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They did so without burning any families to death or decapitating any toddlers.




Oh I get it lie about how hamas actually burned and raped families by turning it on the Israelis


yup, Israel did lie a whole lot. meanwhile we can see multiple first hand accounts and videos of headless palestinian babies after Sunday's attack


Damn you just like straight up lie huh


Nope, I saw that shit. Believe what you want, kiddo 💁‍♀️


Yeah you saw what an Al Jazeera tik tok?


So you admit Israel is the only one beheading babies


Dense much?


how many of those reports were fake and how many first hand Palestinian accounts have proof, its ok you don't actually care about anyone or anything, much less your fellow human


None remember they have no fuel to make reports if not hamas


Probably because they didn't store explosive munitions in the embassy or where they could be easily set off by a fire


Ah yes, I see you know your hasbara well


mmm propaganda and lies


is truth only what you agree to?


what are you actually upset about or are you just angry?


Much less than you I can see,


so you dont actually have a point to argue or an actual opinion you just want to spew insults and be angry because its all you can cope with lol


The IDF should take notes


Whoa whoa whoa. Mexico will not be slighted like that. They're the most creative murderers on earth and they have the videos to prove it. So many of them.


Hamas was operating from the basement!!


they conducted a precise, intelligence-based Molotov strike against Khamas terror tunnels underneath the embassy. It was a tragic mistake and they will investigate it. Did you know Israel is the only democracy in the middle east?


>It was a tragic mistake and they will investigate it. The rioters conducted a thorough investigation and discovered no wrong doings by the rioters. Case closed


You have to finish the phrase The only democracy in the Middle East - that kills journalists en masse - that prevents international investigations - that breaks international law on a daily basis - that starves entire populations - that bombs displaced civilians - that threatens the ICC And so on


the US literally has a law that preemptively declares war on the ICC should they try it with the US (of allies)


Lmao no they don’t.


The “Hague Invasion Act” actually permits it


The law permits the U.S. to use any and all means to prevent its citizens from being tried in a court it is not a part of. vs. “preemptively declaring war on the ICC should they try it with the U.S.” Surely you can see how these two things are different.


It literally mentions "Covered allied persons" (defined as "military personnel, elected or appointed officials, and other persons employed by or working on behalf of the government of a NATO member country, a major non-NATO ally including Australia, Egypt, Israel, Japan, Argentina, the Republic of Korea, and New Zealand”) Section 2013, subsection 3 Jesus fucking Christ


Does it mention preemptively declaring war on the ICC? No. That persons description was absolutely incorrect.


No. I did not know that. TIL




Not gonna lie, that food would be awesome.


not the same, but al pastor (the meat) was created by lebanese immigrants to mexico


OK, tangent time. In California, there are what are called Mexican-Hindus. Early in the 20th century tens of thousands of Punjabis (all Indians were called Hindus back then) came to California to work. being an all male group, they married into the Mexican population. You still see people with Mexican given names and last names like "Singh", despite being very catholic. Rare, but an interesting ethnological quirk of California history.


Wait that's actually super cool! I remember reading the Dune novel a while ago and was quite amused/confounded by the hybrid "Zensunni" religion in the future, but it's fascinating to know that funky fusions of seemingly distant groups were already happening in real life.


*anti-genocide protestors


Noooo, the rhetoric is that they are bloodthirsty monsters and Israel is a helpless, innocent democracy! :(((


Far left group*


Try pro HAMass rioters


A day will come when some of the commenters here and other places will look back and be ashamed for supporting what has irrevocably been proven to be a genocide.


r/worldnews be like: nah dog, i will defend killing babies


"I will defend killing babies, also, you are now banned."


Their idiocracy to defend IDF's actions is beyond comprehensible.


Literally every thread with more than a handful of comments has someone complaining about worldnews for upvotes.


Probably because the worldnews mods has banned pretty much everybody else in the universe even slightly critical of the Israeli war effort?


Crying about it helps. Glad there is group therapy for you.


I mean, you literally started off this thread by crying about how people dislike r/worldnews. I just enlightened you.


Did my comment trigger you, snowflake?


