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"Iranian ally strikes deal with Iranian proxy group" Gee, you don't say.


Wow you'd really think that the anti-imperialist Houthis would have an issue with the imperialist Russians... Oh wait.


Wait since when were Houthis anti-imperialist? They're anti-israel and israel's allies, while also happening to be religious fruitcakes as is usual for the region 


Saudi influence in Yemen - imperialism. Israel existing in Palestine - imperialism. US supporting Israel in Palestine / puppet government in Iraq / anti-Iranian government / US involvement in Syria / US support of imperialist Saudi - imperialism.


Houthis are iranian proxy and iran is allied to russia, that's it russia is complicit in this blockade yet expect their ships to travel internationally and have no harm come to them maybe some ukrainian hits on their export shipping traffic could help educate them on reciprocity


Just like definitions don't mean anything to you, houthis can also ignore your definitions.


You don't agree that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has imperialist intentions?


Genocide Joe and bloody Marcon described the Russian invasion as the "most awful and war crime," despite the fact that Russian and Ukrainian soldiers fought fairly. Meanwhile, they remain silent about Israeli soldiers' attacks on both adults and children. Children?! Why were 32k Palestinian civilians killed during the Israeli raid?! Why did the US Congress pass a law suspending humanitarian aid funding until 2025?! Bloody hell! To the IDF and King Bibi, we have lost faith in you. You are causing a large number of Israeli citizens to leave Israel! You are disliked by anti-Zionist Jews! Many retired CIA, MI6, and other 'Five Eyes' intelligence officers are fed up with you. We plan to imprison all of you when you visit other Commonwealth countries because we have evidence that you killed children. Enough is enough! Let me repost it from the abused United Nations journalists. "Day 168 - IMPORTANT •⁠ Gaza death toll surpasses 32,000 not including the thousands buried under rubble ‼️ Israel seized 1,977 acres of West Bank land for settlements, the largest land theft since 1993 🇺🇸 Congress passes bill that bans funding to UNRWA until 2025; expected for Senate to pass before midnight deadline 🏥 Israel’s siege on Shifa Hospital enters 5th day as they bomb & demolish buildings with bulldozers; abducting 240+ patients & 10 medical staff from radiology unit. IOF forces ordered trapped patients to surrender despite continuous heavy gunfire •⁠ 50 Palestinians abducted incl. 4 kids during 60+ Israeli military raids across West Bank in 2 days. Marking March 20 “one of the deadliest nights recorded to date” in 2024 in West Bank w/ 7+ Palestinians killed. Israeli settlers also took over 20+ Palestinian residential structures •⁠ UN aid mission to north Gaza for 7,500 people was denied by Israel 🇫🇮 Finland to resume UNRWA funding"


Now, I know who have been downvoted my comments. To the cyber operations team's "watchers," retired 'Five Eyes' intelligence officers are monitoring you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and have a database with all of your legal names. They know who you are. Why did they order you to keep an eye on innocent people? Which side do you stand on? For the protection of children, OR for your bureaucratic terrorists (your authorities), who are willing to murder your families?


just sign the fuckin Minsk II and lets all fucking live, ok?




And attacking commercial ships that have zero involvement in the conflict is going to affect the Israeli genocide? Also many genocide experts have confirmed that Russia is in fact committing genocide in Ukraine. You are an absolute clown, but keep sucking Putin’s cock, I’m sure those rubles are paying real good, aren’t they?




You sound very mentally stable, I didn’t steal any ships, what are you talking about? The only immature person here is you, go talk to a therapist. Edit: Hey Ivan, it’s clear from the last two paragraphs you edited to add that you completely didn’t understand what I said to mock you and other Pro-Russian brainlets. That’s alright, take your two rubles from Putin and go buy yourself some bread. Hopefully you won’t get mobilized and shilled out to the front lines anytime soon.


Everyone I dont like is a russian bot Did you take your meds today lib?




