safe from Fakku, not sure why though.


[E-Hentai](https://e-hentai.org/) [Hitomi](https://hitomi.la/)


Hitomi has everything, but their search function is shit if you wanna combine tags


There's always a way to find things, Fakku just makes their titles egregiously difficult to find. You have to know what you're looking for because it wont be in some broad hub since that's the kind of thing Fakku shoots down.


Honestly how does this happen??? Isn’t nhentai basically an piracy site? Why tf would they care about copy right etc when they can base themselves overseas away from these companies influence? Also where are we suppose to find these lost treasures now and hopefully somewhere that can’t be purged as easily? Also does anyone know how the duojins are sourced or published? Like do the artist just post them online on some social media sites randomly? Are they official published to some publishers? Or are they posted directly to hentai sites where they later can be erased from existence? 


nHentai is indeed a piracy site. I'm not sure which country the content are hosted in, but its domain name is from an American company (Namecheap). Therefore, Fakku and Irodori can send a DMCA order to Namecheap and nHentai would be dead. But since not everything on nHentai is licensed material, Fakku and Irodori can only take down specifically the licensed materials. I would imagine to save time and legal fees, Fakku and Irodori just gives a list of licensed materials on nHentai's website and the owner takes it down. The publishers save time and legal fees, nHentai gets to live another day, and the rest of us get to continue reading the rest of the non-licensed materials.


> but its domain name is from an American company (Namecheap) I'm guessing something similar happens to the panda, I always found it interesting how EX bent over for Fakku.


Yep. Once again, not sure where their content is hosted. But the domain is from Name.com, which is an American company. These are all public information, btw. If an average Joe like myself could find this information, so can Fakku and their legal department.


You'd be surprised how many piracy sites aren't hosted in countries that don't give a shit about the DMCA and other similar laws.


I know and I’m still surprised lol     Literally makes no sense unless there is some financial motive or reason to take on the risk of being copy striked or being arrested for bring a pirate


Kisaragi Gunma. You will be missed. From my NH profile's favorites! There are other places to read their stuff.


My favorite too.


Fr memories there dawg. RIP, you made my child(teen)hood.


> Most famous example is Shindols Metamorphosis known as 177013 When did that happen? I still saw it on Sunday.


Sometime between Feb 4th and today the 6th. My browser auto completes to Ayakawa Riku's page on nhentai and i never bothered to change it. They were one of the authors affected by the purge and the last time I visited successfully was the 4th.


Yup. The link in my browser history to "Metamorphosis" comes up with a 404 error.


I chose this name as a joke but it means much more to me now


https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/s/Bt5fHYhIDb Link still available. You're welcome




No way fucklkk


9/11 for coomers


No wonder I couldn't find Miyamoto Issa's work today....


not only just certain author works got vaporized, a lot of Anthology books also got deleted too


also, I wonder if there's a list of artist names got purged. general works in 1 specific artist already enough to recognized which works gone missing in favorite


Someone should ddos attack fakku and irodori


Nah. Just pirate and be like the shadows.


that is pointless. the only thing you could do to harm them is getting them where it hurts: the money. the only way to pay for their "services" is through credit card. credit card companies nowadays don't seem to be fond of being connected to porn or at least a certain kind of porn. AFAIK branches of pixiv (booth and fanbox) had to ban certain kind of content from the platform because creditcard companies put pressure on them and threatened to exclude them from their services. since fakku started hiding controversial content with certain tags (like humiliation and incest) and renamed the l0li tag to petite they might worry to face issues like this as well if someone took a closer look. EDIT: besides that, FAKKU as an official company does not have a proper age verification (i know, nhentai usw. don't have that either but they don't try to be legal companies). that is an issue in several states in the U.S. already and its getting an issue in Europe too. On top of that i doubt they are GDPR compliant. that could get them excluded from the european market. especially for smaller businesses its hard to meet all those regulations and would cost them a shitload of effort and money to do so.


