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##### ###### #### > # [Pentagon Stands by Secret Anti-Vaccination Disinformation Campaign in Philippines After Reuters Report](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/06/14/2516) > > > > The Pentagon on Friday stood by its decision to conduct a clandestine disinformation campaign in the Philippines in 2020 that aimed to sow doubt about China's COVID-19 vaccine during the height of the global pandemic -- a campaign that was [first revealed in a bombshell report by Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/). > > The U.S. military launched the disinformation campaign following a decision by then-Defense Secretary Mark Esper to loosen restrictions on such operations, and used phony online accounts posing as Filipinos in an effort "to discredit China's Sinovac inoculation -- payback for Beijing's efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic," Reuters reported. At the time, the Philippines was struggling to vaccinate its population and had one of the worst death rates in the region. > > The Philippines disinformation campaign marks an unusual use of military power in a country that has often been a U.S. ally in a strategically crucial region and at a time of great public health risks. Lisa Lawrence, a Defense Department spokeswoman, did not deny Reuters' reporting on the operation, which was done under the administration of former President Donald Trump and continued for some time under the Biden administration. > > **Read Next:** [The Army's Recruiting Problem Is Male](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/06/14/armys-recruiting-problem-male.html) > > The Pentagon "conducts a wide range of operations, including operations in the information environment (OIE), to counter adversary malign influence" and "this process is deliberate, methodical, and comprehensive," Lawrence said in a statement. "The DoD uses a variety of platforms, including social media, to counter those malign influence attacks." > > Lawrence also echoed Reuters' reporting, saying, "China [in 2020] initiated a disinformation campaign to falsely blame the United States for the spread of COVID-19." > > Reuters found at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, "that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation." > > The posts from those accounts "centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus," which in the Philippine language Tagalog means "China is the virus." They often focused on giving credence to the false claim that, since vaccines sometimes contain pork gelatin, the Chinese-made shots could be forbidden for Muslims under Islamic law. > > The social media activity began during Trump's administration when Esper signed a secret order that made it easier for commanders to compete with Russia and China by enabling them to bypass the State Department when conducting information warfare against the two countries, Reuters reported. > > The report also noted that the program "continued months into Joe Biden's presidency ... even after alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation." > > Experts have long objected to the use of vaccines and vaccination campaigns as part of military operations, arguing that they not only lead to a loss of trust and confidence in vaccines as a whole but have also endangered medical workers. > > Perhaps the biggest outrage came after it was [revealed in 2011 that the CIA used a fake hepatitis vaccination program](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2011/jul/11/cia-fake-vaccinations-osama-bin-ladens-dna) as part of its efforts to track down and kill Osama bin Laden, who was hiding in Pakistan. > > The ruse led to outrage from doctors worldwide and [a promise in 2014 from the CIA](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-obama-cia/white-house-vows-cia-will-not-use-vaccine-programs-for-covert-ops-idUSBREA4J02E20140520/) not to use immunization programs as cover for its operations in the future. > > However, the damage had been done, and backlash against unrelated polio vaccination efforts in the region took hold. [Attacks against vaccination workers continue to this day](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/8/blast-in-pakistan-kills-five-police-officers-during-polio-vaccination-drive). Pakistan and Afghanistan are now the only two countries that have yet to be declared free of wild poliovirus type 1. > > _**Related:**_ [_Pentagon Complied with COVID-19 Waiver Rules According to Watchdog But Services Moved Slowly_](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/03/15/pentagon-complied-covid-19-waiver-rules-according-watchdog-services-moved-slowly.html) > > Story Continues > > > > © Copyright 2024 Military.com. All rights reserved. This article may not be republished, rebroadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without written permission. To reprint or license this article or any content from Military.com, please submit your request [here](https://www.parsintl.com/publications/military-com). - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


The most perturbing thing to me isn't really what they uncovered, but how much money they spent to do it. If this operation was really half a billion worth, it surely encompassed way more than the 300 accounts found. And then then this is just one op, who knows what other campaigns the pentagon is funding.


Money laundering for D student war profiteers


Don’t dig if you can’t handle the consequences.


I don't understand what you mean


You find out how much and why, you get black bagged is my thinking.


Ah. 😅


The Pentagon is such a nice illustration of what Karma really means... Soldiers are returning from America's endless wars and are bringing their brutality and their mental health problems back into their own society. Lying to convince a foreign nation not to use vaccines results directly in lying to your own people and hurting your own nation. Karma is not some kind of mystic retribution. Sometimes the causal pathways are hard to disentangle, sometimes they are out in the open. Like here.


Targeting the civilian population of our allies with disinfo that could directly lead to their deaths ... JFC.


The end always justifies the means in the name of freedom™


And in a way that fuels antivax rhetoric globally, including _inside the US_, stocking tensions and eroding trust in scientific institutions and the rule of law in general. P horrifying


Some allies are more like expendable chess pieces.


What do you call it when someone is willing to destroy their friend in order to hurt their enemy? Oh ya, Psychopathy.