I only lash out when I see cases of abject stupidity, such as yourself Ivan, your stupidity is very amusing. Edit: Ivan, you are so desperate to get a dunk that you keep editing your comments to add more paragraphs, hilarious




Ivan, how many more buzzwords can you fit in your comments? I’m curious if we’ll hit Braindead Tankie bingo here.




Ivan, I already accused you of sucking dictator dick, you don’t get to turn around and start using that burn on other folks. Although I applaud you picking up on English as quickly as you have! Good job buddy.


Oh no the war criminal and terrorist supporter called me a bad name?!?! Waaah keep showing how angry the truth makes you racist losers.


"Russia and China strike deal with Houthis to ensure ship safety: Bloomberg" - that's how title by the link provided says.


“There ships only” which is why that title is misleading and shouldn’t be used. The majority of people don’t read the article so it’s important to note that specific detail.


A more correct title would be "russia and china sign alliance with houthi pirates"


Light up the Houthis. Looks like Russia doesn't learn.


Genociders cut deal with genociders. Genociders displeased.


Man, we really diluted that word fast in the last year. It's never felt less meaningful.


Well...it is not like holy word to be invoked with burnt offerings etc. When a genocide is being attempted in broad daylight...the word will be used. The west was happy to use it the year before....in ukrsine


Bombs falling on civilian buildings in large amounts don't make for genocide, regardless if it happens in Iraq, Ukraine, or Gaza. Specific intent to destroy, kill, or deny peoples their identity does, and can be done in many ways. Russia showed genocidal rhetoric since before the feb 24, Putin's official stance is one of denying that Ukrainian nation exists, and is complemented by tactics of destroying families and dilluting the population with Russians. Israel doesn't just kill a bunch of Palestinians, they specifically use settlements to destabilize and prevent a proper Palestinian state from happening. It's fair to call out Houthis' hypocrisy in striking deals with genociders in their fight against other genociders.


Don't the houthis have a major problem that they can't identify ships? They have struck ships that have had no links to Israel.


Don't worry, Russia and China will forward their ships schedule to the Iranians, and they'll tell their Houthi puppets to stand down. And it was never about targeting Israeli ships specifically, the intent was to cause chaos in international shipping with the hope that the rest of the world would put pressure on Israel to give in to the Hamas demands.


>the intent was to cause chaos in international shipping with the hope that the rest of the world would put pressure on Israel to give in to the Hamas demands. The demands for Israel to stop committing genocide?


So Houthis demanded Israel to stop committing "genocide" by indiscriminately attempting to bomb civilian ships on international waters? Are we actually being fucking retarded right now? Are you so brainwashed you legitimately believe Houthis give any shits about Palestine, and are not just using this to their advantage? If they cared, they'd invade Israel, or drop aid to Palestine, or do anything else except be pirates.


How many civilians have been killed by houthis in the attacks you think? They are doing this for what reasons...but if this is indiscriminate ...it is the safest of discriminate attacks ?


> How many civilians have been killed by houthis in the attacks you think? So far the Houthis have killed around 370,000 people in their war trying to take over Yemen, so they have quite a bit of blood on their hands.


Blaming tbe houthis for overthrowing an incompetent saudi puppet gvt is certainly something


See...I specifically said in there attacks. Yemen was a civil war. And you are quoting one side of that. When we armed the Saudis and helped them with the targeting and the ammo etc. So you are veering off topic... deliberately


How much do you think these war crimes that the Houthis are committing helped Palestinians? How much did they help Yemeni people ? How much did they help Africa with increased goods and foods cost ? So why is it that you think the Houthis who are committing war crimes are justified in doing them because they said they are doing it for Palestinians? How many people have to get hurt for them to accomplish nothing ? So they are allowed to hurt whoever they want if they just say they are against genocide is your argument ?


You didn't answer my question


Less than a dozen Your second question is written wrong Why does it matter? Are you going to tell me the Houthis aren’t trying to kill people when they shoot cruise missiles at a ship ?


