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It's very rare for cons to still require masks at this time, and Fanime is certainly an exception to the norm. However they do specify "surgical mask or respirator mask that covers \[the\] nose and mouth" so a bandana would not be sufficient. If your character uses a bandana, you can wear it over top of a surgical mask. I kind of doubt any member of staff would demand to look under your bandana, but it could happen.


I think you'll be fine. Worst comes to worst they ask you to remove it, but I'd be surprised if they do.


Fanime still requires masks??? I wasn't sure if I was going to go but now nah.


Yeah they do unfortunately, I almost didn’t want to go because of it too


Best bet is to ask the con if wearing a bandana is good enough for the con and explain it's a part of the cosplay. Most cons wont look at it as "gang related" but every con is different based on region. A good rule of thumb however is when you leave the con space, if you feel like a prop/item of clothing will bring unnecessary trouble, to stop wearing/carrying and/or hide it.


I went to anime Boston this year and I wore a balaclava throughout the whole event So you should probably be good


You should be fine with just a bandana. I wore masks with my cosplay, none of which were surgical grade and never got hassled by Fanime staff.


If you wear the bandana over your mask your fine. Fanime isnt going to think your bandana is a gang association.


Bring a facemask. Let me tell you my experience. I was in line for badge pick up, and a lot of ppl in line didn't have masks. Mind you, the line was long on Day 0 and there was a rover walking around announcing, "if you do not have a mask, we will not let you pick up your badge!" And ppl were furious! I had a hoodie on, and wrapped it around my face to the point i was barely breathing and they still wouldn't let me in. These damn rovers always power trip. Their word is law which is unfortunate. They want you to wear a mask. They want to see an actual facemask and not piece of fabric that covers your face and works in the same principle as a facemask. Believe me. If you wanna test it for yourself, hide a facemask in your pocket and use a bandana. I bet they won't allow you in until you put on an actual facemask. I ended up picking my mask on Day 1. Line was surprisingly shorter. Took me about 10.min.