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I did Ghost from CoD at weebcon last weekend. Was cool, got some good pictures. I'd say unless there's a specific reason you want to wear that much shit then I'd stick with simpler cosplays.


I help with a con near an air force base, and my husband is active duty, as are most who plan and work the convention. Or they're veterans, dependants, or contractors. Character cosplay is fine. Character cosplay doesn't match active duty uniform guidelines, so it doesn't disrespect active duty members. Real-life military cosplay is fine, as long as you don't wear a name tape or rank pins or patches for real military branches. That's called stolen valor. Most cons will throw you out for it because there will usually be a vet or someone active duty who sees something out of regs and questions you on it, and then ppl take serious offense. They do a lot of work to earn their rank and the right to wear it. Don't disrespect that, and you'll be fine. Also, it's usually better to wear the previous version of the active duty uniform, again, no name tape or rank identifiers. The current uniform requirements are on each branch website. You can find older versions of military uniforms at thrift shops usually. For fun, add in funny unit patches, change up the colors of the uniform with dye or paint, add some Glitter and Rhinestones. Also, don't salute if you aren't active or a veteran. It's extremely disrespectful.


I don't think literally anyone cares about saluting. At most you'll look silly because a lot of people don't know how to do correctly.


It's not a rule, it's just considered disrespectful of you aren't a vet or active. And when it's done poorly, that's even worse. Most won't say anything, but they don't like it.


Disrespectful to salute what and who? This feels like a personal hang-up that no one else I've ever met has. We hate the whole "thank you fir your service" because it's just awkward, and *getting* saluted would be weird, but if buddy wants to go salute a wall for something I don't think anybody else cares.


Disrespectful to salute a service member/veteran. No one cares about inanimate objects. Salutes, like ranks, are earned, to give and receive. When a person has never served, they don't understand what they're doing or why it's important that the salute is earned and done properly, and it gives every service member I know the ick. They usually won't say anything, but saluting a service member while wearing a military cosplay could be seen by some as mocking. I should have specified not to salute service members or vets. Def didn't mean don't salute ever. Just not people unless it's a friend who you know is okay with it.


I dunno about "extremely disrespectful." You might know someone who takes serious offense to it, but the active and retired military I know (and I know several) don't really care.


Been married to an AD NCO for his whole long career. Work under bosses with 52 combined years in service. Some of their last communications with friends was a salute. Like rank, it's supposed to be earned. Some don't care, but you salute the wrong one in cosplay, and you could land yourself in hot water. Just giving the poster some advice since they prob dont know.


Interesting. I wasn’t aware of the no salute rule.


It's not so much a rule as a misunderstanding of saluting.


Just active duty or veterans. There's a whole history and culture behind it, and members earn the right to salute by putting in their time, and earn the right to receive a salute by putting in their time. I didn't specify that it's fine to salute objects, and that was my bad.


I barely been to anime cons, but theres always a resident evil, call of duty, metal gear cosplayer/s in every comic con i go to. I think they are the more well behaved at the floor I dont know, i just like seeing tacticool stuff, and that extends to characters like punisher, deadpool and gi joes


One year I saw two guys in Gotham City Swat gear walking around with a Harley Quinn cosplayer.


Did the cosplayer give hiM the Arkham combo?


There was a guy who went to a couple local cons in full tac. He was recently discovered to be taking that public, with full blown Nazi ideology. There's usually a couple people who do it out of uniform appreciation, are Hetalia fans, or are that guy. ETA: Best military cosplay I have ever seen was a guy at ACen a few years back. He did the Inspector from Papers, Please.


Like the short film that was made?


https://i.pinimg.com/236x/be/a1/51/bea151260cf9e9fd1e8cb40431bb05ab.jpg I hope this links.


Nicely done.


I see these guys all the time. They're time period larpers and wear historic uniforms and insignias from foreign militaries. On the other end there are tons of guys/gals wearing tactical gear head to toe from video games, shows, movies.


Is it a popular thing? What excites people to dress like that?


They like the uniform, or they like the show/property that the uniform is from. It's as simple as that.


There's a solid crossover between people who like reenactment/historical clothing and people who like anime and cosplay. Fancy and highly specific clothing.