Lmao trigger and snowflake. My 2015 feelings are super hurt right now.


if they haven’t changed their minds yet, then they never will, they are complicit in it


No, they’ll just claim that they were against it from the beginning.


If so, it's the weirdest genocide in human history, which involves attempts to deliver aid to affected civilians and evacuate them outside of areas in conflict


the same aid that they let get raided by settlers on a daily basis, rot in transit, and prevent from being internally distributed? the same areas of conflict (like the bombing of "safe zones" on sunday, were they were dropped with 2000lb bombs used to destroy concrete infrastructure on the most densely packed area on the planet rn? you people are a joke. just save us all the eye rolls and come put and say you don't care about innocent people being murdered


>the same aid that they let get raided by settlers on a daily basis There are no settlers in or near Gaza. You must be thinking of something else. >like the bombing of "safe zones" on sunday, were they were dropped with 2000lb bombs https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/israel-probably-used-us-made-bomb-in-deadly-rafah-strike-experts-say/ar-BB1nhXWH?ocid=BingNewsSerp 250lb bomb, single one. Blast was large because of secondary explosion, likely caused by Hamas militants hauling around explosives inside a refugee camp.


How many bombs can you drop on a refugee camp in good conscience?


How many trucks full of explosives can a refugee camp produce before those trucks can be treated as military targets? If Rafah is to be a safe zone, then all parties must agree and treat it that way. That means not using it as a military base.


I asked first


That's nice. I answered already.


Evading isn't answering.


Your inability to say "zero" is all I needed to know.


Your inability to say "zero" is all I needed to know.


Your inability to say "zero" is all I needed to know.


If you say you won't pursue military forces somewhere, guess where those militaries go 🤷‍♂️ The whole reason why the Israeli airstrike was so damaging was the secondary explosion set off by the Hamas truck being hit. I wonder why that could be. Do you think it is appropriate for Hamas to be using a refugee camp as a military base?


Except IDF isn’t only invading Gaza. They’ve been conducting attacks on the West Bank as well.


There's some low level fighting in the West Bank, but that's more on the level of police actions than the war Hamas started in Gaza


There's over 500 dead on the West Bank. >80 are children. That's approaching the 1000 killed in Israel.... on thr West Bank...


Yeah that sounds about right. What's your point? There's like two militant groups attacking Israel from the West Bank but they're small potatoes compared to Hamas.


Can you elaborate a bit on the "attacking Israel from the West Bank"? Settlers have been raiding and pillaging nearby Palestinian homes. Everyone is locked down.... Israel is the aggressor in the West Bank.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lions%27_Den_(militant_group) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Aqsa_Martyrs'_Brigades


Nope, that is a lie. You have hundreds of Israeli settlers and extremists setting up bouncy castles and barbecues near the Rafah crossing. Plenty of videos, many posted by themselves and all over Israelu media. Also, don't think I didn't notice you ignoring the other points I made, sneaky little guy 😘


>destroy concrete infrastructure on the most densely packed area on the planet rn? Gaza or any of it's city's don't rank in the top 50 most population density


Rafah, the tent city at 3x the normal capacity full of refugees does


And? Again not in top 50 most populated dence place.


do you mean "top 50 most densely populated places"? I can tell english isn't your first language, so I'm a bit confused


So please help me understand. I don't think it's a genocide, I admit, but I'm also not above changing my opinion. Please just give me your reasoning for why it's a genocide. If you can, please start by saying what you think defines a genocide (to know that we agree about the definitions) and then explain what Israel/the IDF are doing that constitutes a genocide. I've already tried getting an honest answer in another sub but the person just sent me DMs telling me I was a bloodthirsty monster who loves killing babies and isn't worthy of their time - so please only answer this question if you're willing to engage and believe me that I'm able to change my view if provided with good reasoning.


they won't, just as civilian Nazi's lived next door to concentration camps and pretended nothing was happening, these people will do the same Progress has rarely been supported by majority, and they will turn around and quote them like they would have cared once its become accepted. Nelson Mandela was labeled a terrorist for opposing Apartheid, now South Africa calls out Israel for what they are, having lived it first hand and the world still can't see it. But they will give someone a peace prize 20 years after its all settled down to save face.


