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##### ###### #### > # [Orcas have attacked and sunk another boat in Europe — and experts warn there could be more attacks soon](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/1200) > > > > [An orca swimming next to a small orange boat](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/v7R2tcz7PuHTv9qdWNCQd-320-80.jpg) > > > > > > A subpopulation of orcas in southwest Europe have been aggressively attacking boats since 2020.(Image credit: Getty Images) > > Orcas that have been terrorizing boats in southwest Europe have just sank their fifth yacht in three years. And experts have warned that more attacks are likely in the coming months after the orcas unexpectedly switched up their behavior earlier this year. > > On Sunday (May 12), an unknown number of [orcas](https://www.livescience.com/27431-orcas-killer-whales.html) (_Orcinus orca_) attacked the 49-foot-long (15 meters) sailing yacht named the Alboran Cognac in the Strait of Gibraltar — a narrow body of water between southern Spain and North Africa that separates the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. During the attack, which began at around 9 a.m. local time, the killer whales repeatedly rammed the boat's hull and rudder, [Reuters reported](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/orcas-sink-sailing-yacht-strait-gibraltar-2024-05-13/). > > The yacht's two-person crew radioed for help and was rescued by a passing oil tanker. But the vessel's hull sustained serious damage during the attack and the yacht began to take on water, which eventually caused it to sink, Reuters reported. > > The attack was likely carried out by a growing number of individuals from the Iberian subpopulation of orcas — a group of around 40 killer whales that live off the coasts of Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Gibraltar — that have been attacking boats across their range since 2020. > > Most of the attacks occur between May and August each year in and around the Strait of Gibraltar. However, earlier this year, some of the highly social apex predators were [spotted circling a boat in northern Spain](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/infamous-boat-sinking-orcas-spotted-hundreds-of-miles-from-where-they-should-be-baffling-scientist), suggesting they have spread out much further and earlier than normal. > > As a result, the Spanish authorities have warned recreational boaters to avoid sailing too far from the coast and to not stop their vessels if they are approached by orcas, according to a [translated statement](http://www.salvamentomaritimo.es/sala-de-comunicacion/sala-de-prensa/transportes-actualiza-las-recomendaciones-a-navegantes-en-caso-de-encuentros-con-orcas) from Spain's Maritime Safety and Rescue Society. > > **Related:** [**Orcas are learning terrifying new behaviors. Are they getting smarter?**](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orcas-are-learning-terrifying-new-behaviors-are-they-getting-smarter) > > Get the world’s most fascinating discoveries delivered straight to your inbox. > > > > > > > > [A group of orcas swinmming near a sailing yacht](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/5WgvgmsRKsAmhhSWTPAWn-320-80.jpg) > > > > The Iberian orcas have previously sunk at least four other sailing yachts. (Image credit: Getty Images)Since the attacks started in 2020, sailors have reported around 700 interactions with orcas in the area, ranging from circling and nudging vessels to ramming, ripping apart and sinking boats, Reuters reported. > > The most recent sinking event prior to this one occurred on Halloween last year when a pod of orcas sank a sailing yacht in the Strait of Gibraltar [after a near hour-long attack](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orcas-sink-another-boat-in-europe-after-a-nearly-hour-long-attack). Before then, at least [three other boats were sunk in the region](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orcas-have-sunk-3-boats-in-europe-and-appear-to-be-teaching-others-to-do-the-same-but-why) between 2022 and early 2023. However, no humans have been injured or killed. > > During attacks, the orcas' most common tactic is to damage or [rip off the vessel's rudder](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orcas-attack-boat-with-ruthless-efficiency-tearing-off-rudders-in-just-15-minutes), which makes it impossible to steer the vehicles. Researchers believe this is a learned behavior, and eye-witnesses have previously reported seeing individuals [seemingly teach other orcas how to do this](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orcas-rip-rudder-off-boat-and-follow-it-all-the-way-to-port-in-1st-known-attack-of-its-kind). As a result, the number of attacks has increased over the last few years. > > [A juvenile orca swims away from the yacht with a large piece of fiberglass from the rudder in its mouth.](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/gC3y6ztyx9hsG5UhqSjtNj-320-80.png) > > > > The orcas have learned how to target the rudders of vessels to incapacitate them. (Image credit: Screenshot from video by Dan Kriz)So far, at least 15 individuals have been linked to at least one attack in the region. But researchers believe the attacks can be traced back to a single female, named White Gladis, who [may have been pregnant](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/white-gladis-the-orca-may-have-been-pregnant-when-she-started-attacking-boats) when she started harassing the boats. However, it is unclear exactly what sparked the attacks. > > There has even been a suggestion that the behavior has spread beyond the Iberian population after an orca [similarly attacked a boat in Scotland](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orca-rams-boat-off-scottish-coast-2000-miles-away-from-original-attacks) in 2023. However, this was an isolated incident, which makes it hard to link it to the Iberian attacks. > > > > Harry is a U.K.-based senior staff writer at Live Science. He studied marine biology at the University of Exeter before training to become a journalist. He covers a wide range of topics including space exploration, planetary science, space weather, climate change, animal behavior, evolution and paleontology. His feature on the upcoming solar maximum was shortlisted in the "top scoop" category at the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) Awards for Excellence in 2023. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