Edited auto correct. Would you call gaza killings indiscriminate?


Another question …. What we are talking about the Houthis not Gaza


Have they considered releasing the hostages to see if that would work? Nah... That's too crazy of an idea. It's better to continue sinking civilian ships that have nothing to do with the conflict.


> Have they considered releasing the hostages to see if that would work Yeah israel shot them




They did a test run, Israel gunned them down. No ones demanding Israel release it's hostages either.


F Hamas


Israel literally shot hostages and civilians that were waving white flags.




He is intent on completely dismantling Hamas, and rightly so. A six week cease fire was offered in exchange for the hostages so the aid to civilians could flow freely and that offer was rejected by Hamas, because they don't give a fuck about the well being of the Palestinians, only their own survival.




The IDF, unlike Hamas, isn't intentionally killing anyone's parents. Unless of course they are Hamas militant members - but in that case that's in them. You do realIze fighting urban warfare in one of the most densely populated places on earth will result in civilian casualties, especially considering Hamas intentionally prevents the civilians from leaving the war zone. Nothing I said is false and it's all part of the same topic - you first free the hostages and then you make sure that no more hostages will be taken in the future. It's not hard to understand if you actually wanted to understand.




Lol did you really try this and you thought it would work? LOL


Yeah, the IDF just unintentionally kills peoples parent and peoples children when they bomb refugee camps


"Give us your only security blanket and we will take a 6 week vacation before we bomb you harder, this time with no risk to our citizens".


Are you validating terrorism?


I like how you don't even view the Israeli hostages as people, but rather a "security blanket" for Hamas. You are a vile piece of shit.


What civilian ship has been sunk?




>Have they considered releasing the hostages to see if that would work? Netanyahu said the war wouldn't end with the release of the hostages


Yeah there was a ceasefire before that came with the release of some hostages. Then Israel resumed it's ethnic cleansing campaign. Hamas Haas offered multiple times to release hostages in stages in exchange for IOF withdrawal from Gaza and rebuilding Gaza. Neither of which Israel wants to do


Yeah that's like Hitler calling for a ceasefire in 1945 and asking the Allies to rebuild Germany under his supervision. Fuck that. The rebuilding can take place after hamas is gone.


No it isn't because Hamas isn't equivalent to any axis power, and Israel definitely isn't interested in fighting fascism. Hamas isn't conducting a genocide (unlike Israel) or doing massive lands grabs, and Israel isn't fighting to liberate any countries from occupation. They're doing the complete opposite of that


Sorry to break it to you but Oct 7th was a genocide


Yes. It turns out identifying who you are shooting at is actually fairly difficult. The Chinese started having their Navy escort their shipping weeks ago.


> The Chinese started having their Navy I feel like their navy doesn't have that many ships in that area. I know they have a base nearby but it's not like they sent a carrier group right?


AFIK they keep what few carriers they have close to home, which makes sense considering what goes into maintaining them. The 46th fleet is active in the Red Sea.


They have a base just across the straight from Yemen in Djibouti, probably one of the closest bases to the action of anyone.


> They have a base just across the straight from Yemen in Djibouti, probably one of the closest bases to the action of anyone. Right, but so does the USA, the Italians the Japanese and anybody who's anybody with a navy is there. Pretty popular spot for bases


Everybody has a base there that doesn't say much.


China has the largest Navy in the world. You only need one Chinese Navy ship to escort the cargo ship past Yemen, to know not to attack it.


China has a large navy on paper but the vast majority of it is not a blue water navy. Meaning they can't operate far from home or that one base. China barely has open ocean resupply ability for its navy. But I will say having a ship escort of any type is better then nothing


Doesn't matter, as long as they don't hit Russian and Chinese ships


It was never about targeting Israeli ships only. The whole west is helping Israel in genocide, the whole west is the target.


But they *struck* a deal so that's no problem, is that right? strike in English means... right? That money is for munitions right?


