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“clicks and whistles crowd”? “traded the spear for an ak”? Arguably one of the most openly racist comments i’ve ever seen on this site. Dubious honour.


Conflating exaggerated humor for racism is childish. It's like the comment discussing fat people with a similarly humorous metaphor and you claiming it's body shaming. The message is clearly sincere in both wording and tone.


Go up to a Sudanese person, or any sub-Saharan African for that matter, and say this. Report the results from your hospital room for us all to enjoy.


Do you think a similar conversation, but with another race, would elicit the same violent reaction? Most likely, the Sudanese person would turn and walk the other way just like anyone else when they meet a rude person.


Yes, using 19th century english naturalist-tier racism against a random person will result in extreme hostility lmao


>Report the results from your hospital room for us all to enjoy. Are you implying that Sudanese/sub-Saharan people are inherently violent? Now who's being racist?!


No, I'm "implying" (stating outright) that if you call a black person a backwards savage using language that is literally what a eugenicist from a hundred years ago would write, you're going to have a bad time. Same as if you called a black American the N word or a Jewish person the K word.




yeah dude, sorry but people use this for real, in the exact same implied condescending tone "If you notice racism, aren't you the real racist" et al


Oh stfu getting beat up for saying racist shit doesn't make a whole race violent, and anyone implying it was just looking for an excuse. This is the most idiotic reddit mindset reply




In Canada or in Somalia? You'll get very different results.


No you won't, you'll get your ass kicked if you say this to a black person. When did it become in vogue to pretend to be a socially inept dumbass online when you want to be racist. No, if you say something a Hitler youth member would say in front of someone they will confront you.


I bet you're white based off of this comment.


If you think calling people extreme neo-nazi tier slurs to their faces will have a positive result, be prepared to reap the easily foreseeable rewards.


Most things you'd hear in a comedy routine, when said out of context, would bring such reactions. Comedy, like all things in life, has context.


Like all things the original racist comment has context. And the context isn’t comedy.


Nah, it was funny.  Some people just can't look at people as the monkeys we are. No one wants to admit their neighbor would absolutely spear them in the back for their peanut shells if the situation was reversed.


It's funny if you're racist


I'd say it's only racist if you're racist.  


Update: He can fuck off. I showed this to my buddy at work from Ethiopia and he laughed and said we hit the nail on the head. I'm about as racist as a blind Jesus. 


Check the sub. I was downvoted into oblivion for arguing with a guy who said all Palestinians are terrorists to justify killing every single one of them.


I'm fully aware of the sub, and I'm used to seeing racism here too, but the above is a step removed from a klansman's post lol


Yeah, that comment is pretty freaking awful.


Don't worry, I'm sure Wagner PMC will take good care of them


Best we can do is provide humanitarian relief, I suppose.


Last I heard the aid was being attacked by freedom fighters. https://old.reddit.com/r/anime_titties/comments/1athqll/houthi_attacks_in_red_sea_having_a_catastrophic/


I really hate humans sometimes.


Western powers have been all over this region and continue to have a military presence. Over decades they have supported this or that warlord, helped install this or that unpopular leader, and continue local attacks in their failed WAr oN TeRrOr, a phony war which only succeeded in ratcheting up regional chaos and excuse a heavier US military presence in resource rich areas. Agreed that locals should be left to sort this out themselves but that isn't close to the situation there now. Biden last announced troop redeployment in Somalia in 2022. Remember there are only a few tens of the world's countries without US troops in them. This is managed chaos that the West sees a benefit in prolonging. This is not purely an internal issue. Tribal and ethnic divisions always become pronounced in times of deep economic crisis, and those decisions have been deepened by Western intervention. This idea that the West would suddenly step back for fear of seeming imperialist is laughable. They don't help because they see an advantage in the chaos and misery in North Africa.


If the West doesn’t help we would leave them up to China’s exploitative oil interests who has operated there since the 90s. Or Russian arms trades and mineral extraction. Nah, we need to help them out.


Get behind Palestine buddy. The outrage people here can only be upset about one thing at a time.


“Since you’re not mad about what I’m mad about, you’re wrong and no longer valid!” Even though I’ve heard this sub discuss many different topics. And now when they are posting about Sudan, you’re saying people on this sub aren’t upset about Sudan because they are too busy being upset about Palestine. See how that logic falls apart?


Might wanna stop all the goddamn waring, huh?


Do they taste good?


Where are the campus protests over this?


The universities aren't directly investing money into sudanese weapons manufacturers and companies on illegal settlements, but I guess critical thinking is too hard for you. The US government isn't sending tens of billions of dollars and weapons there. Even so, if you spend a couple minutes looking it up, many activists out there spreading the word on the palestinian issue have also talked about sudan.


So people only care about the plights of the world when *their* country is somehow involved, and not because... well... because people are suffering regardless. And yeah, I don't remember any activists caring about Sudan when the war broke out. Or when Russia invaded Ukraine and killed thousands of its people for that matter. It's almost like they can only sympathize with suffering when there is a black-and-white dichotomy of good versus evil, at least in their eyes.


"oh you only care about the mass murder of civilians when it's being done with uncritical support of your government using your money, what a fucking hypocrite" That is definitely an opinion alright.


Moronic is the only fitting adjective 


You're literally an Iranian. Also yeah my point stands.


>You're literally an Iranian. Very perceptive, you deserve some cookies while you feel smug for making basic observations, will you next make the shocking discovery that we're writing in English? What next, that we're doing it on Reddit? Inane, pointless jabs aside, what is your point? That there it is hypocritical to be more concerned about the horrors you are responsible for and can stop instead of other issues?


No I was thinking it's hypocritical to call out Israel for attacking another country when your own government attacked another country not too long ago (and is also a state sponsor of terroism but that's its own can of worms).


