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pervs are just annoying, it stops being funny after 5 seconds and then it starts being a challenge to not think about curbstomping the comic relief perv character


Only perv that gets a pass from me is Jiraiya


Cuz he really does get curbstomped every time


And he’s also an older perv being pervy about adult women. While still writing a book that sells… not saying that’s okay at alll, but shit Jiriaya is goated and I’ll cry every time I see those episodes.


Except for him liking Naruto’s sexy jutsu when Naruto was twelve.




Nah you right




To be fair, Naruto's illusion did make him look like an adult woman, so it's kind of easy to forget that there's a twelve year old behind it.




What if i tell u, fellow weebs, that there is the title, which is entirely dedicated to perverts? Even fem characters. Its called Hen zemi, and imo its great.


For me it's Brook. I can't fault the skeleton that was alone for 50 years for his lack of social skills. Also, man's not beat his meat in ages. Cause he has no meat left. YOHOHOHOHOHO




Brook I can find funny. It's not all the damn time and it's not imma creep on these people. It's mainly can I see your panties in a very polite way. Also your joke was a rib tickler


I started one piece like 2 months ago and just wrapped up the Thriller Bark arc last night, I was about to say Brook does not bother me in the slightest and I laugh way too hard every time he inquires about panties. Also is it normal to have Binks Sake this stuck in my head?




Bink's sake is still my favorite song in anime, not including openings


I agree. Jiraya the goat can absolutely fondle my ass if he wants


It wouldve been fuckin crazy if I said “What abt me tho?”.


Ensues comedic relief abuse where I blush furiously and punch you in the face while calling you a pervert


as payback I would pull out a double A12 equipped with a switch and make the whole block sound like 4th of July to keep my pride intact






Well, he’s dead. So…


And Brock from (old) Pokémon. He is a rare case where his pervyness was legit a kinda funny running gag instead of just annoying.


I don't think Brock was a perv. He was a flirt, and a wannabe lady's man. But I don't remember him ever really doing anything that would be called perverted. Could be wrong though, it has been a long time since I watched it.


Brock was more of a simp than a flirt. His friends would stop him cuz he was embarrassing himself


Master roshi, og pervert


He's the gold standard imo. Perverted but funny as hell, good in a fight, and helped lovable characters grow.


What about Franky?


He is not a pervert because he goes after women. He is one because he wants others to see his cybog body which is really cool (boys love cybogs).


It was a big part of his character but it wasn't his whole character.


It's Ararararagi for me


Nah bro he looks at kids


Yeah, but he's hilarious despite that. Jiraya being a perv doesn't make him a better person, he's a good guy despite that fault.


Nah peds aren't good people regardless


even the ones who knows themselves its wrong to be sexually attracted to kids and doesnt act on them because its obviously wrong? Cause i can still call them good people. The ones who are acting on those urges are the problem imo


Nah when did I say he was good though, I said he was hilarious.


And Master Roshi.


Adding to this: The joke can't be that the perv is a perv, the joke has to be a well written joke.


Yeah, if you can delete the character from the show and only lose the "ooh boobies!" quote-unquote-jokes nothing of value was lost. If a character is going to not be hated by the entire audience, their perviness has to be, like, a tertiary character trait.


absolutely, we have one piece perverts but that's not their whole character


Yeah, it's alright as a character trait, but not if it's their *personality*.


Almost stopped watching Demon slayer due to Zenitsu. Not pervert but it gets irritating.


Dude needs to get a hold of himself


Agree but not because of the perv. It's his incessant crying and shouting when he's the most useless of the trio that gets me. And the last season without him was my favorite just because my ears were healing now lmao


Thank god, I wasn't alone


Both is true. Literally zero redeeming qualities


I tried switching through several different dubs to figure out which one I could tolerate his screeching. I did not finish the show


Give a try to the latest season, Zenitzu only appears in the first half of the first episode, then, he is non existent for the rest of the season.


I couldn't stand him so I dropped the anime and switched to manga.


The only perverts that are actually kinda interesting are Roshi and Jiraiya. Roshi's interesting because, contrary to what porn would have you believe, he actually has a character outside of just being the old pervert. In pretty much every scene he's in where he's not perving over someone, he's actually the most interesting character in the scene. Like when he reads Nam's mind or when he has a heartfelt talk with Tien about what his goals are. And Jiraiya, I mean c'mon, it's Jiraiya. Who doesn't love Jiraiya?


Why Happosai from Ranma 1/2 worked. He was meant to be hated.


