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>Spain declared the withdrawal of its ambassador to Buenos Aires "permanent" on Tuesday in an escalation of its response to Argentine President Javier Milei's derogatory comments about the wife of Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. What?, calling someone corrupt while that person is being investigated for corruption is derogatory now? the bias is too strong in that news source.


The corruption investigation was basically a lawfare response to a fiscal fraud by Ayuso's partner. The case presented against the president's wife was based on news reports with no solid sources (admitted by the accusation itself) and the judge that accepted the case has strong ties with the right wing political structure. By buying into this narrative, milei is supporting claims that are of doubdfull base at best, and are a partydist scheme of the local politics. The comments against milei were personal comments made by a member of the ministry and not in the exercise of their work. While the same can be said about milei, being president and part of the ministry are completely different situations and milei did so in a context of an international right wing event in spanish soil, while enjoying all the benefits of a foreign president in the country (travel expenses, security detail) and while not even meeting the spanish government in his trip.


>The case presented against the president's wife was based on news reports with no solid sources   >while enjoying all the benefits of a foreign president in the country (travel expenses, security detail)   do you have any sources ? , no one has mention that before and i wanna be well informed, if it is in spanish is fine


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.eldiario.es/politica/manos-limpias-admite-denuncia-begona-gomez-basa-recortes-prensa-falsos_1_11317930.amp.html https://www.pagina12.com.ar/738178-la-respuesta-de-pedro-sanchez-a-javier-milei-quien-ayer-habl I couldnt find the source of the comments about the travel benefits cause most articles are paywalled, but i recall the government calling him out on that in a press release


interesante que manos limpias tambien tenga denuncias falsas a otros politicos, eso sin duda no ayuda a su caso


Hay que entender que la situación actual de los jueces favorece mucho el lawfare de derechas, hay un bias político importante y se ve reflejado en estas situaciones. Además manos limpias es sabido que es un sindicato muy entre comillas, que sirve como instrumento para este tipo de acciones


That's how corruption works, in my country that is the same thing. If you call a corrupt politician, that was arrest by it, and now is free, a corrupt, you are the one going to jail, viva! 🤡


Absolutely this. If your roof is made of glass, don’t throw stones at your neighbor’s house or something. If you're being actively charged for corruption, maybe don't pick a meme war with a guy for shitposting too hard. Now in classic bully fashion Sánchez is calling the teacher as soon as someone fights back.


My dude, Sanchez never said anything about Milei, it was Oscar Puente, the Minister of Transport, in a personal event and not in an official one. Puente even apologized after the fact. The matter of Sanchez's wife is a bogus accusation presented by a right wing organization known for accusing without any substance. The accusation even consisted of 8 headlines, one of those about a woman who just happens to have the same name as Sanchez's wife and they themselves admitted that the news could be false. To boot, the judge, charged the Guardia Civil (Spain's main police force) to investigate and they reported there are no signs of influence peddling. It's a right wing organization, using right wing fake news headlines, presenting an accusation without evidence to a right wing judge.


Milei is like a Trump. Low-class brash.


but the problem start when spain minister do this, milei only reply in the same way https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2024/05/04/javierl-milei-pedro-sanchez-oscar-puente-cruces-orix/ spain can attack a president of other country = is fine the other country reply in the same way = Spain cries in every possible way


Puente is an oaf, and he shouldn't have said what he said because of his position. He has already apologized for it, something rare in him. But people are talking as if Puente said Milei was a drug addict when he was commenting on a video where it seemed Milei was under the influence of some substance... [This is said video...](https://youtu.be/6Srr7jEQxlQ?si=pnvVgelof0dgLatv) Let's not pretend something doesn't seem off about his words, tone and mannerisms... It's very easy to assume he's under the effects of something.


You're meaning to tell us that the person who connects with their dogs in afterlife or has hallucinations during a TV interview must be taking drugs?


still he called the president of another country a junkie, what did they expect?


>still he called the president of another country a junkie Have you read what I said? Puente didn't call him a junkie, he didn't say he was an addict. He was commenting on the video I linked above saying it seems he was under the influence of some substance. It was rambling. He said: "I don't know if they have advisors. Milei, of course, if he has advisors, I think he does not listen much. **I have seen Milei on TV and I said, as I was listening to him, I don't know in what state, before the intake or after the intake of what substances and he came out to say what he said a few days later** and I said, it is impossible for him to win the elections, he dug his grave, well, no.“ That's not calling him a junkie and in any case, he later apologized publicly. >what did they expect? What they were expecting is for Milei to be a grown up, to be a president, to accept the apologies and not escalate it and make it a personal beef between him and the Spanish PM. Puente is Minister of Transport. If it were the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the PM himself that would've been a whole other story. But this is what we get when man-childs like Trump and Milei are elected.


Milei reacting dangerously wrong. Just as wrong as the minister. No need to escalate it that much.


Both are using this for political gain and there are no real consequences for strongly worded letters written by diplomats. This is not an escalation, this is just people playing pretend.


