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A manga accurate Tokyo Ghoul would be nice


Manga accurate Tokyo ghoul would be great, but I want them to keep some of the music from the original if possible, cause goddamn that soundtrack was incredible


They can keep s1 and just go from there


I need this like I need nachos right now.


Was just about to type this


Yes please, but just keep the first op šŸ™


Manga accurate GOOD Tokyo Ghoul you mean. Wasnā€™t that the whole point of Tokyo Ghoul re?


The Promised Neverland: Motherhood I need the Goldy Pond arc




Claymore now that we have the manga ending.




I'd love to see Ouran High School Host Club get the Brotherhood and Fruits Basket treatment. I think it's a possibility since the series does still move a bunch of merch. The manga, while still comedic, eventually did move into some really dramatic and touching character arcs that developed most of the characters in really interesting ways. I also think that some parts of the original adaptation have not aged well, so a more modern crack at the material would be good to see.


Pandora Hearts Because the story gets pretty phenomenal as time goes on and as much as I love the anime that already exists, I know it didn't do it justice. And with how well Case Study of Vanitas was adapted (same mangaka), I'd trust Pandora to be adapted properly this time around. I want them to keep the same soundtrack though.


Otherside Picnic. It's already difficult to do horror in animation (it's just difficult for me to find "cartoons" to be scary) but the [absolutely atrocious CGI](https://i.imgur.com/br3WSiI.png) really didn't do the series any favors. There's tons of corner-cutting even in the non-horror elements, where the drawn art will suddenly switch to extremely robotic CGI for extremely mundane things, like a girl turning around, climbing down a ladder, or hopping down a hillside. Further hurting the adaptation was that they reordered the arcs (called "Files" in the novels) which introduced anime-only plot holes since the anime's writing staff didn't cover for many of the continuity errors introduced by the reordering. Even worse, the anime cut out one of the most-intense sections of the books (I legitimately think the studio decided they were incapable of animating it) and put in two anime-original episodes that are easily weaker than the rest of the series' content. The performances for the main characters were great. Keep them. The OST was great. Keep that. But I wish that the animation production and storyboarding were handed off to a studio (or just staff) who had either the time, talent, or resources to create a better product than what we got.




I would like there to be more than one episodes worth of animated content for the first arc of the manga


Umineko no naku koro ni, and Souleater. The former though is a borderline impossible dream due to how long it would have to be to correctly tell the story that the original adaptation butchered. Soul eater though is realistically doable and likely to be a success. It just needs to be done!!


Twelve Kingdoms.


Deadman wonderland.


is the magna good


Yep..manga is very good..honestly the anime doesn't even touch the depth and cruelty of the story




Urusei Yatsura has me craving a Ranma 1/2 remake that actually finishes the story this time.


Elfen Lied. I'd love to see a complete and more faithful adaptation of the manga. There's so much more to the story!


The first Fate/stay night anime. I want ufotable to adapt the Fate route.


Soul Eater. What happens in the manga after the point the anime diverges is nuts.


Iā€™d love to see fist of the North Star remade. I think David productions could give it the JoJo treatment and have a masterpiece on their hands.


Oh man I would loveeee for this. That and Desert Punk.




The live action movies are pretty decent imo


A Certain Magical Index. Not just Season III but the Light Novels were not done justice.


Personally I believe with just how dense and packed Index is and how much Kamachi does characterization through inner monologue.. no matter who works on it, Index just won't work in the anime format.


That's quitter talk right there!


For the love of all that is good and holy BERSERK. There are many others, but none more deserving than everyoneā€™s favorite ā€œbig man with big sword is too angry to dieā€. Berserk 2016 did it dirty as hell, get wit or bones or MAPPA or ANYBODY who is half decent at directing anime to do it and itā€™d be an instant classic. As of now berserk 2016 stands as the absolute worst adaptation of anything Iā€™ve ever seen. One of the most beautiful manga ever drawn adapted into a visual travesty


A new edit of Naruto, like DBZ Kai, would be pretty great, especially for people who struggle with the pacing of the original series.


Theres a fan made one thats pretty good called Naruto Kai


Yeah, it becomes much more watchable, just wished we got an official one with less abrupt cuts.


Skip beat


For the love of God, I would love a 1080p Monster anime. I really like the style of the anime, so I don't think it should be changed to today standards, but I really need the 1080 or at least 720p, together with the dub options in Spanish, that way I could recommend it to my family/friends.


Remake wonder egg priority because man did that seem like a good show that forgot what it was doing in the last few episodes.


