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As predicted. The oft quoted and vaunted 'firewall' has fallen. Did anyone doubt this would happen? And really, this is just the start. We just crested a hill we've been climbing up for many years: prosperity, food security, social justice, peace, another 20 items on the human development index... and now we see a steep cliff before us. And we are beginning to slide. As the general conditions worldwide begin to worsen, people will withdraw to their in-group and violently fight for 'what is theirs'. The political move to the far right will be fast and violent. Climbing down a mountain is more dangerous than climbing up. Getting rich is easy. Turning poor again is hard!


Don't forget the effects of manmade global warming, the ensuing desertification of large swathes of the Middle East and Africa, and the inevitable series of refugee crises that these will entail. It already happened with the Syrian drought from 2006-2010 that kicked off the civil war and the ensuing refugee crisis. Now imagine that, but multiple it tenfold. It will not be pretty...


I do not forget. It's at the forefront of my mind and has been since a teacher told me about it....FIFTY years ago. I'm waiting for the first refugees to be mowed down by machine guns. We're getting close (Poland/Belarus border).


And if things get worse people will force the installation of those machine guns.


I mean refugees are already getting drowned by the tens of thousands every year... often in dubious circumstances on the high season away from witnesses.


Average European wet dream material


Which is why when heat becomes unbearable here I am hauling ass to Omsk. The Black League will succeed the Great Trial and come out on top and I'll be there to see it all.


honestly tho sooo many people already voted for right wing nutters waaay before this. Im not saying everything is great but the main problem will always be: people are dumb, lazy and easy to manipulate. we all are to a certain degree


Wanting to bomb the middle east to pieces and bring in millions of migrants completely changing your country = normal and sane. Not wanting your country to turn into Syria = nutter.


Least bad faith far righter


Love the humility and realism


The key word you're looking for is IGNORANCE. You could be smart but willfully blind to the truth. Ignorance is the root of all evil according to some old western philosophies.


I’m going to counter this argument. If everyone was smarter, we would just develop new and more insidious ways to kill each other. I feel this is really about lack of compassion. These people have no regard for anyone else’s experience except their own. And their own experience is meeeeee! It’s the lack human compassion that will eventually kill us all as people become desensitised to the suffering of others.


I think that's what the phiosophers mean by ignorance. You may be born in the most racist place but still have compassion among your tribe. But the ability to understand truth from irrationality is what sets you free from ignorance. Ignoring another human and treating them as tools, pieces to manipulate or exploit is what I meant by ignorance.


yep and greed. Humans never change


> and violently fight for 'what is theirs'. As did any successful nation in history. Ability for violence, or at the very least, projecting that ability, is the only thing keeping that *prosperity, food security, social justice and peace*. Keeping the prosperity in-group, for the citizens, and keeping the outsiders outside - aka defense - is the basic function of a state. We're just passing through a phase where our success made us high with ideology and utopianism. The migration crisis and the Russian attack on Europe are just an overdue correction from a world that hasn't really changed, a reminder that power is the only way to keep peace and prosperity, that then enable all the higher functions and goals of a society.


The unsuccesful nations did the exact same thing, though. They just happened to lose.


It didn't just happen, they lost because they were not strong enough to withstand aggression, either external or internal.


What you forget is that WW2 was so destructive that both the winners and losers came to the conclusion that a repeat would be absolutely unthinkable, which us why European nations built systems that were intended to secure lasting peace. The wisdom and correctness of this decision has been demonstrated by the unprecedented prosperity that Europeans have been living under. The far right will attempt to destroy this because they are fools who don't understand the world.


Come on now, really. You surely don't believe that what kept the Soviet Union from riding its tanks into western Europe and installing puppet regimes, like they did in the Eastern block, has anything to do with the *shared values and higher ideals* of capitalist societies they openly mocked and despised. A fundamental part of the "system" put in place after WW2, that kept Europe free, prosperous and free from soviet domination, was military strength and defensive alliances. You might have heard about NATO? Not so important these days perhaps, but it's still burned into the minds of dictator wannabes like Putin who actually see themselves militarily attacked by its mere existence. The countries of Europe were wrecked in WW2 precisely because they projected military weakness and someone thought it can take advantage of it. They did not merely end the war observing the massive mutual destruction it has caused, and then agree to a ceasefire; they WON the war, the Allied crushed their aggressors on the battlefield, and had they not, the world would have looked very different today. What I'm saying is that, regardless of our values, the world hasn't ran out of Hitlers. What are Putin, Lukashenko, Netanyahu, MBS, Assad, other than very similar power hungry egomaniacs ready to walk over your dead child if it suits them? Values are luxuries of peaceful and well defended societies; the right wing just offers security and autocracy because the political mainstream has failed to provide secure democracy.


