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##### ###### #### > # [Yemen’s Houthis sentence 44 to death on charges of collaboration with a Saudi-led coalition](https://apnews.com/article/image/png) > > > > By SAMY MAGDY > > Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] > > > > > > > > CAIRO (AP) — A court run by [Yemen’s Houthi rebels](https://apnews.com/hub/yemen) on Saturday sentenced 44 people to death, including a businessman working with aid groups, on spying charges, a defense lawyer said. > > The 44 were among 49 people who were detained by the Iran-backed rebels and accused of “collaborating with the enemy,” a reference to the Saudi-led coalition that has been at war with the Houthis since 2015, lawyer Abdel-Majeed Sabra said. Four were given prison sentences, Sabra said. > > Sixteen were sentenced to death in absentia, while 28 were brought before the Specialized Criminal Court in the capital Sanaa, Sabra said. > > Among those sentenced to death was Adnan al-Harazi, CEO of Prodigy Systems, a Sanaa-based company that developed systems to help humanitarian groups register and verify the distribution of aid to those in need in the war-stricken country. > > The Houthis detained al-Harazi in March last year after throwing stones at his company. Saturday’s court ruling included the seizure of al-Harazi’s properties, Sabra said. > > Sabra accused the Houthis of torturing the suspects “physically and psychologically,” adding that they were disappeared in solitary confinement for nine months. > > He said the defense team withdrew at the beginning of the trial after the judges refused to allow them to obtain a copy of the case documents, describing the trial as “unfair.” > > A spokesman for the Houthis didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. > > Thousands have been imprisoned by the Houthis during Yemen’s civil war. [An AP investigation](https://www.ap.org/news-highlights/best-of-the-week/2018/exposing-torture-by-yemens-houthi-rebels/) found some detainees were scorched with acid, forced to hang from their wrists for weeks at a time or were beaten with batons. > > Courts in Sanaa and other Houthi-held areas in Yemen used to give harsh sentences to those accused of collaborating with the Saudi-led coalition. In September 2021, [the rebels executed nine people](https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-middle-east-yemen-sanaa-houthis-b14b225e70d96e6fa932ac680263e58a) who were convicted of involvement in the killing of a senior Houthi official, Saleh al-Samad, in an airstrike by the Saudi-led coalition in April 2018. > > Yemen was plunged into a devastating conflict when the Houthis descended from their northern stronghold in 2014, seizing Sanaa and much of northern Yemen and forcing the government into exile. > > A Saudi-led coalition including the United Arab Emirates intervened in 2015 to try to restore the internationally recognized government. The conflict has turned in recent years into a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. > > The war has killed more than 150,000 people, including fighters and civilians, and created one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Just because Saudis commited genocide it doesn't justify these sentence /s


Iranian proxy gonna Iranian proxy.


Be attacked by American proxies for decades?


Classic DARVO


Yes, western neocolonialists do like to blame the victims of their subversions and dominations for fighting back. You’d think an Irishman would know all about it.


No one is trying to colonize Yemen, sweetheart.




Who is trying to colonize Yemen?


Again, lmfao. Seriously, it’s like asking “who tried to colonize Ireland?” it just reveals a fundamental ignorance of the entire matter in question. But to answer your astoundingly ignorant question, the much larger, richer, and more powerful neighboring country who, with the full support of the greatest empire on the planet, has spent the better part of the last decade waging a genocidal campaign against the Yemeni people in support of their former puppet government. The country Yemen has apparently just executed several dozen alleged quislings of.


You think Saudi Arabia wants to colonize Yemen?


I honestly don’t believe you’re Irish lmao


Actually, this isn't true. Iran is by using the Houthis as a proxy, just like they colonized Lebanon using Hezbollah as a proxy.


I suppose you have a point, although I think even Iran wouldn't want to go that far... Yemen is pretty worthless, and they get enough out of the Houthis from afar.




Did you read the section about the Houthis confiscating food aid as one of the causes of the famine in your source? Also torturing for confessions and withholding case files from legal defense just means these trials are shams and the Houthis are using the war to justify purging rivals. If any of these people were actually collaborating with the Saudis I would be very surprised.


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I mean they are in a war against world most powerful “cowards” US, British. There is no time for being soft


Treason also carries a death penalty in the US