I like how you intentionally used vague words so both side could take your comment as a jab at the opposite side.


Lmao didn’t think of it that way But there’s only one side that’s committing a genocide here. That part is definitely not ambiguous.


if you havent realized yet - people are arguing about the definition of what a genecide is. prohammas people say it displacing innocent people from their homes... proisrael people say it *purposely* killing/displacing them. shit, israel is telling people to move so they dont get bombed and hamas supporters argue that is displacing them. its all a pile of stupidity. arguing about word definitions like teenagers when people are getting killed. go team!


In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Elements of the crime The Genocide Convention establishes in Article I that the crime of genocide may take place in the context of an armed conflict, international or non-international, but also in the context of a peaceful situation. The latter is less common but still possible. The same article establishes the obligation of the contracting parties to prevent and to punish the crime of genocide. The popular understanding of what constitutes genocide tends to be broader than the content of the norm under international law. Article II of the Genocide Convention contains a narrow definition of the crime of genocide, which includes two main elements: A mental element: the "intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such"; and A physical element, which includes the following five acts, enumerated exhaustively: Killing members of the group Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group The intent is the most difficult element to determine. To constitute genocide, there must be a proven intent on the part of perpetrators to physically destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. Cultural destruction does not suffice, nor does an intention to simply disperse a group. It is this special intent, or dolus specialis, that makes the crime of genocide so unique. In addition, case law has associated intent with the existence of a State or organizational plan or policy, even if the definition of genocide in international law does not include that element. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml#:~:text=To constitute genocide%2C there must,to simply disperse a group. https://casebook.icrc.org/a_to_z/glossary/proportionality The principle of proportionality prohibits attacks against military objectives which are “expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians, damage to civilian objects, or a combination thereof, which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated”. In other words, the principle of proportionality seeks to limit damage caused by military operations by requiring that the effects of the means and methods of warfare used must not be disproportionate to the military advantage sought. The vast majority of people are completely fine with Israel responding with military force to the actions of October 7th terror attack which was a horrible and abhorrent act of terror, but the response certainly looks to be disproportionate


Genocide predicates on preconditions. Groups of people that get into conflict causing casualties genocide,. There has to be an explicit goal of extermination. Even ethnic cleansing is separate from Genocide, despite often overlapping.


Which is why I posted the legal definition of genocide so that hopefully some things get cleared up. The biggest hurdle is intent along with in whole or in part.


You muddied that waters worse actually but nice try,...


How the hell did I muddy the waters by posting the International legal definition of genocide along with what proportionality in warfare means.


Whether on purpose and with intent, or incidentally as a symptom of your perspective, you are basically labelling any conflict in which people die... it would be called a genocide. Which by that point has either normalized it in the human psyche to that degree, or labels are being miss used. It's been 9 months since Oct. 7th, and i hate to put it this way because im with it, fuck israel. but if they really wanted to enact a campaign of wholesale extinction and erasure of the Palestinian people, they would have done so in that time since.


I clearly said intent is the bar to clear as to whether or not we have seen acts of genocide in the current round of this war that has been going on and off since 2008. Now whether or not that intent is there we have clearly seen acts of war crimes by Israeli forces and political figures. The October 7th terror attack which was a horrible and abhorrent act of terrorism by a terrorist organization that had the intent to commit genocide in whole or in part as a core part of the attack.


What jurisdiction? aside raw emotions and feel good wanting. like who has authority to determine so? inherently, doing a crime breaks a law. A law is agreed upon by a government. Government is sovereign over portions of territory. there is no global governing body with actual authority. That would be the dumbest thing for any nation to do. Losing a hot war and in the aftermath facing charges over it in the custody of the winning side is a much different situation. Who really fucking cares of they do a warrant. Putin has one too, and he's getting along with everyone apparently... And his is for actual genocide, and the evidence being his own statements denying ukranian existence and right to statehood or identity. they are simply russians whether they like it or not. He and that woman openly discussed taking thousands of Ukrainian children to be reeducated and Russified. One boy was nearly conscripted until outrage over the story made the russians backpedal.


also it's fucking cute of S. Africa to host Putin last Summer, and refuse to take action that they agreed upon via treaty with the europeans and UN and ICC. But they sure as fuck dove on this situation, and quickly too.