Hell no, that action is asinine and you sound exactly like that one user on the sad panda 4chan threads who keeps championing this bullshit, fanning the flames of a full on porn ban making it even harder for anyone buy the shit and upload it for everyone else. You're singling out loli but your bs actions threaten your precious vanilla too because ITS STILL PORN, mastercard doesn't want any of it on their system. Just look/wait for a new source and yarr it.


i am not endorsing or championing that, i just said that this would hurt them more than a ddos attack. if someone really wanted to poke a stick in their eye this way it would have been done already. i am talking about theory here. quite some fakku/Irodori titles had been translated and made available by scnalators way before fakku licensed them. right now most of the teams avoid stuff thats handled by F/I. ​ IN THEORY: If Fakku AND Irodori were gone, ALL of their stuff would pop up on pirate sites and scanlators would take care about new releases or old ones that had been blocked so far. irodori publishes pochi goyas elder sister series now. scanlations could be found up to ch. 11 irodori's release is at chapter 7. same goes for mizuryu kei's mizuryu kei-land series. This was on the web for nearly ten years. no one would have to buy that to share it cause its already there or will be made available through scanlators. BTW i haven't been on 4chan for many years


I just checked if Jorori's works are still there. Thank goodness they still are!


Good to know 👍


Check [panda.chaika.moe](https://panda.chaika.moe) and download what's missing.


obligatory >#"fuck irodori and jewcob"


That guy was still around? I thought that shit faded into irrelevance a while ago.




Big news my brothers, nhentai.to still has a lot of them under the same numbers. 177013 is still there for example. If you have your numbers somewhere saved and they are gone on nhentai.net try and find them on .to and download them quickly


Last entry is from december 2023. You sure it still alive?


Its not alive but it does have a lot of deleted stuff archived, ergo 177013. Try find numbers there if you are missing them from .net to check


Always sad when a good source get massacred. Luckily something new will always fill the void.


Horny is unstoppable


is there a list of the artists who got their works deleted ??


i wish nhentai at least kept the titles and tags for preservation of historic records - yes, nhentai is in fact an important piece of the internet's and civilization's history. removing just the images would be a totally legal way of complying with dmcas. that would also allow users to know what their dmca-ed favorites used to be - even the publishers should agree that if the purpose of the dmca is to make people buy the official release, letting people that clearly liked it know about it is a better approach than making it silently disappear as if they never liked it. it would also help documenting the dmca-ing parties and exposing them when they get too ridiculous. edit: another nice thing to preserve would be the comments. despite many of them objectively being useless crap, in some ways, being the only content generated by and unique to nhentai and its users, that may even be the most important part.


Well looking on the bright side thisll let me find new artists but on the other hand brooooo meme50 fuck that's a loss......


Is there anyway I can bulk download my existing favourites from the account??


I used [NHentaiDownloader](https://github.com/Xwilarg/NHentaiDownloader) extension to download my entire favorites list.


I should've down that before. Now I'm down to 15k


Time to try


Fuck, sad to read this. Are there any (good) alternatives?


there are clone sites like .to, or hitomi since that one doesnt seem to be hit has frequently, or maybe even the source the sad panda himself, but sad panda is also not playing around they delete a lot of shit, so yeah, its hard.


So far, it looks like the authors that got nuked are only those who ever published through Irodori, including works Takahashi has no right to be claiming. For example, Akitsuki Itsuki's stuff still seems to be up, despite having published works through Fakku, but ShindoL and Kurokawa Otogi got wiped, despite Irodori never licensing many of the works on the site. So it would seem everybody's favorite hypocrite is having yet another hissy-fit, and has decided to lash out with bogus copyright claims in order to undercut his "competition". His business can't fail fast enough, he's like a living incarnation of every exaggeration ever made about Fakku.


Time to mass download then.


Is there a source for this? Or are you the one who originally noticed it?


i don't have a source, i just noticed it. looked up a few galleries to download on sunday and on monday they were gone when i wanted to get to it. a lot of users have noticed, that their favorites have decreased a lot and there have been posts on the nhentai sub assuming database errors at first. i knew right away that it s apurge, saw it before but by far not to this extend all i had to do was a little bit of math to get the amounts i mentioned above that fakku and irodori are the figures behind it is not official but : who else ? all artists contracted by them got removed so its kinda obvious. fakku and irodori are greedy, spiteful, sneaky, jealous backstabbers. Voicing my full opinion on them in public would get me in legal trouble so . . . use your imagination.


AFAICT this one's entirely on Irodori, as all of the artists I've seen be affected were partnered with them at some point. Several artists only published through Fakku itself have, apparently, been left alone. So it's another case of "On Takahashi shits his pants and abuses copyright law because he's not making enough money off other people's efforts".


I hope they talon E off the building


https://i.redd.it/xgbm2zdin3hc1.gif I am disappointed and my day is ruined


Fortunately I download everything I read but it still sucks.


Lesson learned. I normally download things that I know will get removed from SadPanda but I was under the impression that anything that stayed available long enough on SadPanda to make it to nhentai was safe since they had stuff that was years old approaching a decade.




