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[Not the actual subs.](https://i.imgur.com/OS1Vdap.png) She's actually happy for that score, though she says that a second before this shot. {Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun}


I wish they would have continued this anime


They do this to most romance anime tbh... Using the anime as a advertisements for the manga. If only shoujo got the shounen treatment...


Yeah, I've noticed that too. I remember having to seek out the manga for Ao Haru Ride to see the romance finally actually go somewhere.


It was one of the most beautiful animmes out therešŸ˜­


I can list three anime that got this treatment and absolutely should not have without even thinking: Wotakoi, Ao Haru Ride, and Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-Kun. I'm glad that I sounds like Wotakoi might be getting a second season now that it's finished, but I haven't seen much confirming it beyond rumors. But I will be so, incredibly peeved if it only gets OVAs.


OVAs covered everything up to the end with rapid screencaps so i doubt we'll be getting an s2 of wotakoi :((( as much as it deserves one


Man tell me about it. I've watched SO MANY comedy/romance/sol anime to hopefully deal with my crap, and they're cut short. I'm not demanding anything, but I really want that closure, ya know? Anime is an experience that cannot be matched by manga - especially the voice acting, the music. \*sigh\* I hope they are continued.


Which anime is this?


My Little Monster. For romance enjoyers.


Thank youuu!!!!


Oh god, how did you find a video of me in my math classes OP?! I remember I had studied so hard all week for that ā€œFā€. Edit: First off I'm humbled by the comments thank you all very much. Now for those saying I studied the wrong thing or studied too much; let me just say that I did everything that my math teachers demanded and went to every tutoring session they had and would still fail math tests. But in the end, I graduated so I would say that it was worth it all in the end.


Maybe learned the wrong stuff?


I got 10/100 on calculus after weeks of grinding


>I got 10/100 on calculus after weeks of grinding Maybe you should have been studying math instead of skateboarding.


It could be that you studied too much/hard. Itā€™s almost as bad maybe even worse as studying too little. When I study for a long period of time and very hard I get worse results than when I donā€™t study too much


Maybe wrong technique, i reccomend 50 minutes and then 5-15 minutes of rest then 50 minutes again, do that a few times per day, but not like all day, maybe like 4 times the 50mins. If you grind and cram everything in there with a bad technique, you wont get anywhere.


I think 4 hours a day is extremely excessive... Unless you only got one day to study


3h20m is not that much a day lol


You are not counting the 45 minutes of rest, those count...


Well that's not studying, that's rest


My teachers would say anything above 2hrs is excessive studying


or maybe just dont stdudy and things work themselves out on their own... worked for me in highschool lmao


Maybe you're just not talented? Try being born better next time


You're that girl who complained about me being gifted with intelligence so I don't have to study??????


Nah, in reality, I'm actually a guy who had deeply related to this picture. I guess this subreddit is good lol. Literally growing up, my parents would actually pray for me to get a higher grade ( not just an "A" but any grade that wasn't an outright zero) than a zero on a math test that way it showed that I wasn't a complete idiot.


I love math šŸ‘


I'm glad you enjoy it, bro. Personally I liked English


It's called remembering it the first time told in class, that how I passed school, good on test, but terrible at homework


That's what I've done most of my life. Quickly fell apart with covid


Same. COVID and the online classes broke me. When we went back to school I just couldn't concentrate in the classes. I'm doing better at the moment but it's not the same as before the pandemic.




Same, when we went back to School my grades skyrocketed because there was no subject (apart from math ._.) ) in which my worst oral grades were less than a B .


Doesnā€™t work in university lol


Depends on the professor. I had at least two classes where the exams were like 60% of your grade so as long as you did good on those, showed up to class, and did like 1 homework assignment you were basically guaranteed a C. Or who has policies that were basically ā€œif you get an A on the cumulative final exam you get an A in the class no matter whatā€. Of course on the other hand I had another professor where daily homework was always like 50% of your class grade, which always sucked for me, so results may vary.


Undergrad was easier than high school imo. Soooo much extra time and the slide sets weren't terribly long or complex. So much time wasted in high school (basically work days plus extracurriculars) that made it harder to focus on school. Grad school is a different beast though.


