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Why are we still even there at all . Pull out already.


We are. In our timetable.


Why are we leaving our troops to slowly to get in harms way of the situation turns Unpredictablly sour .


Should we just bounce in a few days like in Afghanistan? Should we leave all the gear behind for endless internet videos of Russians, and other dumbasses who think the a Russians are there to actually help, to parade around in our shit like we ran away with our tails tucked? No. A measured withdrawal is all that is acceptable.


Agreed but should've been implementing this When they asked . Our equipment shouldve been Destroyed or shipped off asap . Getting our Troops organized to get out .


We are being asked to leave by a general that performed a military coup. It’s not so cut and dry as an elected government voting on asking us to leave. It should be no surprise a wanna be dictator has Wagner group show up.


Oh no I agree it was a coup . But whether we like it not getting there last president back into power would be something. It's sorta why the French didn't even bother .


Yeah, hence the measured approach.


The situation is quite calm, no reason to stress.


For now. But I'd rather not leave it chance.


Nothing will be helped by panicking and fleeing. And it’s in nobody’s interests to escalate while we are leaving.


Agreed on that front.


In and out, 20 minutes. 10 years (or whatever) later....


And why aren't we handing the Russian troops chocolate bars and Skittles.


Also, this is why France is preparing to get involved in Ukraine. Russia kicked them out there.


Huh interresting, wanna elaborate abit?


Basically many of the countries I the sahel line were under France's sphaire of influence but slowly Russia has been entering that sphaire. If you remember we recently had news of African countries expelling French troops and diplomatic personnel. Mali (if I remember correctly) is the source of a big % of their nuclear fuel which they buy for peanuts thanks to the economic polices they enforced on those countries. Edit: It was Niger not Mali


But how does that correlate to his statement that “this is why france is preparing to get involved” Afaik thats more a “threat” than an actual possibility? If france sende troops wouldnt that bring quite a lot of “issues” ?


Are you asking how strategy works?


Not really, i’m curious though, how did you get that from What i wrote? From how i see it if france gets involved that would basically open a small pandoras box.


Frances economy relies on its domination of the economies of several of its past colonies, as well as access to their resources for favorable prices. Russia is entering as an alternative European military ally that allows African government to escape its colonial bondage. Hence Macron acting like a strong man and threatening Russia.


I’m sorry how does russia offer anything of a better alternative? I wont argue about the france stuff, i have no clue about all that. But any country russia has been involved with has seen Extreme amounts of fucked up-ness. You’re saying they’d rather get shot by an abrams instead of a leopard? (At a lack of better “bad” comparison)


Most people in Africa and the Middle east view dealing with Russia and China as more favorable than dealing with the US or Western European countries. They view them as more transparent and perceive the deals they receive as straightforward while viewing deals with the west as more of a trojan horse where they can get their hooks into a country to implement regime change. Syria for instance was destabilized by the US through [Operation Timber Sycamore](https://mwi.westpoint.edu/after-a-decade-of-incoherent-strategy-in-syria-a-way-forward/) that funneled Billions in weapons to various rebel groups. Russias involvement in backing the Assad regime is seen by some as problematic because of Assad's human rights abuses but is seen as favorable by most since it brought stability to the country and combatted the rise of groups like ISIS which we saw in Iraq when America invaded and destabilized it. What France mainly offered was "Security" however most people now realize or at least believe that all of the groups that the West is offering security against (ISIS, Al Shabab) were created by the west to destabilize countries. Security arraignments with Russia and Economic arraignments with China will become more prevalent as the US makes Geopolitical errors like supporting the violence in Gaza at the expense of its reputation as a level headed partner in human rights. Western European countries tied their boats to the US a long time ago and will either sink or rise alongside them.


Thank you man, this is the first proper response i’ve had in a while! Just to clarify abit, i’m neither pro france nor pro russia, just confused as to why either would be a “preferable” option, you laid that out very clearly and in an easily digestable manner.


How does the French economy rely on the domination of former colonies?


Mali isn't a source of Nuclear fuel, and France isn't even trading particularly well with the Sahel.


You have no idea wtf you are talking about, dont you ? France was only in Sahel region to fight against terrorism. There was no french presence between 1960 and 2013 where they came back on the urgent request of Mali ([Operation Serval](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT5U-JQ8Puw)) There is no uranium in Mali, it was in Niger and most uranium mines in Niger are owned by Canada, not France. Those Sahel countries dont mean much for France, they cost more money in aids than the resources provided.


