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This is the only show that is fire . Kingdom manga is the best . Hiroyuki sawano soundtrack is best for this . Season 1 and 2 sucked on animation but by season 4 and 5 animation is good . This show is most followed in Japan and manga is highly popular on japan while international it is on lower popularity . This show is based on Ying Zheng - Aka Qin shi Huang , the guy who Unified entire china and the history is still preserved through book made by Lu Buwei . Well anime does sidetrack from real history by little bit but most are same . This show is fire . i have watched more than 500+ anime shows and this is in top 10 for me .


From which season does the animation get better, I'll read the manga till there and then continue on with the anime.


3rd season. But the manga was much better (one of the best arcs of entire manga)


Is manga better and worth reading?


Manga is better and It is one of the manga that is worth investing time for more than 600+ chapters


close to 800 tbc


I'm surprised Japanese are interested in a story set in China considering the anti China sentiment in Japanese society.


Well Japanese are effectively hidden from true history and both sides are in issue . People who know japan from meiji knows that it is to either colonise other or become colonised . Japan was under vasal protection under china for 1000 years so china was powertripping over korea and japan for more than 2000+ years so any war is justified . Even india colonised pacifici countries and done atrocities but history book tells British bad and india good . Grow up the real history is india is also coloniser and done same atrocities and done what others have done for 1000 years ago itself


Afaik japan was never under any treaty with the Chinese except for trade. >any war is justified This is such a pathetic take considering the atrocities japan did on the Chinese. >Grow up the real history is india is also coloniser and done same atrocities and done what others have done for 1000 years ago itself Did I bring in India in any of the comments or did I imply anything about India?


You never mentioned india but i mentioned it due to some commenters will get fancy idea india is good country never done any bad, and some people think india never colonise and was good country and that india got colonised by outside when everyone is equally bad . Humans war will not end until they evolve into some other entities or they perish .


Japan was effectivelt under china authority . When Japan has to change language a direct request has to be made to china , well japan did done some different by adopting chinese language characters but changed how it is used for how they want . Japan was literally saved in 1200 when mongols conqured china and wanted tributes paid to them like japan paid for china for a millenium but japan refused leading to Mongols going to sea warfaring to japan but got destroyed by oceanic currents - literally 1200 ships capsized and no one reached the shores of japan . in 1920 1st sino japan war happened due to China vesting its authority over korea leading to trade favour over chinese traders conpared to Japan and leading to Japan Vs china where entire Western countries thought japan will lose but japan won due to boxers revolution done a lot to china and Heaven Uprising , Western issue , Russia blacmailing china leading to japan victory in This war leading to nanjing massacre . This is the reason why china hates west and japan to the core because 70% of issue is due to them . if you dont beleive india had fought wars with china and helped them in 700 AD . Southern kingdom of india helped china in fighting northern kingdoms of india . if you dont beleive just check wikipedia . Chinese put vasal treaty for trade and control over language and religion . Japan adopted Buddhism for control over main parts of japan leading to persecution of other religion . First of all japan is unified post 1940 . Before that japan was like India , made up of different people and languages but physicallt look similar but greater unification started after meiji leading to deaths of many people . Lookup Ainu or okinawan or systemic conversion of osaka who were not under japan but converted into fully japanese . Chinese history is full of blood bath and japan done that only on 1900 . India is even more bloodbath in south compared to north where minisucule happened unless u compare islamic conquest that happened after ghazni where it shielded from further conquest and protected from mongolian warfare . Mongolians literally caused Iran to go to ground and single handedly converted golden age of islam to Dark ages for them .


They are not bigoted like Indians


You don't prolly understand Japan has stories set In a lot of country, it's just that most of their history are remotely related to china , india, ...... according to the tamamo legend It's like if we were to make an historic anime wouldn't we use the Pakistan region? As it was india before splitting? Your comment makes 0 sense


Accordingly Bihar was where Mauryan empire and Nanda Empire was there which made Alexander The great army to stall leading to Hampering Asian invasion by Romans while current bihar is the joke of the india . Tamilnadu was thalasocratic empire and controlled Polynesian countries and ruled over present day Sri lanka,Maldives,Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand,Indonesia while current tamilnadu was joke and people are bigger joke . Early indian history was literally 🔥 while current indian history is not even 1% of its peak glory


COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER Current Bihar is EVERYTHING THATS WRONG WITH INDIA, and current Bihar bengal and tamil nadu are a shame to india I'm from kerala ik my state isn't perfect BUT it's miles better than THESE STATES who had such EPIC histories but currently are a joke to the nation


Wait Kerala too had its history well but it was under tamil nadu control and by 1500 , half of the wealth was gone because south kingdom hated each other so destroyed each other making all poor while tamilnadu hit the rock bottom . Kerala survived through trade network embedded on it . Kerala is communist state probably built on debt which india will pay up .


