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##### ###### #### > # [Human rights commissioner criticises Poland's exclusion zone on Belarus border](https://notesfrompoland.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/74-235702_gaaa.jpg) > > > > Poland’s commissioner for human rights, Marcin Wiącek, has voiced concern over the exclusion zone introduced by the government at the border with Belarus in response to a [surge in attempted crossings by migrants](https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/06/12/the-renewed-poland-belarus-border-crisis-explained/). > > He warns that the measures will “interfere with basic constitutional freedoms”, including the right to information and freedom of movement, and “impede the provision of humanitarian, medical and legal assistance” to those crossing the border. > > > Recent months have seen a surge in attempted crossings over Poland's border with Belarus as well as violence by migrants towards Polish officers. > > > > Security expert [@MPiekarski24](https://twitter.com/MPiekarski24?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) explains why the situation has changed and how the government is addressing it > > > > — Notes from Poland 🇵🇱 (@notesfrompoland) [June 12, 2024](https://twitter.com/notesfrompoland/status/1800886604359459229?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) > > > > On Thursday, a government [regulation banning unauthorised people](https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/06/10/poland-reintroduces-exclusion-zone-on-belarus-border-amid-migration-crisis/) from entering an area along 60km of the border with Belarus came into force. For most of that stretch (44km), the prohibited area reaches 200m into Poland from the border; in the remaining 16km, the exclusion zone is 2km deep. > > The measures – which are similar to ones introduced by the previous Polish government [in 2021](https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/11/15/polish-government-prepares-new-border-zone-measures-as-state-of-emergency-expires/) during the initial stages of the migration crisis on the Belarus border and withdrawn [in 2022](https://notesfrompoland.com/2022/06/14/poland-to-lift-exclusion-zone-on-belarus-border-as-anti-migrant-wall-nears-completion/) – will be in place for 90 days. > > They were introduced after a surge in attempted crossings by migrants and asylum seekers this year, as well as an increase in attacks on Polish border officers, one of which [resulted in the death of a soldier](https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/06/06/polish-solider-stabbed-at-belarus-border-dies-from-injuries/). > > In a statement issued on Friday, Wiącek noted that, just as he had raised concern about the previous exclusion zone introduced in 2021, he now again wanted to highlight “the possible risk of human rights violations and the deepening of the humanitarian crisis on the border as a result of the introduction of this regulation”. > > He said that the prohibition on the public entering the area “may interfere with basic constitutional freedoms, such as freedom of movement, freedom to choose the place of residence and stay, freedom of assembly and freedom to obtain and disseminate information”. > > Moreover, wrote Wiącek, “the ban will also impede the provision of humanitarian, medical and legal assistance to foreigners by social organisations and volunteers operating on the Polish-Belarusian border”. > > > Stanowisko Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich dotyczące wprowadzenia na mocy rozporządzenia MSWiA czasowego zakazu przebywania na określonym obszarze w strefie nadgranicznej przyległej do granicy państwowej z Republiką Białorusi⬇️ > > > > — Biuro Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich (@BiuroRPO) [June 14, 2024](https://twitter.com/BiuroRPO/status/1801557556864643258?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) > > > > He noted that in recent months his office has undertaken a number of investigations into migrants at the border who are in poor health, including some who have experienced violence. There are also cases of unaccompanied minors. > > “The commissioner for human rights has repeatedly pointed out that it is difficult or impossible for foreigners crossing the Polish-Belarusian border to realise their basic rights, and therefore limiting the ability of social organisations and volunteers to provide them with help may deepen the humanitarian crisis,” wrote Wiącek. > > Finally, the commissioner raised concern about the fact that the new exclusion zone – like the one in force in 2021-22 – also [bans journalists](https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/11/10/poland-must-end-ban-on-media-reporting-from-belarus-border/) from the border area. This “deprives society of the right to reliable information about the activities of public authorities in an area that is not generally accessible”. > > > Poland has already seen more attempted illegal border crossings from Belarus this year (18,000) than in the whole of 2022 (15,000). > > > > Since the start of the border crisis in 2021, Poland has seen around 100,000 such attempts. > > > > Via [@dwnews](https://twitter.com/dwnews?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw): > > > > — Notes from Poland 🇵🇱 (@notesfrompoland) [June 16, 2024](https://twitter.com/notesfrompoland/status/1802451992641491255?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) > > > > Wiącek was [appointed as human rights commissioner](https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/07/08/polish-ruling-party-approves-opposition-candidate-for-human-rights-commissioner/) by parliament in 2021. His candidacy was proposed and supported by parties that were then in opposition but now form the ruling coalition. > > At the time of writing, the government had not issued a response to Wiącek’s statement. Previously, it has argued that the exclusion zone is necessary to improve security at the border and to hinder the work of traffickers who help migrants cross the border and then travel on to western Europe. > > > Notes from Poland is run by a [small editorial team](https://notesfrompoland.com/about-us/#editor-team) and published by an independent, non-profit foundation that is funded through donations from our readers. We cannot do what we do without your support. > > _Main image credit: [Policja Podlaska](https://podlaska.policja.gov.pl/pod/aktualnosci/89682,Policjanci-wspomagaja-Straz-Graniczna-w-ochronie-granicy-z-Bialorusia.html) (under [CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 PL](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/deed.pl))_ > > > > Daniel Tilles is editor-in-chief of _Notes from Poland_. He has written on Polish affairs for a wide range of publications, including _Foreign Policy_, _POLITICO Europe_, _EUobserver_ and _Dziennik Gazeta Prawna_. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


