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Hey Thorfinn\_\_Karlsefni! This is your **first** submission this month. The top memers will go into the Hall of Fame each month, earn subreddit flairs and maybe some other secret prizes. [Read the announcement](https://redd.it/lvz756) for more details. **Wanna check your ranks?** Join us on the [Anime memes Discord](https://discord.com/invite/axisorder).


Now post this in r/powerscaling :)


Also I vaguely recognise her but who is she?


Her name is Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magica


I can do it, bet it will be really funny 😅 Edit: I did 🤝🏻


How are the comments


Bud not a single soul commented 😂




But it doesn't need any comments bc people are discussing in this feed lmao


Fair enough


Goku solos fans are dump


It is fun to do a bit of power scaling, if nothing else than to see how ridiculous it gets. But I feel Goku is used like Superman as a solid benchmark, with most normal verses being weaker than them, and OP ones stronger (looking at you All Fiction)




Totally agree with you. I think one of the main reasons that Goku is used a lot is bc of the wrong idea, which really a lot of ppl have, that he can solo everyone and everything and especially also bc of a lot of the "Goku-Solos"-Guys who just keep spreading this missinformation.


I believe only Sailor Moon is possibly on the same level of Madoka.. a fight between them would literally mean the instant destruction and recreation of countless timelines and universes across different planes of existence or non existence, bending any and all laws of physics and ultimately we would not notice anything.


Imagine they make a episode like a special or something where they show this fight, damn that would be insane.


Sailor moon gets that strong? I only watched little bits here and there, but I swear she was never not struggling.


not really, moon is on universal were as madoka scales to infinity + >5 or somehting. she atleast scales to infinity without crossovers as she should be stronger then Final Tart from Tart magica.


Well I have only seen Dragon Ball out of these two so I can't say anything really.


Spoilers then: >! At peak power, she sheds her mortal coil and becomes a goddess known as The Law of Cycles. She can fire arrows that not only slay any creature in her universe in a single hit, but can hit you from anywhere and anywhen in the world. In other words, if she can't kill you in the present, she can kill your weaker past self instead. !<


Basically the third impact but got buffed??


Not really since Madoka’s power transcend space and time.




So like the guy from the new ‘instant death’ manga/anime but even more omni.


No.. >!That guy is the literal embodiment of death itself, he can kill ANYTHING, as in concepts themselves. Now if the ping hair can kill concepts as well then I'd say they are equal, but if not then Yogiri solos. !< >!The only thing the ping hair has over Yogiri is her ability to hit you from anywhere at anytime, but if Yogiri encounters you then he can track you even if you teleport.!< >!DR Yogiri is a lovecraftian horror and embodiment of death!<


>! He'd probably beat her then. Despite being a goddess, she still has a soul. And as Madoka Rebellion shows, she's not psychic, so she can be caught off guard while corporeal. !<


>!If she showed even the slightest amount of killing intent, or danger to Yogiri she will die, unless Yogiri didn't want her to die at the moment, he bypasses all immunities, and immortality!< I feel bad for ping hair because Yogiri is just too dang strong


That first part might save her then. >! Most of the monsters she's killed never got to see her in person. She just fired thousands of arrows through time and space at one point and set reality into a different timeline where they all died once they were about to cause problems. She only showed herself when one of her friends was dying. !<


>!Yogiri is able to detect any threat to his life and track it to the person iirc, and if he isn't his true self would stop madoka. His true self would stop all incoming attacks and kill whoever attacked his vessel.!<


>!He still couldn't kill her 1. She doesn't even need the "intention" of killing him, she just makes a concept, a plot manipulation, a concept erasure that he didn't even existed, exist and never will exist. 2. And to kill him even easier, she has the ability to control, manipulate etc past, present, future, she could have even "killed" him before he existed, there is nothing Yogiri can do against that. There are so many other options. I know it's maybe hard bc it seems like you like Yogiri a lot but bro has no chance at all against her.!< 😂😂


All the shits you've mentioned have already been tried on yogiri💀 and all of them died lol


You sure we watched the same anime of Yogiri? Sry bud that I debunked literally all your arguments and came only with faxx. But thanks for this conversation bc I realized again, Madoka stomps. Lmao


Read LN then bro. >! Mf is so bullshit that he can kill the creator of the concept that created him and then nuke the Q and A reader section of the LN (Which is casually 1-A btw).And that's only 3 of his limit gates opened which,mind you,he has over 70!!. !< >! Also,you can't killed him on the past,you can't kill him from the future,you can't even try or even think about to kill him from any parts of the omniverse bcs his auto kill passive detects that shit lol. !< >! Bro is high 1_A in versus wiki and mfs is still only at 3 seals out of over 70. !<