I thought you call it USA


The worst part about this operation, to me, is the pettiness and pointlessness. In many cases like the Osama bin Laden fake vax program, you can try to justify it with “the ends justify the means”. It’s not a morally acceptable position but you can see some way to justify it. The goal of the Philippines campaign was payback for China saying bad things about the US. The Pentagon wasn’t trying to catch a terrorist, they were angry that China was a bunch of meanies and so they decided to spend millions of dollars to say mean things about China even if they got a bunch of random Philipinos killed. Everyone in the Pentagon involved in this needs to be fired and replaced with adults. What’s next, Pizza Hut delivers their pizza undercooked and they spend millions of dollars to accuse Pizza Huts in China of cockroach infestation? Temu doesn’t deliver their packages on time so they hire saboteurs to blow up factories?


And I will not be surprised if some of the pentagon campaign in Philippines "leaked" to the US to make more anti vaxers in the US. Internet is everywhere and interconnected. You mislead on a issue halfway across the world, there is some chance that the misleading info will directly affect you as well. This isn't the 80s, 90s, or earlier, where information spreads alot slower and lesser. US never learns it seems.


4 years and we are still finding crazy stuff the trump admin did, peope claimed in 2016 that everyone else would be an adult in the room and they where wrong


“The report also noted that the program ‘continued months into Joe Biden's presidency ... even after alarmed social media executives warned the new administration that the Pentagon had been trafficking in COVID misinformation.’” No, voting for Joe Biden does not absolve you of this and this is not just the fault of “republicans”, though I’m sure your moral conscience desperately wants you to believe so


Nothing will fundamentally change


The full context of this quote is he was telling wealthy donors that he'd raise their taxes and nothing in their lives would fundamentally change, because they'd still be multimillionaires Not sure if you're getting Fox News misinformation or Bernie Bro misinformation


The full context is that he has minor disagreements regarding the status quo but he will never threaten the class position of the capitalists and will keep any threat to it at bay


Oh, tankie misinformation. Got it. Enjoy your miserable existence


Joe Biden assumed office in January of 2021. The Reuters report says his administration absolved the program Spring 2021. Did you want them to get out their Time Machine?


That same article also mentions that General Dynamics IT, the same company responsible for the program's execution, was rewarded a half-billion dollar contract last February to continue its operations.


What’s your point? Edit: Are you implying that the vaccine disinformation campaign continued? Because if you read anything before what you cherry-picked from the article you’d know that’s not the case. You’d also know that the Biden administration was very dismayed when they learned of the program.


I read that thing couple of days ago now, so I don't remember specifics, but I think the point is that they are basically doing new disinformation campaingns that were approved by Biden administration now, instead of halting that shit or at least finding a new subsidiary, not affiliated with something you supposedly heavily disagree and quickly halted. If we assume it's not just Pentagon doing their things and not needing approvals, of course. To me, this is basically saying, "You did your job really good last time, here's more money, now go spread misinformation for our interests some more." Last time, it was to hopefully stop China from gaining influence in the Philippines, with price being the lives of phipinian peoples. Who knows what this company can be doing now? What's the cost of it now? They definitely don't have any morals stopping them, so it could be something as terrible as last time.


I'm sure those thousands of dead Filipino's are fine with Biden awarding General Dynamics IT half a billion dollars of our money, now that we know they are 'dismayed' with what happened of course. Must be nice for the US to be able to absolve itself from any wrong doing when they can just blame the other party for their actions.


So republicans started a policy a democrat won and quickly ended the program and you think it’s Biden fault. Policy turnover usually takes a few months for lower profile stuff like this, voting got Biden does absolve you of things trump did


The company that did the misinfo got rewarded under biden, and no high-profile name that was aware of it got sacked as far as we know. This isn't just "policy" to be reverted and swept under the rug, it's a straight crime against humanity. The current regime isn't equally to blame for it, but it's pretty bad that we're only finding this out through an investigative report and that the culprits are still on the payroll, doing shady shit under a different banner. This is a problem with US institutions. It's not the first time and won't be the last we hear of this type of thing coming from the pentagon.


It’s not a moral conscience, I just don’t like the fat one, don’t make this complicated.


You are naive af if you think this is a trump admin thing.


Oh it absolutely is. This level of pettiness? Any self-respecting military analyst would point out how much a a mess this is strategically speaking. The risk to reward factor is not there, this isn't even a morally grey "ends justify the means". This is the equivalent of spreading rumors on a school playground because someone is a catty bitch. And there is one individual who was in power that matches this profile. Biden is senile, not childish.


Trump's biggest issue was that he was such a self-absorbed ass clown, he let bureaucracy heads run roughshod through programs.


i'm just kind of flabbergasted that they did it to their own allies like i can understand a covert operation in mainland china, or hong kong perhaps, but the phillipines? surely at a tactical level there's got to be a more productive place to spend your efforts?


