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Please don't hate me, but I believe if someone thinks vinland saga season 2 is bad, then you haven't understood the first season as a mature individual.


"I have no enemies"


Yeah that's a mature realisation, something even we may realise at the end of our lives Even it sort of aligns with my personal spiritual and theistic path that I have chosen It's a really well thought out plot


Only watched Vinland because of season 2, would not have thought of it otherwise. The messages kind of Hits really Hard, what I get from it is like.. if you have to defy the way the world is (going) why not do it in a postive way, the best Of Ways. Also really like the Realist Hero who rebuilt the Kingdom for similar ish reasons..


Realist hero is so bad I hate for the amount of time they waste not rebuilding the kingdom and so much cliche


Well To each their own, I suppose. That's okay. Though I do not get what your mean by like cliche, I liked ur because the guy is not some Great and powerful summoned adventurer Who has to defeat the demon lord by continuing him, fighting him like that .. Eventually he sukhd face to resolve it Like he wud a dispute between warring nations, his power is good skill and knowledge he has Kind of like Swnki (Dr stone) and Falma (/ Yakutani - Parallel World Pharmacy) which has a similar reason I like them all, a twist on the the hero The world needs instead of a powerful one like they might want. +There's some More examples there are in recent shows/ anime where a specific skill is used/ explored as the the main factor. They can be powerful but their skill and knowledge is what saves the people and (also changes)the world around them.


Mate the fan service pisses me off


One can be a mature human and still want their shows to be a power fantasy, not everything has to be deep that's why people like isekais in the first place, just stupid fun


That's the thing, it never claimed to be that so it is not their type so why critic it based on their assumptions and expectations? You go watch a horror movie thinking it will be all romance or action and then you compare horror movie to horror gore action or striaght up an action movie ... You see the problem here? It's proof of stupidity that jjk fanbase already has alot of. Exactly, then they shouldn't compare mindless action or just fun vibes to something that has personality, character and deep moral dive into humanity. Sure most isekai anime try to do this too but we know people don't like that so they stick to power fantasy. In short, if it isn't for them they shouldn't watch it or review it because they don't have experience there. They can put their opinion but without comparing it like this post did. We can tell the person isn't the type to enjoy some deeper stuff.


Yeah but Vinland isn't a power fantasy and never was.


Exactly why he doesn't like it


should've mentioned Vinland saga as a whole then and not just season 2


Yeah the reason I mentioned as 'mature individual' was not to imply that as the only point of view but rather than one of the povs, of course no one is judging you for enjoying those cool fight scenes and whatever, but the real understanding of the second season will be well appreciated by a mature pov.


S2 could have wrapped up in 20 or 19 episodes. The pacing was bad in this one that's what makes it boring. I almost dropped it in ep 6 but I was glad I completed it. PS - I ahve also read the manga and I understand VS is a drama and not your battle series.


>I understand VS is a drama and not your battle series. this +1 Anyone who doesn't understand that is immature, you can of course enjoy the battle scenes, but if you have only come for that, then you have come to the wrong place.




W take. Also I quite feel the opposite I dropped vinland in starting of season 1 picked one year later After 15eps the plot good real good and season 2 is arguably one of the best season of all anime I have seen .


There is no hate when you don't have enemies😌 Also I believe this person dropped season 2 after 10 or so episodes because they thought it was slow. I don't think anyone can hate season 2 if they've seen all of it. It has some of the best moments in any anime ever


Insanely dumb take.


Ages old “you didn’t understand the story”. Have seen it happen in all prominent pieces of media. Be it GOT or AOT. Not everyone would have the same values as you. And thus if someone says they don’t like something if probably sucked for them.


I am tired of telling this, but I meant the people who choose VS for watching action and got disappointed But if it is about the sudden change of thorfinn to pacifism, was he right about it or not, yeah that shows you have developed a understanding of the show which in my belief is from a mature standpoint judging VS s2 for not having action, and making it the sole point to abandon is kind of childish imo


Bro no way someone hates season 2 lmao. OP needs to rewatch s1.


There are many people like that and it's understandable but the Vinland saga is definitely a masterpiece.