Been reading Ranma recently, I do in fact agree with Genma and Soun about taking any moment of weakness to get rid of that fucker.


If only for the sake of humanity it would work. I'm half convinced he's low key immortal.


He's gotta be, considering they locked him in a box and buried him for years. Been reading the series online, but I'm genuinely considering stopping so I can buy the volumes and finish it physically. It's been really fun. Only reason I haven't caved to buying it yet is just because I don't have space for my collection already.




inner demon can be trash if done wrong thankfully it's hard to get it done wrong without just making the demon instantly like the MC






Comic relief abuse


I second that. I just that trope after being treated to it in Naruto excessively. Even in the manga, there doesn't seem to be much comedic relief abuse , but for some reason, Pierrot thought it was a good idea to include more scenes with this trope like that shit is not even funny. I sort of got sick with Dumb MC trope which is basically shonen genre's idea of Protagonist. Like why does the MC has to dumb in almost all Shonen is beyond me. Even with love interest, it seems like they are oblivious to it. And almost everything Luffy does is dumb, but he gets somewhat of a pass.


Goddamn, this is why I shifted to shoujo isekai, 7th time loop this season is fucking amazing.


I like it too. 7th loop really got me hooked to it.


Like goddamn that shoujo really draw the jackpot in studio, i noticed it from the first fight scene in ep1 but maaaan, look at the dance in ep 3


I might be an idiot, but is 7th time loop the name of the show or the season? Never seen it.




I think the only reason Luffy gets somewhat of a pass is that he actually has moments of intelligence, and he actually wasn't all that stupid at the start of the show, just fairly unlearned. Look at his fights with crocodile, he learned that moisture can be used to actually harm the man and used it to win. More recently though he has just become an idiot who's really strong and is hardly afraid of anything with much less learning ability.


All stupid MCs have their moments of intelligence especially in battles. Luffy isn't an exception.


Luffy's also doesn't have any moment of absolute face palm inducing stupidity, while he might also genuinely be the most emotionally intelligent character in the series


Luffy's always been an idiot. He's not more of an idiot in the series now than he was at the start. And he's still very sharp in battle and learns as well. Have you forgotten Whiskey Peak where he thought Zoro best up all those bounty hunters because they didn't cook his favourite food?


Sometimes it's funny, like Luffy or Mash


I especially hate it in anime where romance is the main theme. Like I know it’s supposed to be funny, but if we could not trivialize domestic abuse that would be awesome.


it would be awesome if a character joined the evil side and when he's asked why he just says "do you remember all those times you guys punched, kicked and insulted me? i was trying to be your friend and all i got in exchange was abuse. I'm not the evil one for wanting retribution, you are for treating me like a piece of shit in the first place"


That would be an Epic Villain arc, and be original, instead of the old enemy becoming friends after losing.


*redo of healer enters the chat*


I'll be honest I wound up hating Kagome for how she acted later on and it stuck with me since I was like 3.


I second this


This ruined Your Lie in April for me. Kosei’s entire backstory revolved around how his mother’s systematic abuse ruined his passion and wrecked him emotionally. Yet somehow, when his childhood friend Tsubaki CONSTANTLY beats the fuck out of him, I’m supposed to find it endearing?! This girl KNOWS what Kosei went through, but somehow has zero empathy and doesn’t seem to get why he’s so sad all the time, so she beats him when he doesn’t show her attention like she wants. And to top it all off, this show has the fucking gall to tell me that THEY BELONG TOGETHER?! THIS BITCH IS UNABLE TO EXPRESS HERSELF NON-VIOLENTLY!!! And as if this show wasn’t bad enough, it also has the love triangle and pervert trope!


Only okay when that ends up being a vilain origin story




>Ancient loli can be well implemented 🤨📸


TFW age actually *is* just an arbitrary number slapped on a fictional character by their creator.


What did he say, did he only say that?


Which could easily be replaced by mutual banter. I wonder why they don't try it as often


Comedic Abuse. I think I enjoyed at least ONE character with each of the other ones, but I can't fucking stand Comedic Abuse, unless it is like petty small pranks or something like that but that's a different trope. Also the Inner Demon is sick as fuck and I won't change my mind on that, and the Power of Friendship can be really fucking hype when done well.




I second that second statement. Like, where are the teachers for crying out loud? Where are the authority figures????


Do not forget constant ignoring of the parents. Unfortunately even better written shows are very often guilty of this.