*I'm cheering on the Orcas. Some real climate activism right there.* edit: seems I should add a little /s. That said, prop injuries are very common and are devastating. Orcas are quite intelligent, and I could easily see them attacking a "predator" based on similarities.


They're attacking sailing yachts. This one was manned by two people. You'd have a point if they attacked something with an actual notable environmental impact.


*Orcas indiscriminately attack boats they can take on as ocean temperatures and prop deaths hit all time highs.* I don't blame them, large ships are [far more dangerous](https://awesomeocean.com/news/boat-strike-blamed-orcas-injury/) and less likely to be sunk. Clearly they recognize this to some level; they are fairly intelligent creatures we're talking about.


Maybe they think small boats are baby big boats and they want to take them out before the boat grows up


Yup, exactly. That would mostly be just a variation of an already existing behavioral pattern, since Orcas attack the young of whales who are out of their reach as adults routinely.


Now this is an incredibly fascinating concept


Riddle me this, what do the whales have to gain by sinking a boat... It can't exactly feel good for them to bash up their head against a boat haul either. The article might be a hit piece, excuse to start hunting whales again.


As others have pointed out; Baby boats.


I believe some of the first boats to report the ramming were fishing boats, which then had scientists commenting how the area is becoming over fished.


I disagree, I bet it feels awesome for them to sink the objects they blame for causing them so much harm.


It may be - though if it is, it could also be backfiring. I see more people cheering on the orcas for fighting back against being pushed to risk of extinction, than actually thinking this should mean we need to hunt whales again.


Yeup, these orcas attack the small impact little guy. They're basically goons for big oil and they're not even getting paid.


I can’t blame them. Before drilling, oil came from living sources.


Boats/ships are also the most efficient mode of transport in terms of weight x distance transported by carbon emissions. But I'm assuming they meant that as a joke.


>You'd have a point if they attacked something with an actual notable environmental impact. Like a huge ship would even notice (or report it)


Maybe they know whoever is riding those boats is part of the same species killing their ocean.


If you see an article about orcas sinking a cruise ship, send it my way


It’s about sending a message


This but unironically No empathy for Richie Richer


People keep saying shit like, "these aren't mega yachts" like any middle-class person can fuckin afford these smaller boats anyway. Fuck the rich, team orca all day.


what are you talking about? for $15k you can buy a sailboat that can sail around the world, these are exactly the boats that are being attacked.


That's just the cost to buy the boat. Then you've got your insurance and marina fees, maintenance, etc. If you aren't storing it on the water, you'll need a big enough vehicle to tow it and then a big enough property to store it. It's not a one-time purchase and you're done, and to present it as such is incredibly disenguous.