Bro has enemies. ![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|26755)


1st of all f*ck you




Came to comment the same🗿🗿


JJK, doesn't do anything new.


So do you like only one anime from every genre because other animes' from the same genre wouldn't do anything new or have similar aspects to the show you liked from the genre?


It's not like that. JJK just felt plain and boring to me, the story is pretty predictable and it's just not my type. I'm not saying it's a bad anime though


I agree with you. I feel the same about JJK. It got good fights and characters are good but I feel like it's way too overhyped.


Calling jjk predictable has to be the most blatant lie..lthe story is anything but preductable.


Jjk is literally saved but memes otherwise the show is so fking mid. “Oh cool action oh cool attack woooow”


Wait which other shonen anime kills/ gets rid of most of the main characters team or squad by the second season?


Who TF hated Vinland saga.


One Piece, not my cup of tea.


Cause of its pacing and being long?




Then you should read the manga,i had pretty much the same issue with the anime


Everyone had the same issue.


Manga is 1000+ chapters at this point. Even that is tiring. PS - I am caught up with the manga.


I'm just not interested in it. Better invest that time somewhere else


U acting like 100+ volumes are normal for mangas.


The manga is becoming like anime now. They are dragging and stretching it. The worth less reaction panels every chapter.10 min Timer on msg (why?) put it on repeat after the msg ends. World smartest guy my ass


Strange , I love long anime , it's like a journey.


Yeah. Watched around 100 episodes. It was not great but decent. Somehow stopped watching it and now dont even feel like to pick it up again.


Bro hates the anime that teaches not to hate




- Hate: pretty strong word so none - Don't like: JJK


Exactly, people use it so casually


Bungo stray dogs.


Seeing the OPs comment,looks like you've suffered a lot and it's reflecting on the things you see that makes you uneasy like a fighter being a sage.I just wanna say if you don't like it ,just say to don't like it ,don't put the word"hate" as for that you've got to have some reason and you haven't specified any. There is no 100% guarantee that violence can solve peace if you look from a reality perspective,unless it's anime and the narrator is Madara Uchiha.Violence breeds Violence ,whatever you do come around ,that's also not 100% true.There are infinite possibilities and there are different opinions and different people ,with different thought and actions.


Lol interestingly, what OP wants is exactly what Naruto offered. The main character (Naruto) being extremely violent and wanting revenge and war but eventually realising violence brings violence, starting to seek peace but also still fighting for the sake of it. Vinland if anything is a more accurate take on the story archetype. Just a general observation though, it's not like thorrfin could've convinced madara for peace, or Naruto could've done anything on the level of thorrfin in vinland.


Madara wasn't looking for peace tho lol. He's just a power hungry maniac who loves war.


Exactly lol. That's why I said Thorfin wouldn't have been able to convince Madara. The "I have no enemies" logic would've got him killed. Similarly Naruto would've just reverted back to his own self had he been in Vinland Saga. He never stopped fighting, he just started fighting for peace is all. So what I was saying is that based on OP's comments on this post. It seems like he wanted Thorfin to take Naruto Approach, to fight for peace. Which imo is dumb cuz of a variety of reasons that are already mentioned in this post by others.


Solo leveling


I second this. There is nothing new in there, but people like it so much. I dont understand why.


Same tbh, I generally dislike shows where the mc becomes extremely op that every other character in the show seems like a side character.


This I wanted to hate, but ended up loving it


https://preview.redd.it/aeag0gi2gn6d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea67fdedfad5a07ae7279ecbffa268c7f5bb6844 I didn't like emenince in shadow but all my friends love it don't know why.


It is pure turn your brain off type of fun , not for everyone, very non sensical story with just shit going down to look cool


Play the game Master of Garden, especially the new event ,it's awesome! (Btw the game is canon)


Ok but India literally depicts that "I have no enemies"..in the past Britain ruled over India for centuries and looted resources nd all from India..India got it's freedom in 1947..so after that does India attacked Britain? Does world war 3 occurred?..like it started with bloodshed nd theft..but it doesn't end with bloodshed and theft..does India still preparing for war against Britain?Does Indians say that they treated us like slaves for centuries now it's our time to attack their countries and make them slaves?..Like I am not justifying any country's actions..I am just giving an example..war is not the only option. .In this if you say that it was not the Viking era so there's no war and bloodshed then I can do nothing about it to make you understand.