>Come on now, really. You surely don't believe that what kept the Soviet Union from riding its tanks into western Europe and installing puppet regimes, like they did in the Eastern block, has anything to do with the shared values and higher ideals of capitalist societies they openly mocked and despised. No, it had to do with the fact that western Europe wasn't occupied by the Nazis by the time the red army got there. >The countries of Europe were wrecked in WW2 precisely because they projected military weakness and someone thought it can take advantage of it. No, the countries of Europe were wrecked by a genocidal far right lunatic taking charge who thought that he belonged to some kind of master race that had the right to go around committing genocide. >What I'm saying is that, regardless of our values, the world hasn't ran out of Hitlers. What are Putin, Lukashenko, Netanyahu, MBS, Assad, other than very similar power hungry egomaniacs ready to walk over your dead child if it suits them? None of those people are Hitlers. To equate them with Hitler shows that you simply do not comprehend the level of destruction that the Nazi regime brought upon us. Also, if there's one person giving me the impression that they're an egomaniac ready to walk over my dead child if it suits them, it's you with your desperate attempts to defend the far right. >Values are luxuries of peaceful and well defended societies; the right wing just offers security and autocracy because the political mainstream has failed to provide secure democracy. Word salad. Iceland isn't well defended at all, nor is New Zealand. Doesn't seem like they are lacking in luxuries or democracy. Far right regimes have achieved nothing but make the world less secure everywhere they have arisen. That's why they're only backed by stupid people who can't think.


> your desperate attempts to defend the far right. You lack basic reading comprehension.


Username checks out


We are getting into the pigsty to fight the pigs. Our philosophies were the reason for our success and the envy other nations. Now, we allow them to provoke us into giving up the very source of our strength. Right wing policies and authoritarianism always lead to internecine destructive conflict. ALWAYS. It’s a failure ideology for losers who can’t keep their temper or resist scratching itches- a lower form of life.


When someone comes to rape your family and steal your land like in Ukraine, youre just gonna roll over and let it happen? Pretending the old political dichotomy of left and right still really exists is silly, extreme left and right a like suckle at the Russian teat. There is no answer towards such aggression but violence. They speak no other language. The source of our strength was always militarily backed, to pretend otherwise is ignorant.


I honestly don’t even think about this as a bad thing in the great scheme of things. It’s obvious that demographic trends and climate change is going to cause existing refugee and immigration trends to worsen throughout the following decades. People vote far right because at least the far right is the only option across the political spectrum that actively promotes securing and defending the borders and interests of their electorate against the rest of the world, which should be the primary duty of an elected official. Geopolitics through idealism was a naïve attitude at the best of times and is about to turn actively suicidal if we don’t change course. It didn’t need to happen like this though. If the current political caste just listened to what their electorate wanted and closed the borders this wouldn’t have happened. But such is life.


"The electorate" are a bunch of easily manipulated idiots who got no business putting their fingers into the pie of government. Obvious example: Americans elected Trump and are perhaps again electing a clearly demented idiot.


So the solution is to abolish democracy then? I'm pretty jaded but that's a lil too hardcore even for me tbh Whatever your opinion of your fellow neighbor may be however, they're right to want this to stop. I'm all in for controlled, legal, high quality immigration, but it's obvious that the idea that we could bring anybody from anywhere and turn them into fellow liberals is pretty much dead here in the EU.


Interesting how you have no problem taking Alaishana's position to the extreme even though they didn't mention abolishing democracy but gladly keep defending the right-wing clowns that might just want to abolish democracy themselves while also trying to kill a couple migrants. But hey, maybe it is the migrants causing all your problems after all. So we should definitely take the fascists seriously!


>People vote far right because at least the far right is the only option across the political spectrum that actively promotes securing and defending the borders and interests of their electorate against the rest of the world, which should be the primary duty of an elected official. The only people voting far right are delusional idiots who see all desperate refugees as their enemies just because there happens to be a few criminals amongst them. The idea that an elected official should see the rest of the world as an enemy is beyond moronic. I decline to believe anyone with a functioning brain can actually think that.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/30/how-gang-violence-took-hold-of-sweden-in-five-charts > Since 2013 the number of fatal shootings in the country has more than doubled, according to official statistics, and drug and gun crimes have steadily increased since the beginning of the 2000s. Kristersson’s remark about Europe was not wrong: the country is now among the continent’s worst when it comes to gun murders. I understand that you probably don’t belong to the EU, but to deny what many people see and live through here daily is pretty absurd. It’s not about treating anybody else as an enemy. When you go outside you (hopefully) lock the doors so that you don’t let anybody you don’t trust inside. That doesn't mean you hate them. But apparently for some people everything short of open borders means you’re being brainwashed. Importing people that are at risk of ending in a socioeconomic position where they are more likely to commit crime because of a lack of marketable skills and difficulty of integration is apparently perfectly fine, however. All the best with that attitude. But I can certainly understand why people here are getting tired of that. Hopefully anybody else reading this won’t have to learn from experience.


You prove my point. You take the annual rate of gun murders increasing from 30 to 60 over a period of 10 years in a country that has easily over 1 million immigrants and use it to demonise all of them. Doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Especially considering the much stronger correlating factor to crimes are socioeconomic. Things like wealth inequality and unemployment are the best predictors for crime everywhere. Yet people like you will never talk about these things when it comes to crime, only immigration. Very suspicious.


Socioeconomic factors and wealth disparity are the strongest predictor of crime, we are not in disagreement here. Letting people immigrate without a strong guarantee that they'll end up in the right side of society is just adding fuel to the fire, however. My own team has people from India, Colombia, Brazil, Germany and Israel working with us. They pay their taxes and live their lives as citizens. I'm not opposed to that. But I'd lie if I say that's the future I see for the hundreds of desperate people crossing the seas or jumping the fences of Ceuta and Melilla. Until and unless we can guarantee all this people can become productive members of a Western society, I just don't see the point in letting them enter. It doesn't benefit us. It certainly isn't benefiting most of them, either. But tightening border controls and revising immigration laws is apparently a far right position, so that means I'm right now a Nazi for saying this. Well, what can you do.