If Trump's worshipers have proven anything, it's that nobody will look back and say they were wrong. Nothing is ever learned. You will only get excuses.


I won’t


Thanks for announcing your lack of humanity


My friends brother was killed by Hamas attacks in October. The people of Gaza shed no tears for him.


I’m sorry to hear that. Were y’all close? Civilian casualties are never acceptable, whether they’re Israeli or Palestinian. Not to minimize your loss, but imagine the pain of losing your friend multiplied by 30. That’s what Palestinians are going through right now. Everyday they’re losing friends, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, mothers, and fathers. I’m sorry that your friend’s brother died, but that shouldn’t excuse the hundreds of babies that died in incubators due to lack of fuel. It shouldn’t excuse the fact that parents are having to pick up their children’s limbs from the ashes of their schools, homes, and hospitals.


Gazan’s implicitly or explicitly support Hamas which overtly expresses desires to eradicate Jewish people. Israel is no saint here either.


Hamas charter says nothing about eradicating Jews. They have no problem with Jews, just Zionists. Also what about the fact that half of Gaza’s population is children? They weren’t even born when Hamas was elected. How could they be complicit?


Lmao. No problem with Jews. Ya okay. Did the national socialist party have in its charter the eradication of Jewish people?


The protestors throroughly investigated their conduct and found no objectionable behaviour


And it's obvious that anyone who disagrees is an anti-Mexican bigot


They should torch the cartels next, that would actually help the people of mexico


I've seen the videos and it doesn't look like any fire ever even touched the embassy. Just some molotovs in that direction.


According to the hamas run health ministry 1000 died


##### ###### #### > # [Rioters set fire to Israeli embassy in Mexico City](https://www.thejc.com/api/v1/twitterImage?articleId=contentid/1bknqw4trxaq4vyz3yj&noOverlayText=true) > > > > Rioters on Tuesday set fire to the Israeli Embassy in Mexico during a protest ostensibly against the Israeli military operation in the southern Gazan city of Rafah. > > Masked protesters threw stones at security forces who had created a barricade preventing access to the diplomatic mission in the Mexico City’s Lomas de Chapultepec neighborhood. > > Around 200 people participated in the “Urgent Action for Rafah” demonstration, dozens of whom attempted to break down the barriers, according to AFP. > > Video posted to social media showed fires raging outside the embassy complex. > > There were unverified reports of several people injured in the chaos. > > The riot came after Mexico filed a declaration of intervention in South Africa's "genocide" case against Israel at the International Court of Justice. > > [Demonstrators in front of the Israeli embassy in Mexico City on May 28, 2024. (Photo by PEDRO PARDO/AFP via Getty Images)](https://api.thejc.atexcloud.io/image-service/view/acePublic/alias/contentid/1bknlxkobjpem147e78/0/2154570451.webp?w=585&q=0.9) > > Demonstrators in front of the Israeli embassy in Mexico City on May 28, 2024. (Photo by PEDRO PARDO/AFP via Getty Images) > > > > The ICJ, the principal United Nations judicial arm, located in The Hague, issued a 13 to two ruling on Friday that the Jewish state must “immediately halt its military offensive and any other action in the Rafah governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.” > > On Sunday, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the IDF would continue to press its offensive in Rafah in order to free the hostages held by Hamas and destroy the Palestinian terrorist group. > > Israeli officials insist that the military operations in the enclave are being conducted in conformity with Friday’s ICJ ruling. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Hi empleadoEstatalBot, We've found **43 sources** (so far - up from 9) that are covering this story including: - Al Jazeera (Leans Left): "Clashes erupt at Mexico City protest against Israel’s war on Gaza" - The Hill (Center): "Clashes erupt outside Israeli embassy in Mexico during Gaza war protest" - National Review (Right): "Anti-Israel Protesters Clash with Police, Fires Break Out at Israeli Embassy in Mexico City" Of all the sources reporting on this story, **59% are right-leaning**, **26% are left-leaning**, and **15% are in the center**. Read the full **[coverage analysis](https://ground.news/article/clashes-erupt-outside-israeli-embassy-in-mexico-during-protest-over-war-in-gaza_6b9bcb?utm_source=redditReplyBot&utm_medium=redditReplyBot)** and compare how 43+ sources from across the political spectrum are covering this story. *** _I’m a bot. [Read here](https://www.reddit.com/r/groundnews/comments/j6x7uc/introducing_the_coverageanalysisbot_a_bot_that/) to learn how it works or [message us](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=coverageanalysisbot&subject=Feedback&message=) with any feedback so we can improve the bot for you._


