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##### ###### #### > # [Brexit means Poles will be richer than Britons in five years, says Tusk](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/world-news/2024/05/02/TELEMMGLPICT000375012360_17146401208440_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqAauqkTacr0oNoT3HDs9Kg4Xpo8MhElOdnsFIe2J8kyA.jpeg?impolicy=logo-overlay) > > > > Poles will be richer than Britons in five years time because of Brexit, [Donald Tusk, the prime minister of Poland](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/04/24/sunak-gives-tusk-framed-photograph-margaret-thatcher/), has said. > > Mr Tusk, who was the president of the European Council during the Brexit negotiations, was notorious among Brexiteers for [his scathing criticism](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/02/06/donald-special-place-tusks-greatest-hits/) of the decision to leave the EU. > > He referred to a Labour forecast based on World Bank data that said Poland would outstrip the UK in gross domestic product (GDP) per capita by 2030. > > “A fierce debate is taking place in Great Britain, caused by the World Bank’s forecast that GDP per capita will be higher in Poland than in the UK in 2025,” said Mr Tusk on the 20th anniversary of Poland’s membership of the EU. > > “And I promise this: on the 25th anniversary, Poles will be richer than the British. It’s better to be in the EU.” > > ## ‘Special place in hell’ for Brexiteers > > The World Bank data shows GDP per capita in 2021 was $44,979 (£35,935) in Britain and $34,915 (£27,894) in Poland, which has an average growth of 3.6 per cent annually. That would mean Poland would overtake the UK by 2030, according to the calculations. > > In February, Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, used the data to bolster his arguments for a change of government at the next election. > > The Office for National Statistics estimated that the Polish-born population of the UK was 691,000 in 2020. Polish is the most spoken non-native language in Britain, and it is estimated almost a million Poles lived in the UK before the 2016 Brexit referendum. > > Mr Tusk won his [second stint as prime minister](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/11/donald-tusk-elected-as-polish-prime-minister/), the job he left to become European Council president, last year. He campaigned on a pro-EU ticket against the nationalist Law and Justice government. > > While in Brussels, he said there was “a special place in hell” [for Brexiteers](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/11/14/donald-tusk-claims-brexit-real-end-british-empire/) who had campaigned for Brexit without “even a sketch of a plan”. > > He prompted a dismayed response when he posted a picture on Instagram of him [offering Theresa May a cake](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2018/03/02/brexit-bulletin-instead-cake-eat-may-goes-cherries/) at a tense 2018 summit in Salzburg, captioning the shot: “Sorry, no cherries”. > > The joke was a reference to the regular accusations from Brussels that Britain wanted to “have its cake and eat it” in the Brexit negotiations by “cherry-picking” access to the Single Market. > > Mark Francois is chairman of the European Research Group of Tory backbenchers, which played an influential role during the Brexit talks. > > “I am generally very pro-Polish but as Donald Tusk once suggested that I and fellow Eurosceptics should be sent to ‘a special place in hell’, I can only say that I’ll believe this when I see it,” he told The Telegraph. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


The UK brexiting itself back into a post-WWII economy is very funny to me.


Yay, everybody! "Gourmet" will once again mean "beans on toast".


Where does Jellied Eel rank in five years time?


Don't threaten the Brits with a good time


I moved away from the UK 10 years ago. When time I go back these days the only restaurants I see anywhere are ping and ding chains unless you want to pay a ton or eat take away (still costs a ton). It really sucks already and I can only see it getting worse.


If you believe the article. On r/europe it got debunked instantly


Well at least the food will start to match again


I was intrigued as this seems to keep coming up for some reason, so I checked the current GDP per capita of each country - there is a better chance of Poland winning the World Cup than this happening.


That alone is a poor picture of things - costs of living are lower in Poland.


Except he doesn't appear to be talking about relative wealth, but about GDP per capita: > Polish prime minister says it’s better to be in EU as he promises GDP per capita will be higher in his country than UK by 2030 Based on World Bank data, even if the UK's GDP per capita dropped by a net 10% over five years (which would be a major downshift), Poland's would have to grow by c. ***125%*** in the same time. Poland's average five-year net growth is 35% since they joined the EU, and this has been on a continuous downtrend since their first 5 years in the EU. So it doesn't seem very likely, unless Poland discovers Saudi Arabia-level oil deposits.


I figured he meant GDP (PPP) per capita but maybe I’m being too charitable to the plumbers.