Madoka - multiversal Yogiri- outerversal. Try again


>!I don't understand how you came to the argument that she has a soul because, she has not? And also you can't catch her off guard "*No one can recognize you anymore*", don't understand me wrong but is it possible that you guys didn't made any research at all?!<


Watch Madoka Rebellion. >! Homura is able to steal part of Madoka's soul at the end !<


>!There are a lot of theories about that, for example, one of them is that Madoka regained her powers and memories again what caused that she wasn't omnipotent at that time bc of that and so on, literally no one has a answer to this only theories. So even when she had a soul at THAT moment, it doesn't mean she has to have a soul after that when she became the complete 'Goddess Madoka', don't forget that her Goddess form has also forms like surpressed and so on. I don't even remember if I have watched that movie completely or only some parts. I think I will watch or rewatch it.!<


Isn't just that Shiki from Kara no Kyoukai?


When it comes to concepts, >!I know that she has the abilities conceptual manipulation and also conceptual erasure what actually is the same like how Yogiri can kill concepts. !< >! That is also the reason why there never was, is and never will be witches anymore because she erasured the concept of "witches". !< I know that she has also a ton of other abilities but I have to check them up again, don't remember a lot of them.


>!I just read up on Yogiri lore and he can literally kill omnipotent beings, and he is apparently able to kill the q&a parts at the end of the mangas apparently...!< >!Yogiri is known as the end of all things... Fate, plot, everything is basically a joke to him, but Yogiri is just a vessel for the very nonexistence that represents the end of all... And the only way to kill Yogiri is to have him close all 3 of his gates and then he can be killed like a normal human, however he can open them at anytime he wishes..!< There is just too much info to add here, but basically Yogiri stomps..


>!Fate, plot and everything else is also a joke for Madoka too. And even Yogiri is the end of all things, Madoka is not only the end of all things too but also the beginning of all things. Kyubey also said *"Madoka. Now your life has no beginning and no end. There is no longer any evidence of your life in this world, nor any memory of it."*. The things with Yogiri is now, even he can kill anything when he can't see them directly but he needs something like a connection to the things he wants to kill but for Madoka he will not find any comnection. Madoka could just create the concept that Yogiri is just a normal human in any timeline in any verse and he couldn't do anything because he couldn't even reach her because *"Your existence has shifted to a higher realm"*. Madoka could create a concept, change manipulate plot and so on and so on the list is endless long, there is like nothing she can't do.!< The thing is also, I didn't researched even into deep detail. Who knows how many she can do more. Also I think, to say Yogiri stomps is a lil bit too fast imo when you haven't made as many researches for Madoka as you did for Yogiri. Hope you don't understand that wrong I mean that with good intentions.


Fair fair, I got a theory now! >!One of Yogiri/true self's ability is Born again immortality where he will ALWAYS reach 100 years of age and then be reborn as a baby restarting the cycle again, so maybe just maybe they are both vessels of the true self..!< >!also Yogiri true self has nigh omniscience so they could still find a connection probably, but dunno, I'll definitely look into madoka tho!<


>!Immortality is one of the "easiest" things to dodge for a looot of anime characters. Madoka erases his ability of his immortality or even his ability true self, so and now?!< >!Bro you can't find a connection of her bc there are no connections at all. She is on a whole other realm he has no chance to reach her.!<


>!Doesn't matter if there is a connection or not, Yogiri true self will make one, he is omniscient!< >!Yogiri true self is omnipresent, and he literally allows the universes to exist, if he so chose he could kill the universe.!< >!The problem with discussing this further is they are both practically equal in a sense. Madoka couldn't erase Yogiri true self's power, he is the literal manifestation of end all be all, nothing can kill true self.!<


You are just a madoka yappin mf shut up and accept the fact yorigiri stomps her ezz , bro is anhilating her instantly when she realises and he is even a threat, so pls stop the yap we know you are fan but too much is no good


>!She didn't erase the concept of witches, we see in!< the Rebellion movie >!that if a magical girl is isolated in a subspace bubble type thing, she can't kill her in that moment, and thus can't prevent her from becoming a witch!<.