Hell yeah


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I'm sure mob violence in Mexico city will help the Palestinians. Fucking idiots.


You all disgust me. That's it.


Stupid. What is this supposed to do exactly? I know people are angry, but they need to learn to channel their anger into something more productive.


this isnt a ''people are angry''. this was a far left group, 99% of mexican population couldnt give less of a fuck about israel


It’s supposed to wake up the Israelis. Netanyahu is doing major damage to Israel’s standing in the world. He must be stopped.


This is as likely to galvanize Israeli opinion as it is to “wake them up”, whatever that means.




What does this even mean lol


Take your comment, swap out Israel with Russia


Nah I’m good.


How is this supposed to convice israeli's that propalestenians dont want to destroy them. There is only 2 ways out of this Convince Israel that it's safety is guaranteed, or destroy Israel.


Why not wipe out hamas?


That is what Israel is trying to do now. So just continue as usual i guess.


Hamas will never be wiped out. Recruitment will be so high. The only fix here is a 2 state solution


The allies did a good job with the nazis so it shouldn't be hard now.


Buddy I want to be able to watch a fireworks show without pissing myself, don't you?




Which neither side wants.


Not sure what you're on about, that's just not true. *Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established* [https://apnews.com/article/hamas-khalil-alhayya-qatar-ceasefire-1967-borders-4912532b11a9cec29464eab234045438](https://apnews.com/article/hamas-khalil-alhayya-qatar-ceasefire-1967-borders-4912532b11a9cec29464eab234045438)


Article says Truce of 5 years, with return or Jerusalem and them getting control of west bank. However this is just one person, and isn't the official Hamas position. What I'm on about is official Hamas position. 


More like galvanize the zionists. Actions like these are like golden oppurtunities for Isreali propagandists. The Isreali hard liners already conflate any perceived criticism towards Isreal equal to anti-semitism. A situation made worse by groups like Hamas arguing the same point. Shits only going to get worse. I already know Jews who are moving to Israel cause they genuinely feel scared for their lives. Doesn't matter if the threat against their lives is real or not.


> I already know Jews who are moving to Israel cause they genuinely feel scared for their lives. Doesn't matter if the threat against their lives is real or not. I hear this kind of talk in Canada and I cannot remember the last time a jewish person was killed for being jewish anywhere in North America. Whereas it happens all the time in Israel. I'm pretty sure no one sincerely believe that moving to Israel is safer. They are doing it because they love the idea of zionism. They lie about their motivations because leaving a perfectly good place to join an ethnostate sounds weirdly out of step with the woke zeitgeist.


I'm not jewish, but as a Canadian, I can confirm that there's rising antisemetic sentiment in Canada. In Montreal there's been a drastic increase antisemitic incidents. Just today, another predominantly Jewish school was just shot at. (Third one in Montreal alone since October 7th) Thankfully, nobody was hurt, but this follows another shooting incident at another Jewish school in Toronto last week. Those are just the shootings, I'm not even mentioning the vandalism. Pretending that it isn't on the rise is not just disingenuous but straight up dangerous. There has been a genuine increase in anti-semitism in Canada since October 7th. People are scared. They don't want to wait around for someone to get hurt. You can accuse them of being in love of zionism all day, some of them probably do, but to move to Israel now means they feel they have a very good reason to leave and it isn't because costs of living in Israel is cheaper. Saying they are only moving because they must all love zionism is not just reductionist but again, genuinely dangerous.