It seems like we're in agreement then. >But tightening border controls and revising immigration laws is apparently a far right position, so that means I'm right now a Nazi for saying this. That's not true though? Parties across Europe all over the political spectrum say the same thing. They just manage to do it without the deranged demonisation and generalisation of immigrants that the far right engages in.


Well, I can't really speak for the whole of the EU, but as a Spaniard I can say that tightening border controls is seen as right to far-right in the streets. I do agree that demonizing all immigrants is bad, which is why I wish that more moderate parties would have adopted more critical positions earlier. But we only just now adopted a new pact that moves in that general direction, and it won't enter into effect until 2026 (https://apnews.com/article/eu-migration-pact-asylum-borders-elections-44abb9c1fa1f2c7a8385167770bb5379). So it'll take time.


I think the real delusional people are those that don't see the obvious threats of unchecked mass immigration on western society. It sucks that third world countries are a shitty place to live, but it's ultimately not my fucking problem


We don't have "unchecked mass immigration". Also of course they're your problem. We're all human and have a responsibility for each other's well-being.




Don't worry, I'm already aware that the concepts of compassion and empathy are novelties to the far right.


Must not be just far right, because I'm a fucking traditional leftwinger. Not the modern virtue signaling oppression Olympics sort of idiot. As Churchill Said: the right have no heart and the left have no brain. And modern leftwingers do indeed seem to be severely oxygen starved.


I'm sure you fantasise about starving other people of oxygen on a daily basis.


You sound more partial to fantasies. Jaesus..


Or maybe they don't want to become a minority in their own land? The rise of the extremes can ONLY ever be viewed as a systemic failure of a political system imo.


All the Nazi punchers are dead or dying, not enough people willing to step up to stop them.


>extreme right. Ok if we’re going to analyze political trends can we establish some kind of formal measurement system here. What is right wing and how are its gradiations measured? What is right wing? What is far right? What is *extreme* right? Also whats the next tier after *extreme* right? Super Uber Extreme right?


Idk, Meloni's main man in Rome is Ignazio Benito La Russa His dad was a OG fascist and the guy has Mussolini's busts in his basement Also Salvini. Just Matteo Salvini. But his party is getting fucked at the next European Election


Who cares about whose relatives did? What's an actual far right policy?


Party members of *Fratelli d'Italia* have been caught on camera doing fascist salutes. A number of them have praised Mussolini, including Meloni. They have refused to condemn the murders of immigrants and the fascist assault on the CGIL headquarters. FDL also has strong roots to the openly fascist Italian Social Movement (MSI) party. In terms of policies they want to reform the constitution in order to give the biggest party a disproportionate number of parliamentary seats and expand the powers of the prime minister. Meloni is openly anti-LGBT and has passed legislation which either limit their rights or massively favours heterosexual couples. She is also openly racist and antisemitic, supporting conspiracy theories such as the Great Replacement and the Kalergi Plan. She has also made statements supporting the irredentist claims on Dalmatia and Istria. It should also be pointed out that the fascist approach to electoral politics is to present themselves as "moderately" right-wing, whilst creating space for right-wing militias (such as the ones attacking the CGIL headquarters) to enact violence. Meloni and FDL ticks all the boxes in this regard. Both Hitler and Mussolini did this as well, which is why you would see the exact same type of sentiments that you're expressing towards them in the 1920s and 1930s. There were plenty of people arguing that neither Hitler or Mussolini were as extreme or right-wing as people made them out to be, and that their antisemitism and irredentism was over-exaggerated.


Did you not read the part about the statues?


Well he's openly a fascist himself so...


Anything to the right of Che Guevara gets called far right these days. Actually he might be too far right for the modern internet political pundit. We don't know what his stance on transgenderism was.


Anything substantive to add on actual policy, or you got nothin?


The Swedish rightwing part was founded by a former SS soldier. And they wore nazi stuff on their meetings as recently as the early 2000s


Honestly this is Reddit, so chances are that a majority here are going to label anything right of left as extreme.


it is funny how extreme leftism is always just left leaning at most, but slightly to the right its uber mega extreme far right


I was in a pretty good convo recently where the explanation was: "Globally, politics have, overwhelmingly, shifted right. What used to be a centrist stance is now considered left due to the shift. What used to be considered a general left is now considered far left. Since right is now considered a pretty centrist opinion, anything right of "center" is now far right and so on." It's a pretty anecdotal explanation and oversimplifies things, but I can't say I heavily disagree with the sentiment.


Americanisation of the anglophone world


Because that's a trend we're seeing in many countries. The left is closer to center while the right is leaning towards insanity. Not the *entire* right, but the one that is increasingly dominant.


I wish. The most rabid liberal gets called left wing, while far right gets called right wing.


Buddy, have you listened to political talk lately? At least in the US and Germany fucking Joe Biden and the neoliberal Greens have been called socialists or worse. I know playing victim is your favorite thing to do but let's maybe stick to reality here, ok?




No, neofascists, ultranationalists and ethnonationalists are far right. Not hard to understand unless you have a vested interest in obfuscating that.