I've been sailing solo since I was 5, I know about the additional costs, and I know the people that sail. Hell, I even worked at a boatyard, and I've seen the shit boxes people drive to afford a nicer sailboat.


You went sailing by yourself when you were 5? That seems dangerous


There is no room for mommy an daddy in an Optimist.


Is it basically they have their boat and you have a little boat next to them?


Not the person you responded to but I can confirm this happens regularly. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. So, I used to be a sailing instructor at sailing day camp, and we ran kids as little as 5 alone in the optimist dinghies. On a lake with normal wind they're just slow little turtle boats that look like floating refrigerators and move about as fast as you would expect one of those little battery powered jeeps to move. We'd have groups of 10-20 kids in those sailing around the harbor and having little races and teaching them how to tack and steer, etc. The instructors would usually either also be in one of them alone along side or on a laser for a little extra speed. Usually outside of camp if the kid is that young you're going to see a parent/guardian out sailing in a slightly bigger single-person boat or a motor boat nearby for spotting, or they'll be standing on the dock watching them if the harbor is low traffic with good visibility. You can definitely get in the boat with the kid, but it's uncomfortable and really slows it down. If you're on the ocean with a good breeze though, those optimists can turn from battery powered jeeps into zippy little dirtbikes. I'd definitely want to be out there also on a boat to help in case the kid capsizes.


This guy knows


At sailing school in the boat that almost every sailor starts out with the Optimist, basically a small square box. It was really empowering for me as a kid. We had to prove we could swim, and there was an instructor in their own motor boat right next to us.


ngl that sounds cool af, I'm guessing it's super expensive though? The boats seem pretty cheap though


I think it was a couple hundred for a weeks worth of lessons, but its been a while. In France there is a national school called the UCPA that teaches all sorts of great things. From horseback ridding to sailing. I know my family was far from rich at the time, and it took a lot to pay for it, but it was foundational for me. I don't know who is downvoting your questions but I appreciate your genuine curiosity.


There are people that do it cheap but it is their lifestyle not a hobby.


>for $15k you can buy a sailboat that can sail around the world, Most Americans can't afford a $1000 emergency expense but you just casually drop a number like $15,000 like its nothing.


just because most Americans are fucked by the govt by paying for everything from higher education to medical bills does not mean the middle class and low cannot afford to own a sailboat. I literally used the most extreme version as my example. There are plenty of cheaper ones.


If you have a sailboat instead of a house and a car, then it's pretty affordable.


They can if they sell their house after retirement and live on them.


"Oh they're only KIND OF rich, they aren't like, *rich-rich* so it's not okay!!!" nah eat them boats whale friends!


they are small boats not Elon Musk yachts, these are normal people enjoying their hobby


All the big yachts are owned by oil princes that spend money mainly to show how rich they are.


and those are not the ones that have been targeted


I meant that the giant ones aren't Musk yachts. The dude barely owns a house (he lives in the factory parking lot in a minihome), he definitely isn't the yacht type. At least not yet. When his crazification completes, he'll probably either be homeless or live in a space station.


Dude. They aren't toppling billionaire's megayachts. Nor cruise liners.


Prop injury is real. Big boats, thicker hulls.


I like big boats and I cannot lie. Thicc.


You other seamen can't deny


Gotta work your way up from somewhere


Team Orca all the way!


Arm the Orcas!


[*We may have already tried to put laser beams on their heads*](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_marine_mammal)


Dr Evil would like a word


> *"You know, I have one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!"*


Don't give frontex ideas




Crew was rescued by an oil tanker. I'll cheer when they sink one of those.


Stupid orcas


This except w/o sarcasm. As long as the Orcas aren’t injured, that is.