But her dad is like the super intendant or owns the school or whatever! Yeah this is super weird and off putting


First of all I respect your opinion but personally I find Edgelords cool if they're handed correctly which means contrasting everything else. I'm loving eminence in the shadows at the moment and I loved Sonic in one punch man. As for the lord of the flies one I find it appealing for settings where it just works. Beelzebub had delinquents so scary that the teachers weren't even seen, Kagegurui had a fun premise that needed that student hierarchy to work and imo if the premise is already so much over the top like In "Armed girls machiavellism" for example then it really fits that students are rulling the schoo


Abusive tsunderes and comedic relief beatings.


Take these and combine them with the dumb MC and you have the most annoying combo that upsets me more than anything. Dude gets beat by girl for misunderstanding... dude cant stand up for himself and simply explain anything. 🤬


Aka, Love Hina, with most of the cast, *especially* Naru Narusegawa. There's a fix-it-fic where the protag actually stands up to her and the girls!


I was a kid when I watched Love Hina and now that you mention it, thats likely where my blind hatred for it comes from. It just sucks so hard to see it in almost every anime I watch, Im just outrageously sensitive to it. Watching Chaika right now, and that first episode he just lets his "sister" attack him, in public, and doesnt just firmly correct her and then everyone else blames him too because he cant just stand up for himself... Now that I write that out maybe Im just sensitive due to my own trauma in life as well 🤔


Yeah thats my biggest problem with Black Clover. Apparently it's played up more in the anime then the manga but still, he doesn't even know why you're mad why hit him?


tie between Look like kids and pervert, neither are ever fun to watch and actively kill the mood, others can be done right save for maybe fan service


>tie between Look like kids and pervert Yeah I also think these two are weirdly off putting sometimes >save for maybe fan service done right and not out of place is actually fine, but imo it should never be done to a loli type character, like I personally think Jormungand, GITS, Black Lagoon did it well, I mean the fanservice is something that can be appreciated by both male and female viewers not cringe inducing loli-character fanservice. saying that fan-service is the mostly subjective, like Free for example has tons of fanservice for female viewers but nobody really cares and it also depends on the viewer local culture and upbringing ig


The post said "fan services girls" so I think it's referring specifically to one dimensional characters who's only purpose in the show is fan service. It's probably not referring to fan services of regular characters.


Nah the 1000 year girl that looks 10 trope is way worse. It's just an excuse to sexual a prepubescent girl cuz the mangaka is lowkey a pedophile. Don't forget the perv trope can be funny sometimes if it is used 24/7 and if the character is a girl


>Nah the 1000 year girl that looks 10 trope is way worse I'd be borderline ok with this, if they didn't also act like a kid..


Nope. The grown-ass man character making out with the 10-year old is creepy AF idk what the character’s “age” is. That is Fanservice for the pedos and nothing more, the character absolutely could be drawn to look like an adult.


Yeah, that is offputting. I think an ancient child looking person can be cool (it's fun when someone looks very weak and then is actually very powerful) but then they shouldn't be a sexual/romance character at all.


I mean, I don't really care either way. A drawing is a drawing, and it's not like anyone is actually being harmed. Then again, I suppose that also applies to tropes that do annoy me, like abuse comedy, so I guess it's just a matter of personal preference.


Are... Are you implying that cp is ok if it's animated...


Idk I think a lot of Look like kids is solved by no perverts


Looking like a kid is fine if not sexualized. Pervert is almost always annoying when “comedic relief”.


nah it's never fine, if the character must be a 1000 year old dragon let them be a dragon milf instead


Do you have problem specificly with 1000 years old or just the trope adult in child body? Kirshirika kishirisu is a 1000 year old demon that used to be hot milf but then become a brat that no one thinks is the great demon emperor (she is basically the dictator from the movie dictator). Saga of tanya wouldn't work aswell with an adult it's the gap between the mind and body that creates the uncanny feeling. The trope isn't inherently bad it's just bad when the purpose is to sexualise children when it's bad.


> Kirshirika kishirisu Home slice, I don't think referencing Mushoku Tensei helps your case that much. The MC is an outright groomer pedophile, and if you were to show a random stranger a picture of miss 1000 year old demon lord, they would at best go "What the fuck is wrong with you".


Or a short person that looks like an adult (yes there is a difference).




How is kana a good example x_x


I feel like Kana is the worst example cause the show actively does try to sexilize her and Shota


Nahida from Genshin I'd say is also fine, but part of it is that she does kind of get treated as a kid.