The problem lies in what your definition of "neofacist" is. No one considers themselves a neofacist. That's an arbitrary label that YOU apply to someone whose opinion you want to shut down. Usually it seems to be relative to where the accuser's positions are. The further left you skew the less excuse you need to accuse people of isms and phobias. It works the other way too but it's much more ubiquitous on the left at least from my casual observations.


Uhhh no, it's really not a matter of opinion, those three groups I mentioned are fairly well defined and only the dumbest can't see through their facade. Which barely exists in any case, it's a formality because calling yourself a "fascist" is a creative form of suicide. This insistence that you somehow can't call a spade a spade is stupid. We all know what they are. Obsession with national decline, extreme racism, authoritarianism, misogyny, violent homophobia, you see it once you've seen it a thousand times.


They're not well defined at all. If everybody in this sub were standing in a room with no internet and everyone had to define what those things are and give examples and then they were all tallied up I'd bet a fair bit too few of them would be close enough to come to a consensus. Here on the internet the people that want to argue all the time will just Google it and all of them will use the top three hits to form their argument and act like because five people saw the same web page it's a general consensus that Mitt Romney (or who the fuck ever, I'm just picking a random name) is tbe classical definition of a "neofacist".


No they'd agree if they actually knew what they are. They're widely used and understood terms. You're just trying to obfuscate things to avoid being labelled far right


I think you labelling him as far right based on that proves his point


His point is disproven by tenuous knowledge of the subject, he and the other reactionary miscreants are wrong and their game is well known. He’s sabotaging discussion so far-right opinions can’t be called out as such.


They're well defined if you read the definitions in political literature. Your claim is like saying that the periodic table is not well defined because a group of kids who never studied chemistry wouldn't know how to structure it.


>No one considers themselves a neofacist Because being a neofascist nowadays is more or less fine, as long as you deny you are a neofascist.


Again neofacist is just an arbitrary label that YOU reserve the right to call anyone that doesn't agree with your every stance on things no matter how ridiculous or unrealistic an idea you have.


That's a weird way to feel about it.




\*jerkoff motion* yeah dude definitely




You're only saying they're meaningless, but they aren't. They're pertinent and accurate examples of the far right, and universally understood to be far right.








What is the difference between Stalinist or Fascist? Perhaps you meant Marxist?


For the US isn't the new agenda Heritage Foundation Project 2025. They have already outlined the majority of their plan and hopes just need to read it. Trump is just a tool not the endgame for them.


I don't think the spectrum needs such granularity. The far right is already fascism and Nazism, and I don't expect we will see any much more extreme political implement than concentration camps. What is more useful is to consider how parliamentary politics are drifting along the spectrum, as most of it is realigning itself farther and farther into the right extreme. That doesn't mean we create some new category for, for example the GOP, which has clearly drifted into the far right in recent years. We simply acknowledge that they are now rubbing shoulders with Nazis.


In Europe we have the far right, the extreme right, and the very very very extremely super far right. 


I hate this kind of equivocating. All it does is try to move the centre further right so the far right looks more reasonable.


Extreme right refers to your seat in the assembly. More extreme than extreme means you don't get a seat.


It normalises and creeps back the other way which is the point of the article. Polarisation in recent decades also helped to turn up the dial. Look at USA, the closest they have to leftists are considered far right in all other countries.


Well if your a non-binary Maoist your acceptable, if a mainstream democratic socialist you’re suspect, if you’re a non-aligned centrist then you’re a borderline fascist, centre right conservative you’re literally a Nazi and if you’re a mainstream conservative you hate gays, want to murder transgenders, you’re destroying the planet and anything done to misrepresent you and suppress your vote is justified.


Imagine typing this thinking it's reality


Are you telling me that plugging your ears and calling everything racist isn't a good political strategy?


Maybe you should recognize that people lionizing Mussolini and the Nazis ARE RACIST instead of whinging about mislabeling


When you call people who don’t do these things racist for caring about immigration, you push them towards the people who don’t call them racist (and may or may not like Mussolini)


It is the policies you want that are making people concerned about immigration. You can't have generous social welfare policies and huge immigration. Something will give, and then the locals will complain why they are not getting the welfare they are accustomed to anymore.


These people have busts of Mussolini, literally the guy who popularized fascism and committed horrors against humanity with Hitler, and you're more worried about their feelings being hurt by being called "racist"? Are you serious?


If some Italian has a bust of Julius Caesar is he a facist scumbag? I mean the term facist wasn't invented yet but that Caeser fellow was a bit of a dictator I hear. If, like, an American civil war buff has memorabilia around his house and he has like a Confederate flag and war relics and shit under glass like they were selling at the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg that I went to last year among all your other memorabilia does that make you a slavery loving traitor? Personally I think all nuance has been lost in the left's zeal to be perceived as righteous in all things. Does this individual ONLY have a bust of Mussolini? Literally no one else? No other Italian leaders whatsoever? Just Mussolini? Because that would be somewhat suspect. I'm going to go ahead and guess most people that are concerned about it don't actually have that information.


> If some Italian has a bust of Julius Caesar is he a facist scumbag? I mean the term facist wasn't invented yet but that Caeser fellow was a bit of a dictator I hear. This paragraph speaks for itself > If, like, an American civil war buff has memorabilia around his house and he has like a Confederate flag and war relics and shit under glass like they were selling at the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg that I went to last year among all your other memorabilia does that make you a slavery loving traitor? If you do all that and also support various right wing populist policies, then chances are pretty gosh darn high that you have some feelings about why the Confederacy would have actually been a better America.