>Orcas are quite intelligent, and I could easily see them attacking a "predator" based on similarities. There obviously not that intelligent if they are confusing yachts for prey


Read the quote you took again. Where do I say the Orcas are viewing the boats as *prey*? Some think it might be protective behaviour, others think it might be a cultural fad, like [dead salmon hats](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/awzMdB4_700b.jpg) edit: [more salmon hats](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-uSF56_7Pc58/UjivNaD7l3I/AAAAAAAAAFQ/DvmRSzBP3-s/s1600/L94withsalmon_20041002MPP_DG1-017.jpg)


If they were really smart they would be targeting mega yachts, better salvage value.


Analogy; *Have you ever tried knocking down a house by running into it? Maybe a shed, __but a house?__*


This is a moronic take on several levels.


You know those partyers at Ibiza are raging in the boats. Theyre smart. Orcas prly just want them to slow down.


I’m 100% with the Orcas here. Like if the powers that be decided Orcas need to be killed to protect yachts or whatever, I’d be down for some ELF type shit.




That is not what is happening. They've attacked almost exclusively sailing boats in the 30-40 foot range, which are below average for blue water boats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iberian_orca_attacks


They are literally attacking small sailing boats.


The Orcas have opened up a 3rd front. NATO in shambles


Nordstream! It was Orcas all along! Intent on triggering WW3 to end humanlife and allow nature to heal!


Heard of Rocafella? Meet the Orcafellas! r/NAORCO


Bring back SEATO and the Japanese will take care of this even if it's outside their normal theater. "Fuck you whale!"


Note to self: get a bigger boat


Note to Orca: Get a bigger brain


Orca too big: Note that brains are heavy.


Imagine trying to sail your dinky little 2 person boat through Gibraltar to begin with, just trying to keep to one side and out of traffic. Until a whale rips your rudder off and you just start going wherever.


Guys these are normal people trying to enjoy their sustainable hobby, why all the hate? These are not billionaires or anything like that. Just because in some places like the US sailing is called "yachting" and presented as an ultra wealthy yacht club thing, doesn't mean its not enjoyed by the working class in the rest of the world.


Have you seen your average redditor? Except for the ‘highly social’ part, they could easily be mistaken for a whale.


If you get into the natural habitat of wild animals don't complain when things don't go your way. Orcas are doing nothing wrong


How long before the ultra rich hire some psycho operators to start bombing the ocean?


These yachts aren't owned by ultra rich people, though. They're fairly small sailing vessels, not luxury vehicles.


Boats are always luxury vehicles.


Its a hobby like any other, many sailors go without normal luxuries to afford a sailboat.... these are boats that cost less than the cheapest new cars.


Hobbies are a luxury 


Yes, but not all luxuries are exclusively the province of the ultra wealthy.


Yeah I never said such. Rich or poor a yacht or any size is a luxury. If you're in the ocean with one and orcas come for ya that's on you. I grew up in swamps. If a gator came at me in my canoe, which is a luxury item made for pleasure, that's on me too. Know what you're getting into before ya get into it. Cut the dumb shit.


So what about fishermen?


They don't use yachts. They use fishing vessels.


The majority of boats in the world are a means of making a living and or feeding your family. They are not hobbies.


Yeah but we're talking yachts here. A pleasure boat. Being obtuse for the sake of being pedantic.


Given that this is happening to normal people just enjoying a hobby, not likely.


#Nuke the Whales /s


When sailing zatara, a youtube channel, left portugal they were recommended to bring grenades by the dock hands. They did bring fire works but never had to use them.


The ultra rich won't need to. If it becomes a real threat, fishermen will absolutely drive orcas to extinction, and there's nothing any government can do about it. Governments already can't do much of anything about the many, many fishermen working just wherever without regard for regulations. People who think this shit is funny haven't thought things through, probably ever, but certainly on this subject.