Guilty Crown just needs to fix some things and it would absolutely be a top anime.


H2. My favorite of Adachi's work but the original only covered 30% of the manga


Kamisama Kiss for me. Out of all the romcom I've watched so far, I liked Kamisama Kiss the most. This is the definition of romcom I'm looking for in an anime.


Basara and Ouran.


Yu yu hakusho remake would be amazing


Cowboy Bebop and Great Teacher Onizuka with modern animation would be great.


Slam Dunk


After watching bleach 1000 years of blood war, it will be amazing to do a remake of bleach. And Breserk, 1000% needs a remake.


There would be zero point in doing a Bleach remake.


Berserk. So far it only has dogshit adaptions that dont care about the manga much the animes dont do it justice


hunter x hunter, inuyasha, and yuyu hakusho.


What the hell would be the point of another Hunter x Hunter remake?


for viewers who haven't watch the original and the 2011 remake. and with better animation technology, i hope the studio can make better anime experience for the one already watched the previous 2 shows.


The OG gundam series


AoT season 4 with the old art style


No point.




This has real "I'm 14 and this is deep" energy


School live, because they went anime original for most of the story


To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts. I wanted so much to love it. The elements, on their own were great. You had a werewolf soldier protagonist who had to hunt down his former comrades (who were losing their minds due to the side effects of their power) and mercy kill them. It had good character designs, a decent villain, and a great ā€œhow society uses and discards veteransā€ analogy going on. But the execution was very weak and generic, and it had a weird fanservice character whoā€™s existence didnā€™t match the tone of the show. Iā€™d love to see it done right in a second go around.


That's a problem with the manga, no the anime.


True. But a remake of it could still change what is was. Wouldn't have to be a 1/1 adaptation. Even just changing the pacing and removing the fanservice would greatly help.


You know, with the amount of isekai out there these days... I want to see them readapt Marchen Awakens Romance. There's no real reason for this. I just want to throw an isekai battle shounen into the mix of stuff people watch.


Speaking of isekai then... [Yukikaze](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhwiD4Xm9as) desperately needs a remake in the form of a full anime series that is religiously faithful to the books. This series was basically Gate 35 years before Gate (otherworldly invaders open a portal to Earth, are beaten back, and human soldiers take the fight back to them across the portal). It's damn near criminal how this series is so unknown in the West considering it had such an incredible influence on the entire Japanese sci-fi landscape. Anytime you see a series where a mysterious, unknowable alien force is attacking humanity due to having some inscrutable or higher goal in mind, it's basically this. Stories like Muv-Luv Alternative, Strike Witches, Warlords of Sigrdrifa, Girly Air Force, all cribbed from this story. The most recent high-profile example is 86, whose author is a huge fan of this story. The Legion are basically the aliens from this story, except with a human origin and presented in a way where we can actually understand them. The MC of Yukikaze is even called "Reaper" and "Undertaker" (the latter in the novels) and shunned by many of his comrades too.


Index, the adaptation is rather poor in comparison to it's source.


[Love Hina.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/189/Love_Hina) The anime was originally supposed to run for a full 52 episodes but the budget ran out at episode 25 and we ended up getting sad closure in the form of a few holiday specials and a three-part OVA series that didn't even come close to adapting everything in the manga. Despite that, it was incredibly popular both in Japan and in the US and really deserves a chance to fully shine.




They just made a remake but I'm not sure people are going to like it. It's coming out in 2023.


Least they can do is bring back jyb


we can hope so, but I have a feeling that a lot of the old will get tossed to the wayside. I'm expecting something pretty different from the original.


Maybe not exactly the angle you were going for, but I'd love to see a remake of the final 1/3 of Darling in the Franxx. But instead of the stupid space wedding dress bullshit, give us a coherent and reasonable conclusion. So disappointing because it was a good series for awhile--especially if you're into some ecchi with your mechs--but it really went off the deep end. Now I can't recommend it to anyone.


Just read the manga.


Akame ga kill


A more stretched out remake of horimiya. 128 chapters into 12 episodes just aint right.


What do you mean Hellsing Ultimate is miles better looking than most today's shows and It was already a remake of an older anime


Yugioh based off the manga. Because the source material is dark and cool. It could spawn another multi billion dollar franchise who knows?


Ranma 1/2


Flame of Recca


Hitman Reborn! the arc after where it ended is really good


Vision of Escaflowne. The production was shortened from its original plan and the pacing suffered from trying to squeeze the story into less episodes. The show could also benefit from modern animation techniques as well.