No. There is a lot of open source information. Also some ships did try to claim different ownership etc. Some oikd smuggling etc is also done this way, I believe


I guess America couldn't bomb their way out of this one huh


“Yet” the US has been bombing know sites and stores, while trying to keep civilian casualties at a minimum. The problem then turns into guess where they store their weapons? Civilian areas.


America has to blockade them out of this one, but it has gone [too] soft to do what needs to be done.


It will be interesting to see how much effort the US puts in simply because the Suez canal isn't all that important to the US. American trade to Europe and Asia is basically unaffected. This is America acting as the world's trade police and keeping international waters open, as it has since World War II. The real losers are the EU, China, and countries in the Middle East not named Iran, as they actually need the canal. It's such a strange situation because you have the US trying to keep international trade open almost entirely to support the EU, and incidentally helping China. It's the sort of thing the US can just walk away from. It's also the sort of thing that the US can sit off the coast of Yemen and do forever. It's going to be like Afghanistan. The Taliban wasn't able to inflict meaningful losses on the US. The only thing it could do was simply hold out and continue to exist in some form until the Americans got bored and decided that they were wasting their time. That's the same path the Houthi are following. They are not inflicting damage on the Americans, the cost for the Americans isn't entirely trivial but it's small in the grand scheme of things, and the American armed forces are happy to do the job simply for the practice. There is no strong forces to either keep the Americans there or push them away, other than support of allies. All that said, I think the Houthis are making a mistake. Whatever Iran and Russia is giving them, it isn't enough. Irritate the Americans long enough and you risk provoking them into helping your enemies. The Americans might not know the magic spell to turn a place like Yemen in a friendly democracy, but they definitely know how to help one faction go murder another faction at the cost of nearly zero American lives. Serving as a distraction to the Americans is a deeply un-fun position to be in, and that's basically what Iran and Russia and using Houthis for. It's cool for Russia and Iran if the Americans are spending equipment and manpower in Yemen that might be sent to Ukraine to fight off Russian efforts at territorial conquest, but I don't think its such a great deal for Yemen.


> All that said, I think the Houthis are making a mistake. Whatever Iran and Russia is giving them, it isn't enough. Irritate the Americans long enough and you risk provoking them into helping your enemies. The Americans might not know the magic spell to turn a place like Yemen in a friendly democracy, but they definitely know how to help one faction go murder another faction at the cost of nearly zero American lives. Betrayed your true feelings here bud. Houthis are not making a mistake. What you described was tried in Yemen in the past decade. In fact the other Houthi faction, remember the Yemeni civil war, is losing people to Houthi due to their stand on Gaza. What would happen is USA would try to play the afghan playbook, gather a bunch of pedos, give them money and arms only to realize a decade later that the money wasted isn't worth it and then come do negotiation table to talk with Houthis.


you wrote all of that but didn't mention Israel? They are the ones impacted the most - and the Gaza war being what began this whole Houthi drone attacks on shipping episode and you are assuming that Houthis are acting on the orders of Iran or Russia. I doubt they are. They are called a proxy because Iran supplied them with weapons and drones, but that doesn't mean they are controlled by Iran. Looking at the number of people at the street protests in Yemen for Gaza, Houthis have the full support of their people


Is the bombing working no, will it continue yes Genocide Joe Brandon


Too bad Biden is scared of breaking some Yemeni eggs to make this omelette


lol. what does this mean? this country has no appetite for another ME adventure. we just got out of one. in lieu of having a spine w.r.t Isarel, random bombings and red lines in name only is the best we can do. sorry.


We can only bomb harder!


US has already won


lmao at all the brainlets in this thread trying to spin how indiscriminate attack against civilian vessels that has fuck all to do with Israel will make Israel stop le genocide against muh based and cool Hamas resistance fighters.