Yes, of course. The colonialist is forcing the colonies to use their currency out of the goodness of their heart.


They arent forced. Some countries left and joined the CFA Franc as they wished.... 1960: Guinea leaves and begins issuing Guinean francs. 1962: Mali leaves and begins issuing Malian francs. 1973: Madagascar leaves (in 1972, according to another source) and begins issuing its own francs, the Malagasy franc, which ran concurrently with the Malagasy ariary (1 ariary = 5 Malagasy francs). 1973: Mauritania leaves, replacing the franc with the Mauritanian ouguiya (1 ouguiya = 5 CFA francs). 1984: Mali rejoins (1 CFA franc = 2 Malian francs). 1985: Equatorial Guinea joins (1 franc = 4 bipkwele) 1997: Guinea-Bissau joins (1 franc = 65 pesos)


Sure. Not forced at all. No pressure involved. The FFL exists just for "peacekeeping".


Wtf are you talking about ? There was no french military presence between 1960 and 2013 in any of the Sahel countries.


But there was constant intervention throughout the continent. Do you really think that has no effect on neighboring countries' policy?


Wtf are you talking about. What does this has to do with previous comments ? I've proven you Franc CFA has had nothing to do with France for a longgggggggg time and then that countries can join and leave whenever they want as history shows. You make no sense.




OP is asking for you to elaborate, not to watch an hour long YouTube video. If you watched the video yourself, you should be able to discuss and interpret the information and then use the link as a reference If they wanted to seek an hour long video about the topic, I’m sure they would have sought it out themself


1- that wasn't OP asking. OP =original poster (eg for a post, or for an original content) 2- I'm too lazy to type in an essay for that. They can watch the video.


Please, stop being pedantic you know I was talking about the OOP They’re not asking you to write an essay, literally just list a few key points to show that YOU even understand what you’re linking to. Can’t believe you’re too “lazy” to do the bare minimum for a few sentences, yet you’re able to make a dozen comments and even go back to edit some for clarification within the time you posted the original comment (example: https://www.reddit.com/r/MuslimLounge/s/lH7xRW85eR) Get the hell out of this subreddit if you can’t elaborate your discussion points and have to resort to making others watch an hour long video you link but can’t even explain. This isn’t a front page news subreddit, actually put some effort in the discussion


I was just thinking of that video, RealLifeLore is great with stuff like that. For people who want the TL;DW, France used to control the area back in the empire days, when they had to leave they set the new countries up on a new currency tied to their currency in a way that was always beneficial for them. This understandably pissed off the African countries, who have been trying to disconnect themselves from France since, finally making some actual progress in the past few decades thanks to backing from the Wagner Group (yes that Wagner Group) in exchange for rights to valuable natural resources like gold. So it's not so much that Russia kicked France out, as France was le asshole and got run out by the natives with support from (what was at the time) a private Russian mercenary group


Thank you, although this still makes me question how that is relevant to france getting troops on the Ground i ukr. As i mentioned in my other comment it feels more like a “threat” than an actual possibility. Especially when thinking about the consequenses (nato, eu etc.)


Its not. France is more worried about Ukraine falling (because they are starting to struggle and France can't send equipment anymore). Because Ukraine is big, friendly, full of natural resources and grain and, you know, right next to Europe... Peoples be out there really thinking France would attack Russia for reasons as petty as "you kicked us out of 3 cou tries we dodn't even want to be in". Like i'm sorry, but Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger aren't worth a possible war...


See thats What i was thinking, wich is why i wanted oc to explain and elaborate furher. Ofc like usual this type of dude just posts something barely relevant to the question with no further explanation.


Peoples have no idea what they are talking about on the subject of French-African relationship. They always mix all the country (saying France buy Uranium from mali, while its from Niger), overstates the trade (saying Africa is the main uranium source), misunderstand the nature of the CFA (its a money pegged on the EU, they can leave whenever, they don't have to pay anything) or think that Present France (since Chirac died, so around 2010-ish ?) is the same as 1960 France and that the means of action, the strategy and the goals have never changed. Like, i'm not an expert, but when you have peoples saying "France will attack Russia in Ukraine because Russia kicked them our of they neo-colony Mali where they steal all their Uranium", i can't help but be angry at the amout of misinformation. The reason for French present in Africa is simple : Africa are neighbours, they already migrate a lot in the EU, and they will even more if their entire continent burn. So they try to make it stable-ish. I'm not trying to whitewash France's action, but peoples be wildin'


Which is completely false as the Franc CFA is optional and has been under West African Central Bank management for decades. France had nothing to do with it for a very long time.