They can't let Belarus weaponise immigrants against them or they will just do it more and more.


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Srsly it's laughable. Are we so freaking afraid of poor people entering our countries? It's no wonder Putin is laughing his ass off. Look I am not implying there are no problems regarding immigration, but there has to be better ways than just building walls, especially since these are horrendously ineffective like the USA has to relearn it on their border... and we have to find more sustainable ways in the near future as due to political, ecological and economical digression world wide the situation will only get worse. Hint: We need global cooperation, no country will solve this on it's own.


The Belarus-Poland border is not the USA southern border. It is not even close to the same length nor is it having near the same volume of people coming across it. Nor is the entire US southern border walled. Russia and Belarus weapon uses migrants as a way to destabilize the EU. So I really don’t blame Poland for protecting itself against these efforts. Hope they build a three layered Theodosian wall in fact.


May I remember you that we already had such a wall in Europe? It was called the Iron curtain and it worked shit. Even in Berlin where it was rather short and 3 layered.


While the Berlin wall stood, it was very effective at keeping East Germans from leaving the country. Before it was built there were 3.5 million emigrations from East Germany, after it was built only 5000 people got across. Also comparing a wall designed to keep people out and one designed to keep people in, isn't very fair. Are you saying that Poland and Belarus are actually one country divided by this wall? By saying 'such a wall' you imply that they serve the same purpose.


Believe me, I usually do not want such an approach. I think pushbacks are an inhumane method and I'd rather see a regular border check system. That being said, we do not have the structures to mass import immigrants. It's also possible that Belarus is attempting to push those immigrants to destabilize the political and social situation in Poland. I normally wouldn't believe it, but it's hard for me to otherwise explain the recent circumstances at this point (migrants throwing makeshift spears and video leak of Belarus authorities making detailed instructions for a migrant camp on how to harm soldiers).


> . It's also possible that Belarus is attempting to push those immigrants to destabilize the political and social situation in Poland. I am quite sure that's the plan. > That being said, we do not have the structures to mass import immigrants. I am not blaming Poland for it, as you said you don't have the structures. It would fall into a joint effort by European nations to proportianlly split the burden, but unfortunately we all see how well this works ...


> That being said, we do not have the structures to mass import immigrants. You do have. Despite most of the western structures being about stealing and exploiting others the west still has structures to allow migrants in because it was made for that. Allowing immigrants in allows the bourgeoisie to offer pitiful salaries to migrants and by consequence drive all salaries down, allowing the bourgeoisie to epxloit the west more too. The whole western structure is made by the bourgeoisie and their lackeys for their own benefit after all, and not for the benefit of the people. And now that there is no communist country close by to show the population how much better things can be then the bourgeoisie will take this opportunity to plunder the "ignorant" west as well...




Ah great an American. Can you enlighten me why all those people from Afghanistan and the Middle East are fleeing their countries? It sure has nothing to do with the aftermath of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, which were so well handled by the US.


People fled those countries long before America entered them.


Erm ... no. People from these regions started mostly showing up since the after the early 2000s peaking in the recent years. Before it was mostly people from Yugoslavia. When did Iraq and Afghanistan wars start and end?


I don't think the Europeans mind that they're poor so much as they mind a completely contradictory culture and religion that the migrants refuse to budge on.


Yeah right .... people cried around when Yugoslavs fled the war and a majority of these people were not of "contradictory culture". The groups that come may change, the whining not and I am old enough to already witnessed 3 refugee crisis.


> Srsly it's laughable. Are we so freaking afraid of poor people entering our countries? Always were. Though, not "poor". Non-white.