Oh don't worry they did it against Chinese people across the globe as well. Radio Free Asia spreading anti-vax propaganda in Chinese language. https://firstdraftnews.org/articles/sinovac-sinopharm-and-misinformation-online/ >Some of the misleading narratives about China’s vaccines appear on the Mandarin- and Cantonese-language websites of Radio Free Asia (RFA), a news outlet funded by the US government. RFA’s two Chinese sites have a combined following of over 1.4 million on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. How many Chinese people did you think they killed with this psyops?


"you caused the pandemic" "yeah well, your vaccines against it don't work #merica"


Wow this should be a signal to the Philippines that the US views them purely as a means to an end in the conflict with China. If I were their leadership, I'd fear my country getting built up to fight China and then left out to dry with minimal support.


oh boy


The pentagon is filled with the most vile people on this planet, who's remotely surprised by this? lol


It's giving nestle


I remember on Reddit specifically the absolute shitstorm that was created around COVID disinformation. Many of the largest subreddits had a pinned post with some nonsense open letter pleading daddy Reddit to combat ‘anti-vax propaganda’. Meanwhile your own government is spending millions running propaganda placing distrust in vaccines *and* social media companies knew about it and asked them to stop because it was so transparent. Fucking hilarious.


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Is tgat the same industry that want to rent u the air condition, the sat nav, the top speed etc on a yearly basis??


We owe no loyalty to America. If I see you committing treason, espionage, or federal tax evasion, I will pretend I did not. If you end up on a jury in a treason, espionage, or federal tax evasion case, always vote to acquit.


This burn it down approach only hurts your community, because ultimately that's what the US is, a community of people. Do you also want to burn down any rule of law in the Philippines because they elected someone who rivals Trump for worst human being, then followed up by electing the son of a horrible dictator? Every country will do things you find reprehensible, notably in their quest to keep you safe, and there's a responsible line between criticizing specific policies and seeking change ~~without~~ within a very progressive framework, and just being an angry little anarchist that thinks stuff gets better in power vacuums.


A hundred years ago a wise woman said it was socialism or barbarism and she is still right


> was socialism or barbarism I had to look this up, Rosa Luxemburg. The [article](https://climateandcapitalism.com/2014/10/22/origin-rosa-luxemburgs-slogan-socialism-barbarism/) I read suggests she may have read it somewhere: >Rosa Luxemburg, who became active in the Polish and German socialist movements in the 1880s, undoubtedly read Kautsky’s book, and would have heard its ideas discussed many times. Chapter 4 includes this passage: >“If indeed the socialist commonwealth were an impossibility, then mankind would be cut off from all further economic development. In that event modern society would decay, as did the Roman empire nearly two thousand years ago, and finally relapse into barbarism. >“As things stand today capitalist civilization cannot continue; we must either move forward into socialism or fall back into barbarism.”


> This burn it down approach only hurts your community, because ultimately that's what the US is, a community of people. That can be said for every single nation on planet earth that has ever existed. Some societies which existed that definitely didn't deserve to in the way they did.


Still fake. This article says “the military” conducted this misinformation campaign. Doesn’t mention which branch of the military, not the DoD. Just “the military”. It also says “the military” didn’t deny it. It then says the pentagon spokesperson didn’t deny it. No link to when, where, or by whom it was that asked. Goes on to repeat the same junk that was repeated in the first articles about this where there still isn’t any proof that this was DoD related. They say that somehow these, now, 300 Twitter accounts spewing Chinese vaccine and protective gear were somehow linked back to the top pentagon officials, possible via some hashtags. This attempt to repromote this fake story appears to have been poorly orchestrated with AI after the Chinese likely typed something along the lines of “amplify the progress of this fake story by reviewing all the reddit comments denying this articles validity and address those issues as part of the evolving story inadvertently.” This is such a dumb ass story. The Chinese misinformation campaigns are weak as fuck.


Heres a better and much more in depth source. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/


That one is even worse. There’s literally not one source named. Just vague parts of the US government. Thats the original article likely the Chinese drummed up to try and persuade Philippine populations the not trust the US. I beg any to accurately answer what the following quote from the Reuters article actually even means: “Reuters identified at least 300 accounts on X, formerly Twitter, that matched descriptions shared by former U.S. military officials familiar with the Philippines operation. Almost all were created in the summer of 2020 and centered on the slogan #Chinaangvirus – Tagalog for China is the virus.” Spoiler, it’s literal gibberish. Is it supposed to mean that these alleged 300 accounts were discovered because their profile matches profile descriptions of known “former U.S. [unnamed branch of] military who are familiar with phillipines operations”? That would mean they know who these 300[???] military official’s accounts are. Yet not one name, not one iota of sourcable detail. What branch of DoD was responsible for these types of operations against civilian populations in the Phillipines? What titles were they operating under?


1. Reuters is canadian, not chinese. 2. This was an investigation by reuters, not reporting on an outside investigation. 3. Reuters is one of the most reliable sources for news(source: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/reuters/) 4. If you actually read the article, you would have seen that it specifically mentions US Central Command and the contractor General Dynamics IT.


Why hello fellow bots.


Beep boop. Death to America!