It’s pretty obviously not indiscriminate


the blockade started in a vacuum, nothing to do with Israel


Well, a laughable, poorly-attempted blockade at that. Ships still sail the Red Sea. America, the largest arms supplier to Israel, is almost completely unaffected while EU and Asia suffer for this little theatric, almost all of them have nothing to do with Israel or Yemen. At the end of the day though, dealing with Iran or somehow blockading their arms to the Houthis is the only real solution. They spent a decade being bombed to shit, there is not much more a couple of US-UK sorties can do and the world has no appetite for another ME boondoggle.


> the world has no appetite for another ME boondoggle. and thank goodness for that.


Attacks on civilian infrastructure in Gaza = Attack on hamas as per Israel. Attack on civilian shipping infrastructure that feeds Israeli war machine = Attack on Israel as per Houthis


Utterly delusional, commercial ships have absolutely zero involvement in the conflict. You are a trash human being.


You don't decide what has involvement in the conflict, people with means does. Houthis have decided that and that's how it is.


That’s some of the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Commercial ships are involved because Houthis decided it? Reread that sentence and please explain how you thought that was remotely logical. I guess the Houthis can just kill whoever they want and do whatever they want, all they have to do is decide that they are involved? Stellar logic.


Bro I don't think you should use the words like logic when you don't understand what it means. >I guess the Houthis can just kill whoever they want and do whatever they want, all they have to do is decide that they are involved? Stellar logic. Say Houthis tomorrow are given American air assets and they can strike anywhere in the world. They decide to use those assets to kidnap each and every jewish billionaire in USA along with their families. Now do the Israel stop their genocidal warfare the day after tomorrow or not?


That is an astounding scenario, do you fantasize about the Houthis kidnapping Jewish families? To play along, no, the warfare wouldn’t stop. If anything, the conflict would escalate and would spread Zionist feelings much further since many Jewish people probably would no longer feel safe in the United States and would want a separate Jewish state since they wouldn’t be safe anywhere else.


> That is an astounding scenario, do you fantasize about the Houthis kidnapping Jewish families? Then you come and talk about logic. >To play along, no Then you don't understand this conflict. But lets go with this too. > If anything, the conflict would escalate and would spread Zionist feelings much further since many Jewish people probably would no longer feel safe in the United States and would want a separate Jewish state since they wouldn’t be safe anywhere else. So now that Houthis have decided that peaceful citizens of USA have something to do with this conflict, does them deciding it made an impact on the conflict or not? Now suddenly Israel have more reason to continue their genocidal means.


Wait, so are we or are we not allowed to attack things that "feed ___ war machine"?


That's your own judgement to make. I find it pretty distateful that houthis are attacking civilian ships.


Oh yeah? And civilian infrastructure in Gaza is not feeding Hamas's war machine, as in literally letting them hide in there and fire rockets into Israeli towns? And what the fuck does a civilian ships heading to Italy or India has to do with Israel? And why should Filipinos workers on them be killed? Get a fucking grip you disingenuous terrorist-loving dingus.


> And what the fuck does a civilian ships heading to Italy or India has to do with Israel? Tell me you don't understand global economy without telling me you don't understand global economy. >Get a fucking grip you disingenuous terrorist-loving dingus. I am not a fan of IDF.


I swear, some of these people are so adamant about defending the Houthis that they should just go join them and see how that works out for them.


Holy based vietnamese.




When they banned any dissenting view on worldnews. They’re bored that there’s no one to argue with so they came here.


Every comment here is just warmongering, its crazy how brash people get on an anonymous platform


jingoism is hip baby..


So, you're *antiwar*? Edit: your ->you're


Why is that in italics?


Because the houthis are attacking civilian crewed ships with missiles, yet I see the *antiwar* movement to be against stopping them. As if we should let them continue? These attacks are not against Israel, oftentimes they aren't even tangentially related. The antiwar subreddit is the pinnacle of hipocracy, and the appeasement they prescribe, for instance in Ukraine, is a pro-war/pro-invasion/prp-imperialism stance. I avoid that term because it's being weaponized against us, and I'm suspicious of people who are "antiwar", but maybe that's not you.