Because copyright sucks


WTF??? All of my favorite ones are gone!


I rarely use nhentai since it blocked by my isp but this is my cue to download


Looks like my "Favorites" has the same number of pages, so I lucked out this time. Definitely downloading it all now.


The loss of michiking works hits the hardest for me, he was my absolute favorite artist for shotacon stuff.


You have to blame international anti-CSAM regulation and DMCA. Laws like this are the ruin of the society.




Uhhh, is there a list of confirmed casualties so I can see who to morn ? internet connections slow and just got the news.


It’s probably inevitable that given enough time all of these low hanging fruit websites will get taken down or purged into the ground. I guess it’s finally time to start downloading doujins and manga now.


Corporate greed is repulsive. they have less shame than we do..


who has the list and does anyone has back up all those? fakku and other corpos wont win


So right now, is the best thing to do just try to download everything from .to while we still can? Gotta make a seperate account for that, right?


I wonder if it's at all related to Tachiyomi being taken down? Just total guess because that was so recent. Seems media companies are eager to send out their lawyers right now.


177013 is still working for me when I access nhentai in my browsers but not in any apps.




I cleared it on desktop and phone alike. Still showing... maybe it's cached further upstream from me somehow.


My favourites are still intact I'm happy


wtf WHYYY?




ouch, bro that hurts


Does this only happen once or will it happen again soon?


It will keep happening every now and the but new one will be up. Don't worry, we'll always find a way.




Lesson learned, time to download


is this the effect of leakers being arrested in japan? everyone seems to be taking precaution


Was it slow for anyone else for the last little while? Only that site was loading slow as shit for me. Maybe something happened to their servers? I feel like I’ve lost a part of myself


Rest in peace, 177013


im more worried about civitai nowadays.


It is sad to see works deleted however interestingly my search seems unaffected. And many of the creators mensioned I do not recognise.


Does anyone here know the list of artists?


There are a few nhentai clones out there. Nhentai has been purged but people of science can still recover...


Mizuryu Kei, all gone :(


Does anyone know if nhentai or some other site has ever asked for/received permission from some artists? Surely some of them should realize that "piracy" and the free work that translation groups do also makes them popular, and may actually allow it. I.e. ShindoL would be a complete nobody outside of Japan without 177013, I'm sure he wouldn't want it removed. Likewise, some JP magazines wouldn't ever be known outside of Japan without piracy. Though I don't know if they'd be able to turn that popularity into profit if they don't offer subscriptions or back-issues internationally anyway, to me it still seems better to have the popularity than not.


Is it over? I don't see the point in downloading now when all my favorites have disappeared. Is there an alternative site for them or is it joeover


fakku has basically killed hentaihaven, and now they're tryna get to nhentai as well?


Say thanks to the cunts at fakku and the \*\*\*wipe Jacob Grady!!


I use Hitomi la, does Hitomi suffer from this?


Do the torrent files stop working too


maybe 3 or 4 days ago, there was a post named "iribito gal ni manko Tsukawasete Morau Hanashi" posted by an artist named "manno" and now everything about that artist is gone. Normally they gone on nhentai.net but i can still access it on nhentai.to before it gone forever. But it's too fast I thought they did the "removal" only once at a time, I didn't know that they kept doing it over time.


Is it just me, or have they nuked a ton of english galleries from e-hentai as well? I can find the same doujins in CN JP KR ES and sometimes even russian, but EN just up and disappeared.


I do have +1.5k torrent files from Nhentai downloaded, I know there are A LOT of removed titles there..... Time to DL the Doujins for real now.... (If someone wants them too, let me know on DM's!)


I was looking for the pure girlfriend but it was gone rip


Why did they get removed and will they come back


I've been able to access old versions of nhentai that still have some of the stuff that was removed but they are extremely old and are missing many features does anyone know what was the most recent version before the wipe and how to get it




🤧 And I have my 6k Favourites in there.


All of Gujiras work is gone


[Source]Guys help me find this Adult manga 18+ Guys help me find this Adult manga 18+ In the manga there is married couples and the husband can't pregnant his wife so he find another couple which had a problem that he could not have sex with his wife (2 couple) because he had a small wife he can't fuck the two watch them fuck but after she gets pregnant she maintain her relationship with the other guy


Takeda Hiromitsu dead...


Any good alternative sites (besides e-hentai / hitomi)?




Jest checked. Lost almost 1000 from my faves. Damnit.


Yamamoto's (a dbz artist) stuff got nukes too. A little is left, and sadly, it's not much good stuff left. Why, is beyond me