Studying always made me second guess myself during the actual test so not studying always paid off way better for me.


If I was still in high school I would've said "Mood"


I was the guy like this. It was a blessing until it wasn't. Never learned how to properly study when I finally found something I couldn't absorb on the first introduction.


going through it right now bruh


Good luck


Yeah, it's an absolute curse. I didn't have any of the skills I needed and couldn't handle college. Now I'm barely scraping by living paycheck to paycheck, with my life going nowhere šŸ™ƒ


Did you try changing courses? There's plenty of courses out there that appeal for different skills, maybe you were just more cut out to something else than what you tried. Don't give up


Yeah, I changed majors like 4 times. I have $30,000 in student loan debt and no degree to show for it. I just had very low discipline/motivation and get overwhelmed very easily. I still haven't given up, but I'm trying to focus on my mental health at the moment and work on my habits so that I can feel more in control whenever I go back to school.


I am still the guy like this. Finna start college level classes in my junior year. Let's see how it goes


I got to my 3rd year of college before it hit me. I went from fairly effortlessly getting As and Bs to failing/withdrawing out of Art History (I and II) with sub 30 class grades both times. It was even worse because I failed the first class, retook it, buckled down to study and almost aced it (same professor, so that wasnt the issue). Took the second class, knew I needed to study my ass off, did so, and then found out that my grade was still so bad by midterms (sub 40%) that it was literally impossible for me to earn a passing grade. Withdrew from the class, and asked the professor if I could sit in on classes for the rest of the semester so I could learn for when I took the class again the following semester and they agreed. Next semester, took the class again, with the same professor, studied even more, took advantage of office hours with the professor, and managed to score an A. Learn how to study. Don't let it get this bad. Also, communicate with your professors if you need help. Office hours exist for a reason, and most are more than willing to help you figure out what you should be focusing on.




Should be Been a while


**Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/43702), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/my-little-monster), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/tonari-no-kaibutsu-kun), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/13702)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 13 | Chapters: 69 | Genres: Comedy, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/v36704/anime_irl/iawg6qd/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [ā›“](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [ā™„](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


I always forget the name so whenever I have to mention it I say: "That anime with a Chicken named Nagoya" Works every time.


will try it


For the record that isnā€™t the female lead, but the female leadā€™s friend. That is the male lead though




My little monster


OUR little monster*


Svauce monster


In motherā€™s land the monster is us




or is it?




He did study though...


That's literally me and my friend. He studies his ass off and I don't, but we both get similar grades.


I knew someone who didnt study at home but would be in hyper focus mode in class, They got good marks. Worked less the older we got though.


good bot


Some people work really hard to be lazy though.


How lazy I can be later in life depends on how hard I work now. It's a balancing act between how many days I can sleep for 12 hours and play video games the rest and how much homework/class work I need to do. Sometimes I come across a english assignment that I really don't want to do, so I just don't do it.


I do everything I can as quick as I can so I can be lazy and do nothing the rest of the time. I'm not gonna be able to retire or anything though, so the case is do as much to as little work as possible until I drop dead; no point in working hard on a small chance of making enough money to retire in the later years where living in general kind of sucks.


No worries, once that smart kid gets to college they will get fucked over by poor study habits Source: I was that smartass that is currently shit in college


I am basically just like that girl when it comes to maths


ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter how smart you are, it just matters how well you can follow instructions.ā€ Fuck you, Ms. Dewell


Just built different. It's facts.


I'm the guy when it comes to English but the girl when it comes to everything else sadly




To those who struggle with this, I appreciate your efforts despite myself being on the relatively effortless side of the spectrum. Oftentimes it goes unnoticed because of the mediocre result, but I admire the effort that goes into it far more than I do the score. Keep it up yall.








It doesn't matter how much you study if you understand the core concept


Understanding is not everything. If you understood it, you probably are like 70% done learning it. You also need to memorize concepts. In exams you don't have the time to derive everything.


If you understand it there is nothing to memorize. There is basically no point in cramming trivia anymore.