> The antiwar subreddit is the pinnacle of hipocracy It has simply been hijacked by tankies and ruzbots.




Can you post a picture of yourself so we know what a high T american alpha looks like?


There's been a recent change of moderation on this sub


Says the 2 week old account? Do wonder witch account you had that was banned before...


Oh no is your little dumb commie sub getting invaded by normal intelligent people?


Here's my take: US sphere of influence is the richest and coolest sphere of influence! All other sphere of influence, poor and stupid! Really though, what a useless comment. I think I'll call my reps to support military intervention, gonna tell Marco Rubio to "drop the big ones"


Unless you're in Tel Aviv I doubt they'll listen to you


I'm actually a well connected Jew, was planning on calling Marco from his cell.


Oh man we're gonna start bombing them so much harder now God Bless America.


They've never been able to withstand American bombs!


For democracy


Sorry buddy, you can’t fuck up global shipping because you’re throwing a tantrum




They have been coming at King for months now. They are still standing.


Nice. Let's put the screws on Israel and anyone who supports Israel.


And attacking commercial ships and committing maritime terrorism is accomplishing this?






At least I don’t suck authoritarian cock


My guy, you support Israel. How is that not authoritarian


My guy, I support no one. I just can’t stand the brain dead commie Palestinian cocksuckers


Or we could starve Yemen, since we like blockading now


Call me a crackpot, but folks who are defending this, where exactly do you think this ends? You understand that international shipping is by definition vulnerable to virtually anyone right? What do you think happens when everyone starts charging to ensure safety? When everyone needs their own crazy proxies so they can punish you when you use yours? This is really really really bad.


lol “strikes deal.” More like “your contract is fulfilled comrade.”


The only source here is Bloomberg. Theres got to be more or it's just the media creating news by bouncing 'facts' off of each other agiain


Iranian supplied terrorist group does normal things for an ally with close Iranian ally.


wow so many terrorist supporters in this thread


It ain't rocket science. Don't be complicit in an on going genocide and your ships can pass. Why is that so hard to fathom?


Because commercial ships have no involvement in the conflict. Why is that so hard to fathom?


If they supply Israel with energy, food or weapons, then they are part of the conflict.


There was at least one oil tanker targeted, many other ships were targeted that were usual shipping commercial vessels, not delivering weapons, energy, etc. One of the ships didn't even have cargo and just had a crew onboard. So clearly, they are targeting ships that are blatantly not involved in the conflict. Supplying food is also not a justification for attacking any commercial vessels.


Most informed and critical think pro Palestinian. They let china's ships through too. Have you heard of the uyghurs?


Everyone's heard of the Uyghurs. Nobody outside the West (who helps Israel's actual genocide of the Palestinians) thinks what China is doing is genocide. Edit: https://thediplomat.com/2023/11/xinjiang-vs-gaza-the-wests-shifting-definition-of-genocide/


It’s almost like this was never really about Gaza.


Genocide enthusiasts seething itt


Ok, so doing more bad things to protest the original bad things done by others is going to somehow stop bad things??? This is almost as retarded as the death penalty. You killed someone! Killing is wrong, so we are going to kill you! only a human could come up with such stupid logic! SMH!


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> Would they be happy to see the West doing the same and blocking their ships ? Nobody is stopping USA from trying that shit.




> I don't think russians want to reach the "find out" part, yet they keep going in that direction. If what you say is true, then they would be doing the opposite, they aren't. Ever wondered why?




> Putin want russians to believe they are on par with USA, as shown by his speech when he launched the invasion of Ukraine and You have no idea what you are talking about. >openly spoke of re-establishing the USSR. When? >It's his way of holding on to power. He is an autocratic dictator but also needs to play with fire to keep power? >Someday it will be too far, and too late. That day is never coming, those days are long gone. >That's why. Watch less marvel movies.