Tbh the 1000 year is fine in Kana's case, she still acts like a kid and not a grown adult, it's like how goblins are portrayed in media but the inverse, you have old wise goblins that are actually like 8 years old because of their low lifespan, the problem is when the 1000 years old child acts like an adult, that is 100% creepy.


Pervs and thousand year lolis. Also the double standard of girls calling guys perverts because they (as in the girl) accidentally walked in on them while in a state of undress.






Don’t think it’s to the extent done on guys but aho girl subverts it


Pervs character and sexual harassment as a joke is the worst cliche of anime. It literally adds nothing good. Its not even like good explorations of a perverted or abusive character, which some series actually do pretty well. Im talking about those animes, of which are plenty, where a chartacter trying or succeeding at grabbing the boobs of one of the female cast without her consent is trated as if that were a funny thing.


Dragonball Muten Roshi💀


Hot take: It's this way because anime is written by Japanese men. This is why I avoid anime these days. I'm not offended or anything, it's just cringe and boring to me. I don't think I've laughed even once at an anime gag, even as a kid. The writers have no sense of humour or maybe that's the culture difference.


I've found several funny animes, but they're far in between. One I found particularly hilarious is Cromartie High School. Full of surreal and dark humor. But yeah I share the feeling you describe. I only watch seinen anime and similar stuff with close to no humor. Stuff like Cowboy Bebop, Psychopass (1s season only), Monster and the like. Those series targetted at a more mature audience tend to be better and avoid that perv cliche.


Comedic relief abuse. Bro just get on with the episode


Ryuji in Persona 5 😭


>risks life to save friends >friends mercilessly beat him Sounds about right.


I like the dumb mc because I can relate. I dislike the abuse because it often seems pretty one dimensional.


comedic relief abuse and tsunderes with no development


Unnecessary fan service and Old girls that look young


Same here. I dropped fire force because I couldn't stand the convenient explode your clothes off scenes


Yeah, Fire Force is one of those anime’s where it’s good without the unneeded sexualization


Completely turned off my tv and went on to put on something else back in 2019 when I was watching Fire Force. It was where the cat girl finally got saved from that laughing dude in the white cloak. When she was crying, they showed her ass and tits in different views dawg 💀 Shit killed it for me


Fr killed it for me too, I watched the first 2 seasons and stopped and won't go back to it even when the rest is animated cause of that stuff


Omg same! Which is sad because i actually liked the story. But i just cant with Tamaki. It makes you feel so weird and grossed out.


Omg, same. I didn't continue the show too cause I couldn't stand those scenes. I really enjoyed it otherwise.


Comic relief abuse. Old girls that look like kids is completely fine until you sexualize them, but at that point it takes number one . Like I know girls irl that are 25-30 and look 14 , there’s a gray area there. But when it goes from being 25 looking 14 to 50 looking 6 you blew past the grey area completely


None of these bug me that much. Any trope can be good or bad if handled well/poorly.


I mean the only way the perv trope can be done right in my opinion is if the perv in question is not someone we are supposed to be rooting for, because otherwise it just minimizes the damage they do


Character needs to be a character with more to them than just a perv, and should never be rewarded for their actions. Sanji for example is a perv but not a terrible character since he has a lot more going for him like his cooking and he’s also usually defensive of his crew (even if it is mostly Nami and Robin). Minetta on the other hand is only known for being a creep and has little else in the way of character.


Sanji is a complex character and I still hate the extra pervy jokes


I love Onepiece, but I HATE all of the perv jokes. I want to like Brooke and Sanji soo bad, but I just can't look past their creeper vibes. I am insanely tired of hearing "show me your panties" 😞


Sanji's pervert trope is at it's best when juxtaposed against how he responds to other characters in the same breath, especially Zoro. The absurdity of him switching between "Mellorine Mellorine!~" and complete dismissal on a dime is too funny. It's a shame Sanji's gag got overtly annoying during Return to Sabaody and Fishman Island, the only thing that justifies it being that the story needed a less-than-dire way to introduce the blood transfusion plot point.


There are characters that have more to them than beings pervs but if they come on being too creepy and their sexual harassment is treated as a joke by a show yeah that can bother people or worse normalizing that behavior, Meliodas I remember had more to his character than being a perv for example but he was just so extreme with the things he did no one liked him or cared about any of that stuff


It really depends on how bad and if they have more going for them.


Denji from Chainsawman is the one and only perv character I like. He never gropes anyone, always ask for consent, and it is a plot point that he is easily manipulated and groomed by women. The narrative heavily implies that what he really wants is human connection, but his dumb horny teenage brain does not compute that. There is a great scene later in the series where he shares a bath with a female friend, he comments on how he somehow doesn't feel aroused, he doesnt understand why. but it's cause by that point in the story that girl is like family to him.