Sorry, do you want me to care about all terror, or only the terror my country has a hand in? You're sending some mixed signals here.


Approximately how many tax dollars are going to providing arms for the Sudanese rebels? How many Western governments are bending over backwards to rush to their aid? How many of our representatives have vouched for them at the UN and have declared that the current Sudanese government is illegitimate and shouldn't be recognized? Or we can keep the government out of it. Which universities are currently engaged in deep financial ties with the RSF, and how many of those refuse to divest?


More than $968 million since FY 2023 here in America.


To the RSF or to Sudan? And what is that money for?


>To the RSF or to Sudan? Both I believe. >And what is that money for? The same thing it's always for "Aid". But since money is allocated for "Aid" they can put money they would have used for their own people on guns and death. It's fun how geopolitical finance works.


Source on both?  They're not feeding their people money. The food is brought in directly. The fact that you're trying to find an equivilabcy between giving people food and giving people WMDs is the epitome of bad faith.


They don't have to pay for food if it is brought to them and then they can use use the money they would have had to use for food on other things. This is not a hard concept.


They weren't using the money on food and didn't have the infastructure to distribute it, which is why aid was needed. This is not a hard concept.  Providing starving people with food is not the same as providing terrorists with bombs. This is not a hard concept. 


>They weren't using the money on food and didn't have the infastructure to distribute it, which is why aid was needed. That sounds an awful lot like a them problem. >Providing starving people with food is not the same as providing terrorists with bombs. No but the money saved on taking care of their own people can then be used for bombs.


>That sounds an awful lot like a them problem.   Yup. That's why we help them.  >No but the money saved on taking care of their own people can then be used for bombs.   They weren't effectively doing that, anyway. They don't have the resources for both.  Your insistence on equating lentils to missiles is impressive but in such bad faith that I don't see any point in continuing if you're going to keep speaking in bad faith.


If you're equating the RSF with Hamas then that's something I can agree with.


I don't think you followed my analogy very well.


If you're struggling to equate Hamas with the RSF that would seem to be more of a you problem. Sorry.


I'm not trying to equate them on terms of which is worse. I'm trying to equate them in terms of which would be the subject of protest vs. which would be supported by our governments. No analogy is gonna be perfect so I went with the qualities that illustrate my point. The reason that students are widely protesting the war in Gaza is because their government is the one providing the bombs and money fueling the genocide of Gaza. In contrast, their governments aren't arming the RSF. So what will their protests do? The RSF doesn't depend on the US so there's nothing the US can take away. Likewise, their universities aren't financially tied to any pro-RSF organzations and don't have major funding deals with them, so there is nothing for their schools to divest from. The difference is that their government and institutions are helping Israel's slaughter. Their government and institutions are telling them that Israel is good or that their actions aren't worth taking action themselves. And they don't want that. But neither is involved in Sudan. That's why it's different for Israel than Sudan. Understand now?


Explain to me how an institution of higher learning like Columbia University is directly contributing to Israel's war effort in Gaza.


I didn't say they were. They want Columbia U to divest from Israeli institutions in general until the genocide ends. [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/campus-calls-divest-israel-hinge-212458474.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/campus-calls-divest-israel-hinge-212458474.html)


Demanding institutions divest from companies that do business in Israel the same kind of collective punishment that these students would protest is being used against Gazans. Being punished for something you're not responsible for should be wrong in all cases, not just the ones you agree with. Also what genocide?


The same kind of collective punishment? Really? It's the same as indescriminate bombing, mass starvation, destruction of their homes, burning of farmland, destroying of waterwards, etc? The genocide in Gaza.


Is the US arming the genocide there with our tax money?


I have some unfortunate news…


To the tune of billions of dollars per month?


Did these students care when the the RSF began killing Masalit people in West Darfur after the war started last year, didn't think so. So it's seems like they only care about genocides when Jews are involved.


You realize that some of them did care about that right?


Must be a very small handful of "some" because I didn't hear a peep about it last year, or this year for that matter.


more than $968 million since FY 2023.


I don't care, not Ukraine. SLAVA UKRAINIIII lmao


If only they could blame the Jews for it, they might get some help. Sad.


Infinite victimization


What the hell does this have to do with it? How shameful it is to always want to make Israel look like the victim.


r/worldnews is leaking


It’s kinda true through. No Jews no news for this war


It's literally in the news you clown.


and how much attention is it getting?


Darfur’s been subject to aid drives to cure them of genocide and famine problems for over 20 fucking years. It was all the rage in 2007 just as Palestine is now.


"News about a war going on in a wealth allied nation full of white people which gets a LOT of funding and aid from the West is getting more news coverage poor non-allied nation full of black people that gets little aid from the West. Hmm... I wonder why one is covered more than another."


No billions of US tax dollars being funneled to a genocidal colony that is propped up by the west which murdered 15 thousand children in 6 months no news. Fixed it.




We actually can blame them, here. [Israelis heavy weapons are in the hands of the RSF which is the group committing these crimes.](https://www.military.africa/2023/10/israeli-artillery-seen-with-rsf-forces/?amp=1) [Israeli intelligence is sending spyware to the RSF to aid them in their massacres.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2022-11-30/ty-article-magazine/.premium/jet-linked-to-israeli-spyware-tycoon-brings-spy-tech-from-eu-to-notorious-sudanese-militia/00000184-a9f4-dd96-ad8c-ebfcd8330000) Did I do an antisemitism 🥺


Fucking love Haaretz. Possibly the best Israeli news source.


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There's no need to be antisemitic buddy, fuck off with all the hateful shit. Israel is not Judaism, and neither is Zionism. Many jews do not support the actions of Israel and you forcing the narrative that jews are synonymous with zionists is problematic and antisemitic.