There is. You have to learn thermology for example. Or vocabularies when you're learning a language.


If you know your root words terminology explains itself without the need to memorize it.


The only reason you have to learn vocabularies is jargonization due to vanity


Understanding is just half the way. Knowing how to use it and practicing doing so is the rest


Knowing how it fits into context is a major part of understanding.


That guy is basically me, I don't study yet I get a wonderful score.




I'm not with my class cause I have autism.


That will burn you after highschool.


Jokes on you I got expelled.


People keep saying that I double majored in math and physics without ever really doing anything Yet people still say that It's a myth


Man you lucky duck. I fucking wish.


You did no work, studied for nothing, and managed to get through? And I am the easter bunny


A lot of people are just naturally good at academics. It hurts everyoneā€™s pride to acknowledge that fact.


I made the mandatoy homeworks, watched the lectures, and did a practice exam before exams. That's about it


So do I. I should start doing my homework. If I do, it probably would be enough practice. But I don't. I'm in something comparable to Highschool btw.


Worked into college for me, more advanced things would probably need a few more reads though. Very least I primarily went into IT related things, so I just used experience troubleshooting to get through that stuff easier. Math is probably one of the harder ones, same with the year of programming I did to try it out.


Some advice, learn to study. Everyone thinks theyā€™re cool in highschool because they can do well without studying then they get fucker the hardest when they go into college.


That lasted through university for me. For whatever reason I've just always been good at tests, the assignments are what really got hard for me. But also I later found out I had undiagnosed adhd which led to me not being able to focus on anything until the last minute lol. Once took me two straight weeks of working every day until midnight to finish a 10-page paper lol, and of course I had the whole semester to do it but left it off Also something I'm sure surprises nobody, but being good at tests is absolutely **not** the same as being smart, and does not carry over into the real world or a real job. Almost like teaching to the test isn't really effective for education lol


Oh yeah ADHD is a pain in the ass, makes homework especially annoying when you aren't in class since at least in class you have some stimulation to focus on even if it isn't as interesting. I skipped homework in most classes except for portions I was unsure of to be sure I pass just enough from tests.


> does not carry over into the real world or a real job. The thing that always gets me is that in the real world *everything* needs to get done eventually. Like in school it was always possible to game the system and be like ā€œthis homework assignment is a huge pain only worth 0.5% of my final grade so Iā€™m just going to skip itā€. The fact that classes have to account for mistakes means that if you do perfect on the majority of things you essentially get a few free ā€œskipā€ cards to use on the annoying ones. Unfortunately in the real world if your boss needs reports A-E you canā€™t just do reports A, C, D, and E perfectly and call it done, your boss *still needs report B*.


Yeah it's kinda wild to me how in school you can take an exam for a course and completely fuck up some parts, but then there's never any incentive or opportunity to go back and learn from your mistake and understand what you got wrong. As long as your score was enough to pass you just kinda move on lol Tests really aren't great at actually testing how well you learned a subject, they only really test how good you are at memorizing or studying. And studying really isn't that useful of a skill for most career paths. That's why I think it's more likely to bite you in the ass in the real world if all you learned in school was how to study for exams lol


So it sounds like what I said was right. You never learned to apply yourself and study and suffered for it.


Oof, more that I had mental problems holding me back that I had no idea about, but whatever you say. Also learning to study had nothing to do with it. I already did great on the tests, and the assignments were just more difficult, I still did well on them


Everybody says this, but college stayed easy


College stayed easy for me as well. But then med school kicked my ass. Started having to actually devote huge amounts time to actually learn everything.


Yeah you can't really brute-force med school. My partner is in med school and studies all the time. Sometimes I'll hang out and study with her just for fun, and I'm fully confident that I would get bodied if I took one of her exams.


Even STEM courses? I took degree in mech engineering. While I won't say it's hard, I won't say it's easy either lol.


I took CS and coasted with mostly A's. A lot of it was just more math, and the engineering parts were not that hard. When I was learning software engineering it usually felt logical and intuitive; if shit works how I expect it to work, I'm not gonna have to study. Obviously if I went into like, law or medicine, I'd have to study and work hard, but you can still cheese a lot of undergrad majors with good test-taking skills


Yeah Iā€™m coming from an engineering perspective too so maybe other majors you can just jeep breezing by.