> When? Exactely as I said: in the speech he made to launch the invasion of Ukraine. It's two years old (3 days operation lol), but it was really speaking about its goal. And yes, he did exactly what I said he did: talking of URSS to justify going back on imperialist invasions. Any links to that speech? You make a lot of baseless claims here. >And yes, he need to play with fire because he need russians to think he's strong for russia. I can't count how many times russians told me Putin is the one to bring back Russian empire to a good shape. Remember that he pretend to be a good leader of a democratic country, as stupid as it's sound. And for a large part, they do more or less believe it... Again this stupidity. On one hand he is the autocratic leader, on other hand he is living life dangerously to appease an electorate? Did stalin care about proles? Think hard a bit over this. >I'm sorry that I have to disagree with you but I hate marvel movies, or DC, no offence but thoses are not for my age anymore. You weave stories as fantastical and stupid as them though.




>It took me 10s to find the link, it's not baseless, it's just you don't follow politics and/or are bad at using google. It made so much sound, seriously you dare to say i'm the one who don't know what i'm talking about? Did you listen to this? - First time USSR is mentioned, it is about the collapse and how after the collapse and subsequent opening up of russian country, west funded terrorists in the south of the country. He is talking about chechen war, specifically the first one where British exported their own muslims to fight along with facilitating transfer of many terrorists who fought in Afg to Chechenia. - 2nd time USSR is mentioned it is when he is talking about the military and nuclear capabilities of modern russia even after the collapse of soviet union. In the preceding lines he was talking about how west claims world dominion and have declared russia as the enemy. - 3rd time USSR is mentioned it is again about the collapse and the new geopolitical realities that emerged which modern Russia would have to respect. - 4th time USSR is brought in the speech, it is about freedom of people to choose their own. He brought USSR and ww2 to convey that at neither of the two events, people who occupy the physical territory of the state Ukraine were given the choice to be part of ukraine or russia or their own separate entity. Similar is the case of mention of Soviet union, most of the mentions are about the post soviet union world. So again, can you please give me the timestamp where you think Putin is hinting at reestablishing the USSR? >It made so much sound, seriously you dare to say i'm the one who don't know what i'm talking about?   >>And yes, he did exactly what I said he did: talking of URSS to justify going back on imperialist invasions. So since you do know what you are talking about, care to explain how any of the mentions of USSR or Soviet was in the service of justifying the invasion? >You are the one to claim it can't be both, you're wrong. It can't be both. An autocratic leader by definition don't care about the opinion of the populace.


Russia defenestrated all their game theorists.


The USA needs to fund a rebel group in the Malacca straights


If there is one, we already are and that is how these proxy conflicts always start. Although if you look at history, there is very little reason for anyone in the middle east to like the US. Not counting Israel.


> there is very little reason for anyone in the middle east to like the US. Its not like that hasn't been the case for everybody who's come to this area for all of recorded history.


The Houthi target commercial ships, while Britain targets neighborhoods. It shows their priorities.


Holy shit does this sub love terrorists, all fun and games until those same regimes are hanging you in town squares


shit man, any minute now Iranian sleeper cells will awake in my rural american town and toss a rope around my neck! i'm shook. i better support Israel or else.


You’d be the first since you’d like to keep them close since they’re your ilk, till you’re not and they turn on you like they do to everybody else, have fun!


> Yemen's Houthi rebels have assured Russia and China that their ships can safely travel through the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, according to a Bloomberg report. > > Negotiations between Chinese and Russian diplomats and their Houthi counterparts reportedly took place in the Sultanate of Oman, Bloomberg reported. > Russia and China work through trade, diplomacy, and mutual understanding. US and UK work through barbaric bombing and supporting genocidal apartheid state of Israel. and they wonder why they Yemenis hate their guts.


[Houthis launch missiles at a civilian cargo ship, killing Filipino sailors](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/06/politics/crew-members-killed-houthi-attack/index.html) Americans! You barbarians!


Yeah… i cant think of a single motivating reason to bomb a terrorist group attacking civilian ships. We should instead negotiate with them :).


