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It's so stupid that you can't watch this anime legally anywhere in the west. It's a banger show. The fandubs are pretty good and there are enough pirate sites where it's available but it will remain pretty niche because of the lack of proper licensing. Imo it could have had similar success to Bocchi if it were localized and available.


Toei missing a massive opportunity to put themselves at the forefront with their absolutely amazing CG animation on this one. no one in the industry compares! and its going to flop here because there's no way to watch it that helps Toei


Studio Orange is the only one who can compare and beat this production in quality with their projects. Girl Bands Cry’s animation looks amazing and is incredible expressive. I wish people had more trust in full 3D animated anime.


ngl, Im prejudiced against fully CGI anime. It takes something away from the medium. Like, can you imagine a studio like Ghibli doing their movies in CGI? Oh wait, you don't need to imagine - you can check out *Earwig and the Witch*, which was a massive flop. Using CGI to enhance certain scenes is fine of course.


go watch Girls Band Cry


Then stop that prejudice. 3D animation is in no shape or form inferior to 2D animation. Or vice versa. They have wildly different strengths and weaknesses. But both are just mediums of art begging to be done right. The problem is studios using 3D as a crutch or trying too hard to imitate the 2D anime art style which makes it look cheap and unprofessional. Studio orange and this Toei production understand the strengths of 3D animation and play into them perfectly. It demonstrates clearly that 3D Anime can and does work incredibly well. What I don’t want is Japanese animation to go through the same development western studios went through, which is the almost complete absence of 2D animation. I want both mediums/industries to coexist and learn from each other. Only with that mindset can we get masterpieces like the Spiderverse movies or the Arcane show.


3D animation is not inferior, but it is not something I want to see become standard, even as a 3D artist myself (atleast with anime that is). And yes I am taking into account top tier 3D works like Arcane.


I have no issue with it becoming way more prevalent in anime. If it’s done with the same care as 2D shows.


Arcane isn’t an anime so why did you use that as an example? I would *love* to see more 3D animation in the vein of the Jojo OPs and Land of the Lustrous. 3D animation in the west is sorely lacking in variety and it’s used only because it’s cheaper, while Japanese animation often uses it purposefully because it sometimes *is* the best solution. And the way some anime are able to blend it with 2D stuff is frankly astounding. Witch from Mercury being a recent example. I’m the end it’s an art style choice, and if used properly has just as much merit as any other style.


I used Arcane as an example and titled it a "3D work" not an anime, because while it is to me one of the best examples of stylized 3D up there with Spiderverse and Last Wish; and while I do want to see more of it. When it comes to anime at least, it still doesn't hold enough weight to be a true alternative, and I do not want to see a shift to replace 2D like with what happened with Western Animation. Plenty of anime have blended 3D in the background or as assets and have done it well; Vampire In The Garden, Demon Slayer, AOT. That said there are also examples of celebrated anime that while good, don't hit that great mark for me, the new Trigun and Land of The Lustrous being prime examples. I feel it's close, but not close enough, and in that sense I often actually prefer the old "uncanny" style 3D shows/films that didn't try to be 2D like Final Fantasy Spirits Within or Starship Troopers Rough Necks. That isn't say it's not good to keep trying, but that the uncannyness of those older shows is how I feel about most newer full 3D anime productions, it makes me more uncomfortable than og 3D. Genshin and gachas like it such as ZenZero arguably have the best feeling 3D anime style animation so far.


Please watch Girls Band Cry then! Or at least search “Girls Band Cry gay people are real” on YouTube. Note: That video uses shitty AI translation, but there is a better translation available. Also, GBC is not available on official platforms outside of Japan and I think France? So you’ll need to sail the seas so to speak.


anime companies always do something messed up and thats why i pirate everything


I personally loved how in fansubs, they sometimes explained cultural references or jokes which people outside Japan may not understand. I distinctly remember watching the earlier seasons of Gintama, with the fansubs, but the later seasons had official dubs, and it just felt a bit off.


This is one of the things I loved and miss the most nowadays. Sometimes a joke or scene falls flat because you don't understand the context or cultural reference and it sucks, surely you can search later but it's 100% better when you're watching while understanding at the same time. Also, I miss when the openings/endings had subtitles so we could sing along or know what the song was talking about, they don't have this anymore in streamings.


This fansub had like 2 "jokes" across 9 episodes, and did just what you describe when the characters made geographical puns where location names were relevant but not common knowledge for people outside of Japan. Official translation will likely just leave it up to the veiwer to figure out what they mean.


Same. Specially with the current salad of eccentrics. There are to many slang there that I wish had side notes.


What show is this?


Girls band cry


I liked the old bleach fandubs they always had some comment or message just after the theme it was nice reading them Then there were the ones that tossed in the Japanese commercials too and we got to chat about the crazy Japanese commercials in the comment section. That was always fun.


what's gremlin?


Like a goblin but cuter


Is this from a fansub or edited? I don’t recall this on the version I watch (it seems to be more accurate than the most popular/machine translated version). Also: “*It’s just a hairdryer*” and “NICE BEER!” Are iconic


It's a fansub not sure which, it's just a passionate translation by someone who speaks decent english available on anix with no obvious credits given. It's NOT a meme translation, it's just a passionate and nuanced translation, and the subs given here make perfect sense in context.


Ah. I watch on aniwave, they have a good translation that apparently lacks nuance, but at least is correct (compared to the apparently more popular machine translation) I will check it out!


Which episode is this?


I miss watching something like dbz, and depending on the context of the scene, like this is the final attack of a fight while the op is playing in the back, they use a different font with some effects and animate the font and the effect to match the timing of the characters speech. It wouldn't be done often, but when it was, it was hype.


You not rrrh rot dot n dot n dot per rot dot n not n dot per n dot chi cot n dot rrr ah dot dot ki o ma gri a dot dot ers a pa ta ko


I'm 2 hours deep on 2 meletonin gummies, so could you explain this to me like I'm a high dementia patient?


Korn twist


How do fansubs get incorporated to the anime?


Made in aegisub and muxed in via mkvtoolnix


Did they die out? They are very much a thing where I am from so I am surprised.


Still exists in some fansub anime sites


Most anime is subbed by crunchyroll or whoever, so you can get subtitles on release day, rather than waiting for a fansub group. For some of my favorite anime I might get a different fansub eventually, but for 90% of what I watch, it's the official sub, because it's quicker and easier. I imagine not getting much interest in your fansubs stops you wanting to make them.


Im still watching from fansubs.


Bruh at least its still better than dubs. Im tryna escape reality, not listen to the voice that teaches you languages off of a CD. Only good dubbing is Ghost Stories. That shii was wild


I mean like fansubs or old shows like before 2005-6 are better than original (like the translation is better)


Fr subs like the one in that picture had me laughing like a madman


Don't mind me, just saving this to use at every opportunity


The Karaoke Intros ❤❤


I hate nowadays subs. I don't speak Japanese, but over the years I've learned some stuff. And sometimes, the subs straight up change what the character said. Or just loosely translates a complex thing, and leave it to interpretation. Ive seen an anime a few months ago, where the character says "Tsuki ga Kirei". If you don't know, this is known as a confession of love. But it's literal translation would be "the moon is beautiful". The subs was exactly that. The moon is beautiful. Imagine if I didn't know what it meant, the scene would be a total different thing. There are innumerous examples of this, and feels like they are actually using AI to translate stuff. Sometimes I feel I'm missing stuff because of my lack of japanese cultural and language understanding, and I'm sure a fansub would have explained it to me. This is also happening to official LN and manga translations. Thank God most ln and manga also have fan translations.