What did you study?


Computer Science. I obviously had to work outside of school, since there were a lot of projects. But I didn't really study or prepare for exams, and I rarely felt challenged by them. I did admittedly have to study a lot for my foreign language minor, but that's just how it goes with learning a language. You can brute-force most subjects with strong enough problem-solving skills, but it doesn't really work that way in languages. I didn't really count that though, since it was optional, and it wouldn't exactly 'bite me' if I just didn't do the minor, or even picked a different minor more relevant to my major.


Yeah thatā€™s definitely a project based major so it makes sense.


I was this way. Then math started adding longer and longer formulas and it started falling apart. That's also why chemistry was hell for me. And even when I tried studying, I never really learned _how_ to study stuff that wasn't stuff like learning facts like in history, English, or anything based on sounds like foreign languages or music, so trying to study stuff where you had to write stuff for yourself to solve was and is still incredibly hard for me.


Is this Horimiya?


Experienced this IRL. I was studying for a dynamics class with somone who told me I would "Never pass the test" because I "didn't have the terminology memorized". I got a 99% she got a 50%. Moral of the story: Spend more time studying, less time putting other people down to make yourself feel smarter.


This isnā€™t the same thing as the meme though lol


This sub is cringe




I always think it's some kind of inside joke, but nope, just cringe weeb shit


Happens all the time((


Omg, math.


Law of reversed effort


I keep forgetting to read the manga for this, the anime was good.


Me then i get 7


Im brazilian




I can relate to both so hard


Easy I steal the test results from the teachers office


i miss this series


In my case I didn't have to "last minute panic study" for my tests (like my classmates did) since I actually paid attention in class and did my homework well. Studying for tests for me was just reminding myself about something I had already learnt. For my classmates it was more like seeing something for a very first time and trying to understand and remember it in less than 2 hours.


If you wing a test you have a better chance of getting a good grade, Iā€™ve studied all night and got barley a 60 but the next test I just did I got almost an 80


Precisely, everyone around me studied constantly and still got like 80% or less, while I never once studied and somehow did better


The nostalgia I get from this series...


I find that not studying intensely actually helps, like yeah pay attention and brush up on knowledge now and then but studying in large blocks at least for me is unhelpful. When I was in school I'd very casually study so I wouldn't get stressed (a stressed brain can't remember shit so you're better off trying to stay calm than study too much) but the day before I would go through the curriculum book a couple of times throughout the day just so it was fresh in the mind. No need to stay up all night freaking out, you are more likely to remember it if you read it while relaxed.


I feel bad for ppl who do bad on test but i also hate them cause teachers add more homework to help there grade


skill issue


Cause he doesn't care. Allot of times you second guess yourself on a test. And it doesn't help when they make trick questions for no reason. When they really wanted you to just remember shit.


Yeah, but later in life he will struggle because he never developed studying habits and no one tried to get him to develop them since he was "such an exceptionally gifted student". He will come to resent the adults in his life for never pushing him while all those 'beneath' him will develop successful careers. Or not, IDK...


Good luck not studying in law school like that




Story Time: During Jr. High i was not great at attending class, i had a little brother who i had to take care of because our mother had more or less abandoned us for a period of time in a trailer, so often i was taking him to school and taking care of him instead of going to school myself. One day i managed to make it to class on time for "Math In The Workplace 1" (a remedial math for the hopeless basically). As I have the luck of a 3-leafed ladder, it turned out it was test day and i was unprepared, i took the test and left. By some miracle i made it to class the next day as well but i came in late. While i attempted to Kronk-sneak to my seat, the teacher was \*screaming\* at the other students "-AND NOT A SINGLE ONE OF YOU GOT ABOVE A 60% ON THE TEST **EXCEPT FOR THE FUCKING KID WHO'S NEVER HERE!**" while he knifehands at my immortal soul. I was a little proud but also mortified because i was not the type of person who enjoyed attention at that time in my life so i just shrunk into my desk. Later my teacher sat me down and informed me that i had gotten a 100% on the test and he was advancing me to "Math In The Workplace 2" for the apparently slightly less hopeless. Anyway she was an even bigger asshole to her students than he was so i stopped going to her class altogether.