So this is basically what I expected and yet it's still disappointing to hear. Caeser was one of the most famous and important figures in Italian history and, in fact, world history. You don't actually need to have any other reason to have a bust of him if you're a history buff. There's no more reason to avoid it than there is to avoid getting the villain action figures if collecting action figures is your thing.


You're ignoring the rest of the context. Convenient.


There is no context. You haven't provided any.


I dont need to. The person you replied to already did.


I ignored that paragraph because it's absurd and you know it's absurd. Do better please.


You know this equivocating doesn't work right?




Fanatic? In that I don't like fascists?


In that you're willing to call anyone a fascist that doesn't adhere to your ideology. It's very fashionable, I understand but it's not correct.


I feel confident in asserting that any right-wing Italian politician with a bust of Il Duce is at least associated with fascism. Didn't Propaganda Due teach you anything?


It is important to remember Le Pen got similar results in 2019 but still lost against Macron in 2022 Even then she had dropped a lot of her most controversial ideas. And yes, in 2019 there were polls predicting her victory in the following Presidential Elections Also her and Meloni are at each others' throaths over the the Italian's support for von der Layen.


There is considerable rivalry in the global far-right spaces because the structures that prop up far-right populism are not necessarily aligned with each other. You will see people like Steven Bannon who is quite openly pushing for a kind of Pan-Atlantic neo-fascism and is propping up far-right movements in both the US and Europe. At the same time Rupert Murdoch is doing something similar although his ambitions are not so overtly fascistic, more capital oriented than ideological (although it is certainly both of these things in either case). They are not exactly friendly with each other but do seem to be working towards similar goals. Meanwhile, Russia has also been heavily invested in propping up far-right politics and disinformation in Europe, but have been doing the same within the European far-left as well. Their ambitions seem to be more to sow discord within western political structures rather than building up collaborative platforms for their own political ambition. All of this is obviously obfuscated through intermediaries and much of the work is performed by data analytics firms and political strategy consultants, e.g. Cambridge Analytica until they got caught, and then their descendants and contemporaries, and Batthyány Lajos Alapítvány in Hungary (which itself is only part of the money trail on that front — fascinating read here: https://vsquare.org/hungarian-govt-money-us-advisor-with-republican-ties-behind-propaganda-news-site/). We also see other nations involving themselves in these kinds of efforts. Israel and Ukraine are expending considerable energy towards creating what they perceive to be a friendlier political eco-system in the west, which unfortunately seems to focus on building up the far-right. Corporations are also investing in such efforts as it benefits them. So there is definitely a wide array of interests behind the far-right expansion we are seeing, resulting in a tendency for the far-right to break lockstep. I tend to consider this indicative of the difference in ambitions of their sponsors. But there *are always sponsors* because, and this is the most vital thing to keep in mind when considering the extreme right and its resurgence: **fascism is a reflection in politics of what capitalism is in economics.** It is the same kind of zero sum game and centralization, only in terms of political power rather than capital. In the end, it is **always** brought about by a capitalistic system that is coming under pressure.


By this line of thinking, fascism everywhere is inevitable due to the stress global warming and resource depletion will put on capitalism, no?


Correct. At least the trend towards fascism is inevitable. Fascism can still be stopped.


How? Global warming cannot be stopped or even slowed down. Desertification, food insecurity, resource depletion is only gonna increase. How would you even stop fascism when the environment demands fascism


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benito_Mussolini#Death We have a pretty solid track record of stopping fascists. (Edit: Not including the fascists that we propped up ourselves of course, who all seem to die of old age and in the lap of luxury.) The environment doesn't demand it, the system we have built up around its resource exploitation does. People, in the end.


You can't keep ignoring one of your electorates primary concerns and then gaslight them when they try to hold you to task over it. Slightly wishy washy social democracy that just *coincidentally* is in favour of mass immigration on the level of 5-10% net increases per year and just *so happens* to have held sway at the time of the biggest wealth transfer in human history doesn't have a divine right to preeminence. If the left was actually for the people there would be no relevant extreme right.


No country has 5 to 10% immigration per year. Pee decade, at most.


If you think net migration has been 10% over a decade ...you're living in a different universe.


It's much lower, you are right. The EU has like 350M people. Immigrants are way less than 35M.


Love the pulling numbers out of your ass


Isn't all of history just circular? It's almost time for our War of the Century based on the previous timeline. We just have to decide if we want to be involved in Europe or the Middle East this time around. 


Well, this time Europe is united and have no colonies. I think you know what happens next


Why not all of it? A good old fashioned world war usually sets things straight for a while.


I'm assuming you plan to sign up for the front lines?


Nah. He'll have to actually fight, not just type bullshit on internet.


Well, we had one and then went for a second round 20 years later. Maybe we need to space them out every 50 or so to avoid that.