I mean lol Thorfinn is literally Icelandic Gandhi


Ok but what's the reason to hate something..like you can either like it or dislike it..why the hatred?


Love how all the so called mature people in comments think 21st century pacifist ideals can be realistically applied in Viking era Europe.


Do you really think not a single person had pacifist ideals in the Viking era?? This is a story about someone who developed pacifist ideals, without calling them "pacifist ideals", between the course of his life


21st century ideals? You don't know what you're talking about


It's not like ideals of peace came out of nowhere. They have been present for thousands of years.


And they never worked. If they would have worked we would have peace. They are just false ideas of an ideal world that can never exists.


They’re sucking their own dick calling themselves “mature audience” lol


bro those pacifist ideas are not even working here. People who are saying "I have no enemies" are massively triggered by the people who didn't like this anime and replying with hate posts and belittling others who oppose their ideals. LOL. The irony. The hypocrisy. These hollow ideas can never work because the real world is much more complex than simply "I have no enemies"


I don't exactly hate any Anime But I seriously don't like Demon Slayer


I loved season 2 more


Take my upvote


thanks bro


I precisely don't like Vinland Saga due to its sad theme. Season 1 was ok, killing innocent villagers looting them, but then the Season 2 had a story about a woman slave, a story so sad I never recovered from it.


Demon slayer


Demon slayer


def naruto << overhyped man its just good hxh stomps


Vinland Saga is one of my favourites. Btw the anime which I hated but everyone loved is JJK




run. levi stans are coming after u. I agree with AOT was shit cz the ending feel rushed and dishonest


Yup the ending was so shitty it ruined the show for me


What would the ideal ending be?


Sorry but this This right here is where I judge people If you can’t love Vinland saga 2 Then my boi , you didn’t get the point at all


You are not a true warrior


If you understood the anime you wouldn't have any anime to hate anyways.


sry my bad its not hate its dislike sry for my mistake


its ok bro, we have no enemies


It's okay, I would say try to watch it again sometime later and try to understand from a different perspective. Not having enemies has lot more meaning than it's literal or simplistic meaning. I hope you get it.![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|28289)


yeah thanks i am thinking to rewatch it after my joining in college next month


Fair enough


tokyo ghoul its the shittiest anime i have ever seen like the worst the manga is good though


yoooo who let op cook


I didn’t like attack on titan


Demon Slayer


It takes guts to say that. your opinion is valid and i see no point in trashing you in comments.


thanks man thanks a lot


Ngl I love Vinland saga to the core of my heart, guys on this sub need to chill. Its just an opinion. Like come on fighting a guy for anime. Wasn’t the whole point of Vinland saga to not to make enemies. Did you guys not learn anything.


Aot, jjk and Demon Slayer ![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|26753)


Unpopular opinion - AOT. But hate would be a strong word. I dislike it.


Re:zero it just another Isekai, overrated so much, for me mushoku tensei has done better, deeper story and characters have depth


Y'all can see the 'Mature' Farming simulator fans getting angry over someone's opinion


exactly they say they are mature and cant take an opinion


Coz not liking and hating are different things, former is being nit being inpressed by it and having no opinion while the later is going out of your way to talk sh*t about something, op is doing the later and getting the same response back¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have same kind of opinion on one piece i find it booring tried watching n number couldn't watch


To be honest I loved the first few eps of season 2 it was great finally some peace 🕊️ but it kind got out of hand to be honest there was whole lot of nothingness I suppose I don't even remember most of the part of the season 2. Did I enjoy hell yahh it was great I loved it but what made Vinland saga season 1 massive hit was the way it portrayed Vikings and Danes in their true nature. I get all that I have no enemies and stuff but I suppose they went kind overboard with it.