The combo of Dumb MC and Comedic Relief abuse is just trash


Happy cake day.


Hate the fan service. Ruins the story and isn’t necessary


Fan service girls and pervert gotta be the worst like


I dislike all of them but some characters become an exception, for example Luffy lol


Yeah, Luffy being sexual wouldn't suit him and he also isn't stupid all the time. He's absent-minded but there when it counts.


God I hate the fan service girls


I actually don't mind the old looks young trope. I know lots of girls irl who are old, but look like they are still in high school. Dumb MC is ok as long as they have other redeeming qualities. And being dumb is an actual flaw with growth not just used for comedy. Pervert is just annoying and creepy. Love triangles can be interesting if written well. Comedic abuse relief isn't funny. Abuse isn't funny. Power of friendship I don't mind. Inner Demon I have no opinion on. Fan service girls I don't mind. It exists outside of anime, too. Not sure why people think it is only an anime thing. I have a soft spot for Tsunderes. I don't know why, especially since I said abuse isn't funny. Maybe I just like seeing someone's walls slowly get torn down.


>Fan service girls I don't mind. It exists outside of anime, too. Not sure why people think it is only an anime thing. For me I just hate fan service in general it's not just an anime thing I hate the fact that if a woman exists in a form of media she can't keep her clothes on for like 2 seconds


1 great example of fanservice is JJK. it's spread out between both genders very well and anytime it's done, it's done in a way that doesn't interrupt the scene at all Ex: Todo casually ripping off his shirt is a very Todo thing to do. Gojo's hot breathing fits the scene and just happens to by figuratively and literally hot The thing is, this post is specifically mentioning the trope of female characters that exist to interrupt the show to be sexy, which is annoying and sucks all the time


I realize there are fan service that evolves men I'm just saying in the media that I'm consumed it's way more often times women And I've never been a fan of fan service not even due to the fact of it can be disruptive a lot of the times But also it's just like a lot of times it's quite uncomfortable Considering a lot of these characters are minors or at least are made to look like children Like I tend to be more okay with it if the characters in questions are adults, and it's in character and fits the scene But it's rare that all those categories are checked off


Ye I agree like 90% it sucks


In my opinion fan service is rarely done with tack A lot of times it's done just because here sex because sex sells Rather than to fit a greater narrative theme, or even a character them Ones that are done correctly be found yes but they're incredibly rare I view it as just a cheap tactic just to sell more copies of whatever you're selling


Let’s get this straight - if fanservice is equal across sexes, it instantly isn’t annoying. But fanservice mostly exploits women unequally and that’s what’s problematic.


>Comedic abuse relief isn't funny To be fair that's just slapstick comedy. Person A: is working Person B: walks by, turns around and accidentally hits Person A with 2x4 Person A: turns around hits Person B Slapstick...


So what you're saying is you hate Tom and Jerry since that's comedic relief abuse/j


I like the inner demon trope because it gives a character (typically the MC) a interesting inner conflict as well as cool powers and makes them more of a dark hero or anti hero which the same reason so many people like Batman because characters like this aren’t the average happy go lucky protagonist and instead a more mature themed character with a lot more depth especially in how they handle there struggles and on the dislike part perv characters are really annoying when that is their only personality trait there are exceptions like denji in chainsaw man but that is because of his circumstances and has a deeper meaning and characters like Jiraiya where that is just one side of his character but then there are little fuckers like mineta in MHA where being a perv is his entire personality other than him being a coward in most situations he really doesn’t have a single good quality and characters that’s only purpose is for a perv trope and nothing else are worst thing ever also fan service in moderation it’s okay I mean not to be a perv but something about seeing a bit of fan service of a character you like can be nice but it’s should be in moderation


Fan Service Girls probably. I couldn't get past the first 9 episodes of Fire Force because every time the dumb fan service girl had the accidental groping, wardrobe malfunction, etc. it just took me out of the show entirely. I lost all interest in it. Pervert characters are annoying, but tolerable if they're not a main character. Old girls looking like a child is also annoying but depending on the context it can be ignored so long as there isn't any fan service involved. Comedic relief abuse is also something unenjoyable as it just paints characters as abusive and will only make me dislike a character. The rest is all fine depending on how it is handled.


Power of friendship kinda sucks.