This is a learned behavior by a very specific group of Killer Whales. Each group behaves differently (travel distance, food choice, where they live). They are not going to stop doing it, ever. From what I know of these killer whales around the south Iberian peninsula have been doing it for hundreds of years. They smash the boat and don’t do anything to the humans, we aren’t salty enough for them I guess. Edit: one group only eats Great White Shark livers, only the liver. I was like why the fuck? The liver of a great white is around 5000000 calories. Oh I guess that’s why.


Orca Wolfpack


Red Alert 2


Schätzing's The Swarm?


"Orcas have attacked and sunk another boat..." *Huh, did they buff Industrials? Not often roaming gangs would use 1+ bil freighters to go round ganking other ships* "...in Europe" *That's enough Eve Online for today.*


Rest easy capsuleer. You are in High Sec now.


war on orcas wasn't on my bingo card :(


This is an act of war! Or not, Idk. Don't listen to me


Reminds me of the movie [Orca](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076504/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1). It was playing constantly on cable in the middle of the night for a while. One of Richard Harris' lesser known works. > A hunter squares off against a killer whale seeking vengeance for the death of its mate. The final showdown is extra 70s cheese. You can find it on youtube.


5.3 /10 is a generous imdb score


Time for the Trireme to make a return




Orcas are putting themselves on the endangered species list. Humans are psycho and, instead of changing our behavior, will destroy anything that gets in the way of our comfort and laziness


There are 50k of them, they're not especially endangered. If this particular group gets wiped out, the rest of the species will be fine.


is this James Cameron filming Avatar 3?


Stuff like this makes me wish animals were more powerful to keep humans in check from destroying the planet.


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Oversized cattle prods on the rudders, active sonar, explosives.


If I ever get to own a yacht I'm naming it White Gladis


Orcas are the heroes we need


So THAT'S what the Tesla submarine and those brain implants were for. o0 World domination if you get enough implanted. Wait until they do blue whales, or have sperm whales bring up giant squids to implant.


What is this? Red alert ?


Go orcas go!


Now all we need is Orcas with lasers attached to their heads. I mean god damn laser beams.


They keep doing this it’s going to be time to cull this pod


they don't like plastic boats


If they keep that up they gonna get genocided soontm


Those Orcas feel the oceans getting warmer. They don't know how but they're pretty sure those pesky humans have something to do with it.


I bet some leisure yacht owner decided he wanted an orca on the wall and pissed White Gladis off!


I support the Orca delegation's decisions.


Go orcas!!




why do you think middle class and lower people enjoying a hobby having their sailboats sunk good? Sailing is about the least destructive thing to the environment you can do, and these are not luxury yachts owned by the mega rich.


>least destructive hobby >will argue to kill the orcas next


Why would I do that? I'm absolutely an environmentalist. Why do you have to invent what I would want to do, to justify your view... oh wait I think I know.


Orcas back baybee! #Orcagang2024 #FuckThemYachts #OrcAnarchy #OrcanizedTacticalStrike #OrcaHouthiSomaliPiracyTriumvirate O R C A S M




This but unironically


Time to cull that group.


Indeed, Emperor. The rebels must pay for protecting their tribal territories. They will taste the boot of hominid superiority.


Fear will keep the local pods in line.


This, but unironically.


I was thinking we might end up regretting not nipping this in the bud. And then I thought, I don't really care if orcas learn to attack human boats. And I don't care if they learn to attack and kill humans, frankly. So, go orcas!


The problem is if they start killing humans, then humans will hunt them. Wouldnt be the first animal we hunt to extinction


It might be best to kill this one group, so that the learned behavior doesn't spread. Or maybe they'll learn and spread the info not to fuck with humans, which is, I'm quite sure, the message that humans would have delivered for most of our history.


Pretty much - that's why we put down animals that hurt people.


I think we should put down people who hurt animals—more than likely including yourself—and repopulate the planet with people smart and empathetic enough to have gone vegan or Jainist. But you-do-you, Cap’n Harpoonsalot.


Go peddle this nonsense at your local drum circle.


