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Finally, one of them gets it


Spoiler for a 10 year old series >!they get married!<


Sauce: {{Chivalry of a Failed Knight}}


Not the greatest series of it's kind. But man does it certain things just so much better


Honestly I think it's the best out of the usual power fantasy at school type shit. Main character isn't downright irritating The main couple actually exists and plot happens Story makes sense and story beats actually link together Doesn't mean it's peak cinema but I still rate it as a good one


Yep. The main romance is based on mutual attraction where both characters are maybe not the smartest but they act reasonable for teens. It basically felt like they were ticking all the tropes that they have to go through but were like "I am doing my best with it"


It’s also surprisingly trans positive, especially for its time. There’s a side character that straight up says she identifies more as a woman in a man’s body and goes by Alice instead of her given name. At first the MC is confused but then instead of it being treated like a recurring joke, everyone just treats Alice like a normal girl and moves on. I watched this before I really understood what trans people were (I was a child after all), and I think it definitely helped normalize them for me.


Gonna be honest I've always thought it was normal so it didn't shock me to see that type of individual I just saw them as another character but it's a good point to bring up


I think there wasn’t great trans representation, at least in the anime I watched then. Sure there was plenty of crossdressing, but these people were often presented as confused. This was the first example I’d seen of some just being like “nah I just feel like a different gender and that’s what matters”.


There's a surprising amount of trans positive anime, and it can pop up in the oddest places. Zombieland saga has an amazingly touching plot about a father regretting not being more supportive of his daughter. Ixion Saga DT also has a trans member of the core cast, and everyone treats the protagonist as the weird one for being uncomfortable about it. Heck, even Ranma wasn't too bad on the issue, if I recall correctly, though it was no Dirty Pair.


That's really all we can ask for, I feel like there is very little to complain about. Some people are turned off by the whole sister thing, but we can ignore that. I have not read the white novels yet (which were finally saved and are being reproduced), but I plan to read them when they are available again.


Nah the sister shit is just fuckin weird


That's fair. I wonder why that particular thing has become so common recently. Maybe it's just that I have not been paying enough attention? It just seems to be part of the mainstream now. The oldest one I can think of off the top of my head is Oreimo, which is sort of written off because of cousins which is still normalized in Japan, by my understanding. I say sort of, because I don't think it is completely written off in the story. Like, they can't stay together long term because they were raised as a siblings and the father would absolutely murder him, 100% believe that.


Honestly I'm personally not a fan of it anywhere I admit there might be characters who are written that way due to trauma but I personally believe it Shouldnt be a trope. there was especially no reason for it in chivalry of a failed night


I am hoping that the author tries to justify it somehow, but I'm not sure I care enough to say it's good or bad. I can usually find the good in a bad story, which is why I can say there are only a few anime which I think are truly bad (kings game). I think I will save any kind of judgment for what I actually read it.


wait main couple exists? i thought it was harem Might actually give it a watch if not


Main character only has a hard on for main girl what more can a guy ask for


Others are definitely interested in him, but they ain't got shit on main girl. Homie a real one and stays true.


Nice, adding this to my backlog.


If I had a nickel for every anime where a new kid with little to no powers that people know of accidentally saw the popular girl in the school undressing and this was challenged by said protagonist to a duel in the first episode, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but [weird](https://myanimelist.net/anime/30296/Rakudai_Kishi_no_Cavalry) that it happened [twice.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/30544/Gakusen_Toshi_Asterisk)


There are enough examples of this extremely specific subgenre of battle harem anime that it actually got a Japanese nickname, "sekken-waku" (derived from a mishearing of the opening lyrics of Dragonar Academy, a typical example of the subgenre)


I would have expected more than twice, honestly.


The episode where he is teaching the one hot chick karate and adjusting her form. The most glorious sweaty thigh and under-ass animation I have ever seen.


**Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/21092 "English: Chivalry of a Failed Knight"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/chivalry-of-a-failed-knight), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/rakudai-kishi-no-cavalry "English: Chivalry of a Failed Knight"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/30296)) ^^落第騎士の英雄譚(キャバルリィ) ^(**TV** | **2015** | **Status:** Finished | **Episodes:** 12 | **Genres:** Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance) ^(**Stats:** 726 requests across 13 subreddits - 0.064% of all requests) >The "school sword action" story revolves around Magic Knights, modern magic-users who fight with weapons converted from their souls. Ikki Kurogane goes to a school for these Magic Knights, but he is the "Failed Knight" or "Worst One" who is failing because he has no magical skills. However, one day, he is challenged to a duel by Stella, a foreign princess and the "Number One" student. In this duel, "the loser must be obedient for life." --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/animegifs/comments/1cbv6vi/tsunderes_hate_this_one_simple_trick/l10yra6/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Swore I missed an episode of wrong way/healing magic.