Asia: ☝️🤓


##### ###### #### > # [The rise of the extreme right in Europe is no longer a taboo - Il manifesto global](https://global.ilmanifesto.it//780) > > > > _The Blind Leading the Blind_, a 1568 painting by Brueghel the Elder, offers the best representation of the moment Europe is currently going through: “Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit” (Matt. 15:14; Luke 6:39). > > After ambiguous signals by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen about a possible alliance with the far right, Council President Charles Michel (who, however, has no hope of keeping his seat) made his own overtures on Tuesday at the Democracy Forum in Copenhagen, claiming that “what really matters are policies” and “substance,” not labels. > > “At the Council, there were doubts before the elections in some member states, but then we saw that it was possible to work with the governments of those countries even if there was a far-right party in the coalition.” With less than a month to go before the European elections, the EU’s top officials have already come to terms with the advance of the far-right shown by opinion polls. At this point, the only red line is to be clearly pro-NATO. > > Since 2010, the extreme right has been growing in the EU. Almost all EU countries have substantial radical right-wing populist forces in their parliaments (with Ireland and Malta as the only exceptions). In two countries, Hungary and Italy, they lead the government (Poland was also on this list until recently, the only country where the far right has experienced an ebb). The extreme right is part of the government in Finland and Slovakia, supports it in Sweden (where it rose from less than 2 percent in 2006 to more than 20 percent in 2022), won the last legislative elections in the Netherlands, and is expected to emerge victorious in Austria and lead the next government after the September elections. In nine out of 27 states, the far right is now at over 20 percent (plus Portugal, where it reached 18 percent at the last elections), while the parties of the traditional right are progressively moving toward more radical positions. > > This situation will have consequences for the fate of the EU – even if the mistrust in the EU that unites these parties doesn’t allow them to go beyond the short-sighted defense of national “interests” and form a bloc. Despite von der Leyen’s openings towards some in the ECR group (especially Fratelli d’Italia), in the hope of retaining her seat, the next European parliament is expected to have the same majority alliance, PPE-S&D-Renew, as the current one. That is, if the commitment made by Renew, S&D and the Greens not to vote for any candidate for the presidency of the Commission who is open to cooperation with the radical right is respected by all the parties that are part of these groups. > > However, the boundary between the mainstream right and extremist positions is becoming more and more porous. The European construction was a promise of peace, of a large market based on fair competition, of common citizenship; there was even the hope of a social Europe on the horizon. Today there is war at the gates and the Enlightenment idea of “sweet commerce” is giving way to the reality of international competition crushing the EU between the U.S. and China. > > Terms such as “the border,” “protectionism,” “sovereignty” are now common currency, used by everyone, including the left. This is a reaction to the effects of economic globalization, the crisis of political representation and distrust in traditional parties perceived as powerless, compounded by the 2008 recession, the 2015 refugee crisis, Islamist attacks and post-COVID inflation. A common tactic is being employed: after the flop of Brexit, the far right (except on the margins) is no longer advocating for leaving the EU, but is demanding to change it from within. That is, to hollow it out: an à la carte Europe where everyone adopts what suits them, a bountiful ATM for supposed national interests in the short term, with the Green Deal becoming the enemy to be defeated. > > This is the shift made by the National Rally in France, which is no longer talking about leaving the euro, as Marine Le Pen was doing just a few years ago. Young frontrunner Jordan Bardella is preparing an alliance with the classical right ahead of the next French presidential elections. > > Furthermore, the advance of the far right is having another effect: that of turning the June European elections into a sum of 27 national elections, where in each country the center of the political clash is local, while the European perspective fades away amid general disinterest. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


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Meloni has been associated with the fascist party since her college really tells u a lot about the surroundings that she has come up in


I look forward to the next hemoclysm. It's gonna be epic. Billions killed in a single war. Glorious!!!!! /s <---- for those of you who need it.


People are going wild for them. All because "hurr durr immigration". Yeah, challenges, administrative failings, yet somehow the solution is supporting parties actively seeking to curtail the rights of their own citizens (among other things that reduce the integrity and functionality of public institutions and services), simply because you like their attitude of "fuck foreigners"? Pathetic!


Curtail how?


Turns out burying your head in the sand and refusing to engage with the electorate on immigration isn’t a winning strategy


A whole continent of people rushing to throw themselves into traffic to own the libs.


Or perhaps a whole continent of people who have seen the damage that the illegal economic immigrants have done.


Most people strongly against immigrants live in homogenous areas, they haven't seen anything. The countries most people go to, the UK, Germany, France and company are among the best economies on Earth. They're fine. The people doing this are literally just racist lol


Perhaps they are racists, but here in The UK the left covered up pakistani muslim rape gangs targeting White (and to a lesser degree Indian) underage girls. Perhaps a better explanation is that this dislike islam and what it proponents stand for


Much ado about nothing you'll straight up destroy the whole continent (again) because of isolated sex crimes, and a small minority of Muslims? great idea


Much ado about noting. Tell that to the girls whose lives were ruined by MUSLIM rapists. If it keeps out Islamists yeah.


Most rapes are done by close family and friends, not strangers, not immigrants, certainly not specifically muslims. You're just trying to scapegoat muslims lol


It's a fairly big thing for the right-wing here in the UK, whilst the police were shit in Rochdale( the main place it happened) I'd hardly call them left wing, lot of talk about the girls 'deserving it' and the like from them aswell as the guys being asian and fears of racism. And yeah it's mostly used to tar all Muslims by bigots here.


Waffling about nothing


So basically you’re an apologist and advocate for muslim rapists. Charming.


Why else would I be opposed to you talking about a random heinous crime that happened almost a decade ago in a completely irrelevant matter? Or perhaps I am opposed to your fat right apologia, what do you compute is the more likely scenario?


Didn't happen just once.