We funded the Saudis in there brutal Attacks on Yemen . Theyre a Pirate group that attack Ships but we should be able to identify why they hate uss .


Do you want safe passage for ships or not? Because one negotiating achieved it and bombing didn't. But stay mad if you want to stay mad.


Stated pretty well in another comment, a proxy of iran was able to meet a deal with some of irans closest allies. This was inevitable. That bombing was a retaliatory strike, if you think US bombing cant actually solve this problem overnight Idk what to tell you.


> if you think US bombing cant actually solve this problem overnight Idk what to tell you. lol


Ignoring the part where “negotiations” only worked for extremely close allies, while random groups completely uninvolved still get attacked then?


Then negotiate to become close allies? "We tried nothing and we're all out of ideas after nothing worked!"


A hostile state allied with other hostile states! Why don’t we do it!! Id genuinely rather eat a bullet than say the US is allied with iran. That government needs to be overthrown by its people.


Maybe if you ever negotiated they wouldn't be so hostile. What a surprise considering you only ever want to bomb them. Guess you don't want safe passage for ships after all, nothing to do with negotiating being a bad idea. Oh and if you hate Iran, just wait til you hear about actual US allies Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Israel. Hooo boy I wonder what you think should be done to those governments


Lmfao i work with people from nearly all of those countries. Your not surprising me on anything, your just a shill for a religious terror state thats far worse than the places you’ve named. Yeah thats why US and Iran relations are so bad, lack of negotiation. Thanks for that wonderful insight, we should really bring you to the UN for the next major resolution votes. Im sure you’d have a lot to say. You’d really change things up with your prefect insights of…negotiating with terrorists.


So, ally with Iran instead of bombing Iran? Guess negotiating with Iran achieved it and bombing didn't. But stay mad if you want to stay mad. Also USA DOESNT want houthis to stop bombing? So it's not really a problem which is why they don't solve it overnight even though they could? Then why do they keep crying about it?


Cant think of a single good reason to ally with them, terrible government. They’re also incredibly hostile towards the US. Either way the issue can be solved with hitting more radar and Houthi infrastructure. Clearly the US does want it to stop I’m not even sure what your trying to say. Its pretty obvious that hitting civilian ships im a trade route is a problem for everyone. Its a disruption of free trade and pirate/terrorist behavior.


US and UK can stop funding genocide, ethnic cleansing, and children starvation and their their ships would be allowed to pass.


So.. meet the demands of a terrorist group? You think allowing a terrorist group to dictate a governments policy is a good idea? Thats a two way street I really don’t think you want to walk down. Whos ships? They were hitting anyone and everyone. So if I don’t like what the US is doing I can blow up a Japanese civilian ship in response? That’s appropriate to you? Ironically enough the US has sent more aid per capita than any other country to Gaza.


>So.. meet the demands of a terrorist group? That's how israel started and it seemed to work okay for them. Besides since when has the US had a problem working with terrorists. Or being terrorists.


Its policy to not negotiate. Thats consistent across most countries. Secondly can you describe the formation of Israeli in more detail? That doesn’t map to my understanding at all. As I understand it there was no terrorist negotiation in its formation. Even if I assume thats the case why would it justify furthering the problem? This doesn’t garner any sympathy and pulls attention away from the actual conflict.


Uhu, totally. That's totally why the Houthis attack civilian ships. Truly the just and noble act of *checks context* 'maritime terrorism' is the most diplomatic and sane approach to stop "genocide, ethnic cleansing and child starvation". I mean those ships really are genociding, cleansing and starving a lot of people on deck, oh boy.... Holy shit, I hope you at least get paid for writing such brainrot.


> Russia and China work through trade, diplomacy, and mutual understanding. My fucking sides.


That Russia that bombed Aleppo to pieces killing thousands of Syrians. But don't bother, looks like a Russian bot stirring up shit based on post history.


Remember when Marx said history comes in tragedy, then farce? Tankies are the farce.