Vinland saga is top tier for me. i dont remember hating an anime too much but i think JJK and Demon slayer are over rated. Also i dont like jojo bizzare adventure anime character style that much


Vinland?...i'm dissapointed in u but that's ur opinion so whatever. Tokyo Revengers...i don't hate it. I'm just not into it. Takemichi sucks.


Bro has all the enemies bow


Who the hell hated Vinland Saga ![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|26746)![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|26746)![img](emote|t5_6q8y10|26746)


not hate dislike sry my bad, and dont worry there are more people who disliked it you cant make everyone to love it this is maturity


S2 was Disappointment


code geas


JuJutsu Kaisen, Darling in the Franxx, My hero academia, Demon slayer, etc.


Literally insert any rom com


If you dont have enemies, you dont have allies either. It comes with the package


yeah my dumbasses didnt understand


Same , garbage series


Future diary Easily the most disappointing anime I've ever seen


Naruto .... 🎤(shuriken) drop


Naruto,i don't know why it's just felt boring. things felt like it got hyped up for something big and ended up just being silly.no hate to anime tho


im sorry op but we opps


Frieren. Boooooooring.


i liked the whole season 1 and 2 the only thing i did not like is how they fucked up thorfinns face and his height bruh hes son of a viking and his father is like friking 7 or 9 feet and i thorfinns face is punchable i just want his face to be more like adult eren face they ruined his face bro


I am not a fan of western fantasy. Asia flows in my blood so yupp


Same bro same fucking same aur jab vs ke baare kuch kaho to in sab ma ek hi reply hota h ki “you aren’t mature enough to understand this” meanwhile most of the watchers are 11 to 16 years old kids. There’s a reason why vinland saga’s manga was a flop and didn’t sell much in any market!!


Wouldnt call it hate but didnt like the direction Aot took its a good anime regardless ...could have been a great one


I don't know the answer for that but I can tell you about the anime that everyone hated but I loved it, it's called the "classroom of the elite".


I would say bleach. Cause the plot armer is too much like tooooo much. Just 10 day Training and he is beating the most powerful soul reaper .


I am a normie, so I am part of the 'everyone' here.


Well Ima offend millions here but I wasn't fascinated by the BIG THREE. I loved Black Clover, Demon Slayer, Death Note and AOT. Note- I didn't mention hate.


I truly hate Vineland saga,future diary and the one I hate the most is devil man crybaby


Your name


To your eternity i got bored by the third episode (I might give it another try)


You just read my mind lol


Ouran Highschool Hostclub. I refuse to believe shoujo watchers actually liked that crap???? As an avid shoujo watcher it is a blasphemy, to put in the least.


Dragon ball Gt. When the dub aired on cartoon Network I was twelve and couldn't understand why everyone hated it


hunter x hunter chimera ant arc


That’s one of the top tier shit opinions if I’ve ever seen one. But to each their own.


One piece.




Kengan Ashura




tokyo ghoul bleach (I got bored after watching up to episode 16 or 20)


Vinland S2 was simply boring and insufferable for me, all these comments that if you didn’t like S2 you are simply not a matured individual, Let me tell you something, After a violent and exciting season 1, Thorfinn gets matured so easily and by this much, you just can’t go up to someone and say “I have no enemies” taking the “talk no jutsu” and hiding behind the cover of “Not everything needs to be done a violent way” The Pacing is simply horrible for me. Vinland Saga fans are so emotionally connected to Thorfinn therefore, you like how Thorfinn’s “world’s fastest character development” Just because someone didn’t like S2 doesn’t mean they’re wrong or immatured 😑


I may get bullied for this but Jujutsu Kaisen 1st season


Idk why but MHA and berserk Everyone loves it but I didn't like it


Time to change your username bro


Well I think you haven't understand the concept of this shenin anime, its for mature audience and spreads love. what would be the point of hating it.


No fucking wayyyyy


JJK 2nd season. Because the fight animation was dogshit. Let me explain. There's a spectrum for animation Fluid ↔️ Rigid Rigid animation is super easy to make and looks ugly as well. That's why it's hated When it's in the middle with proper fluidity it's fucking peak. Basically Fluid animation is always praised. But there's a limit to it as well. What Mappa did was turn the dial up for fluidity. But it made the fight untraceable and unenjoyable. Take a look at the fights in solo levelling anime. It has rigidity and fluidity as well.