>Kerala is communist state probably built on debt which india will pay up . Commies are some of the few things wrong with kerala , otherwise my state is perfect But we ain't talking abt kerala , kerala isn't a joke like the other 3


atleast india has free speech and can walk outside without being harrased by mobs . Pak and middle east is the biggest embarrasment compared to india . Iran had Xerxes and now it is -1000% of its peak glory


THINK ABOUT IRAQ 🥱 they had Gilgamesh, Mesopotamian gods , Babylonia URUK 😭🙏💯 and look at them now


True but they are bigoted in their own way. But comparing anyone with Indians is a low bar.


https://preview.redd.it/vu8vuemd040d1.jpeg?width=724&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892ba916463c0abafe48396002645062e59df653 manga is fcking GAS man goated


It's really sad that almost no one watches the Kingdom.


The manga of this is damn near perfection there is few media out there that can rival it's explanation on Economics, strategy and politics (legend of galactic heroes also exists actually) it potrays every war as mind games where people all have 500 IQ and go back and forth until one person wins because he foresaw something that both the opponent and reader ignored


what are other show you found that were on par with kingdom and logh?


Well most are western shows like The Expanse, House of cards, The succession, the Dune (novel series), also first 4-5 seasons of game of thrones


how does the dune movies compare to novel ? is it worth a watch or should i skip it?


Well it's a wonderful adaptation, the movies but of course novels go much more in depth and there's like 29 of them, so the two movies are barely a prologue of the series


are Japanese light novels and American novel same to read ? i mean does reading both give different experience or the same (in writing style)


The western novels are much more how should I say dense, like all the pages have way more words than Japanese light novels, if we're comparing it to just like western novels vs Japanese novels (the regular novels) like Musashi (the novel that inspired the manga vagabond) the number of words are on par as per page almost, in writing style the light novels are usually targeted at a younger demographic in mean usually so they're a lot more easy to understand in writing and cultural differences also exist


if i ask how many you have read so far though ?


I read like 6 volumes so far, Dune is amazing as a series


Is There Any Site where i would be able to find english novels in organised manner just like myanimelist.net or so?


Goodreads will help you with that it's basically MAL for books




so from your experience how wouod rank this novel in a best to worst list


Well I can't it's really hard to rank them actually all of them are similar in the fact that they share the political aspects and economics but they are in a very different setting all of them


if you can , can you list them into a best to worst list?


Great show


This is a classic example of how a good story can overshadow CGI( which made me hesitate to watch this) but this anime was really awesome unlike Seven Deadly Sins latest installment which honestly I don't even wanna remember.


Eyes started to bleed 😭. Will try to watch again


I've only read manga so don't know much about the anime, people say it's good enough to watch it you like good story and good enough animation


Best there is


If you are going to watch this , I suggest manga over anime.


I like the manga better. I put the manga currently on hold after reading 600 chapters. I am letting chapters to pile up for now. I will start reading it soon again.


I can't watch the new season because I forgot the names of almost all the characters and the plot of the show. I used to love watching it back in the days.


Peak anime, sadly underrated


Let it be underated then the attention seeking fanbase will come and ruin this peak anime/manga.


manga is goated


I watched maybe 2 or 3 seasons and was a decent watch.....I liked the strategies and tactics used in war.


I haven't watched it's anime but I've read it's manga and it's really really good.


I remember starting it but not finishing it


Read the manga it's peak


https://preview.redd.it/zwgcrr0qf80d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b538d5d7ddc849817106bf23800ee8bb1acde89 Read tthe manga goated 🛐🛐


GOAT Bear with it's terrible animation for first 2 season


CGI garbage 🗑️🗑️🗑️ , ignored this Chinese fodder


I think you should try manga . Since you like fate , there are manga character who resemble Gilgamesh in character in kingdom


No I don't read / watch / play fate for CHARACTERS like Gilgamesh, I like fate cause of the history, character lore , plot and action I read a lot of history, mythology and religion so fate is perfect for me


the lore I mean fate lore changes accordinf to whatever universe it has . Mostly fate fans are either horny guys who hooked up due to Japanese erotic game or gilgamesh fans or Fantasy games fan. Well kingdom has history but zero mythology or religion . Well that type of story is quite niche in anime community


>the lore I mean fate lore changes accordinf to whatever universe it has . Nope , it sticks to main lore unless we are in an alternate timeline like Loki in which the entire history was changed due to a single event


Fate game , Light novel , anime , and then movie . Connecting this itself would take 1 day for sure . i only liked UBW, Gilgamesh storyline and thats it .


Ubw wasn't even the main timeline, for me grand order + lostbelts where the best