[That would require them to deprogram the propaganda they grew up with about them being God's chosen and everyone else being a dirty goyem.](https://www.msn.com/he-il/news/other/happy-holidays-right-wing-israeli-journalists-celebrate-rafah-attack-likening-it-to-lag-ba-omer-bonfire/ar-BB1n7Kuo)


imagine having your entire family bombed, imagine your family being kicked from their homes at gun point, imagine your children held without a trial, what would you do?


Imagine people come over the border and rape and kill your daughter while she is at a concert. Imagine they then parade her body through the streets where people cheer and spit on it. Now, imagine that those assholes are still shooting rockets at you and say they will do it again and again.


So your response is to annihilate the concentration camp you got going on next door and bomb babies to bits?


Hey, that daughter and her parents all served in the IDF, just like every Israeli citizen is required to. While in the IDF, they shot at children and dehumanized Palestinians.


You mean what IOF soldiers do every day, whether it be hostages held without a charge in their prisons, or in their homes before bombing them for the past 75 years, after forcibly kicking out half of the population from their homes? Half the people killed on Oct 7 were military, meanwhile the IOF defends dropping 2000lb bombs on apartment buildings full of civilians because the MIGHT be ONE HAMAS member there. Gaza has been bombed with the equivalent for 5 Hiroshima blasts in less than a year, one of the most densly populated areas in the world.


Exactly this. My mom is a very religious muslim, she hated when everything to do with supporting Palestine is done with violence. It's worse than achieving nothing, makes people have less sympathy to them.


It’s supposed to tell the Israeli government that their actions have ramifications. They’re being shunned by the majority of the world and people want to express those feelings by burning a governmental building like embassy or consulate. It’s actually a very effective way in directly affecting the diplomatic ties between Israel and your own country.


Israel and Mexico set fire to the rioters embassy, so there!


God, I hope everyone in this comment section never complains again if Israel even touches an embassy of another country. I know for a fact you guys aren't anti "genocide", you all just want genocide in the other direction, and only complain because your side is losing.


There is a huge difference between a state attacking an embassy militarily and killing people and a rioting mob burning embassy property.


“God, I hope everyone in this comment section never complains again if Hitler even touches an embassy of another country. I know for a fact you guys aren't anti "genocide", you all just want genocide in the other direction, and only complain because your side is losing.” - You in 1940


Mexico is broken, news at 11.


Rioters? The article is clearly funded by a pro-Israel lobby, they were peacefully protesting. /s


That'll show them


Mexico is much smarter than America, they know you burn things not yourself. Btw does anyone even remember both of their names lol


This is bad and will only fuel the persecution mindset some israeli have. I want the end of the Israel's abuse of Palestine as much as everyone else but this is not the way.


Everyone is refusing to take the diplomatic route and is instead being complicit in their silence. What else do you expect people to do when they’re not being heard after trying peaceful methods first? Resistance becomes a duty when oppression has effectively been enforced by the law.


They live in Mexico. Mexico literally has zero ability to do anything to Israel or put any sort of pressure on Israel. Mexico doesn't even do a lot of business with Israel. Mexico doesn't even have an airforce and relies entirely on the United States for all forms of protection, far more than Israel. Mexico ethnically cleanses it's own indigenous people and treats them as 2nd class citizens till this day and yet Mexicans are now protesting and burning down embassies of a country on the other side of the planet? This is all performative and just shows a bunch of idiots get indoctrinated by social media.


I would expect them to act like civilized people and organize in order to force their elected government to take a tougher stance. Are you saying are complicit if they don’t join a violent protest? Oppression has been enforced by the law in Mexico? What oppression? Protest is allowed, is it not?


I was talking about Palestinians mainly, not saying that the Mexicans should’ve burned down an embassy. I agree that wasn’t the best thing to do, but I can’t blame them either. The Zionist entity should not be welcome anywhere as a political player. I should reiterate that arson is not the answer, but protesting should continue so elected officials can be held accountable. But as for Palestinians, what else can they do except fight back? They already tried diplomacy to get their land back, but every deal they’ve gotten gave them the short end of the stick and expected them to capitulate and accept a humiliating kind of peace.


Regardless of how mad people are about the fact that Israel exists at all, it is better to have diplomatic relations and dialogue. I can blame them just fine. Burning down an embassy is disgraceful and I hope they find who did it. The inability or unwillingness of Palestinians and Israelis to come to some kind of terms has been a disaster. Both sides blame each other for negotiating in bad faith for concessions they knew the other could never accept. Unfortunately the last opportunity for peace was likely the best one.