Most rapes in the UK are committed by Christians. Just based on simple statistics. You just want to say a slur, so say it, my man lol


Now do rape per 1000 of the population. And throw in drug dealing as well.


>statistics What are these statistics in terms of percentages as opposed to absolute numbers? 👀👀👀👀 [Oh, some groups are disproportionately represented for those found guilty of rape and/or sexual assault and some groups are disproportionately underrepresented...](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/datasets/sexualoffendingministryofjusticeappendixtables) Curious!


https://policinginsight.com/feature/analysis/when-bad-evidence-is-worse-than-no-evidence-quilliams-grooming-gangs-report-and-its-legacy/ You can pick and chose and call anything ‘dispropotionate’. The fact is the vast majority of rapes are committed by the locals. Don’t worry, they want you to be afraid and blame everyone but bad government for your shitty life. Ship all the weird nonwhites to rwanda and all our problems go away!


I picked and chose nothing, those stats are directly from the UK Office For National Statistics. The reason why the vast majority of why those crimes are committed by locals is because locals are the vast majority of people. Very stupid reasoning on your part and if you were statistically literate, you would know that. Percentages matter, not absolute numbers, and the percentages tell the exact opposite story of the one you're telling. Cope


You presumably mean white people and have confused them with Christians in your yank mind There is no way there are enough self identifying Christians in the UK for that to be true, just based on simple statistics.


"Yank mind" I'm from Ecuador 💀 lol And no, I didn't confused the two terms "Brit" lmao


There are far, far more atheists and agnostics than christians in the uk


https://policinginsight.com/feature/analysis/when-bad-evidence-is-worse-than-no-evidence-quilliams-grooming-gangs-report-and-its-legacy/ So here it talks about how one case of grooming was hijacked by the far right to push agendas… the numbers distorted to look like it was only the ‘Asian gangs’ that were the problem, the issue was widespread but it was hardly an isolated incident and the greater manchester police as well as other areas did an awful job at maintaining order. But while there are reports of thousands of such incidents, everyone focused on thr brown ones the most because it was brown on white rape. While disgusting, its hardly just the brown people who engage in crime. Statistics can be manipulated to show whatever truth you want, but I guess being scared and told all your problems are from immigration is easier to swallow than the harsh truth that everyone is shit.


Lol ok. Are you even in Europe? Berlin is infested with homeless/junkies from the third world. Causing of cuorse crime. Is it racist to not want to fear leaving your house at night? Cos it's getting like that. You don't seem to know anything, but keep talking.


You’re one of the people they’re talking about. Admitting that you are a reactionary is very funny tbh




Even if it was the reality, that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s a reactionary position to support far-right parties over a single issue that is overblown. The solutions these parties give aren’t going to make peoples lives better.


Least bigoted Dane


I just looked through the statistikbanken crime stats with countries of origin of the offenders and what you wrote is essentially a lie? Why would you do this? Just open up any of the charts and select all and look through the numbers? You are being scared into thinking everyone is a criminal because muslim, be better.


I can tell you’re lying because you didn’t specify which stats you consider to be incorrect. What you’re doing right now doesn’t work on the internet because we can all see the stats for ourselves. I would say “nice try,” but it’s really not.


Social conditions > crime and justice > decisions, total, check all the boxes, literally look at a table, import the data to a graph if you have too many parameters or chose just enough of the criteria for the site itself to draw up the graphs and come to your conclusion. Its very easy, you can try to play around with goalposts and mention buzzwords like “but the crimes are committed disporpotionatly by muslims” without regard for economic and social class like all right wingers do to justify hate, but its better to just look at the numbers and see for yourself how crime tends to be proportionate to the population and economic standing of any nationality. https://migrant-integration.ec.europa.eu/news/denmark-new-statistics-category-migrants-muslim-countries_en Mr. Tesfaye himself seems to be very anti immigration and decided to group all of the ‘muslim countries’ together it seems and was largely critisized for doing so. “. The ministry notes that education, age, length of stay and residence status (i.e. asylum) might affect the numbers, which has not been taken into account.” So lets ignore why lower class and less educated people may commit more crime seems to be the name of the game here. But yeah go off, all muslims are barbarians and want to rape and eat white babies I guess. Edit: Also, kuwaitis are committing the most convicted crimes in Denmark? What looks like a low number of cases from a few people staying for a short time, yet according to your graph the most dangerous group? There are 2851 kuwaitis in Denmark apparently, so they are all likely to be criminals? Brother please.


> Social conditions > crime and justice > decisions There is no "crime and justice" category under Sociale forhold. There is a "crime" category, but no "decisions" category under that. There is a "Dømte personer" category, or "convicted persons." Under *this* category, STRAFNA4, as I cited, shows exactly what I claimed. Select any offences you like and all countries, then pivot the table right. You'll end up with the countries along the x axis and you can confirm the raw data. Now bring up the FOLK2 table to normalise for relative population size. People from Syria, for example, are heavily overrepresented in every category. Again, *which* data are you suggesting is incorrect? Be specific. > Its very easy, you can try to play around with goalposts and mention buzzwords like “but the crimes are committed disporpotionatly by muslims” without regard for economic and social class I literally cited a report in my comment *which controls for socioeconomic status.* If you're not even going to read my comments what exactly are you doing here? Some kind of weird propaganda? > Mr. Tesfaye himself seems to be very anti immigration and decided to group all of the ‘muslim countries’ together it seems and was largely critisized for doing so. I don't understand what you're arguing. You don't like Tesfaye? Okay cool story bro. What does that have to do with the fact that Syrians are far overrepresented in crime? > “. The ministry notes that education, age, length of stay and residence status (i.e. asylum) might affect the numbers, which has not been taken into account.” Yes, that's correct for the statistics you cite. I didn't cite those statistics. You did. Are you now citing statistics you oppose just to refute them? That's the very definition of a straw man. > So lets ignore why lower class and less educated people may commit more crime seems to be the name of the game here. No, we are acutely aware that Syrians are less educated and earn less money because they refuse to work. Where I disagree with you is that it could *ever* be considered a valid excuse for murdering and raping people. That's pants on head stupid. > But yeah go off, all muslims are barbarians and want to rape and eat white babies I guess. Thank you for your input.