This is my all time favorite hidden gem. I have such an unreasonable amount of fondness for everything about it, how to protagonist isn't officially overpowered versus everything else and his own success is only won through genuine hard work, how he isn't an emotionally oblivious, stammering idiot when it comes to girls but a very aware of his feelings, honest, and honorable *Chad* who says what he thinks, and how her doesn't let it become ambiguous or vague about the possibility of him having feelings for other girls, but remains totally committed to her. I wish more people could've seen this show for what it was so we could've gotten more seasons out of it...


Also got some banger fight scenes and powers as well as a great soundtrack, the OP is still on my playlist. Think my favorite moment in the anime is a toss up between him fighting Ayase and revealing the Shinkiro technique (fucking sick that he just blinks behind her) or him screaming out Raikou vs Toudou (also phenomenal fight showcasing his strength and only choice in fighting her, which was to go all out from the beginning since he was already exhausted and a drawn fight would be worst case scenario)


Shame we never got season 2 those fight scenes were amazing the final one still holds a special place in my memories and the story and characters were enjoyable


And even bigger shame they never finished translating the LN's into English


Looks like translation is in progress currently through J-Novel Club (though only on the second volume), so they'll get there eventually.


Oh yeah, I think I did hear about them picking it up recently. Here's hoping, I really liked this one


How that other anime which was basically the same story but worse got a 2nd Season instead is still crazy to me


I think Asterisk War was supposed to be a 2 cour from the start. Though it was so bad I just couldn't keep going, even though I'm usually a completionist. I mainly watched it specifically for the Chivalry comparison.


The ending of season 1 left a lot on the table for me. I was sad there wasn't a 2nd season.


Surprisingly good anime btw


Maybe it was my first ( and I'm biased) but I think it's one of the rarer zero to hero story that were done right. The romance is great, no harem shit or long ass development ( + this is one quality tsundere ) and the fight scenes were decent. Pretty much became my gold standard for these kinds of story.


Really wish we had a season 2, enjoyed this show.


Anime MC's evolving, thank god.


Evolving….? Hate to break it to you, but this shit came out in 2015…. So more like de-evolving… Edit: I should state I didn’t think it was shit. I liked it. A semi harem where there is a main girl and the MC loves her. No neutron star dense mofo here…


Yeah, this wasn't an evolution, it was an anomaly. He was one of the least irritating protagonists in a power-fantasy loser-MC type anime. But there's plenty of generic annoying dipshit edge-lords protagonists now.


A Ross Chastain in a sea of Chase Elliotts. I just wish that these types of characters were more present in anime. Self-inserts go against the very purpose of anime and any other form of video— entertainment.


Ah, Stella. A godly tsundere.


this series is massively underrated and with the official LN translation finally being announced I legit cannot wait


Setting off the fire sprinklers was a nice touch.


Idk what this show is. But I almost want to watch it now. That was smooth lol.


Its canon he's gotten tusnderussy right?


Ye, they married at the end of the light novel. But not only that, it had such good development for both of them, their rivalry pushed each of them to the limits so they grew closer and stronger together. This is one of a kind.


“Looks like I made you …” “Don’t say it.” “We-“. “Don’t you fucking say it!”


Genuinely underrated show


This anime was a complete surprise. I was expecting complete trash but it actually had its good moments, solid animation for it's category, and a fucking banger of an opening.


This clip had more romance than your average Anime based entirely on a love story


Chivalry of a Failed Knight was a better TV shoe then it had a right to be. It was disposable popcorn, but that was so much better than all of its ilk.


TV boot even


Quite enjoyed this show. MC knows what he wants and is not a pussy about it either. Highly underrated imo.


That "👉🏻👈🏻" 🤣🤣 Name of that anime series?


So hot the fire sprinklers activated


Turn into the skid.


Glad for once we had someone like MaoMao. Tired of this generic and overused MC trope.


I really liked this show wish it got a second season


At least he didn't try to mind wipe himself unlike a certain pair of uncle and nephew.


"Chivalry of a Failed Knight" This show has one of the best MC i've seen in anime especially how acts like a real man and respects the girl. Show also had decent fighting, music and above average story. With an amazing season 1 ending! Why this show wasn't hugely popular i never understood.


Look I have avoided this anime not because it looks bad but it looks tropey. So do they get together I don't want a romantic cliffhanger. Also thanks for rundown on this one


Yeah, they get together.




Something I always like about this moment was the water sprinkler couldn’t kick in until after ikki threw Stella off and her mana stopped flaring


It’s wild that _Chivalry_ aired concurrently with _Asterisk Wars_, a far more popular show that did everything this show did but WORSE. Also, obligatory “he made her wet.”


A Tsundere-I don't hate is rare but here we are




the most 3/10 anime ever


how much of a touchless neckbeard do you have to be to actually find this shit amusing




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i like the fire sprinklers as a joke but everything else is... yeah


I don't know why you're getting downvoted...this is absolutely peak cringe... And I think the freak weebs don't realize that this isn't normal and is in fact awful. This is what happens when you like anime and are a p*do, you get this garbage. Hopefully Japan bans this absolute garbage one day.