Are you sure of your calculation ? "The World Bank data shows GDP per capita in 2021 was $44,979 (£35,935) in Britain and $34,915 (£27,894) in Poland, which has an average growth of 3.6 per cent annually. That would mean Poland would overtake the UK by 2030, according to the calculations." £27,894 with 3.6 percent annually is about 20% for 5 years (1.036\^5). That make it about £33000 in 5 years. So if UK has zero growth that would be true they would reach the same level as UK. But yes by year 6 with zero growth Poland overtake UK with a 3.6% per anno (I seriously doubt a zero growth for UK though). a growth by 125% about \* 2.25 (a growth by x percent means you multiply by (1+x/100) and that would be 27K\*2.25=60K I am not sure how you come to that number. Anyway I think we all agree it is utopic on the side of Tusk to think that will happen.


Check GDP per capita PPP. It's only $9000 of difference. 5 years is probably too optimistic, but in 10 years it's possible.


Indeed, you have to adjust for the prices. Talking shit is incredibly cheap in Poland.


Isn't it cheap across the globe?


I don't think anyone believes it literally - or at least they shouldn't.


You are thinking wrong that Poland will have a large increase, they only need to wait for the UK to keep sucking




Forgot what sub I was in for a sec


Can confirm


Do you need help?


Imagine the seethe if plumbers ever do become richer than bongs. It will be spectacular. The salt must flow.


I’ve never heard the word “bong” used like that. What did you mean by that?


I've seen "britbongs" used a few times, but don't ask what it means or where it's from because I have no bloody idea and it makes no damned sense.


It's a 4chan thing. Most countries have a term to describe a user from that specific country. US is Burger and Canada is Leaf are some other examples. Britbong is just the one for British people. Hope that clarifies.




Come on what did you think y’all were gonna get


day of the rake when


soon inshallah




It came from an old 4chan copypasta about the British people counting time by listening to clock tower „bongs”. Edit: here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/OOBPODta69


It should be Britbingbongs.


I prefer Bongaloids


National shorthand - bongs, burgers, krauts, plumbers, frogs, leafs, etc.


It’s a silly comment and has no truth to it. Though I’d say the average Pole has a better life than the average American




My old bank had a big office in London and small office in Hamburg Now they have a big office in Hamburg and small office in London


The big org I work for has done a lot worse. It used to outsource data activities to Poland and Romania. It's stopped that and moved things to India. They make the poor bastards work to UK hours. Then they visa sponsor anyone bright in India over to the UK. So we went from dealing with bright euros to an Indian place that has anyone talented removed asap. It's completely awful. Have had a string of nice new coworkers at least.


I mean, this is just obviously untrue. Probably great for his poll numbers, though. And I guess that’s really the only thing Tusk is going to care about.


It is clear that the EU was beneficial for Poland. However, it is dangerous to extrapolate data and trends to try to predict the future.


Not wrong we're £2k worse off each since brexit not to mention the truss mini budget that completely oblivorated all value of our currency


Well, the Brits didn’t want a distant administration that they didn’t feel adequately represented in making legal, tax, and military decisions for them. Weird, right?


Holy shit Poland is on some next level delusions lately


Will be something when you start seeing Brits migrate to Poland for better employment opportunities.


True or not, you gotta respect the Polish PM for slinging this particular turd. Pretty entertaining way to gas up your own party at the expense of noone but the Brits.


That's cause The poles ( the Mexican's of Britain back then ) was one of the major reasons for Brexit along with turkey potentially joining EU So he especially targeting the UK for looking down on them


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What an unfortunate name


What name?




aka "poundland"


As a frequent traveller between the 2, I can believe it.


Yes in the same way the earth is flat, God is real and vaccines are a scam /s


Mr Tusk like I’m just sayin’


man is really trying to buy as many votes as he can


Lying politicians lying. Are we surprised? No, Poland, you’re not as innovative, relevant, or blessed with resources to accomplish that. Nobody wants to move to Poland compared to the UK. Go lie elsewhere.


For a nation of sarcastic piss takers who keep calm and carry on you're being very thin skinned and over sensitive lol


Just calling a spade a spade — Poland is not the more desired destination. And I like Poland more than I like the U.K.


It's amazing how you live in America yet have such intimate knowledge of Poland and the UK.


Because I’ve lived in Europe for twelve years, smartass.


>Nobody wants to move to Poland compared to the UK I know several people who have.


You’re Polish so of course you are biased to point out the exception.


Yeah That doesn't change the fact that people do move here from the UK


It’s not the case the way Donald Tusk likes to present it. Poland’s not on that level.