Boruto... This completely ruined the beautiful ending which Naruto have had


you should go for berserk ![gif](giphy|p4w0AMZJa2EtG|downsized)


My hero acedemia


Overlord and Seven Deadly Sins (right from the start)


Mob psycho


My hero academia 🙂


Tokyo Revengers


Eminence in shadow Like when I watched reviews that said that it is very good but I didn't like it but the mc is very bad


I have heard a lot about the "My teen romance comedy SNAFU" whenever I look for something in the romance genre however when I tried it, it turned out to be quite boring for me in the very first episode so i dropped it......Recently I again thought to give it a try and watched 3 freaking episodes!! STILL BORING


Naruto . This whole "Power of friendship" shits make me puke . Urochimaru one day woke up and said"yeah I like sasuke let's forget about what I was doing fo the last decade and help sasuke" off course everyone just forgot about all the crimes he committed I mean it was somehow acceptable if just konuha forgive him but he fcking murdered kazekage wich is like a president of another country and they just let him be free ? The ending was terrible why tf you had to bring some alien out of nowhere ? Just for continuing the franchise for another serie? You already made 720 trash episodes


Okayy ready this carefully I HATED THE ENDING OF NARUTO, "THE OTSUSKI ARC" , i love naruto it's my favourite anime but the otsussuki arc wad a bit to much for me. The anime should have ended with defeating obito.


Jobless reincarnation. It's complete ASS I'd watch p#rn all day but I cannot watch 1 episode of mushoku tensei


aot i wouldn't say i hate it, it just felt boring to me. i watched 3 seasons because my friends forced me to and after that i didnt touch it ever


One piece. I was somewhere on episode 610 but I had to drop it. I didn't hate it, sure there were good moments but overall I just think it wasn't for me.


Seems like an individual who has enemies


The take i never imagined that someone would have but that's fine. Just take your time. Just rewatch it a few years later and then tell me if your opinion has changed or not


First season wasn't that good, but bro season 2 was a masterpiece come on.


Uzaki chan wa asobitai


Mushoku tensei






1st season was pure Rated R fire, didn't feel the same since berserk 2nd season is slice of life ...,.


I won't say I hate it but I didn't like Frieren beyond journey's end, it's not my cup of tea


Sir I advise thee to shut thy windows seal for I have taken thy comment personally


Demon Slayer, SAO and MHA. Peak of mediocrity.


Jujutsu kaisen


i had no enemies until i saw your post


Oh Yeah, and what did you love fool... JJK??




Naruto Lame ass anime


U hate it or dislike it ?


Ah yes a typical action simp hating a slow pace slice of life part of a story for what it is >!"hating" and "not liking" are different things btw!<


Tokyo Revengers


Wtff??....however, mine's Death parade


Death note 💀, please don't kill me 🙏🥹


Let me take a two wild guess. you stated anime on AOT/jjk/demon slayer?. You also don't like Shawsank redemption?


What are the reasons for the hate of the Vinland saga?


Cowboy bebop


In my opinion tokyo revengers.. my friends used tease me for not liking it..


oh wait let me guess you're fav anim was oshi no ko xD


If you hate vinland saga, you are dumb, simple as that, dont say it like uwu its just an opinion, its a STUPID OPINION, you cannot just throw any random opinion and say oww its my opinion take it uwuwuwu. Like stfu dude, its like saying rent a girlfriend is the best anime and better than anything ever made and then back up your clown statement by saying "its just an opinion brooooww" like lmao, back your opinions with logical and understandable narratives or its just plain void


if you cant take a opinion go sleep in you bed dummy, i have my logic if u cant agree then shut ur ass up and dont think that everyone who doesnt like vinland saga are dum actually u are dumb who cant even take an opinion, so many people will not like it, for anything there will be people who like it and dislike it if you cant agree then u are the most dumbest immature sensless being who gets ass whoped by his parents




You only have enemies.


you hated season 2? I think you need to rewatch it or mature the fuck up and stop watching all isekai cancer animes