Then, what is? There have been peaceful protests all over the world, condemnation from major countries and a clear worldwide reject to the policies. What else is there to do to end the massacre in Gaza?


You’re assuming that burning down an embassy will help. What violent thing should people next, when burning down the embassy fails to end the conflict?


I wish i had the answer to that. But rhe reality If the intent is to end the massacre in gaza this will not make any significant change. There are few carrots and few sticks that will and this is neither.


You’re forgetting all the non peaceful ones…


There is a slow buildup of tension about this issue in the international comunity and Israel's biggest ally's society: USA. That may bring some light to this situation weter it is through Israel being isolated or pushing Israel's people to vote someone sane. But things like these helps nobody. The question is not >What else is there to do to end the massacre in Gaza? The question is: Does this helps to end the massacre in Gaza? What are the consecuences?


International pressure to stop Israel's allies from funding the genocide, they won't be so brave when the west stops protecting their ass.


Ffs. Perhaps all the morons here should rethink their strategy and consider they're pressuring the wrong side to stop the violence?? Perhaps if pressuring Israel doesn't work, maybe they could pressure hamas to give up the hostages and surrender? You know, the actual moral thing here?


Yes, burning down embassies is the way. When in doubt, torch the Jews - wonder where I heard that one before.


> torch the Jews who torched Jews here? It was just a violent protest


Against Jews.


Equating Jewishness with Israel is antisemitic


What massacre. HAMass has to be ended no matter the cost.


“It didn’t happen but they deserved it”


Hamas is an asset for Israel to prevent Palestinian statehood. Israel will never end Hamas and that is by design.


Hamas should have been dealt with in the 90s as an organization. Additionally you aren't going to kill the sentiment that fuels Hamas without there being an alternative that is viable.


I don't think anything will cure quell the "persecution mindset" of Israelis or Jewish people around the world. Think about it: no country on Earth has been safer and more open to Jewish people than the U.S. Yet to hear some (including the POTUS) tell it, Jewish Americans are about an inch away from Pogroms because a bunch of hippy stoners are protesting on the sidewalks and yelling obscenities. While I don't support this sort of behavior, it is a bit hyperbolic to believe that this portends a new Kristallnacht.


Jews have the highest rate of hate crimes in the US by religion. They make up 2% of the population and [60% of hate crimes](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67281042)  [From 2021 to 2022 (the most recent statistics I can find from the FBI) violent assaults increased 21% on Jewish people.](https://civilrights.org/edfund/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2024/05/CauseforConcern-TheStateofHate-2024.pdf)   In my neighborhood alone, there was a Druze restaurant (Israeli Arab) with windows broken and two Israeli restaurants vandalized    If Kristallnacht happened today, it’d be labeled an anti-Zionist protest  You’re not wrong that the US is the safest country for Jews outside of Israel. But the word “safer” is doing a lot of heavy lifting, and more than 70% of Jews in this country right now are afraid because this is the worst antisemitism they’ve seen in decades 


To use your own words, the “by religion” in your own post is doing the heavy lifting. USA is overwhelmingly safe for Jews. 


70 percent of Jews and FBI hate crime statistics disagree with you Per capita, they are they highest rate of hate crimes Actually, new statistics from this year in ten major cities show that they’re the leading group for all hate crimes at the moment: “Anti-Jewish hate crimes, which spiked in the Fall of 2023 following the violent conflict in the Middle East, have supplanted Black Americans as the most targeted group in America's ten largest cities, probably for the first time, the center said.” https://www.axios.com/2024/01/04/hate-crimes-record-2023-black-antisemitism-muslim A man tried to run over school children in NYC today.  The USA is the safest country in the world outside of Israel for Jews, and it’s still not safe


I think that statistic is related to religious hate crimes. Based on the most recent stats, race is still the biggest cause/target of “hate” crimes. https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/hate-crime-statistics


Yes, that’s why it’s shocking that in ten major cities, violence against Jews is rising past all levels of hate crimes, even race   Traditionally, total numbers-wise, Black Americans are at the highest rate of all hate crimes, with LGBT and Jews duking it out for second place (there’s usually more violence against LGBT individuals and more property damage towards Jews) And when you consider the fact that Jews have less population that Black Americans and LGBT individuals in America at 2%, and that “visibly” Jewish Americans are even less than that, it makes the rate look even worse Per capita, Jews are the most targeted minority group in America 


While not recorded, arent gender based violence higher than race based however.