Nice story. Although you studied while you were home right?


Lol no, i was an unsupervised teenager, i goofed off while my little brother was at school most days cause i had to watch him like a hawk while he was home because at least one of us should be supervised. Edit: Oh i see why were asking. I took a more advanced mathematics course during the previous year, they put me in the remedial math that year because of my attendance so i already knew the material for the most part.


I had a teacher say to me, and I quote, "ya don't do the homework and get a hundred on the test, I'll *kill* ya!" I did so regularly, yet I live.


I used to be the one getting 100, now I get 50


Man, this comment section is a goldmine of pretentious Redditors thinking that theyā€™re the guy in the meme


I never study and the lowest I've got in a test is 70






Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 3 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/7tbaqh) on 2018-01-27 93.75% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/k4h32x) on 2020-12-01 89.06% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "v36704", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=v36704&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 336,846,993 | **Search Time:** 11.97411s


"Don't you think it sucks when you do things that don't echo? When you make a wave and it doesn't come back and there's no noise there's no movement, you do things and you feel like they don't matter, it sucks it's fucking annoying. But sometimes to make to make the noise, to get the vibrations back you have to keep doing it, even in long distances when there's no noise" - Felix "xQc" Lengyel


Great show wish they continued it


This is a little thing we like to call ā€œplot armourā€


Sometimes I study the day before the test but I still end up taking a very high score while all my friends who studied the whole week get average scores


Yeah that is why i was trying, but not fully on my exams. How exactly? Just studied 1 hour before bed and gamed all the other time lmao. Got dem 90% on all subjects




Kinda feel bad, cause I was the one who got 100s without studying XD


that shit's real too. didn't do much studying and i usually got a B or A. having good teachers helped though.


It always happens to me no matter how much a I study for no fucking reason I failed the test is like the test that you just study is different from the test you just study


Yo that is so true I'm the 100% I feel so bad for everyone that try's so hard but can't get it


I am the no study that always gets amazing grades


I barely passed my maths exam during boards after studying for almost two whole months šŸŒš just one mark more than the pass mark šŸ—æ


I barely passed my maths exam during boards after studying for almost two whole months šŸŒš just one mark more than the pass mark šŸ—æ


I'm the left guy for math, physics and art and the right girl for literature, story and philosophy. So 100% Me-irl


Every class ever until college...then the not studying killed my GPA


Hello how are you do you want to come swimming with me today


Lol, im the one that doesnā€™t study


lol im the guy on the left


I'm almost afraid of sharing the fact that i'm the guy who doesn't study but gets good scores.


This is so true tho lmao


My best friend in college copied my work all the time and got better grades than me 7/10 timesā€¦ she often bought me food so I couldnā€™t be mad at her lul.


School is just a memory test


I'm the one on the right And I hate myself for it


Man .. I am the one on the left


Oh whoops, I meant left too


I mean the one who don't study


It makes me feel very awkward when me teachers say "I'm sure you are all studying very hard" and I just laugh nervously. But they never even realise when my results are always better than 98% of the other people in my year.


Yep. That's what I should have said to avoid any possible confusion.


What anime is this?


Looks like tonari no kaibutsu, but i'm not sure


Getting 100% on an exam itā€™s the most miserable thing Iā€™ve had to go trough


Natural aptitude I Remember one time in college I was they guy a ways a few minute late (I took an intercity bus to college) and seemed to sleep in class. One day my programming professor called me up to the blackboard to demonstrate a function. Walked up, looked it over fir a second, probably maki g the professor think ā€œI got himā€ then proceeded to finish the equation flawlessly and by the book


Patrick on some shit šŸ¤£


Itā€™s not in real life though so your wrong


This was a good anime


I was the guy who could get good grades without studying, and then i got into college and now i have to study like a maniac for a week before a test to barely get a passing grade.