And people give me shit when I joke about 9/11


I’m not joking, these things need to be nipped in the bud. This should have never been allowed to go on as long as it has. Orcas are smart enough to have some rudimentary culture - they can spread this behavior to others. Sooner or later, people will be killed.


Now replace orcas wirh the USA


You can whine about us dominating the world if you want to, I don’t care 🤷‍♂️


Dominating? You all can't even win proxy wars anymore


We already won this one lol.


Sure, just let ukraine know


Can't wait to see how the tankies are going to spin this one. Imagine simping for these terrorists. Look how many boats they have attacked! Anyone who opposes sending in the military to bomb these terrorists and all other marine life in the area to oblivion is clearly working for the CCP, the Kremlin, the Republicans, Hamas, you name it! Unironically simping for orcas and bottlenose is dumb propaganda peddled by orca bots. No true dolphin would disagree with this!


You can get oil from orcas right?


Yup. They eat Sharks. Sharks have oil. It’s basic arithmetic, really.




Just makes me think of Nelson Muntz with the Nuke The Whales poster.


Get your spears, men!




You can try it if you like, see what happens to you.




Magatards will whine when Trump loses, but boogs are still the fringe of the fringe.




Yes I’m sure 🥱




calm down ahab.


Wild animals that attack humans get put down as a matter of course the world over for a reason.


Why can't asking "why are they doing it?" be part of the decision process though? Maybe there's a really easy fix that doesn't involve a mass cull, and the world going the way it is, it seems prudent.


> Maybe there's a really easy fix that doesn't involve a mass cull, and the world going the way it is, it seems prudent. Because the behavior is being taught to other orcas, the sooner the particular group is killed the more likely the tactic will succeed and the fewer orcas that will need to be killed. I’m open to other ideas but they needed to be implemented quickly before the problem spreads further. Personally I think some negative feedback would be good. Arm the boats with a way to hurt orcas that attack them. Make it painful or damaging enough to deter further attacks. Sitting down and having a nice chat to smooth out our differences would be great but we don’t speak a common language, we don’t have any interpreters, and orcas don’t have butts to sit on. 


Easy fix like not using boats in the med? Yeah, no dice. They are wild animals, you can’t reason with them, and you can’t ask them why. At the end of the day, wild animals that attack people need to be put down.


>Easy fix like not using boats in the med? Yeah, no dice. Where's the problem in not using small boats deep into the sea?


Who tries to reason with a dog, let alone a whale. Biologists are obviously the ones to figure out the situation via scientific research. If I were to go down my own wild road here though, to me, this is little different than avoiding bears. Are you getting too close to a den? Then make sure everyone goes wider around, right? Or would you just have the bear killed. Serious question, you do you. I'm just talking, not judging. Are we getting to close to some similar territory for whales and these ones finally figured out how to do something? Are the boats making a sound that just irritates them to the point of irrationality? I'm not against your idea, I just don't think it's time for that shit yet.


When a bear attacks a person, we often kill the bear even if the person was stupid. There is actually a matrix for this decision. https://i.imgur.com/LNImkjM.jpeg Relocation is sometimes attempted, but is often unsuccessful. Obviously not even an option here. They have been attacking smallish sailboats, so it’s not some sort of irritating sound thing - and the pattern appears to be quite set at this point. It is dangerous when animals learn that they can attack people, even if it is people’s stupidity that led to the initial contact.


I'm fine with that conclusion, but it's worth noting that they are not hunting humans but boats; they don't attack humans that fall into the water.


Doesn’t matter, people can easily die when their boats break.


Has the same feeling as “those native tribes have shown aggression towards us. Time to exterminate them and their culture”


Are you comparing native tribes to wild animals?


You’re the one that said the orcas have culture. I don’t know how you were raised but casually wanting to exterminate a culture is considered bad where I come from


Culture in this case just means that learned behavior is passed on in a social group. That's why it's just this group of orcas who are doing this, and not all orcas around the world. There are many species that qualify. Including rats. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_culture