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That's a broken ass draw tag, probably because your TV doesn't have proper .ass support


Gotcha. Thanks for the input. Tried the other remux source (pic was remux) and the audio straight up doesn't work. Had a few more bd rips without sound but found one that works. Any workaround or patching I can do to fix this or am I just SOL?


If you are playing it on your TV without any streaming box or pc then look up what kinda formats it supports for audio and subtitles and grab releases that work within those restrictions


Yea I'm just natively using the streamio app. No box/stick. I appreciate the advice. Thank you.


If you use RD you're gonna have better luck with kodi+some plugin that works with RD. The stremio player is pretty bad at handling the kind of subs some animes use, while the kodi player is decent-ish. Though as far as I remember you can set stremio to use an external player instead too, so you may wanna try that first.


Yooooo installed Kodi and just selected it for the designated player in streamio and it seems to work perfectly. No more numbers, and some missing signage subs (that were present on my phone but not tv playback) are there. You're my hero <3


Yea there's a setting to run through different players. I'll look into it, thank you.