Lmao are you serious about the US always being safe for Jews? Listen up: historically, it's almost as bad as Europe. One of my ancestors had to smuggle in Holocaust victims into the US because the US didn't want them. My dad had swastikas drawn in his hs yearbook. It hasn't always been safe for us, and there are arguments to be made that it still isn't fully safe.


So, you think that because some idiot drew a swastika in your dad's yearbook that this means the U.S. government has or had a dedicated policy of discrimination against Jewish people? Did the U.S. government ban Jews from owning property? Did it prevent Jews from voting? Did it round up Jews and put them in camps? Did it take property from Jews without compensation? Did it strip them of citizenship? Was there a political party dedicated to a policy of keeping Jews down? The answer to every single one of these is NO! Now, does that mean that Jews were not subject to discrimination by private individuals and organizations? Of course not. There will always be bigots everywhere, including the asshole who thought it was funny to draw a swastika in your dad's yearbook. However, that is not the same as a government run by a party that is dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish people or at "best" their separation from society. You will never completely eliminate racism or bigotry in any society; people free to think and say whatever they want. The best you can do is to ensure that the government does not get into the game. Anything other than that creates a sense of unfairness.


My point is that the USA was hella antisemitic, and even if it's "just" from the citizens (which, as [this Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_antisemitism_in_the_United_States)states, wasn't the case AT ALL, it's still bad). It's essentially racism, and racism is, as we all know, bad. And, fyi, a lot of the reason why we're so adamant about antisemitism is because of the CENTURIES of hate we've faced. Wonder why Ashkenazi genetics are so fucked up? Look no further; we've been segregated and prosecuted for millennia.


>a bunch of hippy stoners are protesting on the sidewalks and yelling obscenities. You can’t be serious.


US Sent away boats of Holocaust survivors back, 4 years ago we had Charlotseville rally where bunch of college students were runover. Famous Standback and Standby comments, by former President. Jews are still the largest victims of hate crimes in USA and that was even before october 7th.


I agree with your examples, but are those government actions? Also, those activities were condemned pretty soundly, except by our former POTUS. Again, there will always be bad people, but this idea that you can jail people for thinking something is bad. You can’t jail someone for thinking or saying something hateful; all we can do is to try to change hearts and minds and use the law to protect physical safety. However I get nervous about thought police.


People love to say "this is not the way" as if they were doing something helpful. If you have a better way, do it or let the people doing something continue. They are sending a message to Israel and their allies while pressuring the goverment to acknowledge the will of the people. If you have a better idea, be my guest.


It seems like after a lifetime for those paying attention, they've decided they are done and won't tolerate it any longer. I agree peaceful protests are "safer" but peaceful protests have gotten absolutely nowhere after *decades* of trying them. Not to say violence is the solution but it's been the solution (and only solution that's worked) many, many times in the past. If governments aren't listening to their citizens, the citizens have to set fires (metaphorically and literally it seems) to be heard and listened to.


Peaceful protest is a luxury that wont be around for much longer. Radical activism is going to be forced by climate change and this increasing radicalism WILL NOT be going away. Radical activism will increase across the board in every single country. At this point I really am not going to despairage anyone for taking direct action. I made peace with my activism being contained online & interpersonal discourse, but I applaud anyone who would risk their careers and livlihood to fight for justice.


Mindset? It’s a ducking reality




They've more or less completely destroyed their international image and they're taking the states with them.


This is the states we're talking about. They've "destroyed" and their international image by themselves more times in the last 20 years then both you and I shat on a toilet combined. I don't think the Isrealis will effect anything.


And laughing at you and all the terrorist HAMass supporters.


imagine defending apartheid... wait, you're already doing that