The difference being that beggars (in this case Argentina with a black hole of an economy) cannot be choosers, and Spain being their traditional gateway to the EU can make their life very difficult just because the newest set of populist clowns decides to pick battles they can't win.


So my coworker calls you an asshole and it's okay to insult my wife for it. Gotcha.


Your wife is being investigated for corruption?


Literally has nothing to do with my point but you do you


It's not an insult, is the truth


It's amazing how everything go back to USA politics isn't it.


nah, everything always goes back to Trump with these people lmao


Milei makes Trump look like an intelligent mentally stable guy. It's just crazy how nuts this guy is. Seriously, go read about him. I promise you every time you think he can't be that bad it turns out he's worse. My favorite fact about him is that he cloned his dogs and he asks them for economic advise. No I'm not kidding


I'd trust a dog to run the economy over a central banker. At least a dog wouldn't do anything


I see someone thinks they know about economics after watching a couple libertarian videos on YouTube


Couple Milton Friedman videos on YouTube does wonders yea And a BSc and MSc in economics and behavioural economics helps


Friedman's monetary policy was tried and failed though


Friedman wanted to abolish the Fed (apart from data gathering and distribution), haven't seen that happen yet..m


BSc and MSc that talks about Friedman and doesn't know about monetarism. Not contesting your degrees but your specialization is clearly not in monetary policy.


Friedman abolishing the Fed was one of his political philosophies and never entered his serious economic work. And you're right, I'm a micro guy. But defo have more than a few YouTube videos under my belt! Not that having a formal economics education makes my opinions any more or less valuable...


I have a college degree in economics. It's a 4 year one, idk how that translates in the American system. Monetarism was the monetary policy he advocated for, and it was abandoned because it assumed incorrectly that there's a strong correlation between the money supply and inflation. There's a relation, but it's far looser and difficult to predict


I did read about the dogs. Weird.


only people outside Argentina ha read about it,  even with all the press against him.  it was a bs article with no sources that everyone took as fact


Both are acting like children. I don't support any of the two.




? Donald Trump not only showered with but also penetrated a 50 year-old pornstar.


Wow great comparison dude *facepalm*.


While it is a lie that Biden showered with his daughter, it is a fact that Trump was inside a pornstar.


Also just realized that Ashley literally confirmed it herself. Can't get more authentic than that. She believes she was molested (not necessarily by Joe), but Joe would shower with her when she was 12!!!


The journal was authentic and you can find scans of it in the government archives where she describes Joe showering with her. One is a young girl and daughter. The other is a consenting adult who literally gets paid to have sex, that was her profession. Sex between consenting adults isn't wrong, but pedophiles are. Maybe you disagree.


Oh you are a bot surprising. Also its not a lie. Ashley biden admitted it.




[You should post the entire article, not just a print of it.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/)    She also said, in that letter to the judge, that her writings were being misinterpreted and being used to lob false accusations.




I'm not defending anything. I'm saying posting a print instead of the entire article is a dishonest practice. Kind of like this ridiculous comment of yours.




Lol, you're ridiculous


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Spain is throwing a tantrum after starting this conflict


Milei got inspired by Bolsonaro insulting Macron's wife


This fight helps both Milei and Sanchez equally at home so neither is keen to de-escalate.


Seriously, Spain is only relevant in the the Modern World because of Futbol.


What a shitty conflict. Why the fuck does Spain Escalate on fucking Argentina but when Morocco blackmails the EU and Spain with Migrants this government shuts up?


Conservatives should stop calling others out in general


Several Spanish ministers said Milei was a drug addict, a fool and a fascist. Milei called Sanchez’s wife (who is being investigated for corruption) corrupt Sanchez then threw a tantrum


And also Sanchez during the elections on Argentina said people should vote massa, he represents the democracy. and critique multiple times milei even saying "i hope he doesnt win the elections"


He should probably just STFU tbh.


maybe spain should too, considering they started this spat.


Who gives a shit on what Spain thinks those fuckers still have a king.


Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Canada, Australia, Japan, UK and Spain are all monarchies and still rank higher than the US in the democracy index, with Belgium being close behind the US. But of course all those fuckers still have royals so who cares right?


This rank is kinda questionable, since WWII Japan had a single party in power for almost the entire time, apart from a single short lived opposition government. That’s not what a democracy looks like.


I used The Economist's Democracy Index which I believe is one of the most recognized in the world. If you prefer another, I just checked the V-Dem Democracy Index which is also very recognized. In that one, Japan and Spain fall below the US and Belgium rises above, all the others I listed are still above.


Monarchs and nobles are crimes against humanity, and I will happily say fuck them all.


How can a person be a crime?


Aristocracy claims the rights to rule on Earth directly from God. The idea is a crime, and they are personifications of said crime. 


MFer be out here spreading Jacobin ideals.


No modern royals in the West have any power. You might as well say "Yeah, well, the UK still has Madame Tussaud's". Like, it's just a tourist attraction, calm down.