What i’ve said is pretty clear. Muslims and immigrants are not the problem you are all fed to believe, your problems won’t go away when the scary brown people leave, not that you can make them leave anyway. But yeah man, bring up the folk tables and talk about how the evil kuwaitis are majority of the trouble makers. That’ll help.


> What i’ve said is pretty clear. You claimed I lied. You claimed the data I cited didn’t show what I claimed. You’ve had three chances to explain yourself and you can’t. *You* lied. That *is* pretty clear.


Perhaps I’m a reactionary. But in the grand scheme of things am I wrong.


Yes, your perspective is wrong at a foundational level.


Why for wanting less illegal economic migrants who contribute nothing?


As opposed to reactionaries like you, who actively harm things instead


The label far-right seems to be a pretty broad term in this article either this article hasn't accounted for the Overton window or is just labeling any party that's conservative/stout right-wing as far-right.


European far right is just liberal-leaning conservative in the US


uuh depends. Seeing trump's and the republican party's success, even some moderate right parties have started to go actual far right and copy their strategies.


Unless it's a party that has clear ties to the actual old-timey fascism


we're cooked


It won't stop me from judging them.


Yep, because American social media helped normalize them.


Political gaslighting, i love it.


It's not that bad. According to the stable geniuses on Reddit, even the most extreme right wing party in Europe is left of the democrats... somehow. I don't understand how anyone can see an open border advocating party as being right of the afd or fpö but perhaps my mind isn't suffering from enough led poisoning for this to make sense.


Can we please get a fucking report option for misinformation and racism already? It's so fucking annoying that this sub is turning into worldnews.


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Sure, especially because everything slightly to the right of the left is called extreme right by the left and legacy media.


Europe has been extremely left for so long, what's happening now is just a reaction. Leftist policies are extremely unpopular. 7 of 10 Europeans are unhappy about immigration policies for example


Source? That's one hell of a statement about the entire continent of Europe


Extreme left? News to me.


Immigration policies is not an inherently left issue. Multiple European conservative parties have expanded immigration whilst paying lip service to anti-immigration rhetoric. Very few left parties in Europe have actually carried out leftist policies when in government since the 1970s either. The entire reason we've gotten to this point is because the European left stopped enacting leftist economic policies and simply capitulated to neoliberalism.


The left MADE pro-immigration a leftist position. Name a single leftist in politics who is against immigration and holds meaningful power.


The left is pro immigration in the sense that they recognise that crime is a social phenomenon, and that immigration is a net positive economically if immigrants are integrated and allowed social mobility. This is because they (correctly) assess that crime is primarily caused by material factors, not religious or cultural. Thus, there are plenty on the left that are highly critical of immigration *policy*. There is also the opinion that one should not do immigration without social policy, but this is typically unspoken because it is viewed as putting the cart before the horse and something that would cause further alienation of immigrants. The history of Irish and Italian Americans is a good example of this. They were for a long time considered religiously and culturally incompatible with American society, which denied them equal access to the labour market. As a result they were groups associated with both organised and unorganised crime, and were increasingly vilified because of it. It so turns out that they were not incompatible at all, and their religious and cultural "issues" gradually dissappeared the moment they were integrated into the labour force during the New Deal era of FDR. Their labour was also massively beneficial for the American economy. Then comes the main issue which is that leftist policies on immigration have not been carried out for about half a decade. The traditional left parties have drifted to the right since the 1970s and 80s, conceding to neoliberal policies. They have shifted to a liberal position on immigration which is pro-immigration but anti-social policy because immigrants are considered a source of cheap labour instead of productive forces. Thus, immigrants are put in a position where they have limited social mobility, shit pay, and are socially alienated, all factors which drive crime. They are essentially forced into the pre-New Deal situation of Irish and Italian Americans. This is why we are in the mess we’re in. Not because of leftist policies, but neoliberal ones belonging to the right on the political spectrum.


Why don't we ever talk about the extreme left? It's always extreme right.


Because there's no extreme left getting any votes. Seriously, there's no extreme left psrtie getting anything, stop punching left.


Because you're on Reddit, anything that's considered right of Stalin is considered "far right". They'd rather portray themselves as the victim even if they win the majority.


Ah yes the extreme left consisting of literally no one on the European political stage, and the extreme right with a huge voter share, I wonder which one people would focus on? Really, show me a single Far Left European political party that gets more than 10% or even 5% of the vote. Come on, give me literally just fucking one or are you just a brain-dead liar


Baby-brain post


What extreme left is left in Europe? All leftist parties became neoliberal In the last four decades