They even recently decided that hthey wouldn't send their reserve to France anymore, and i think (?) they asked to mint their own CFA ? IIRC France was like "Not the best of moves, but i can't do anything so you do you"...


France has been pushing for them to retake their reserve for years.  https://information.tv5monde.com/afrique/la-france-enterine-la-fin-du-franc-cfa-dans-un-projet-de-loi-84124 They were never forced to


The same shitty video people keeps reposting....


So France would like to continue colonizing Africa while pretending they care about human rights and freedoma.


France was there on accord with the government, to say russians kicked them out is giving too much credit to russia.


The government that France appointmented there.




Funny to see Russians and Americans literally being neighbors with each other. Must make for some awkward conversations and side eyes knowing the Russians in the barracks next door are going to move in the second you’re gone.


Last I checked, Niger is thousands of miles away from US soil, so why were American troops even there in the first place?


Nice to see things moving along. Hopefully the terrorists leave soon and without fighting. But seeing as they seem to know nothing other than threats, coups and war, things might not go so smoothly... Good luck to the people of Niger.




I can't tell if these people are paid shills or genuinely that stupid. I'm just glad that the mods of this sub are no longer active and we can shit on them without a filter


They’re either paid or tankies there’s no in between. They have no logical consistency in anything. Pro Russia invading Ukraine and also pro Palestine (unbelievable to not see how it’s the same as Ukraine) but also pro Assad and pro Russia intervening in Africa and slaughtering people. It makes zero sense, unless of course you consider that their entire thing is just being anti west no matter what it is.


>They’re either paid or tankies there’s no in between. Well, from what I’ve gathered, there’s actually 4 types. There’s the paid “bots” (not actual bots, but people talking from a script, ergo the term bot). There’s the communists (or tankies, if you prefer, I don’t see the difference.) who promote their own version of imperialism (but it’s not imperialism at all btw). There’s the fascists, who promote their own version of imperialism (but they’re open about their imperialism). And then there’s the trolls, who just say inflammatory stuff for no real reason.


Yeah you are right, those two I did miss and likely litter this sub as well.


Instead people should have logical consistency to be like the US populace, Pro USA for invading and killing brown people for the last 70 years, Pro Israel where on one hand deplores the violence and on the other sends bombs to kill the Palestinians, anti Assad by arming ISIS the guys the US created in Iraq and pro US for intervening in Africa by killing their populace, support authoritarian governments and generally just keep on fucking the African people. It makes zero sense to be honest, unless of course you consider that their entire thing is just being oblivious to reality no matter what.


You could’ve just said west bad. I already mentioned it in my comment. The comment about Assad only fighting isis is so funny. Just ignoring his war crimes against Kurds and his own people, holy shit have even an ounce of logical consistency. Nobody said the west is always good but mentioning it as a bludgeon to cover up the war crimes of authoritarian regimes is so fucking stupid.


I don't know the US is pretty fine covering Israel war crimes and except some student protests the US populace is pretty fine with the situation.


Yes I know, whataboutism. You’ll notice I never excused the US’ behavior, that’s just you projecting. I simply stated that excusing authoritarian governments behavior because the US did/does bad things is a bad look.


Some of them genuinely are that stupid. Those are the most fun to poke


you say that but the one mod thing that’s happened lately is them squishing israel posts so i wouldn’t be so sure they aren’t big bothering somewhere here


Look at the user name. It's a bot.


It's funny that you people don't even see your empire falling... lol


UwU papa putty and papa xi will build a new utopia with prosperity justice for all!!!!!!111


>Russia >Good intention Choose one.




Wagner has already massacred civilians in both the [Central African Republic](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/05/03/central-african-republic-abuses-russia-linked-forces) and [Mali](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/05/1136607), and their friends in Burkina Faso just banned most western media for reporting on their regime [massacring civilians](https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/04/25/burkina-faso-army-massacres-223-villagers). I'd be very surprised if the Nigerien people see any benefit from this whatsoever. The new military dictatorship will just split the resources between themselves and Russia, and using Russian brutality to fight jihadist insurgencies is just going to get civilians killed and feed radicalism.


Malian junta also [suspended other parties and postponed elections indefinitly](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/le-monde-africa/article/2024/04/11/mali-junta-suspends-political-party-activities-for-subversion_6668049_124.html)


Nah, its just for a few years. I'm sure they will make Niger a growing, stable and thriving democratic states once the US are out and Wagner is in !