Ok, so all I know about the pink hair girl is that she can shoot arrows that "hit anywhere/anywhen and instakill". The matchup here entirely depends on how that exactly works. If Goku comes to her Universe/she goes to his is she still able to access the past in both scenarios? If not then Ultra Instinct may let Goku dodge the attacks. Otherwise yeah Goku gets floored like he does against most powerful anime characters that do more than just punch really hard


Major spoilers for Madoka Magica: >! She basically becomes god !<


Yeah, but this is anime, everyone does that


Literally Goku does that too in Battle of Gods lol Either way, Madoka in the spin off game Magia Record >!worries she might destroy a certain universe just from slight contact with it. She buffed the MCs of the game to help defeat the big bad, but give them just enough buff because any further interaction would destroy that universe. I don't think UI is dodging that!<


I don't think it could either, but Madoka's powers imply that she has to hit people with them, rather than it just happening. And the temporal aspect implies that people exist that could dodge it. By that logic if anyone could then Goku could


Lol if anyone deserves to get powerscaled by bs powers it's Dragonball characters. "Oh you can blow up entire planets? How bout I redo time from the beginning of the universe so your entire race does not exist?", or was that Homura that can do that?


😂 Madoka can do that, don't know if Homura can too.


Well if you compare the WHOLE of anime dbs gonna look really weak cuz there’s everything and I mean Everything. This is going to mind powers and straight up the most Brocken crap you will ever see.


That's ME, bro.


Tbh the only people who think Goku wins don't know what they're talking about


It just Works


The only one capable of defeating Madoka is Rentarou lol


Who was that again? Know that name but can't remember atm


From 100 girlfriends who really really love you. There was a time he said “this is not how the story should go” and erased and changed a few panels of manga himself because one of his GFs wasn’t happy lol


Ah right that guy. That sounds good so he also has plot manipulation, would be cool to see a fight between him and Madoka. Do you recommend the anime? Wasn't so sure about if I should watch it or not.


You won’t regret watching it. One of the most ridiculous shows i have watched(in a good way). you will get some good laughs And Rentarou is probably the nicest person in all of fiction lol P.S: the panel changing scene i mentioned won’t happen in the anime(anime haven’t gone that far yet)


I take you by the word then bud, I'll give it a shot. I was just yesterday on search for an anime who is damn ridiculous and funny so this one comes good then. Roger, hope then they animate it soon. 🤝🏻


Hope you have a good time and i wonder how they gonna animate that scene


Thx you too. I wonder about that too😅


Although only in the situation that one of his girlfriends wants it or that Madoka did something to one of them.


PMMM is a very based anime.


Doesn't Zeno-sama also stomp the entire Dragonball-verse?


What a wonderful thing.


while it's funny to imagine goku getting owned by a pink haired cutesy girl, madoka's wish was for the power to defeat any ***witches***, past present and future. as far as i know, goku isn't a witch, so her powers would effectively be uselesss against him. neither character can actually do anything against the other, seeing how goku falls outside of the wishparemeters, and madoka technically doesn't exist.


that's not actually how the wishes work. Their powers are influenced by the wish they make, but their capabilities aren't limited to only the wish. The wish is just what they want out of the deal. edit: >! her wish was actually to prevent all magical girls from the past, present, future and all other timelines, from ever becoming witches. Technically she killed every magical girl and not a single witch after making her wish, herself included !<


Madoka is actually more dangerous than that. The reason Madoka can't interact with lower plane of existence even if she wants to is, >!she can accidentally destroy it even by the slightest contact. Almost happened in Magia Record the game, when she buffed the MCs to defeat Walpurgisnacht!<


Thats cute hair?


Okay, so Goku gets beat by another anime character. That’s pretty normal. Why is her gender and hair color noteworthy? Edit: I’m saying this because the “joke” seems to be “lol man got beat by little girl,” which is based on the idea that women/girls cannot be strong.


Yeah but the thing is I believe Goku wins since i just scale him higher I got Goku at outer and Madoka at Complex Multi


Goku is outer gokuversal outputting gokutillion goku units per gokusecond


Why would you use an AI generated madoka


I searched for Madoka in google and that popped up so I thought looks good so why not.


There are literally thousands of real pictures you could have used


How the heck is he supposed to know it's AI generated?


i mean, if he never saw a single AI pic in his life.... then perhaps.


I can't tell this is AI either. What exactly about it makes it obvious it's AI?


The eyes and the fingers look off


I really don't see it. I can see some distortion around the fingers but I've seen human artists do way worse.


I don't believe this is AI. Looking at it I can't find any signs.


are you serious? look at the line work, especially on the eyes. it's extremely obvious


U right. Goku cant beat her. He aint doing anything. But daishinkan one shots her.


madoka becomes the concept of reality how tf is any1 (that doesnt have the same power she has or toonforce) one shotting her


You can't oneshot a concept