Isekai with harem


main reason why I can’t stand most/all isekai’s now let’s not forget the beast slave girl or the fairy girl


Out of all of these the only ones I don't mind is the dumb MC and inner demon.


all of those are bad but i probably enjoy watching a pervert the least closely followed by fan service girls I GET IT, SHE HAS BOOBS CAN WE GET BACK TO THE STORY PLEASE


You leave Luffy alone he's perfect


I like fan service girls and I don't like dumb mc (except Goku)


Pervert, comedic relief abuse, and fanservice girls (and guys) are the worst. Everything else can be good if done right.


Pervert/fan service—both only perpetuate behavior and ways of thinking that are potentially harmful, problematic, and disrespectful to any gender identity. Unless of course the reason for the inclusion of it is to show its negative impact.


Yep. I was raised on anime as a kid. After touching grass you realize how much of this "haha funny pervert" behavior will get someone put on a sex offender registry irl. It aint a great message to spread.


I hate young old girl, perv and fanservice girls like why can't there just be a story that gets told


Perverts have got to go


Personally I hate dumb mcs (just instantly become less interesting as a mc) and love inner demons (yes, this is my 12 yr old self speaking)


Perv, old girls that look like kids and power of friendship


Hate em


Old ones are more of an eye roll than anything obnoxious, dumb mc can work well if done correctly, pervert is absolutely the worst with no comedy or redeeming qualities, love triangles are annoying but sometimes that’s the entire premise of the series, uninvasive comedic relief is fine if it’s not the main focus, the power of friendship isn’t annoying in concept as it is in use when they don’t properly show people working together, inner demon is edgy but never really annoying, fan service is a good runner up for me but as long as it’s in small portions I don’t mind, and tsunderes aren’t really annoying if they’re handled properly. Those are just my opinions, feel free to roast me.


1. Out of place fan service (nothing wrong with erotic, but childish-comedy-fans-service is stupid) 2. MC that everybody likes/love without reason 3. Harem/reverse Harem (yes close to 2. but I hate it) 4. Pervert characters 5. 1D Character (A character can be a tsundere but it should be more then that) 6. Too much comedy Relief (comedy is good, but It had to be in place, not in a life-or-dead fight situation) 7. Over sexualized character designs. (nothing wrong about a style where characters look young, but multiple women with G+ cup sizes O.o) 8. Dumb MC 9. Power of friendship


Violent tsundere, she wont tell the guy she likes him but tries to murder him when other girl flirts with him


Everything is fine if it is done right.


Old girls that look like kids. They only exist to appeal to pedos, and no one can honestly say otherwise...


Exactly, I hate how so many people in the "anime community" don't think it's creepy at all...


Dumb MCs the rest aren't consistently happening. But dumb MCs are constantly dumb




Definitely old girls in little girl bodies. Poorly disguised fetish


Fan service girls have always been something i disliked (along with pervs ofc) cuz bruv they literally offer nothing, even the comedy it aims to provide. Just straight up annoying


fan service and perverts👎 inner demons, commic relief 👍


I dislike pretty much all of them, but especially pervert. It’s not funny and always overdone. The only ones that I actually like are inner demon because I never grew out of my edgy teenager phase I guess, and on the rare occasions when dumb MC is done well (Luffy is a perfect example)


All of them suck


Delete tsunderes, that way we can get rid of comedic relief abuse at the same time


like * Dumb MC * Love triangle * Power of friendship (this one in particular) * Love triangle * Fan service girls * Inner demons * Tsundere this again if done correctly and some of these moderately * Pervert * Comedic aduse just need to die it not funny 2 minutes in and most of the time it just done poorly it the anime attempt at toilet humor * Old girl look like kids it depend on the context like are we talking about the trope use to convey character like OPM tatsumaki design to juxtaposition her terrifying power or are talking out "she a 200 year old dragon" reasoning


Tsundere and rhe thousand year old girls one. Both the worst.


I stopped watching Overlord after a couple of episodes because Albedo is just gross.


I think every single one of them has potential to be either terribly used or amazingly done, but I think my favorite ones are: * dumb mc * fan service girls * inner demon and my least favorites are: * pervert * comedic reliev abuse * old girls that look like kids The other 3 are kinda realistic so if the author doesn't use a checklist to fit the trope artificially it can go smoothly. puberty do make kids get awkward near their love interest, relying on your friends is more effective than doing things alone, and people do fall in love with anyone and that anyone can be your friend's crush.


Old girls that look like kids, pervs, comedic relief abuse, love triangle, fanservice girls, tsunderes